"Brother-in-law, just teach me!"

"Brother-in-law, sister, I beg you!"

"Brother-in-law, sister, I will be obedient in the future!"

Wan Kuan was lying on the reclining chair, eyes closed, and the breeze was blowing, listening to Wu Meier playing coquettish back and forth beside him.

"Forget it, a girl is from a family, why do girls learn this? Incompetence is virtue, don't you know?"

"What nonsense! Why is it that a woman has no talent... virtue, you men... want us women to have no knowledge, so you fool us!"

Wu Mei'er was so angry that her cheeks were bulging, and Wan Kuan opened her eyes, this little girl still thinks things quite clearly.

"Second sister, this skill is the only one in the Tang Dynasty! No one knows except your brother-in-law and me.

Even if your brother-in-law accepts an apprentice, he will not accept you as a little girl!"

When Wu Meier heard this, she immediately.

When he walked behind Wan Kuan, he was beaten on the shoulder by Wan Kuan.

"Brother-in-law, this fat water does not flow to outsiders' fields, if you really accept an apprentice, it must be my sister!"

"Brother-in-law, I also accept apprentices for fame and fortune. You, a little girl, can't become an official in the future, and I won't teach you!"


Wu Mei'er got angry and slapped Wan Kuan's shoulder mercilessly.

However, Wan Kuan was steel and iron, Wu Meier hammered it, and it was herself who hurt.

Wan Kuan laughed twice: "Little girl, ask for trouble!"

Wu Mei'er laughed instead: "Brother-in-law, I think you are asking for trouble!"

"Um what to say"

"Brother-in-law, if I agree to my request, then don't blame my sister for being rude."

"What can you do to me, little girl"

"Hey, I can't do anything to my brother-in-law.

But I can always follow my sister, even if you become a relative, I can't make out with my sister!"

Wan Kuan smiled disdainfully: "nonsense, if I marry Shun'er, then it's your business."

"Brother-in-law, little sister, I am quite clever. If I want to disrupt the good things between you and my sister, there is still a way."

Seeing Wu Mei'er gnashing her teeth, Wan Kuan felt that offending this little queen would not do any good.

Wan Kuan pondered, and then said: "I am not afraid of thieves stealing, but I am afraid that thieves will miss you.

Forget it, my brother-in-law will teach you!"

"Brother-in-law, I knew that you hurt me the most!"

Wu Meier had a rainbow fart and shook her head contemptuously.

If it weren't for the fear of your little girl affecting his own happiness, Wan Kuan would not take the initiative to teach others.

No matter how smart the people of the Tang Dynasty were, if they had gone through nine years of compulsory education and chose to teach their disciples with Wan Kuan, it was a painful decision.

Now Wan Kuan can only hope that the little girl Wu Meier is smart enough, so that she can avoid detours.

Wan Kuan and Wu Meier were sitting in the dining room, with a plate of rice cakes in front of them, Wu Meier looked at the green rice cakes, feeling a little strange for a while.

I wanted to ask my brother-in-law a question, why did my brother-in-law bring me into the dining room to eat rice cakes, "Brother-in-law, what do you mean?"

"Little girl is optimistic, this plate is the rice cake that was just made yesterday. I deliberately put this plate of rice cake under the windowsill last night. It won't catch the rain, but there is wind. Look, you can touch it with your hands again."

After listening to Wan Kuan's words, Wu Mei'er carefully looked at the plate of dry rice cakes, and then put it in her hands and squeezed the rice cakes. Wu Mei'er felt strange.

When it came out just yesterday, it was soft and glutinous. Wu Mei'er didn't eat too much. How come after a night, the rice cake has become so hard. When Wu Mei'er released her hand, the rice cake fell on the solid wood table. With a click, it sounded extremely hard.

Wu Mei'er looked at the green rice cake strangely, then raised her head to look at Wan Kuan, her eyes were full of doubts.

At this time, Wan Kuan held the rice cake and said with a smile: "Actually...the pulp is the same as this rice cake. The rice cake is amylopectin, and the pulp is amylopectin. After solidification, the amylopectin is stronger than amylopectin. Even tougher."

When Wu Mei'er heard Wan Kuan's words, her head was full of question marks. She couldn't understand what kind of protein starch. At this moment, she felt a sense of awe in her heart for the first time.

It turned out that this somewhat rude brother-in-law knew so many things, and casually said things that she didn't know, and Wu Mei'er couldn't help but admire Wan Kuan even more.

At this time, Wan Kuan saw Wu Mei'er's puzzled expression and knew that she didn't understand, but Wan Kuan thought about it and continued.

"Actually, you don't need to know so much, you just know that... The liquid added to the pulp is very similar to this finished glutinous rice.

They add water, and they are soft and glutinous at high temperatures, but when they cool and solidify, they become: very hard."

"Have you... read the history books? In the history books, egg whites and glutinous rice flour must be added to the construction of Melaleuca bricks. In fact, this is the truth."

Although Wu Mei'er had never heard any modern vocabulary, her brain was exceptionally smart.

Wan Kuan made such a call, and she immediately understood.

