"Hao'er, on the surface, this matter is that the emperor is testing the Cui family, but in fact this emperor is testing not only the Cui family, but the whole family, but our Cui family's current momentum is too strong. ."

"If this time we reject the emperor's kindness, or let the emperor not get the face he deserves, then the emperor will be angry, and he will do something to the aristocratic family.

And once he takes action against the family, he will definitely choose our Cui family first."

Cui Wanping's words made Cui Hao a little unconvinced.

"Father, is it because our family is united that we are afraid that he will not be an emperor?"

"Confused, our family is united and naturally not afraid of the emperor, but if we don't unite, then the Qinghe Cui family has always wanted to replace our Boling Cui family's position, then Zhao Jun's Li family has an origin with the royal family, and now it is extremely ambiguous."

Cui Wanping didn't look a little old at this time, and he talked eloquently: "Not to mention the royal family of Taiyuan, it is the place where Li Tang raised his army.

And the Zheng family in Xingyang also married their own daughter to the waste prince before."

"All the aristocratic families are trying to establish a good relationship with the royal family. If our Cui family is this early bird at this time, then it doesn't matter...

Neither the emperor nor any other aristocratic family will stand by our side."

At this moment, Cui Wanping said earnestly, "Hao'er, you have to remember that our aristocratic family has survived for such a long time because of... just follow the trend and never act against the sky."

Then Cui Hao sighed after hearing this: "Father, remember what you said.

But even so, we can't marry Yingying, Yingying is the eldest daughter of the boy, the eldest daughter of Boling's Cui family.

What kind of identity is Wan Kuan, it's a shame to get married."

Then Cui Wanping smiled disdainfully: "Hao'er you were arrogant just now, but now you are belittling yourself.

Our Cui family chooses a son-in-law, of course, depends on the family, but our Cui family's own status is here."

"The son-in-law chosen by our Cui family, even if he is a nobody, after becoming the son-in-law of our Cui family, he is still the best in the world.

Our Cui family has no need to climb the dragon and the phoenix anymore."

After listening to Cui Hao, his eyes became a little clear, but he asked again: "But father, what should Yingying say, father, you have loved Yingying since childhood, and suddenly you have sent a husband, that Yingying is afraid that Heart..."

Then Cui Wanping laughed loudly after hearing this: "What do you think about being a father Yingying? Yingying grew up with her father, and she naturally knows what kind of person she wants to marry for her father."

"Yingying doesn't care about the nobility of the family, Yinghuan is a brilliant and modest gentleman.

Na Wan Kuan is known as a talented person in Chang'an, and the poetry collection he wrote has already spread to the land of Hebei."

"In the past month, Yingying's study has been filled with Wan Kuan's poems. You, a father, don't know it yet, do you?"

When Cui Hao heard this, his face was a little embarrassed: "Baby is really negligent."

"Hao'er, you have to think carefully about some things. Why did the emperor want Wan Kuan to marry him? Wan Kuan is just a talented man without a pedigree. Why does the emperor like him so much?"

Cui Hao was stunned: "Please let my father show you."

"Hao'er, if you don't have a family position, you're just... a blank piece of paper, that is, you don't have a family backer, which means that the emperor wants to reuse him.

A talented emperor who is not burdened by his family is bound to be reused, and he will naturally be the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty in the future."

"This Wan Kuan will definitely be a high-ranking person in the future, and he will be promoted to an official title, so Yingying's marriage to him is not a humiliation of his status."

Cui Hao nodded, but still disdain for Wan Kuan in his heart.

And Cui Wanping continued: "And this time, the emperor deliberately tested the attitude of our Cui family. If according to your statement, if you find a collateral daughter to marry, the emperor will naturally not find fault."

"But he also believes in his heart that our Cui family has no respect for him.

Today's emperor is not... the former Taishanghuang, there are some things that can be done before, but can't be done now."

"And let's marry Yingying, and Yingying married a Ruyi man, and she will flourish in the future.

And the emperor is also more satisfied with our Cui family, our aristocratic family and the imperial court are definitely opposite, but the two are the fusion of yin and yang, and one trades off the other."

"The emperor certainly wants to suppress the family, but he also wants to win over one family and suppress the other family.

At that time, our relationship with the imperial court will be better, and the imperial court will naturally attract us, and then our Cui family will always be the head of the aristocratic family."

"In this way, three birds with one stone, why not do it"

At this time, Cui Hao's eyes widened, and he couldn't stop praising: "Father, my son understands that my father is far-sighted and far-sighted, and my son is far inferior. I also hope that my father will take care of his health and bless my Cui family."


Cui Wanping laughed and scolded: "There is no one who lives a hundred years old in this world. If you want the Cui family to continue, you have to fight for yourself."

Wan Kuan didn't know about his marriage, and was decided by two letters. He is still thinking about marrying Wu Shun'er after returning to Chang'an City.

At this time, he was holding a red-hot iron plate and cutting a pulp-made nail plate.

The armor made of this pulp is easy to be brittle if the area is too large, so Wan Kuan did not plan to inlay a whole piece, but planned to cut the fish scales into egg-sized pieces and sew them together with silk threads.

In this way, the power is stronger.

