Wu Meier pouted, thinking to herself.

You haven't done this kind of thing, I don't know if you have eaten my sister, anyway... you have already kissed my sister in front of me.

Wan Kuan was thinking of a beautiful new life here, while Li Shimin, who was far away in Chang'an, was holding an envelope in his hand with a smug smile on his face.

"Your Majesty, may something happy happen"

Li Shimin shook the envelope in his hand: "Guanyin maid, this is Boling Cui's reply, guess what is in the letter?"

"Could it be that the Cui family of Boling is the result of Kuan'er's marriage?"

Empress Changsun also had a smile on her face.

"That's right, the Cui family head replied, agreeing to the marriage.

But the letter said... Kuan Er has no title and is not worthy of their Cui family's daughter."

"Your Majesty, what does the Cui clan head of Boling mean by these words? Could it be that he dislikes Kuan'er?"

"It's not that he dislikes Kuan'er, if he dislikes Kuan'er, he would not agree to this marriage.

In fact, he was just... rambling from the side, wanting me to give Kuan'er a higher rank and nobility."

At this time, Empress Zhangsun hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Your Majesty, do you think the head of the Cui family in Boling will be suspicious?"

"After all, the dignified emperor of Tang actually sent a letter for a courtier's marriage.

The Boling Cui clan are all old foxes, will they guess Kuan'er's identity?"

Li Shimin smiled and said: "Guanyin maid, don't worry about this matter. Kuan'er's life experience is bizarre enough. If I hadn't investigated for more than ten years and I couldn't believe it myself, how could the Cui family of Boling dare to believe it?"

"And I think that those... five surnames and seven Wang's eyes were all fixed on the abolished prince. At that time, the king of Qin was not in their eyes at all, so they didn't care about my son."

"Your Majesty, if that's the case, then why did Boling Cui's family agree to your Majesty's marriage? You know that Kuan'er does not have a title, although he has a high official position, but in terms of family background, it is [-] miles away from their Cui family. what."

Li Shimin nodded: "Having said that, now Kuan'er's identity has not been announced, everyone thinks that Kuan'er is just a white boy.

However, since the Cui Family Patriarch can agree, it is probably because of my face."

"After all, I personally wrote the letter, and I have no intention of ordering.

If the head of the Cui family wants to ease the relationship between the family and the court, he will definitely go downhill."

Empress Zhangsun still had doubts in her heart: "Then, Your Majesty, which daughter does the Cui family plan to marry this time?"

Li Shimin smiled lightly: "It's the eldest daughter of the Cui family."

Chapter 134

Li Shimin's words set off a huge wave in Empress Changsun's heart. After Empress Changsun heard it, her face was full of surprise.

Her chest heaved and she really couldn't understand why the Cui family would marry their daughter to their son.

It's not that his son's identity is too low, but that Wan Kuan's identity has not been announced yet, and everyone thinks that he is a boy who was lucky enough to step into a high-ranking third-rank official.

In the face of this young man, even some of the upstarts in Chang'an City did not take it seriously.

How could the dignified Boling Cui family, with five surnames and seven looks, care? At this time, in Dingzhou, far above the land of Hebei, a conversation was also being staged in a Zhumen compound.

Cui Wanping, the head of the Cui family in Boling, who is approaching his sixtieth year, is discussing this letter from Li Shimin with his son.

In fact, all the affairs of the Cui family in Boling have been handed over to his son Cui Hao by Cui Wanping.

But in such a case, Cui Hao still has to tell his father.

After all, the emperor personally wrote the letter, and in his personal capacity, this is absolutely no trivial matter.

Although the power of the aristocratic family is not to be underestimated in the Tang Dynasty, but after all, he is a dignified emperor, and such personal letters should be treated with care.

"Father, why did the emperor suddenly write to one of his courtiers to propose marriage?"

"Hao'er, what do you think about this?"

Cui Wanping squinted his eyes, holding a white porcelain teacup in his hand, and inside the teacup was the tea made by Wankuan.

When Cui Hao heard his father's question, he knew that his father was trying to teach him.

"Father, my son thinks this is the emperor's temptation.

The current sage has just ascended to the throne for less than three years, and he has gone through a bloody battle at Xuanwumen, so his position is not right, so he pays more attention to the views of our aristocratic family."

Then Cui Wanping nodded after listening, and then motioned for his son to continue.

"Father, it is unreasonable that the emperor wants to marry his courtiers.

After all, that... Wan Kuan is not a son of the royal family, even if the emperor wants to marry, he doesn't have to write a letter in person."

"So the boy can conclude that this is the emperor testing our Cui family to see how much our Cui family respects his emperor."

Cui Hao said with confidence.

Cui Wanping smiled after hearing this: "Nah Hao'er, how do you think this letter should be answered?"

After listening, Cui Hao thought for a while and immediately.

