On the other hand, Wan Kuan had a confident expression on his face, holding the box in his hand calmly. Li Shimin knew that his son was not a fool. Since he dared to be so confident, it showed that he had the corresponding confidence.

"That being the case, all the ministers will come with me to the square outside the hall, and let's take a look at the masterpiece of Wan Dajian together."

Li Shimin gave an order, and everyone walked out of the hall.

At this time, Wan Kuan held his small box again, and whispered a few words to Qian Niuwei at the entrance of the hall.

Qianniuwei looked at Li Shimin again, Li Shimin nodded in agreement, and then Qianniuwei ran away like a fly.

Everyone was standing outside the hall at this time, facing the rising sun, looking at Wan Kuan with burning eyes.

And Wan Kuan finally opened his small box at this time, everyone squeezed forward two steps in unison, and looked up, the box was full of off-white color.

It looks white, but the inside is slightly yellowish, which is very similar to the color of paper that I usually see. Could it really be made of paper? At this time, Wan Kuan put the box on the ground, and then carefully placed the set of Wu Shun'er inside. The sewn armor was taken out.

At this time, everyone looked at it closely, only to see the whole picture of this armor.

This armor is the same size as the chainmail used by the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, and the chainmail is divided into two parts.

The upper body covers the chest, abdomen, and the entire upper arm, only the forearm is exposed.

The lower body is like a skirt, below the knee, only the calf is exposed.

This kind of chainmail is to stop the cold arrows on the battlefield. The chainmail covers all the vital parts of the body, only the head, forearms and calves are exposed.

There will naturally be a helmet on the head.

The forearm has to play with weapons, and the calf has to step on the stirrup, so to ensure flexibility and not cover the armor.

And the forearm and calf are not the vital parts, even if they are stabbed by a sword, it doesn't matter.

Moreover, the forearm and calf will be tied with steel or leather armor, so general armor will not cover it.

At this time, Li Jing took a deep breath after seeing it, and the shape was similar to the chain mail and the mountain-shaped armor, but the chain armor was made of iron rings: the mountain-shaped armor was made of triangular iron pieces.

It's just that the white armor in front of me uses small white pieces like big fish scales.

This small piece looks like a thick piece of paper, is it really made of yellow paper? At this time, Li Shimin walked to the front and gently stroked the set of paper armor with his hand.

Li Shimin looked like a torch, and found that the silk threads between the pieces of paper armor were extremely tough hemp ropes, exactly the same as the silk threads of the armor on the battlefield.

As for the white piece of paper in the middle, Li Shimin gently squeezed it twice with his hand, and it didn't have that kind of...soft feeling, but felt extremely hard.

Li Shimin took over the armor from Wan Kuan at this time, and Li Shimin immediately received it.

He exclaimed, "Why is it so light?"

Li Shimin shouted, Li Jing couldn't bear it any longer, he immediately.

Walking to Li Shimin's side, he also weighed it with his hands, and his face also changed color.

"Your Majesty, this set of armor is less than ten pounds."

Li Jing's words can be regarded as poking a hornet's nest, Qin Qiong, Yu Chigong and the others...all the generals surrounded him.

You touch it, I touch it, and everyone's face changes color.

At this time, Li Shimin shouted: "Don't panic, ministers, this armor has not been tested yet.

Wan Kuan, come forward!"

Wan Kuan immediately heard Li Shimin's greeting.

Come over: "What is your majesty's order?"

"Wan Kuan, how do you plan to inspect this armor?"

Wan Kuan smiled slightly at this time: "Your Majesty, this set of armor is to replace the chain mail and the mountain-shaped armor, and the chain-shaped armor and the mountain-shaped armor protect against swords and bows and arrows."

"If that's the case, then let the archers in the palace shoot arrows at this armor from twenty steps away to see if they can penetrate.

In this way, it can be verified whether the armor meets the military requirements.”

Li Shimin looked a little hesitant after hearing this, while Qin Qiong, who was next to him, said directly: "Master Wan, twenty paces is too close, and the cold arrows on the battlefield are all thirty paces away."

"Many cold arrows are fifty paces away.

You are only twenty steps apart, even with some chain mail, bows and arrows within twenty steps can’t be blocked.”

"Don't worry, General Qin, since this officer dares to use twenty steps, then we can guarantee that this armor can resist."

At this moment, Li Jing gently pressed Wan Kuan's hand: "Master Wan, it's better to use fifty steps. The chainmail of this weapon monitor uses a fifty-step bow and arrow every time he inspects the old man."

Wan Kuan glanced at Li Jing and knew that he was feeling sorry for himself and didn't want to put too much pressure on himself.

But today is... a good time for Wan Kuan to become famous, how could Wan Kuan let Li Jing interfere with his own good affairs "Your Majesty, my colleagues, I Wan Kuan are very confident in this armor, there is absolutely no problem with [-] steps, and it can Use four crossbows."

Wan Kuan insisted.

"What four crossbow"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"That's right, most of the warriors on this battlefield only use three crossbows. Those who can pull four crossbows are the warriors among the warriors. There is no such strict requirement for the armor among the weapons."

Chapter 139

For a while, not only... those... military generals, but even some civil servants who knew the inside story began to talk nonstop.

Everyone thinks that this Wankuan is just... crazy. The quality of this paper armor has not been verified, so he dares to be stricter than those chain armors.