And after the pulp solidifies, it is not afraid of squeezing, not afraid of pressure, not afraid of water, but afraid of fire, as long as the high temperature can soften it.

Therefore, it is relatively easy for Wankuan to use a red-hot iron to cut pulp.

Wu Mei'er on the side looked at it with relish, her brother-in-law is really talented, it seems that anything that is as difficult as the sky is easy under his hands.

"Brother-in-law, it turns out that something so hard is afraid of fire."

"Actually, it's not that I'm afraid of fire, but I'm afraid of high temperature. Just like eating rice cake porridge in the morning, the hard rice cake will become soft when boiled in hot water for a quarter of an hour."

"But in this case, isn't this armor weak? If the opponent attacks with fire, then..."

Chapter 136

Wu Mei'er's questions are always very strange, which shows that she can draw inferences from other facts.

Wan Kuan smiled: "If you use fire to attack, you can't wear steel armor! Fire: on iron, doesn't the iron also become: hot? At least my paper armor is lighter and easier to take off. Lose."

"Then what should the other party do with a rocket to bring fire with the arrow, this will be miserable."

"This paper armor is not used alone, but is used together with steel armor.

Paper armor can be used alone unless it is in a water battle.

If there is a water battle, there will be water all around, and it will be easy to put out the fire.”

"So brother-in-law, you already planned everything.

Even if the Tang Dynasty has no iron ore, you can still provide them with armor."

Wu Mei'er now has a completely changed view of her brother-in-law. In the past, Wu Mei'er felt that Wan Kuan was... a talented person with some talent.

It was only now that Wu Meier realized that Wan Kuan's scheming was so important.

Wu Mei'er watched Wan Kuan cut a large piece of pulp into small pieces, then directly picked up the steel needle and baked it on the fire.

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing with the needle?"

"Of course it's for the pulp pieces! After drilling the holes, you have to ask your sister to sew these pulp pieces into armor!"

"How do you know my sister can knit women's red"

"You also need to ask your sister to be virtuous and virtuous, this needlework must be very good!"

Wu Mei'er pouted: "Then Xungui's daughter can't sew! My sister can sew, that's because our clothes are torn and we can only sew by ourselves!"

"Little girl, it's such a pitiful thing to say, but my brother-in-law knows that you can't sew clothes yourself, and it must be your sister who sews for you!"

Wu Meier was a little embarrassed for a while: "I'm still young, my sister will naturally help me!"

Wan Kuan held the steel needle in his hand and smiled contemptuously. At this time, he knew that he was too young, and Wan Kuan put the steel needle in front of Wu Meier, gestured, and pretended to be fierce.

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing?"

"Hey! Little girl, if you don't obey me in the future, you won't be able to keep your pretty face!"

Wan Kuan incarnates Mammy Rong to frighten Wu Meier.

What this woman cared about most was her appearance. Although Wu Meier knew that Wan Kuan would not hurt her, she was still startled when she saw the steel needle so close.

Wan Kuan laughed twice, then stabbed the red-hot steel needle into the pulp sheet.

The four corners of each pulp sheet are punched to facilitate sewing.

And Wu Mei'er looked a little dazed at Wan Kuan's serious look, this brother-in-law's serious look is really handsome.

"Brother-in-law, do you think I'm good-looking?"

"Good-looking, the kind that brings disaster to the country and the people!"

"What harm the country and the people?"

"It's... Daxi, Su Daji, and Bao Si are like, "Humph! If I enter the palace, I will be the emperor's favorite concubine. I am a powerful empress dowager like Empress Dowager Wei Feng, who holds great power."

Wan Kuan's hand trembled, almost tying his own hand, this little girl has this thought now, Wan Kuan stopped talking to Wu Mei'er, and concentrated on her work.

And Wu Mei'er sat beside Wan Kuan, staring blankly at Wan Kuan.

For a moment, the brother-in-law in front of him turned into a sister.

Wu Shun'er tied Wan Kuan at this time and sewed pulp sheets with silk thread.

Facing the red candle, Wu Shun'er was meticulous.

"Sister, do you think this brother-in-law can become prime minister in the future?"

Wu Shun'er put down the steel needle and smiled slightly: "Elder sister doesn't understand these things... In the courtroom, besides, I don't care if Wanlang is prime minister or not."

Seeing the smile on her sister's face, Wu Mei'er knew that her sister was very satisfied with her current life.

My sister doesn't care much and doesn't have so many things she wants.

But if my sister married Wan Kuan in the future, wouldn't she have everything? This pair of paper armor is not easy, so Wu Shun'er had to sew it carefully.

Wu Shun'er knew that this pair of paper armor was her hope to marry Wan Kuan, so she was very concerned about it.

Wan Kuan took the Wu family sisters to live in a small courtyard in Qinling Mountains. Every day was... strolling in the mountains, fishing in the river, coming back to eat, bathing and sleeping.

When did the Wu family sisters enjoy such a leisurely life, and here in Wankuan, the cost of food and clothing is one-to-one.

The two sisters have been so happy these days.

At the same time, all the bigwigs in Chang'an are waiting for Wan Kuan's return.

In the private room of Wanfu Building, three people, Li Jing, Qin Qiong and Yu Chi Gong, were drinking and eating meat.

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