Said: "Father, the boy feels that he can agree to the emperor's request, and then choose a middle-class daughter from the side branch of the Cui family to marry this Wan Kuan."

"In this way, it will give the emperor the honor, but it will not lose the style of our Cui family."

At this time, Cui Wanping was a little reluctant to put down the teacup, and then put away the smile on his face.

"Hao'er, my husband has already replied to the letter."

"Ah father, you..."

a little surprised.

"Hao'er, in my husband's reply, you said that you should point Yingying to this Wan Kuan, do you think it's good?"

When Cui Hao heard it, he immediately.

With a big face: "Father, why are you so confused, this Yingying is the eldest daughter of the child, the direct daughter of the Cui family of Boling, if Yingying wants to marry, she must marry the direct son of five surnames and seven Wang. "

"If the emperor asks for a kiss, it must be for his son, the crown prince.

This is a mere [-] wide, with no title on him, and his family background is average, how could my father give Yingying a betrothal to him?"

That Cui Hao was very surprised at this time, and his hands had unconsciously grasped the back of the chair.

At this moment, the smile on Cui Wanping's face disappeared completely, and there was some indifferent light in his eyes.

When Cui Hao saw his father's appearance, he immediately got up and lowered his head: "Father, the boy was in a violent wave just now, and he asked his father to atone for his sins."

Then Cui Wanping waved his hand: "You really think so"

"The child does not dare to deceive his father. The child feels that his father's actions this time are a little out of time."

"Hao'er, then tell me why my husband can't marry Yingying to this Wan Kuan"

"Father, this Wan Kuan's status is too low, he's just a third-rank official without a title.

Although the third rank is not low, but there is no title, what is the difference with the common people?”

"What's more important is that Yingying is the direct daughter of our Cui family, and her identity is no trivial matter. How can you let the emperor refer to the marriage so hastily? This has to be spread, and others will think that our Cui family is afraid of the emperor."

That Cui Hao's tone was very excited, but Cui Wanping's face was always calm, as if he didn't care about his son's excitement.

After Cui Hao finished speaking, Cui Wanping took another sip from the teacup, and then a look of intoxication appeared on his face: "Hao'er, the tea you've been drinking these days is from Wan Kuan."

"Father, this tea is just for entertainment, and the boy also knows that Wankuan has extraordinary skills, and has the ability of Tao Zhugong, who opened a Wanfulou daily to make money, but he is still a poor family compared to our Cui family. ."

"Hao'er, you said the last sentence just now that you are afraid that other noble families will mistakenly think that our Cui family is afraid of the emperor, but you are wrong."

"Father, what's wrong with my son? Our Cui family in Boling is the leader of the five surnames and seven Wangs. Now the Cui family in Qinghe, the Li family in Zhaojun, and the Fan Yanglu family are all looking forward to our horses.

Not to mention the Taiyuan Wang family, the Xingyang Zheng family is not as good as our Cui family."

When Cui Wanping heard this, his eyes immediately turned.

Become: sharp: "Hao'er, because of this, my husband has to agree to the emperor's request."

"Father, why"

"Our Cui family is now the leader of the five surnames and seven Wang, and the family and the court are the relationship between one and the other, you retreat and I advance.

Now that the emperor's throne is stable, and the Tang Dynasty has been in good weather for the past two years, this emperor has the confidence in his hands, and naturally he wants to wrestle with our aristocratic family."

"Father, are we five surnames Qiwang still afraid that his emperor will not become our family for nearly 600 years, and this Tang Dynasty has only been established for more than ten years.

Our aristocratic family gave him face and called him emperor, but who knows who has the last laugh."

"You bastard! You can say that kind of thing too"

That Cui Wanping shouted angrily.

When Cui Hao heard this, he immediately.

Bow down and apologize.

And Cui Wanping took a few breaths, calmed his mind, and said slowly: "Hao'er, you just need to know some things in your heart, and you can't say them in your life.

And once you say it, it will become a lever."

"You have already passed your thirties, why are you still so impatient that you are so immature, how can your husband trust the Cui family to you?"

"Father, calm down, father must take care of his health, don't...because of the child's nonsense, his body is wrecked with anger."

Chapter 135

Cui Hao's words angered the old man of the Cui family, so he could only keep his head down and admit his mistake, so Cui Wanping gave up.

"You also know that you are a nonsense, and there are some things you can't say in this life, even if you think so.

Our aristocratic family has lasted for 600 years, how did it last for 600 years, and who is the most powerful, we cooperate with whoever is a family?"

At this time, Cui Wanping no longer had the elegance he had just now, and his aura suddenly picked up.

"Now that Li Tang is...the momentum is on the rise, can our family go against the sky? Our family can last longer than those dynasties because we will never be emperors."

Then Cui Hao listened to his father's words and quickly nodded his head.

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