He was very hesitant at this time, on the one hand he wanted the gluttonous armor, on the other hand he didn't want to take risks.

He leaned against Qin Qiong in a low voice and asked, "Brother Qin, do you think Wan Kuan's paper armor can withstand bows and arrows?"

Qin Qiong looked hesitant: "Bite Jin, when we have been fighting for so many years, when have we heard of armor made of paper?"

When Cheng Yaojin heard it, he was a little discouraged.

At this time, Wan Kuan directly pulled Cheng Yaojin's wrist and pulled him out.

"Comrades, General Cheng is willing to be the one who will test the armor. Such warriors are really lucky for the Tang Dynasty."

As soon as Wan Kuan pushed Cheng Yaojin out, everyone looked at Cheng Yaojin stupidly.

Unexpectedly, this big fool Cheng really agreed. This is a life-threatening job! Cheng Yaojin is really a big fool! Wan Kuan secretly smiled, the young master is... intentionally, to make you so awkward!

Chapter 140

Cheng Yaojin was pushed in front of Li Shimin and was very anxious for a while.

He wanted to break free from Wan Kuan's big hand, but he didn't expect that the Wan family boy was so strong that he didn't break free for a while.

Then Li Shimin looked at the farce between Wan Kuan and Cheng Yaojin, and couldn't help shaking his head, sighing, and sighing, this kid really holds revenge, but he was blocked, he really should take revenge, but he just ruined Cheng Yaojin's life. Yes, it's really too much.

At this moment, Li Shimin leaned on Wan Kuan's ear and whispered, "This Cheng Yaojin is my general. You can't hurt his life if you go back to playing."

Wan Kuan chuckled: "Your Majesty, this minister is measured."

Li Shimin nodded, then patted Cheng Yaojin on the shoulder and said, "If that's the case, then General Cheng should try it out."

Cheng Yaojinqi was really difficult to ride a tiger at this time, and Wan Kuan directly put a paper armor on Cheng Yaojin.

At this time, Qianniuwei has already found an archer. This archer has thick arms and a bulging chest. At first glance, he looks like a fierce warrior.

Moreover, the iron bow on his back is so big and long that everyone can see it is a four-stone bow.

The warrior clasped his fists at Li Shimin and said, "Your Majesty, the last general is the general of the Qianniu Wei Zhonglang.

The bow and arrow behind the last general is a four-stone bow, piercing through Yang at a hundred paces, no problem.

Among the entire Qianniu Guards, the last general's bow and arrow are the most powerful."

"A hundred paces away, it can shoot through leather armor.

Fifty paces away, you can shoot through a wooden man."

When Li Shimin heard this, he said, "Okay, this is a fighter, I will give you this task today.

You shoot arrows at General Cheng with your utmost strength from twenty paces away, and aim at General Cheng's chest."

When the warrior heard this, his face was startled.

At this time, Cheng Bianjin's face turned green, and the whole person was suffering.

"Your Majesty, this warrior doesn't seem to have enough precision..., should I pick a bow and arrow with a smaller bow and a better precision? If he hits my Lao Cheng in the face, it won't be good."

When the Qianniu Weizhong Lang heard this, he was a little unhappy: "General Cheng, the last general Baibu Chuanyang is famous for his name.

General Cheng can ask about it in the Sixteen Guards, but I, Chen Baida, are not…

At this moment, Wan Kuan chuckled: "Your Majesty, just use this... Zhonglang general, and only this kind of warrior can test the power of my paper armor."

Li Shimin nodded, while Cheng Yaojin, who was beside him, was about to faint.

At this time, Cheng Yaojin could not wait to slap himself in the mouth, why was he so arrogant in the first place, why did he want to block Wankuan's door, but now he is getting revenge by Wankuan.

How could he have never heard of Chen Baida's name, the famous archer in the Sixteenth Guards, who was not vain, and was so powerful that he could shoot through steel armor at a distance of twenty paces.

How can the light paper armor on my body be finished? It's finished, this time my life will be explained here.

A suit of armor lost his life, and he was the first person in history.

Cheng Yaojin's face was pale at this time, and he couldn't lift his spirits.

Wan Kuan directly helped Cheng Yaojin to the front of the stake and asked him to stand up against the stake.

"General Cheng, you have to rely on prison.

Otherwise, the arrow will come and knock you down."

Cheng Yaojin looked at Wan Kuan angrily at this time: "Wan's boy, it's just a temporary... dispute, do you need to get down and kill?"

"Don't worry, General Cheng, I will send the armor to you tonight.

As for whether to send it to your hands, or to send it to your spiritual position, then General Cheng doesn't need to worry about it."

Cheng Yaojin was so angry that Wan Kuan had already run back.