Everyone wondered if Wan Kuan had eaten some wrong herb in Qinling, and started to talk nonsense. At this time, Li Shimin said calmly, "Master Wan, don't be grandstanding."

Li Shimin originally saw that Wan Kuan was so confident, but he didn't care too much in his heart.

But this kind of requirement put forward by Wan Kuan cannot be met even by ordinary chain mail. How can this light and fluffy paper armor resist it? Li Shimin squeezed this armor with his hands just now, and the scales on it are really hard. The fingernails couldn't move, which made Li Shimin feel a little relieved.

However, the twenty steps and four crossbows proposed by Wan Kuan, Li Shimin felt that it was impossible.

At this time, Wan Kuan directly clasped his fists and said: "Your Majesty, the minister is the general who will serve as a prisoner, and he is the minister who knows the skills of generals best in the entire Tang Dynasty.

There is precedence in hearing the Tao, and there are specialties in the arts.”

"Since Wei Chen dares to make this guarantee, he has full confidence, and I hope Your Majesty will allow it."

Li Shimin was shocked when he heard Wan Kuan's words, the Wan Kuan in front of him looked too much like when he was young.

When Li Shimin was about to send troops to capture Chang'an, he was so confident in his Majesty's order in front of the Emperor Taishang.

The Supreme Emperor clearly demanded that Chang'an be captured within five days, but Li Shimin insisted that he only needed three days.

Moreover, they attacked Wang Shichong and Dou Jiande next, and the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan asked Li Shimin to bring more soldiers, but Li Shimin knew that the founding of the Tang Dynasty was difficult and there were many bandits in the Jianghuai area, so Li Shimin only brought [-] soldiers.

The Wan Kuan in front of him was like himself more than ten years ago, and Li Shimin was in a trance for a while.

At this time, the eldest grandson Wuji suddenly stood up and said: "Okay, there is a good art that specializes in it.

Supervisor Wan is very talented and very confident, Your Majesty also asks you to grant Supervisor Wan's request."

"Today, I will let you all successfully open your eyes and see what this Tang Dynasty's highest skill looks like."

At this time, Li Shimin had a gloomy face and asked in a deep voice, "Wan Kuan, how sure are you?"

"Your Majesty, this minister is [-]% sure."

"Okay, since that's the case, I will allow your request.

Come on, go to the grass."

Li Shimin shouted, and had the scarecrow be brought up and put on the scarecrow's armor. After putting on the armor, the inspection began.

At this time, Wan Kuan stopped Li Shimin: "Your Majesty, you can't use scarecrows."

Li Shimin was stunned again, what kind of moth did this Wanzai do, why can't he do it again and again? "Your Majesty, this scarecrow can't cry out in pain.

The bow and arrow are shot, blocking the bow and arrow from the armor, but if the armor cannot offset the impact, the person who shoots the arrow will still feel pain.

"What the hell are you doing, kid?"

Li Shimin became impatient again at this time.

"Your Majesty, I request this bow and arrow to be inspected with real armor."

"The real person is Wan Kuan crazy"

"With a real person, if his armor is not good, isn't this person killed by an arrow?"

For a while, everyone started talking again, but at this time, Li Shimin didn't think much, just nodded.

"Okay, everything is up to you. You can check how you want today."

Wan Kuan clenched his fists: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

After Wan Kuan finished speaking, he turned around and saw Cheng Yaojin hiding behind Qin Qiong, and said loudly, "General Cheng, please come out and put on this armor."

After listening to Wan Kuan's words, everyone was stunned, and Cheng Yaojin was even more confused.

I didn't move or speak just now, why did Wan Kuan find him? Cheng Yaojin felt uneasy in his heart.

At this time, Qin Qiong said: "Master Wan, just find any soldier, why do you have to use General Cheng?"

Wan Kuan laughed at this moment: "General Cheng claims to be the king right away, and Ma Leng is unparalleled, so naturally he must guard against cold arrows on the battlefield, so this armor is specially made for General Cheng, and a warrior like General Cheng will wear it for verification. It couldn't be more appropriate."

When Cheng Yaojin heard it, he seemed to have suffered from bitter gall: "Master Wan, if your armor is not good, won't my old Cheng die here?"

"General Cheng, are you still doubting the ability of this official? Just now, His Majesty has allowed this official to make the inspection today. General Cheng must not refuse."

At this moment, Cheng Bianjin's face was directly forced into the color of pig liver. He pointed directly at Wan Kuan and said, "Well, you are a Wan family boy, you must want to avenge your personal revenge."

"Didn't my old Cheng just rob you of something? Why are you so careful?"

Wan Kuan almost laughed out loud when he heard it, and he didn't know who was so careful that he didn't get you a suit of armor at the time, so you ran to my door so arrogantly.

Although Wan Kuan usually has an easy-going temper, but Cheng Yaojin did this, but Wan Kuan became angry.

My dignified third-rank officer was actually blocked by someone, even though it was the back door, but it didn't sound good to say it out.

Moreover, Cheng Yaojin dared to press into his own kitchen to loot and robbery, which is outrageous.

If Wan Kuan doesn't punish this Cheng Yaojin, everyone will rush into their own house to snatch things, which is amazing! "General Cheng, don't worry, this official's suit of armor is absolutely impossible to miss.

And as long as General Cheng agrees to this official's request, this official will send a set of gluttonous armor tonight."

As soon as he heard the gluttonous armor, Cheng Yaojin's mind began to move again.

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