Moreover, this letter is very strange in the first place. The emperor actually communicated with someone from an aristocratic family alone, which is a bit confusing.

The relationship between the imperial court and the aristocratic family is very strange, and it is elusive.

Sometimes the imperial court and the aristocratic family have to unite to fight against some civil rebellion, or some foreign invasion.

But many times the imperial court and the aristocratic family are on the opposite side. The aristocratic family is very powerful in the local area, and the officials and yamen of the imperial court are almost all puppets and decorations.

As the saying goes, under the whole world, don't be dissatisfied with this kind of phenomenon, the emperor of the court must be dissatisfied, so what the hell is Li Shimin talking about with this Cui family, Wan Kuan is so curious that Wan Kuan is holding the envelope at this moment.

Do you want to open the seal inside and take a look? If it's not all right, you can find out some secrets.

However, Wan Kuan thought about it again. At most, the letter contained some government affairs of the imperial court, and it had nothing to do with him.

Just when Wan Kuan hesitated, the eunuch's sharp voice suddenly came from outside: "See Your Majesty."

Wan Kuan immediately heard this.

Put the envelope back in its original place, and arrange the upper and lower memorials without any deviation.

As soon as it was finished, there were footsteps outside, and it seemed that Li Shimin was coming.

Wan Kuan felt a little proud at this moment, fortunately, he was quick-witted, otherwise he would have been caught by Li Shimin.

For a letter that had nothing to do with me, I was taught by Li Shimin: "It's really worth the loss."

At this time, Wan Kuan didn't know that the letter had a lot to do with him, and it was related to his life.

And when Li Shimin stepped into the Liangyi Hall, he saw Wan Kuan who was sitting on the stool honestly at a glance.

Li Shimin is a little strange, when did Wan Kuan become so honest, like a well-behaved baby.

Li Shimin was a little strange in his heart, but he didn't think deeply.

He sat directly on the dragon chair, waved his hand, and the eunuch outside the door directly closed the door of the Liangyi Hall.

At this time, Wan Kuan was a little guilty in his heart, what happened to Li Shimin? Is there anything he can't say in public? He also let people close the door. Could it be that Li Shimin wanted to reward himself with something amazing, and when Wan Kuan was muttering in his heart, then Li Shimin suddenly took out something from his sleeve.

Wan Kuan took a closer look, and it turned out to be a dagger.

This dagger looks familiar, it should be from a general.

However, Wan Kuan doesn't know which one it is.

Because he gave away daggers like this all over the street, Li Jing, Qin Qiong, Yu Chigong all had them, and Wan Kuan didn't even know who Li Shimin got this... from whom.

Could it be that Li Shimin was a little jealous and blamed himself for giving such a good dagger to someone else, but he didn't give it to him, so he came to ask for his guilt. At this moment, Li Shimin threw the dagger on the table with a snap.

"Wan Kuan, this dagger is familiar to you"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, this dagger was made by us as a supervisor. Of course, Wei Chen is familiar with it."

"You dare to admit it."

Li Shimin smiled coldly, then picked up the dagger and pulled it out.

At this time, the light in the Hall of Two Rites was very dim, and Li Shimin sneered at Wan Kuan with a dagger, and Wan Kuan was in a cold sweat for a while.

"Your Majesty, do you want to execute Wei Chen?"

Li Shimin smiled disdainfully: "If I want to execute this kid like you, I will let the Qianniu guard outside do it, and I don't need to do it myself."

As Li Shimin spoke, the dagger in his hand turned.

Wan Kuan looked a little suspicious and asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty, is it because you can't think of it yourself and want to..."

"Fuck your shit."

Li Shimin slapped the dagger directly on the table: "I have nothing to think about, now that the Tang Dynasty is prosperous and the weather is good.

What nonsense are you talking about, kid?"

Li Shimin's face to Wan Kuan was...a meal: a reprimand, and Wan Kuan smiled embarrassingly at this time: "Your Majesty, if that's the case, what are you doing with the dagger?"

"You kid can really pretend to be confused. You obviously gave this dagger to King Wei yourself, don't you forget?"

"King Wei, you mean that kid Li Tai."

Wan Kuan blurted out, then immediately covered his mouth and changed his mouth with a smile: "No, this is indeed a gift from Wei Chen to King Wei."

Chapter 148

In the Hall of Two Rites, Wan Kuan was calm and composed, without a trace of guilt or timidity.

Li Shimin rolled his eyes at Wan Kuan, but did not pursue his guilt.

After all, there is nothing wrong with Wan Kuan calling Li Tai boy. Wan Kuan is Li Tai's brother, so calling him a boy is not rude.

"Boy, you say you're fine, why do you want to give King Wei a dagger?"

"Your Majesty, you are wrong to blame the minister. The minister not only gave it to me King Wei, General Li, General Yuchi, but also General Qin and Wei Chen.

That would be too much steel, and scraps would be more than enough to make a few daggers."

When Li Shimin heard this, he snorted coldly: "It doesn't matter if you give it to Li Jing or to Yuchi Gong, but why do you just give it to King Wei?"

"Your Majesty, what's the difference?"

"Of course there is a difference. King Wei is the prince in the palace. He lives in the palace. Do you think it's appropriate for you to give him a dagger and let him bring a sharp weapon into the palace?"

After listening to Wan Kuan, he sighed: "Your Majesty, which of the guards in this palace does not carry a large sword or a long sword, they can all walk in the palace with weapons, why can't this minister give King Wei a dagger? The dagger is only an inch long, and it's far from the...swords."