At this time, Chen Baida had already bent his bow and arrow, aiming at Cheng Yaojin's chest, and Cheng Yaojin was trembling all over.

"Bite the gold, don't be afraid, take out a bit of the aura of a general."

Then Qin Qiong shouted at Cheng Yaojin.

The corner of Cheng Yaojin's mouth twitched upwards twice, with the imposing aura that he was about to die, but at this moment, Chen Baida shouted and was about to shoot an arrow.

Cheng Yaojin had already closed his eyes, but Wan Kuan suddenly shouted, "Hold on!"

That Chen Baida put down the bow and arrow and looked at Wan Kuan suspiciously.

Cheng Yajin's feet softened and he almost collapsed to the ground.

"Supervisor Wan, what else is there?"

Wan Kuan walked up to Chen Baida and asked, "Are you twenty steps?"

"Don't worry, the last general has already measured it just now, it's just twenty steps away."

At this time, Wan Kuan looked at Chen Baida: "You are tall, and twenty steps must be bigger than ordinary people.

If you take two steps forward, this is the twenty steps of an ordinary person."

When Chen Baida heard this, he nodded: "Jian Wan is so careful, Mo Jiang admires, admires."

At this time, Cheng Yaojin was about to vomit blood, and it seemed that he really had no hope of surviving this time.

Two more steps, and his life is gone.

At this time, Wan Kuan retreated again, and Chen Baida bent his bow and shot an arrow at Cheng Yaojin again.

Cheng Yaojin closed his eyes again.

"Wait a minute!"

Wan Kuan said a word, and Cheng Yaojin slumped directly on the ground.

This also makes it impossible for people to die well, even if they want to die.

Then Chen Baida was a little strange: "Master Wan, what's the matter?"

At this time, Wan Kuan took out a cloth strip from his cuff: "It's okay, it's mainly because I can't see blood, and I'll faint when I see blood, so I'll cover my eyes first."

Wan Kuan covered his eyes, Cheng Yaojin's eyes were straight at this time, and he barely stood up with a wooden stake in his hand.

At this time, his mind was blank, and his only thought was to let himself die happily.

At this moment, Chen Baida raised his bow and arrow again, he took a long breath, and focused his attention on Cheng Yaojin's chest.

At this time, Cheng Yaojin closed his eyes again, and he thought silently in his heart: Wan Kuan, don't make trouble this time, even if you die, give yourself a good time.

Chen Baida glanced at Wan Kuan, as if he didn't mean to stop.

At this moment, Chen Baida paused for breathing, and the whole person was as motionless as a sculpture.

Then suddenly, his eyes lit up, his fingers loosened, and the black feather arrow carried on the bow and arrow shot directly at Cheng Yaojin's chest like a shooting star.

Everyone didn't react yet, only to hear a snap, the arrow hit the paper armor on Cheng Yaojin's chest.


Cheng Yaojin shouted, and some timid civil officials turned their heads directly, not daring to see the bloody scene.

That Changsun Wuji also had some white lips, this offending Wan Kuan is too bad, he has to be careful in the future, this Wan Kuan is really very revengeful.

At this time, Li Shimin was staring at Cheng Yaojin, the bow and arrow hit Cheng Yaojin's chest, and the entire armor shook like a wave.

Then the bow and arrow fell to the ground with a snap.

Chapter 141

At this moment, Li Shimin's eyeballs were about to fall to the ground, but the arrow did not shoot through the paper armor.

Originally, Li Shimin felt that even if the paper armor was hard, it would only be able to withstand the sharpness of the arrow a little.

But he didn't expect that the paper armor completely blocked the arrow.

And Chen Baida looked at his strong bow and his hands, with a look of disbelief.

"It's okay to bite gold, you are okay to bite gold!"

Qin Qiong ran to Cheng Yaojin's side and shook him vigorously.

Cheng Yaojin's eyes were dull at this time, he opened his eyes and looked at Qin Qiong.

"Brother Qin, are we two meeting in the underworld?"

Qin Qiong was so angry after hearing this that she slapped Cheng Yaojin in the face.

"Yi Jin, you're all right, just stay awake."

At that time, Cheng Yaojin was slapped by Qin Qiong and half of his face was swollen, and a five-finger fingerprint clearly appeared on Cheng Yaojin's face.

He touched his chest and looked at the ministers around him. At this moment, Cheng Yaojin suddenly burst into tears and burst into tears.

"Brother Qin, I'm not dead, I'm not dead!"

A huge man, crying like a little baby at this time.

"You're not dead, it's fine, the armor of the great prisoner is extremely hard."

Qin Qiong shouted.

At this moment, everyone stared blankly at Cheng Yaojin, who was completely intact.

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