Chapter 149

In the Liangyi Hall, the atmosphere was gloomy, and Li Shimin was very upset about his two sons.

Seeing Li Shimin's annoyed look, Wan Kuan couldn't help but say, "Your Majesty, this is a bad move."

When Li Shimin heard this, his eyes widened: "Boy, what nonsense are you talking about, how dare you slander me?"

"Your Majesty, it's not a slander by a small minister.

The Great Yu thousands of years ago knew that it was better to guide him than to guide him, it is normal for these brothers to have conflicts, and the common people's families still have to fight for the family property, not to mention the family of the emperor."

Wan Kuan said sternly: "If Your Majesty just blindly separates the two, the source of this contradiction has not been resolved, and as time goes by, it will surely lead to a catastrophe."

"Then how do you solve it?"

"Your Majesty, you have to ask yourself this."

Li Shimin raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty, this King Wei and the Crown Prince are brothers. What is the reason for the disagreement? It is up to Your Majesty to investigate carefully."

Li Shimin felt annoyed when he heard Wan Kuan say this, he waved his hand and said loudly: "Forget it, forget it, let's not mention this matter, let's talk about the reward for you."

When Wan Kuan heard this, his face was filled with joy, and he finally got to the point. After waiting for a long time, he finally arrived.

"Wan Kuan, what reward do you want this time?"

Just as Wan Kuan was about to open his mouth, Li Shimin suddenly said, "Don't mention your... marriage request, I already knew about it.

What else is there to ask for besides . . . getting a wife."

Wan Kuan smiled and said, "Your Majesty really understands Wei Chen, this person has no big wishes, he just wants to get promoted and get rich.

If Your Majesty gives Wei Chen a marquis, the Duke's, Wei Chen will certainly be grateful."

Li Shimin smiled when he heard it: "You brat is too open to speak, and you will be named a marquis as soon as you come up. Do you know that my title in the Tang Dynasty is very precious?"

"Your Majesty, the title of the Tang Dynasty is not expensive, everyone knows it well, and there is no need to scare the ministers."

Li Shimin held his forehead and sighed in his heart. Every time he talked to Wan Kuan, Li Shimin felt that he was either an emperor or... a father in a small farmhouse, and Wan Kuan was... a rude son.

Apart from Wan Kuan, there are some things that no one in the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty dared to say to him.

Even the prince and the queen had to consider it carefully, but this Wan Kuan was quite bold in front of him, could this be the kinship between father and son? Then Wan Kuan watched Li Shimin remain silent, and couldn't help but feel anxious: "Your Majesty, Wei Wei. This request of the minister is absolutely not excessive, and with the credit made by the minister, even if it is a prince of the country, it is justifiable."

"There are a lot of people in the country, all of whom are servants of the Supreme Emperor. These people can be the princes of the country, why can't the ministers?"

Li Shimin pouted after listening to this, this kid is really taking an inch.

Wan Kuan himself is my son, and the prince has humiliated his identity.

But now it's not revealed, so this matter has to be carefully considered.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin nodded and said, "Since this is the case, then I will think about it carefully, and you should go down first."

Wan Kuan was about to leave after hearing this, and suddenly turned around and looked up and said, "Your Majesty, please take care of your Majesty about the marriage of Wei Chen."

"This Wei Chen is also getting old, and if he doesn't get married, this Wei Chen will be scratching his head.

Wei Chen's heart is restless, and he won't be able to contribute to the Tang Dynasty in the future."

When Li Shimin heard this, his eyes widened.

What does this kid mean? Are you persecuting me? If you don't give him a marriage, he won't contribute to the Tang Dynasty. This is simply a blatant threat.

As soon as Li Shimin patted the table, he was about to get off the dragon chair.

Wan Kuan saw that Li Shimin was really angry this time, so he quickly left the Liangyi Hall without saying hello, and trotted all the way to the outside of the palace gate.

And Li Shimin chased to the door, his face flushed with anger.

"Boy, if you run fast, next time I catch you, I'll kick your ass."

It's a pity that Wan Kuan had already run away at this time, and Li Shimin didn't hear too clearly what he said.

But the guards in the palace...the patrolling, and the maids walking around, but they heard it.

What happened to Wan Kuan? How could the emperor be so angry with the emperor and the emperor was so angry, then Wan Kuan didn't even know how to apologize, and ran away in a trot, he was really bold.

At this time, Wan Kuan ran all the way out of the palace, rode on his tall horse, and went straight to his mansion.

Anyway...for...Li Shimin, Wan Kuan knows too much.

Don't look at Li Shimin's clamoring so much now, but Wan Kuan, who has been added to the ranks, will definitely not be able to escape.