When Li Shimin heard this, he got angry and taught him a lesson himself. This kid dared to talk back! "Wan Kuan, don't mess around. The guards in this palace are all loyal and protect the royal family and me. It is reasonable for them to bring swords."

Wan Kuan raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Your Majesty, the guards in the palace are loyal. Could it be that King Wei is not loyal to His Majesty? Does His Majesty still suspect that King Wei has something wrong?"

With a snap, Li Shimin slapped the table with a slap, so angry that he was so angry.

This Wan Kuanzui is too powerful, no matter how he teaches him, he can stop him.

Li Shimin stood up directly at this time, then walked to Wan Kuan's side, and kicked the stool under Wan Kuan's ass with one kick.

Wan Kuan was already prepared, and when he saw Li Shimin running towards him, he knew that Li Shimin was going to do it.

Fortunately, Li Shimin didn't greet him, he just kicked down the stool under his butt.

Originally, Wan Kuan had been paying attention, but Li Shimin kicked the stool down: Wan Kuan took advantage of the situation and stood up.

Li Shimin looked at Wan Kuan's smiling face, waved his hands in annoyance, and then sat back on the dragon chair.

He looked again, Wan Kuan found another stool and sat down, he really didn't consider himself an outsider.

Li Shimin took a few breaths at this time, calmed his mind, and then said in a deep voice: "Wan Kuan, did you know that the few days you went to Qinling, King Wei took this dagger and started a conflict with the prince in the palace?"

Wan Kuan was a little puzzled when he heard this, because he didn't think about it.

When Li Tai saw Li Chengqian, he was so frightened that he didn't dare to breathe loudly. How could he have used a dagger to fight with Li Chengqian? Besides, Li Chengqian was the guard by the prince's side, so he wouldn't let Li Tai hurt Li Chengqian.

Wan Kuan had just returned from Qinling, and he really didn't know anything. At this moment, the puzzled expression on his face fell into Li Shimin's eyes.

Li Shimin's heart moved, could it be that this Wan Kuan didn't know that if this was the case, then he gave the dagger to the King of Wei just because he wanted it, not intentionally.

"Wan Kuan, do you still think it's okay to give King Wei a dagger?"

After listening to Li Shimin's question, Wan Kuan also laughed: "Your Majesty, a man killed a man with a knife. When the Criminal Department decides the case, should the criminal department behead the man or destroy the knife?"

When Li Shimin heard this, he immediately said: "Nonsense! A knife can't cut people by itself. Of course, people use a knife to kill people. The Ministry of Punishment will naturally cut off the head."

"Your Majesty said yes, since that's the case, then Wei Chen gave King Wei a dagger, and he didn't think of so many things later.

It is not because of this dagger that the King of Wei had a conflict with the Crown Prince, so the Emperor should not blame Wei Chen."

"You're a kid.... eloquent, isn't it wrong for you to send the dagger?"

"Your Majesty, you really wronged Wei Chen.

According to His Majesty's opinion, the blacksmiths who make kitchen knives on the street should all be caught in prison, and there are not a few people who use kitchen knives to hurt people in Chang'an City every year."

"Speak eloquently, speak eloquently, you brat..."

Li Shimin was so angry that he almost stood up again. He felt that his brain was buzzing as soon as he talked to Wan Kuan.

He can't get angry anymore, if he gets angry again, he might vomit blood and die.

"Stand up for me, boy!"

When Wan Kuan heard this, he stood up obediently.

What can you do when you stand up, if you don't sit, you don't sit.

Anyway... Wan Kuan will be prosperous and strong, and will not be tired.

"Wan Kuan, do you know that you almost hurt the prince by giving this dagger"

Wan Kuan put away his smile at this time, and said solemnly: "Your Majesty, this is wrong, and the debt has its owner.

The cause of the incident was not the dagger, and if the prince was injured, it would not be because of the dagger."

"As you mean, for what?"

"Your Majesty, the crux of the matter is why there is a conflict between King Wei and the Crown Prince. As long as this conflict persists, even if there is no dagger from Wei Chen, King Wei will use other things to hurt the Crown Prince."

Wan Kuan gave an example: "If you lift a stone and smash it, or if you beat the prince and push it into the well, the prince will be injured as well.

Therefore, Your Majesty should resolve the conflict between the two, instead of throwing away all the dangerous weapons in this palace."

When Li Shimin heard this, the whole person became quiet.

What Wan Kuan said was right, the root cause of the matter was not the dagger or anything else, but the rift between his prince and the King of Wei.

The two brothers, the disaster caused Xiao Qiang, was originally a family event.

And now it's like this, Li Shimin really has no reason to blame Wan Kuan.

After all, Wan Kuan definitely didn't do it on purpose, because he gave many people this kind of dagger, and even some of the civil servants had received Wan Kuan's dagger, not to mention the King Wei who often went to Wan Kuan to talk about the world.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin couldn't help but sigh.

It is indeed difficult to balance between his own sons. Li Chengqian is the prince and originally had a distinguished status.

And Li Tai is smart and cute since he was a child, and Li Shimin is quite fond of him.

The palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, so what can I do? Li Shimin waved his hands dejectedly at this time: "That's it, I sent Qing Que'er to the Ronghua Hall in the west.

Let him stay away from Chengqian, to save the two of them from making trouble again."

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