Seeing Wu Mei'er's arrogant appearance, Wan Kuan seemed to be pulling her bun and giving her a good lesson:.

"Okay! Wait until tomorrow, brother-in-law, my paper armor is dry, let you have a good experience."

After saying that, Wan Kuan went back to the room directly. Today was a tiring day. If you don't get angry with that little girl, it's time to rest.

Chapter 131

The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day.

Wan Kuan stood in the firewood house in the backyard, looking at the pulp board that was rescued last night.

After overnight air-drying, the pulp is completely dry.

After all, it is summer, even in the cool Qinling Mountains, the pulp will dry fast enough.

Wan Kuan tapped it with his fingers, and the sound of banging sounded, and the moisture inside had dried out.

Now all that's left is...those...branched-chain proteins and cellulose.

"Brother-in-law, is your paper armor ready?"

Wu Mei'er's voice sounded outside the door, this little girl woke up so early just to watch Wan Kuan's joke.

"No hurries!"

Wan Kuan replied with a sound, then found a piece of paper armor with a broken corner and picked it up.

When these things are dehydrated, they will shatter if they are bumped.

Yesterday, when Xiao Laizi was rescuing it, he touched it, and now that it is dry, the corner is cracked.

Wan Kuan took the corner of the pulp and walked out of the firewood room directly.

As soon as she went out, she saw Wu Meier in pink looking around there.

"Little girl, don't look at it, this is paper armor!"

Wan Kuan put the small pieces in his hand in front of Wu Mei'er, Wu Mei'er looked shocked.

"That's it"

"Yes, this is the raw material of paper armor!"

Wu Mei'er looked at the slap-sized, half-inch-thick piece of white, and she couldn't hide the surprise in her eyes.

"Brother-in-law, are you joking?"

"Nonsense, how could my brother-in-law lie to you, this little girl?"

"But what is this, you can make armor with a small piece of it."

"Yes, these small pieces are sewn together with thin thread, which is... the inner armor of the armor."

"Brother-in-law, you don't have a fever, why are you talking nonsense?"

Wan Kuan directly tapped Wu Meier Guanghua's forehead: "You just have a fever, how dare you question your brother-in-law and ask for a fight!"

Wan Kuan was about to fight, but Wu Meier hugged her head and ran away.

"Sister, brother-in-law is so embarrassed!"

"Sister, brother-in-law is bullying someone!"

"Sister, brother-in-law is going to hit me!"

The small courtyard was full of Wu Mei'er's cries, and Wu Shun'er came down from the attic with a helpless expression on her face.

Wu Mei'er was like a... small beast, slamming into her sister's arms.

Wu Shun'er was bumped by her sister and almost fell.

"Crazy girl, what are you shouting?"

"Sister, brother-in-law bullied me!"

Wu Mei'er pouted, looking aggrieved.

"Nonsense, how could Wanlang bully you? You must be naughty again!"

At this time, Wan Kuan came out from the backyard.

"Haha, yes, that's right... this little girl is naughty again.

This little girl beats her every day: if she doesn't beat her for three days, she will go to the house to uncover the tiles."

Wu Mei'er felt even more aggrieved when she saw that even her sister didn't believe in her.

"Sister, brother-in-law is crazy.

He said the little bits he put on could be used as armor."

Wu Shun'er looked at the small pieces in Wan Kuan's hand at this time, and was a little bit incredulous for a while.

Wan Kuan pouted: "Sometimes, the truth is often in the hands of a few people."

After speaking, Wan Kuan called Xiao Laizi directly and whispered a few words in his ear.

This little rascal was obedient to Wan Kuan, and wouldn't say a single word at all.

At this time, Wan Kuan put the small pieces in his hand on the stone table in the front yard, then took a piece of wood and dug a small hole in the wood with a dagger.

Wan Kuan carefully inlaid the small piece into the pit, and then hung the wood on the wall with a thin wire.

"Wanlang, what are you doing?"

"What to do, open your eyes!"

Wan Kuan waved his hand, and Xiao Laizi found a guard from the Wan family.

"How's the Arrow?"

Wan Kuan asked.

The guard patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, young master, little one: you can cross Yang with a hundred steps!"

"Okay, then you use a few crossbows"

"Master Qi, three stone bows."

Wan Kuan nodded, the most used on the battlefield is the three crossbow! Wan Kuan pointed at the wood hanging on the wall: "See that... wood?"

"Little one saw it!"

"Can you shoot the white hole in the middle of the log with your arrow?"

"Master, little one: where are you standing?"

"Whatever, the closer the better! Your arrows must be strong, the closer you get, the faster you go!"

"Master, no problem!"

Wan Kuan nodded: "Okay, then come on!"

Wan Kuan stepped aside and stood with the Wu family sisters.

And the guard directly bends the bow and shoots the arrow, standing ten paces in front of the wood.

So close, the strength of that bow and arrow is definitely enough.

Most of the bows and arrows on the battlefield come from fifty steps away, so this distance is definitely greater than the strength of the bows and arrows on the battlefield.

The Wu family sisters stared blankly at the guard, but Wan Kuan, the guard, obeyed his words and aimed directly at the small piece of wood.


The guard shouted, and the arrow was like a shooting star.

With a swipe, the arrow hit the wood directly, hitting the small white piece in the middle.

But what was unexpected was that after the bow and arrow hit the wood, it was not nailed to the wood, but fell to the ground with a thud.

"It's...never possible"

The guard's eyes widened, unable to believe the scene in front of him.

Not only the guard, but even the Wu family sisters looked incredulous.

"Wanlang, this..."

"Brother-in-law, what kind of magic did you use?"

Wu Shun'er's shock, Wu Mei'er's gaffe, fell into Wan Kuan's eyes, it was so comfortable.

At this time, Wan Kuan took the wood off the wall and put it in front of the Wu family sisters.

The arrow just hit the pulp sheet on the top, but this arrow did not penetrate, but only left a small hole the size of a soybean in the pulp sheet.

Wu Meier stretched out her hand at this time, took off the pulp sheet from the wood, and buttoned it with her fingernails.

Wu Meier only felt surprisingly hard.

"Brother-in-law, is this still the pulp?"

Wan Kuan spread his hands: "Yesterday you were standing by my side all the time, watching me work, have you forgotten?"

"But, but, how could that sticky pulp become: so hard"

Wu Meier still couldn't believe her eyes.

Wan Kuan touched Wu Mei'er's head: "Little girl, you know too little."

Wan Kuan walked towards the backyard triumphantly, while Wu Mei'er looked demented. After she reacted, she quickly caught up! "Brother-in-law, how did you do it?"

"Brother-in-law, are you really a Wenquxing star in the world?"

"Brother-in-law, speak up!"

Wan Kuan turned his head and smiled: "Little girl, now you know how powerful your brother-in-law is!"

Wu Mei'er waited with big eyes, a look of hunger and thirst... Now her heart is full of question marks!

Chapter 132

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