"Oh, brother-in-law, I understand, in fact, the... paper pulp you use is the same as this glutinous rice.

If you want to say that, you can totally use no pulp, you can just use the sap cut from the hibiscus tree, why do you need to add pulp in it?"

Wan Kuan smiled after listening to it: "Little girl, you don't know that. The sap of the hibiscus tree is not much. Even if you squeeze all the hibiscus trees in the Qinling Mountains into juice, you won't be able to make much armor."

"But if you add pulp in it, you can make hard armor without using so much juice, and the pulp has other uses."

"What's the use of that pulp?"

"Little girl, try throwing this rice cake hard on the ground."

After hearing that, Wu Mei'er squeezed the rice cake, mustered her strength, and smashed it hard on the slate floor.

With a snapping sound, the long rice cake in Wu Mei'er's hand shattered into several pieces.

At this time, Wan Kuan put the pulp scraps he made just now into Wu Mei'er's hands.

"This one, try again."

Wu Mei'er did the same, and fell to the ground with great force, but this time the small pieces made of paper pulp did not shatter, only a little bit of small particles fell off the edge.

"Brother-in-law, what's going on?"

Wu Meier has too many questions in her heart now, and she just wants Wan Kuan to answer her as soon as possible.

Chapter 133

Wan Kuan looked at the surprisingly well-behaved Wu Mei'er, and couldn't help but touched her little head.

"That's what the pulp does, you just don't have the branched-chain protein, it's too brittle.

You've got to put some fiber in it, so that these... branched-chain proteins can clump together."

Wu Meier's eyes began to faint again after hearing this, but Wan Kuan knew how to teach her.

"Little girl, you use the yellow mud by the river to make a small person, after drying, the small person will be very hard.

But if you fall hard, the villain will shatter into countless pieces."

Wan Kuan said slowly: "But if you add some hay shreds to this yellow mud, and then pinch it into a villain, if you drop it after drying, it won't break easily."

After hearing that, Wu Meier tilted her head and looked cute.

She found that she didn't know the words her brother-in-law said, but as long as her brother-in-law used an analogy, she immediately understood.

That Wu Mei'er blinked her big eyes and looked at Wan Kuan: "Brother-in-law, when you say this, I think the truth is actually very simple.

Since the reason is so simple, why has no one thought of using this kind of thing as armor before?"

"Little girl, you think it's easy because your brother-in-law told you that it's easy for you.

It's not so easy for other people if no one calls him."

Wan Kuan pinched Wu Mei'er's bun: "The Confucian and Mencius Ways of the Classics and History you are studying now,,,,,,,,,, are all those... The sages racked their brains to come up with it for you. Yes, if you don't have these... sages, how can you understand these great truths"

After that, Wu Mei'er raised a smile at the corner of her mouth: "Brother-in-law, according to what you say, you are also a sage like Confucius and Mencius."

Wan Kuan said proudly after hearing this: "Confucius and Mencius, we dare not compare, but what my brother-in-law does is not necessarily much worse than them."

"Brother-in-law, since you can make paper pulp into armor, after returning to Chang'an City, won't your majesty give you another reward?"

"It's up to you to say"

"Brother-in-law, in that case, you can ask His Majesty to quickly confer marriage, so that you and your sister get married sooner."

Wan Kuan pouted: "There's no need for your little girl to remind me, when I promised Your Majesty to use paper pulp to make armor, I just wanted to make another contribution so that I could marry your sister back sooner.

Otherwise, your brother-in-law, I don't care about these crap."

Wan Kuan sat on the stool with Erlang's legs cocked up, the whole person was triumphant, while Wu Mei'er stood beside him and gave Wan Kuan a beating on the shoulders.

"Brother-in-law, you are amazing."

"Don't be flattering, I know how much my brother-in-law has."

"Brother-in-law, I found that your knowledge is different from those... the moral scholars in Chang'an City. What you know is much better than them."

"Little girl, don't be flattering, just do what I do with your sister."

"Why don't you accept me as your apprentice, then I'll be sure to treat you.

As long as you don't let me appear, I will immediately hide away."

Wan Kuan squinted his eyes: "You little girl can be so obedient"

"Brother-in-law, don't worry, as long as you are an apprentice, you are my master. Respecting the teacher, I, Wu Mei'er, still understand."

Wan Kuan narrowed his eyes and thought about it, this is a method, accepting this little girl as an apprentice, with this little girl's intelligence and intelligence, she will definitely shine in the future, and her face as a teacher will also shine.

And since she became his teacher, this little girl would not dare to contradict herself.

At that time, wouldn't it be possible for me and Wu Shun'er to... Wan Kuan thought of the corner of his mouth showing a different kind of smile, and when Wu Mei'er saw it, he wrinkled his little nose.

"Brother-in-law, just promise me, after you accept me as your apprentice, if you want to have a private meeting with my sister in the future, I will definitely stay far away.

As long as my sister doesn't shout, I'm sure I won't go."

After listening to it, Wan Kuan tapped Wu Meier's forehead: "What do you think, little girl, your brother-in-law, I am a dignified gentleman, how can I do those...indecent things."

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