Wan Kuan sighed and said with difficulty: "Well, I will do the things that ask God, but you Cheng family have to take care of the offerings and your masters for me."

"Don't I finally invite the Dragon King. You are so careless. If the Dragon King leaves in a huff, my friendship with the Dragon King will be gone."

"Don't worry, Mr. Wan, what you said to prepare, even if it is gold and silver treasures, we will move it directly to you without saying a word."

"Let's do this, strip off your master's body and cover his body with steamed glutinous rice, so that the dragon king can eat it."

Wan Kuan pointed at Cheng Yaojin and said.

"Ah, let's strip our master naked"

Mrs. Cheng looked troubled.

And Cheng Yaojin stared at his bull-eyed eyes, his lips trembling, and his dignified grandfather of the Tang Dynasty was stripped of his body, and when it spread out, he stared at him: "How can you eat this without glutinous rice? Isn't it necessary to have zongzi as an offering to Qu Yuan?"

When Cheng Yaojing was about to speak, Mrs. Cheng directly put the towel in his mouth again.

"Don't worry, Master Wan, I will prepare now."

Wan Kuan smiled after hearing this: "Mrs. Cheng, needless to say about the incense burner candle, and you have to invite the painter to come over."

"Why did Lord Wan hire a painter"

"Naturally, I want to draw the scene of us asking God to pay tribute, and then burn this drawing paper to the Dragon King, and the Dragon King's anger will be relieved."

"Alright, alright, no problem, I'll go get ready now.

If you need anything else, just say it."

Under Wan Kuan's arrangement, the entire Cheng Mansion immediately became busy.

A group of people first washed Cheng Yaojin's body and body, and then the Cheng family's kitchen steamed glutinous rice, and the fire was booming.

After a while, the aroma of glutinous rice came, and a large pot was cooked.

But the glutinous rice that has just been steamed is very hot, and it can be applied directly to Cheng Yaojin.

Therefore, the glutinous rice should be cooled by the wind, and after it cools, everyone is like a wall, and the glutinous rice is pasted all over Cheng Yaojin's body.

In the end, Cheng Yaojin only showed two eyes and two nostrils, and Cheng Yaojin turned into a glutinous rice man.

Moreover, Cheng Yaojin's body was entangled with banana leaves, and the whole person was like a big zongzi, and was carried by several strong men to the hall of Cheng's house.

In the hall of the Cheng family, a table incense burner was already set up at this time.

The pedestal on the top was also moved from other places, but there was no idol on the table, after all, no one prepared the idol of the Dragon King.

Cheng Yaojin was directly put into a big dustbin and carried to the offering table, looking like a steamed fat pig.

At this time, Mrs. Cheng asked people to quickly put the incense burner in place, and some other fruit dessert tributes were placed next to Cheng Yaojin, as if Cheng Yaojin was... the main dish, and the others were side dishes. Same.

At this time, Mrs. Cheng also borrowed a Taoist robe from other places, and Wan Kuan put on the Taoist robe directly and put on a small hat.

There is only one peach wood sword missing now, otherwise, Wan Kuan will definitely be able to catch zombies.

Everyone from the Cheng family gathered outside the hall, only Mrs. Cheng and Cheng Yaojin's eldest son stood in the hall.

At this time, Wan Kuan was wearing a Taoist robe and his body was straight.

And Cheng Yaojin was surrounded by glutinous rice, so he showed his eyes and watched Wan Kuan walking around in front of him.

At this time, everything was ready, and the two large incense candles of the censer were also lit.

Wan Kuan bowed directly in the direction of the Wei River.

"Dragon King of the Weihe River, today I, Lord Wen Dexing, will be the host, put on a table of good dishes, and invite the Dragon King of the Weihe River to appear.

There are livestock tributes here, and the Dragon King of the Weihe River is invited to taste it.”

After finishing speaking, Wan Kuan walked the gossip step in front of Cheng Yaojin, and he walked in a good manner, reciting words in his mouth, and occasionally patted Cheng Yaojin's glutinous rice body with his palm.

Cheng Yaojin was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. He was stripped naked and wrapped in glutinous rice. He was placed here for people to visit, and his servants were watching from outside.

Moreover, Wan Kuan would take pictures from time to time, just like taking pictures of fat pigs, which is really embarrassing.

After speaking, Wan Kuan sat directly on the Immortal Seat with a serious face.

At this moment, Wan Kuan shouted loudly, and everyone turned their attention to Wan Kuan.

Wan Kuan trembled, and his voice became: extraordinarily low.

It seems that the Dragon King has succeeded in his upper body.

"Below is Cheng Yaojin"

"Lord Dragon, exactly!"

Mrs. Cheng replied for Cheng Yaojin.

"Well, Cheng Yaojin, you dare to break the tribute of this Dragon King. I will give you something to look at today."

At this time, Mrs. Cheng directly took Cheng Yaojin's eldest son and fell on the futon, begging for mercy in her mouth.

"Lord Dragon, please spare my master.