Li Shimin is one of the few emperors in history with clear rewards and punishments, anyway... Wan Kuan has made great contributions this time, and Li Shimin will definitely not treat himself badly.

Moreover, Li Shimin had already promised his marriage, and there would be no other changes. Wan Kuan was in a particularly comfortable mood at this time.

But Wan Kuan didn't know that the letter he almost opened just now was his real marriage.

After Wan Kuan returned home, the little Lai Zi had already packed up all his things.

The old butler came and said, "Young master, the person who will be serving as a prisoner will be given a pair of armor, saying that the young master asked for it by name."

When Wan Kuan heard this, his eyes rolled: "Send that pair of armor to my study."

The old housekeeper bowed his head and said yes, and at this time Wan Kuan said to Xiao Laizi, "Have you brought the kind of treasure we found in Qinling?"

"Master, Xiao Laizi has been hiding this kind of thing."

"Very good, I will also send it to the young master's study."

At this time, Xiao Laizi's eyes were turning faster than Wan Kuan: "Young master's stuff is very powerful. Who is the young master planning to use him against?"

"Why do you ask so many questions, you kid, just give it away."

After hearing this, Xiao Laizi smiled: "Master, you can guess if you don't talk about the little one. Isn't it just to deal with that... Lu Guogong is going to bite gold?"

Wan Kuan raised his eyebrows: "My young master has already punished that... Cheng Yaojin in the palace today."

"Young master, you have a small temper: don't you know? If anyone offends you, it will be bad luck for eight lifetimes.

That Cheng Yaojin was so arrogant that he dared to block our door, the young master will definitely teach him a lesson this time."

Wan Kuan looked at Xiao Laizi's self-consciousness and asked, "What kind of lesson do you want, I want to kill him?"

"Master, you see that you are joking again, aren't you?

That Cheng Yaojin is the prince of the dynasty and his Majesty's favorite general, how can he let him suffer a little with his life, and don't bother us anymore."

Chapter 150

Xiao Laizi's words made Wan Kuan smile with disdain after hearing it.

"Little Laizi, your heart is still too soft, just don't let him bully us, it's a good thing if we don't bully him.

In the future, the young master has to make Cheng Yaojin bow and bow when he sees me."

"Young master, don't talk big, that Cheng Yaojin's title is higher than that of the young master, and his official position is also higher than that of the young master. How can you make him bow and bow? You are not the emperor."

"Young master is not the emperor, you can do it, hurry up and send that thing to my room."

After speaking, Wan Kuan went directly into the study.

At this time, in the mansion of Lu Guogong, Cheng Yaojin had a bad look on his face, he was sitting in the study and eating big steamed buns.

Anyway...he had no face to go to the dining room, and he would have to suffer from his wife's scorn when he went there.

Moreover, she slept in the study room for ten days, and the lady didn't let herself go back.

You don't have to laugh at all the servants you meet along the way, so Cheng Yaojin just asks the old servant to bring the meal to the study, and he can barely eat a few mouthfuls.

It was noon at this time, Cheng Yaojin had eaten and planned to take a nap, to relieve his worries.

At this moment, the old servant outside came running in.

"Master, a guest has brought something."

Cheng Yaojin was stunned for a moment: "Whoever gives something to our family, just leave it to the lady."

"Master, the person who delivered the things will name the things and deliver them to you in person."

"Which one sent it"

"Master, it seems that the chief supervisor Wan Kuan Wan was sent here."

When Cheng Yaojin heard it, he almost fell off the stool, and the old servant quickly helped him.

"Master, what's the matter with you"

As soon as Cheng Yaojin heard the words "Wan Kuan", his calf started to twist.

As soon as he thought of Wan Kuan, Cheng Yaojin thought of the incident of being used as a target to shoot arrows outside the Taiji Temple this morning.

Cheng Yaojin swallowed: "What did he send, quickly blast them out."

"Master, this is not good.

Wan Kuan is also a minister of the DPRK and the middle, and it is also a kind of good intention to come to give things, it is not in line with etiquette for us to blast people out."

Cheng Yaojin was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Then let them go and give you the things, and you can just say that you will deliver it to me yourself."

The old servant nodded and ran out.

Cheng Yaojin gasped heavily at this time, took up the cold water on the table and drank it, and then wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

The word Wankuan is so scary, Cheng Yaojin felt that he had to have nightmares at night.

After a while, the old servant came in with a large trunk.

"Master, this is what Wan Kuan gave, it's quite heavy."

Cheng Yaojin took a look, what Wan Kuan was thinking, and it was still in the box.

Cheng Yaojin asked the old servant to put the box on the table, opened it, and Cheng Yaojin's eyes widened immediately.

"Honey! This Wan Kuan really sent me over to Master Armor."

Cheng Yaojin smiled at this moment.

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