But after three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the three of them started chatting nonchalantly.

"Director Li, has Wan Kuan come back? His Majesty has been waiting for him these past few days!"

Yu Chi Gong is now Li Shimin's bodyguard, so he naturally knows that Li Shimin is now looking forward to Wan Kuan's return.

"How could Senior Brother Yao know that Wan Kuan's whereabouts are uncertain, and left a sentence and ran straight to the Qinling Mountains. Those who didn't know it thought that Wan Kuan was absconding in fear of crime!"

Qin Qiong was also anxious, this teacher Wan Kuan's absence always made people feel uneasy.

And there was only Li Jing with a dull face: "You two don't have to ask any more questions, in two days it will be... a grand meeting every ten days, then Wan Kuan will come back naturally."

"But after coming back, the time limit that Wan Kuan said has arrived. If he can't take out the paper armor at that time, the prince will probably be aggressive!"

"Brother Qin, don't worry, the prince is now banned from the East Palace.

I have been patrolling the palace these days, and the prince dare not come out at all!"

"Old Hei, why did you say that the prince was banned from the market? It is rumored that something happened between the prince and King Wei!"

When Qin Qiong's words were asked, even Li Jing was a little curious.

"Brother Qin, Director Li, don't worry about this. Your Majesty has explained that everything related to the crown prince is not allowed to go out!"

Li Jing and Qin Qiong looked at each other and smiled after hearing Yu Chi Gong's words.

"what are you laughing at"

Yu Chigong was a little confused.

"Old Hei, you really don't have three hundred taels of silver here.

Even a reckless person like you knows to keep secrets, that is to say, the rumors are true, it seems that the prince and the king of Wei really have a conflict!"

When Yu Chi Gong heard this, he slapped his mouth...

My own mouth is... I can't control it, and I'm always being told by others.

Qin Qiong directly grabbed the braised elbow on the table and put it into Yu Chi Gong's mouth.

Yuchi Gong was not angry either, his own brains were no match for Qin Qiong and Li Jing, so let's eat obediently.

At this time, Li Jing said: "King Wei has been very close to Wan Kuan recently, and now King Wei is having a big fight with the crown prince. I don't know if it has anything to do with Wan Kuan."

Qin Qiong's face became a little dignified after hearing this.

Chapter 137

The Huanghuang Taiji Palace would be bustling with people every time there was a great court meeting. The great court meeting held every ten days was the gathering of the highest power in the Tang Dynasty.

And at the great court meeting ten days ago, Changsun Wuji told the ministers a somewhat surprised bad news, that is, the iron ore in the Tang Dynasty was not enough.

If you want to be a military supplier, the common people will have no iron tools. If you want to ensure the common people's iron tools, the military supply will not be able to be supplied.

This is... a dilemma that no one can solve.

Officials of all sizes know that in the end, this matter is nothing more than... seeking a balance.

A little for the military, and a little for the people, so everyone tightens their belts, and no one dislikes anyone.

Everyone thinks so, but there is one person who doesn't think so, he thinks that without iron ore, it is still possible to supply military supplies.

This person is the great prisoner Wan Kuan who will be the prisoner.

To say this is Wankuan, it can be regarded as talented, and the poems are the best in Chang'an City.

After he became the chief supervisor, he also made several great achievements and won the favor of His Majesty.

But even so, this young man should be humble and calm, not.......

Everyone knows that without iron ore, you can't make steel. Without steel, how can you supply military supplies?

Whether it is weapons, armor, or war horse equipment, which one does not rely on steel for supply, then Wan Kuan is ashamed to say that the armor should be made of yellow paper, and it is better than the armor made of fine steel.

As soon as this statement came out, the entire Chang'an City, officials and commoners, were all shocked.

And that Wan Kuan was so confident that he even said that the paper armor could be made within ten days.

That being the case, everyone in today's Great Court is waiting for Wan Kuan to fulfill his promise.

However, Wan Kuan went to the Qinling Mountains after attending the great court meeting ten days ago, and he didn't show up in Chang'an City for ten days.

But this Wan Kuan is so favored, even if it is a slip of the tongue, it is estimated that he will stay in the room for a few days, so that he will not abscond.

Everyone in the Great Court today is waiting for Wan Kuan to show up to see how he can give everyone an explanation.

Everyone came to the Taiji Temple, and everyone didn't chat much, because today's protagonist hasn't arrived yet.

To put it in the past, the protagonist of every court meeting is Li Shimin, but today's protagonist is not him.

Just as everyone was waiting to see if Wan Kuan would break his promise, he saw Wan Kuan holding a wooden box in his hand, walking slowly along the Imperial Palace Avenue into the Tai Chi Hall.

Everyone's eyes suddenly focused on Wan Kuan, civil servants, military generals, princes and nobles, all squinted at Wan Kuan, trying to see a trace of integrity on his face.

However, Wan Kuan's face was calm, but his eyes were full of concentration, and he was holding a box in his hand. Could it be that Wan Kuan made an armor with yellow paper in this box, but the box didn't look too big: this armor should cover The whole body, how could such a small box fit in it? At this time, the emperor has not arrived yet, and the older ones couldn't bear their curiosity and chatted.