My master has no intention to offend, and I will worship it sincerely in the future, please raise your hand from the Dragon King!"

"Oh Cheng Yaojin, this is true"

Wan Kuan squinted at Cheng Yaojin.

That Mrs. Cheng quickly picked up an apple and smashed it on Cheng Yaojin's head: "Master, hurry up and apologize."

At this time, Cheng Yaojin was strangled by the banana leaves, and he couldn't bow down, so he could only lie on the table and throw himself on the ground.

Cheng Yaojin's mouth was also smeared with glutinous rice, and he couldn't move his body, so he had to flop around like a salted fish, even if it was a big ceremony.

The artist specially invited by Mrs. Cheng next to him painted Cheng Yaojin's scene on the drawing paper.

Wan Kuan squinted his eyes after seeing it.

Shen Sheng said: "If that's the case, then the Dragon King will spare your life.

Today, the Japanese Dragon King came to enjoy the tribute, after eating.

It will unlock the spell on you."

Chapter 156

Cheng Yaojin's body fluttered even more when he heard it.

That Mrs. Cheng was also very happy and bowed down again and again.

At this time, he saw Wan Kuan shaking twice on the Immortal Throne, and he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

After a while, Wan Kuan suddenly stood up and jumped down from the Immortal constellation.

"Okay, the Weihe Dragon King has already enjoyed the tribute and returned, and his spells should also be solved."

That Mrs. Cheng was at a loss: "Then Lord Dragon wants to enjoy the offerings? He hasn't eaten this thing yet?"

"This Dragon Lord came in the state of Yuanshen. He has already enjoyed it. The essence of these things has been lost. You can divide it later."

At this time, Mrs. Cheng asked anxiously, "What about my master's illness?"

"Didn't the Dragon Lord say that he has withdrawn the spell, and your master is all right."

At this time, Mrs. Cheng looked a little strange at Cheng Yaojin, who was wrapped into a big dumpling: "It's all right."

And Wan Kuan pointed his finger at it: "Quickly remove the glutinous rice from your master's body, don't stay here, carry it back quickly, and let him rest quickly."

After all the servants heard it, they carried Cheng Yaojin back to the bedroom, but first they got into the bathroom to wash off the glutinous rice on Cheng Yaojin's body.

At this time, Wan Kuan walked up to the artist, took out the painting drawn by the artist, and turned to Mrs. Cheng.

"Mrs. Cheng, I have to burn this painting to Lord Long after I get home to quell his last grievances.

And when you burn the paper, you have to ask for good wine to add to the fun, don’t you have a few barrels of wine from the Western Regions in your house?”

Wan Kuan said sternly: "Bring all this fine wine to my house, and then I will say a few good words to Lord Long, and let him completely let go of the grievances in his heart."

When Mrs. Cheng heard this, she nodded again and again: "Okay, okay, I'll quickly ask the butler to arrange to bring these barrels of wine to you immediately by horse-drawn carriage."

Wan Kuan nodded, put the painting in his arms and was about to leave.

As a result, the old butler of Cheng Mansion brought another tray with dozens of ingots of horseshoe gold on it.

Mrs. Cheng said with a smile at this time: "Master Wan, you have worked hard today, and you are tired.

I, the Cheng family, express my feelings, and please accept it."

Wan Kuan hurriedly waved his hand: "No, no, General Cheng and I are officials of the same dynasty, how can it be natural for his financial colleagues to help each other, and General Cheng and I will work together in the future, how can Wan Take this thing and don't want it, take it and take it."

At this moment, Mrs. Cheng insisted to put the tray on Wan Kuan's hand, and Wan Kuan directly put his hand behind his back and said seriously.

"Mrs. Cheng, this is why I Wankuan put these things in front of me... humiliate me, I am a gentleman, how can I accept these things and take them away quickly, I'm going to be angry. "

Seeing that Wan Kuan was so strong, Mrs. Cheng had no choice but to return the gold on the tray, then wiped her tears with a handkerchief and said.

"Mr. Wan is really high-spirited, and my master is really lucky to have a colleague like Mr. Wan."

If Cheng Yaojin heard this, he would have spit out a mouthful of old blood.

At this moment, a servant came running and shouted loudly, "Madam, the itch is no longer on my lord's body."

And when Mrs. Cheng heard this, she cried with joy.

"Master Wan, you are a living Bodhisattva!"

"Don't thank Mrs. Cheng, this is what I, Wan, should do.

Although General Cheng did not feel any pain or itching, it would take a few days for the bloated body to go down.

These days, General Cheng can't eat fatty food, can't drink alcohol, remember to remember."

Wan Kuan said solemnly: "This Lord Long's anger has just subsided, and General Cheng must not get carried away.

In the future, when we walk next to the Wei River, General Cheng will also thank the Dragon King!"

Mrs. Cheng nodded and let Wan Kuan be sent out respectfully.

When Wan Kuan came, he brought Xiao Laizi alone, but when he left, he returned with a full reward.

Two horse-drawn carriages are driving on Zhuque Street in Chang'an.

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