As long as you marry the slave family back soon, the matter of the Wu family has nothing to do with the slave family."

Wan Kuan's face was gloomy, and there was no normal smile.

"Shun'er, you really suffer on weekdays!"

"Wanlang, it's okay, this bit of hardship is nothing!"

On the other hand, Wu Mei'er was a little dissatisfied: "Sister, do you still have to bear it? Now that my brother-in-law supports us, you should let my brother-in-law teach them a lesson."

"Mei'er, don't be ridiculous.

Wan Lang is now so favored by His Majesty, if it is because of some trivial things that destroy His Majesty's impression, isn't it because of small things and big ones?"

Wu Shun'er gave her sister a lesson: "Those two are our brothers no matter what.

How do you want to kill them, or let His Majesty withdraw our Yingguo Gongfu"

"And now that Wan Lang is in danger in the DPRK, the eldest grandson Wuji and the crown prince both want to deal with Wan Lang.

What if something happened to Marango?"

Wu Meier was scolded by her sister, but her face was still full of dissatisfaction.

My sister is like this, always thinking about others, never thinking about herself.

At this time, Wan Kuan was holding Wu Shun'er tightly, and Wu Shun'er rarely felt a sense of security in her heart.

Wan Kuan's fingers swiped across Wu Shun'er's smooth face, and finally rested on her shoulder.

"Mei'er, your sister doesn't want to make a big fuss because it hurts me.

But there are some things that need to be done.”

Wan Kuan's voice was full of determination, and Wu Mei'er's face was filled with joy.

"Brother-in-law, how do you want to teach them a lesson?"

Wan Kuan rubbed Wu Mei'er's bun: "What kind of punishment do you want them to suffer?"

"I think..."

"Mei'er, don't talk nonsense!"

Wu Shun'er interrupted her sister's words.

On the other hand, Wan Kuan rubbed Wu Shun'er's shoulder: "It's okay, let my sister go on!"

Wu Meier wanted to get the imperial decree, and immediately said: "I want them to suffer, do their own laundry, and have no meat to eat, and no charcoal stove in winter!"

Wan Kuan pouted after hearing this, what kind of punishment is this little queen who hasn't grown up? You must know that Wu Mei'er will be cruel and ruthless in the future. Why do you ask Jun to enter the urn, peel the skin and cramp, and cut off the limbs, this is all trivial.

But how much did this Wu Mei'er take... hardship, to change from a little girl to the... ruthless emperor in the future "Mei'er, since it's a punishment, it's even more ruthless than they bully you. Fight back, otherwise, what kind of punishment is it, it's called karma."

"Brother-in-law, what do you want to do?"

Wu Meier's eyes were bright and cool, like two stars.

"How about putting them in jail"


The Wu family sisters were amazed.

"Isn't it okay? The prison of the Ministry of Justice, the prison of Neiwei, the prison of Dali Temple, you can choose whatever you want!"

Wan Kuan's words surprised the two sisters, and they looked at each other in a trance.

"Wanlang, these...the prison doesn't seem to be under your jurisdiction."

Wu Shun'er asked.

Wan Kuan chuckled: "Don't worry, as long as you agree, I will let those two boys go to jail for a few meals.

I have someone above me who can be accommodating!"

Chapter 123

"Brother-in-law, how about playing the board?"

"No, playing the board was painful at the time, but it will be fine in a few days!"

"Brother-in-law, how did the pinching finger hurt the finger, and I can't use it for the rest of my life!"

"Your two older brothers are well-fed and don't use their hands at all!"

"Brother-in-law, burn a big bad word on them! They won't be able to lift their heads for the rest of their lives!"

"It's branded on the body, it's usually invisible to people, and they don't care!"

"Brother-in-law, what should we do? Is there no punishment that can be remembered for a lifetime?"

Wu Meier pouted, a little unhappy.

Wan Kuan smiled: "Throughout the ages, how many...tortures! Cannon cautery, slashing in the waist..., nose cutting, just pick any one and they will remember them for a lifetime."

As soon as Wu Shun'er heard this, she immediately shuddered: "Wan Lang, don't do it anymore, this cannon, slashing in the waist... or something, it will kill people!"

"Then just let them die!"

Wan Kuan spreads his hands.

"Ah! Manro, don't!"

"Brother-in-law, forget it, kill it!"

The Wu family sisters shook their heads together, looking at the two little beauties, Wan Kuan pouted.

"You're still trying to teach them a lesson and make them change their minds.

If it were me, I would send them directly to the west.

Offended me, I still want to live"

Wan Kuan's words made Wu Shun'er a little scared, but Wu Mei'er on the side was full of brilliance in her eyes.

"Brother-in-law, you are so domineering!"

Wu Mei'er now feels more and more of the benefits of her brother-in-law. With this brother-in-law around, she will not be bullied again in the future.

On the other hand, Wu Shun'er closed her eyes and couldn't bear it.

"Wan Lang, in fact, the two older brothers are just a bit domineering, and the crime is not too big."

"How big is the crime? It's the matter of the Lord of Hell and the judge, and all I have to do is send them to see the King of Hell!"

Wan Kuan's words made Wu Mei'er cheer.

The three of them had enough soaking their feet, put on shoes and socks and left.

And Wan Kuan also thought about how to deal with the two brothers.

The three of them continued to walk through the woods, and the sulphur packs on the three of them could ward off poisonous snakes and poisonous insects, so it was safe to walk in the woods.

The Wu family sisters are pampered, so they have to rest for a while after walking.

Wan Kuan is tall and big, and naturally he is not a little tired.

"Brother-in-law, how much do we have to go... ah"

Wu Meier was dripping with sweat.

"It's not far, it should be on this hill."

"Wanlang, what are we looking for?"

"Find a tree!"

"what tree"

"Hibiscus tree!"

"what tree is this"

"Hey, this hibiscus is a good thing, I rely on it to make paper armor!"


The Wu family sisters looked at each other, Wu Shun'er stood up and said, "Since it's a major event for Wan Lang, let's hurry up!"

When Wu Mei'er heard this, she also gritted her teeth and stood up.

Wan Kuan looked at Wu Shun'er, who had a ruddy face, and couldn't help but leaned closer and said, "Shun'er, why don't I carry you?"

Wu Shun'er shook her head shyly: "No need!"

"Brother-in-law, carry me, I'm too tired to walk!"

Wu Meier cried.

Wan Kuan glanced at it: "At a young age, a little more movement will help your body grow.

Look at you eating so much in these two meals, if you don't... move more, you will definitely be a little fat girl in the future!"

Wu Mei'er was unconvinced and said, "Brother-in-law, my sister eats a lot, why don't you tell her?"

"Can you compare with your sister?"

Wan Kuan glanced at it contemptuously: "No matter how much your sister eats, she will have a willow with a slender waist.

Besides, I like your sister even if she turns into a chubby girl!"

"Then if I'm not afraid, I'll get fat if I'm fat!"

Wu Meier didn't care.

"Your sister and I have already made a private life, so it doesn't matter if you are fat or thin.

But you haven't married yet, if you really become a fat girl, it will be miserable, and then the in-law's family will not be able to find!"

Wu Meier was so angry at Wan Kuan's words that her big round eyes looked very cute! But Wu Shun'er smiled and shook her head. These two people like to bicker! Now in the early Tang Dynasty, people's aesthetics are not based on Fat is beautiful.

Today's beauties are also that kind of... slender body, it is estimated that fat beauties will become popular only when the Tang Dynasty is prosperous.

In the end, Wan Kuan still carried Wu Meier on his back.

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