The person who cares most about Wan Kuan is naturally Li Jing. When Li Jing saw the box in Wan Kuan's hand, his face became a little unnatural.

"Kid Wan, you won't fool Your Majesty and the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs with such a thing."

"General Li, what did you say, how could I be fooled?"

"Kid Wan, the chest of this set of armor is wider than your box. How can you fit a whole set of armor in such a small box?"

"General Li, you are confused. Since it is said that the armor is made of paper, it is naturally soft. Can't the soft be stacked inside?"

"You kid really made armor out of yellow paper"

Li Jing was dumbfounded.

If you only use a few pieces of yellow paper and cut it into a set of armor, it really doesn't take that much space.

And Qin Qiong, who was on the side, looked a little ugly when he heard Wan Kuan's words. He liked Wan Kuan, the junior and descendant. Not only was he talented, but he was also very polite to his elders.

If just because of one or two big words, this Wan Kuan will never be able to stand up again, Qin Qiong feels very pity.

And Cheng Yaojin behind Qin Qiong has been secretly staring at Wan Kuan with a pair of thief eyes, but Cheng Yaojin has been ridiculed by the whole Chang'an people because of Wan Kuan.

The great general of the dignified right Weiwei actually likes to eat people, and Cheng Yaojin can't even raise his head.

Not to mention the people of Chang'an City, it's just... my servants have been trying to hold back their laughter these days, making Cheng Yaojin stay in the study all day and not come out.

Not only the servants, but Cheng Yaojin had not gone back to his bedroom for more than ten days, and Mrs. Cheng said that he was not relieved when he let him sleep in the study.

This Mrs. Cheng was the daughter of a dignitary in Fan Yanglu's family, and Cheng Yaojin didn't dare to offend her, so she could only sleep in the study every day.

Cheng Yaojin is now ridiculed by his family, by his servants, and by the nobles and people of the entire Chang'an City. How can he not repay this kind of revenge?

So Cheng Yaojin didn't want anything to happen to Wan Kuan, he hoped that Wan Kuan would be safe and sound, and then he was waiting for an opportunity to take revenge, and he had to avenge his own revenge.

Although it was Cheng Yaojin who took the initiative to provoke Wan Kuan, he didn't care, anyway... Now that his reputation is completely stinky, he must save face.

The generals felt that Wan Kuan was a pity, after all, after Wan Kuan took office as a general, the supply of military supplies had undergone a qualitative change.

This military general relies entirely on war horses and weapons to build his career, and with such a strong backing, who doesn't like it if Wan Kuan is dismissed because of this matter.

It was a pity for all the generals to enter the prison.

Not only military generals, but also many civil officials are quite optimistic about Wan Kuan.

That Fang Xuanling felt that Wan Kuan was very talented, and that he did things in a measured way, and that he would definitely be the best choice for the Tang Prime Minister.

Apart from... Zhangsun Wuji, few people hope that something will happen to Wan Kuan.

And today, the prince did not arrive at the great court meeting, because he was still there: During the period of confinement, the prince and the king of Wei each played fifty big boards.

Both of them were banned for half a month, so no one would be watching today's ceremonial meeting.

Wan Kuan was sitting on the futon behind Zhangsun Wuji with his suitcase in his arms, peacefully.

And the eldest grandson Wuji never looked at Wan Kuan from the beginning to the end.

Because everyone knows that he doesn't deal with Wan Kuan, if he falls into trouble at this time, saying a few cool words will definitely make people dissatisfied.

However, seeing how small the box Wan Kuan was holding, the eldest grandson Wuji knew that Wan Kuan was probably in a bad way this time.

I don't even dare to think about using yellow paper to make armor.

Chapter 138

Zhangsun Wuji felt that this Wan Kuan made such a rhetorical statement, he would have to pay the price today.

When the eunuch heard the sound, Li Shimin walked into the court.

Everyone bowed and saluted, then sat on the futon, waiting for Li Shimin to speak.

In fact, everyone knows today that the focus of everything is on Wan Kuan.

The others were not too busy, and Li Shimin was not fussing, so he directly asked Wan Kuan when he came up.

"Supervisor Wan, your armor can be made"

"Report to Your Majesty, the armor has been completed, Your Majesty can test it."

"Oh! In that case, bring it up quickly."

Seeing Wan Kuan's confident expression, Li Shimin also had a look of surprise on his face.

But at this time, Wan Kuan was holding the box in his hand but did not move.

"Your Majesty, how do you display the armor in this Taiji Hall? Whether the armor is good or bad, people have to wear it to resist swords, and swords and soldiers are not allowed to be used in this Taiji Hall, so it is impossible to test the quality of the armor here.

"Li Shimin's face was stunned: "That's according to Wan Aiqing's meaning, what are you going to do?"

"Your Majesty, I also invite all the ministers to move to the square outside the Taiji Palace. Wei Chen will naturally show everyone the armor made of yellow paper."

After Li Shimin listened, he looked at the expressions of all the ministers, and everyone was a little surprised for a while.

Everyone thought that Wan Kuan was doomed to be impossible, so they waited for Wan Kuan to plead guilty.

That being the case, everyone wanted to see how he was going to act.

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