"My son obeys!"

Li Tai's tone was stiff and his heart was very dissatisfied.

Although Empress Zhangsun knew Li Tai's emotions, she was helpless.

He could only sigh, and then silently returned to the Nectar Palace.

Chapter 130

Although the East Palace is in the palace, it is in the far east, standing alone on the edge of the palace.

The East Palace in the Han Dynasty was called Weiyang Palace, and its name was Qi Le Weiyang, but it was actually... boundless joy.

But Li Chengqian felt that he hated the East Palace endlessly, and he was dead all day and night, so Li Chengqian made so many troubles.

In the East Palace, I set up a tent, burnt fire and barbecued meat, and raised wild beasts, just to relieve loneliness.

This time, Li Chengqian's face was completely lost.

Li Chengqian felt that he was going crazy when he was bullied by his younger brother in the palace.

And just at this moment, a little eunuch came running.

"His Royal Highness, the Empress has gone to King Wei's palace again!"

When Li Chengqian heard this, his already cold face was even worse now.

"Get out! Get out of here!"

Li Chengqian kicked several cases away, picked up a bottle and smashed it directly at the little eunuch's head.

With a bang, blood spurted out of the little eunuch's head.

However, the little eunuch didn't dare to cry out in pain, so he could only hug his head and run away.

Li Chengqian was like a beast in the hall, punching and kicking.

Li Chengqian punched the pillar, and his flesh burst apart.


Li Chengqian roared angrily.

"Your Highness, calm down!"

A sharp voice sounded, and Li Chengqian immediately.

Stiff and motionless.

"Satisfied, come here!"

Li Chengqian's voice trembled, and a smaller eunuch walked up to Li Chengqian in small steps.

"I'm satisfied, my mother went to comfort Li Tai.

The father and mother think this is the fault of the loneliness, the fault of the loneliness!"

With Li Chengqian crying, the entire East Palace was dead silent.

The East Palace was dead silent, but this Tang Dynasty was the light of thousands of families.

In the small courtyard deep in the Qinling Mountains, Wan Kuan and the Wu family sisters feasted.

"Come on, the freshly made rice cake must be sprinkled with glutinous rice flour and eaten immediately, otherwise it will not be chewy."

Wan Kuan urged the two girls to act quickly, and Wu Shun'er was very obedient, holding the cut rice cake with chopsticks, dipped in glutinous rice flour and brown sugar, and eating it in small bites.

"Wanlang, it's delicious!"

Wu Shun'er was a little surprised, she had never tasted this taste before.

On the other hand, Wu Mei'er had already gulps down. The soft and glutinous rice cake and the sweetness made Wu Mei'er a little unable to extricate herself.

And Wan Kuan took two bites and put down his chopsticks. The taste was alright, but... the brown sugar was a little appetizing.

Although the taste of this brown sugar is sweet, it has a kind of bitterness, it seems that there are too many impurities in the brown sugar.

"Brother-in-law, don't you like to eat?"

Seeing that Wan Kuan had no interest, Wu Meier asked.

"Brown sugar is a bit bitter, if only there was it!"

"Brother-in-law, you are talking nonsense again, there is no white sugar in this world. The best candy bars in the city are only yellow, and even the sugar in the palace is yellow."

Wan Kuan pouted: "There is nothing in this world that can't be.... Your brother-in-law, I can make white sugar.

That white sugar is sweet and greasy, much better than brown sugar."

"Brother-in-law, then you can make white sugar tomorrow."

Wu Meier was a little moved.

"I don't have time tomorrow, wait until later!"

After hearing Wan Kuan's words, Wu Mei'er was a little disappointed.

But tonight's rice cake has already made Wu Meier very satisfied, she has never eaten this kind of sweets before.

"Eat less, this glutinous rice can't be digested after eating too much.

There are rice cakes, and I will cook porridge for you tomorrow."

"Ah, I can still cook porridge"

Wu Meier was a little surprised.

"Of course, not only can you make porridge, but you can also stir-fry it with the white crab by the sea, and then add the sauce from our Wan Fu Lou, not to mention how beautiful it is!"

"White crab!"

Wu Meier's eyes lit up.

"Why haven't you eaten?"

Wan Kuan asked.

The Wu family sisters shook their heads together.

"It doesn't matter if you haven't eaten, they're all girls in Guanzhong, and they've never been to the beach.

Seaside goods are easily corrupted, and not many can be transported to Guanzhong.

I'll take you to the beach in the future and have a good meal!"

"Wanlang, what are we going to do at the beach, that kind of...what's the best way to go to the backcountry?"

"Shun'er, don't move now, the seaside is a good place to raise people.

When we get married, I'll take you to our honeymoon!"

"Wanlang, what is a honeymoon?"

"It's...after getting married, a sweet month!"

Wan Kuan looked at Wu Shun'er and smiled meaningfully.

Wu Shun'er lowered her head and said nothing, while Wu Mei'er made up her mind again.

"Brother-in-law, can you take me with you on your honeymoon?"

"Little girl, you don't have to think about it.

A honeymoon is... two people, what's the matter with you?"


Wu Mei'er put a piece of rice cake in her mouth with disdain.

At this moment, Xiao Laizi suddenly ran into the dining room.

"Master, it's not good."

"What's going on in a hurry!"

"Master, it's going to rain tonight.

Master, what you put in your backyard..."

"Come on, put it in the house, don't let it rain, it will be useless."

Wan Kuan was a little anxious, and ran out immediately without eating.

Wu Shun'er looked at Wan Kuan's back and said to her younger sister, "Sister, you see Wan Lang has worked so hard, don't fight against him in the future."

"Sister, brother-in-law won't work hard! He is the most leisurely third-rank officer in Datang.

You don’t need to go to the yamen usually, you don’t have to go to the court meeting, is it still hard work?”

"Sister, look, Wan Lang is so tired today, and he has not had a day of leisure!"

"Sister, you were deceived by your brother-in-law. He was tired because he was having fun."

"Nonsense, Wan Lang is making armor for the court!"

"Sister, do you really believe that brother-in-law's piece of stuff in the afternoon can be made into armor? It's like rice cakes, can it block swords and swords? It can be used as dry food when worn on the body, and it's enough to take a bite when you're hungry."

And Wan Kuan asked Xiao Laizi to move his drying pulp into the house, and just heard Wu Mei'er's nonsense.

"Second sister, what are you saying, is it because you are questioning my brother-in-law?"

Wan Kuan walked in.

"Brother-in-law, your paper armor is not good, you better admit your mistake to the emperor!"

After Wan Kuan sat down, he directly took away the rice cake in front of Wu Meier.

"Okay, eat me, and even dare to speak ill of me behind my back.

No rice cakes are allowed tonight."

"If you don't eat, don't eat, anyway... I'm full.

Brother-in-law, wait for your paper armor to dry tomorrow, don't forget to let my sister take a look."

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