At this time, it was almost time for Hai Shi, and it was time for curfew.

No one walks in Chang'an City, only the patrolling Marquis Wu walks back and forth to see if there are any... drunk drunks.

The rumble of the carriage was very loud, and Marquis Wu heard it early in the morning.

But looking at the sign on the carriage, I knew that it was Lu Guogong Cheng biting Jin's family.

This Cheng Yaojin is His Majesty's favorite general, and Cheng Yaojin is hot-tempered, carefree, and often makes mistakes, which makes His Majesty quite angry.

But even so, His Majesty was quite fond of him.

Therefore, even if a horse-drawn carriage was taken to the streets during the curfew period, Cheng Yaojin would not be punished.

Marquis Wu glanced at it, and then pretended not to see it, but someone under his hand quietly recorded it and handed it over to the Qianniu Guard in the palace.

Wan Kuan in the carriage lay there leisurely, while Xiao Laizi beat Wan Kuan's legs like a dog.

"Young master, you are amazing today. The Duke of Lu sent so many wines. You must know that Duke Lu is a drinker. You can snatch the wine from the Western Regions from him. Master, you are famous."

Wan Kuan pouted his lips disdainfully, what kind of wine is this.

If I hadn't just wanted to drink wine recently, I wouldn't have opened my mouth to ask for it.

At this time, the little Lai Zi's eyes lit up: "Young master.

Do you really have friendship with that Dragon Lord? I think your moves are very powerful, even more powerful than the Taoist priest at Qingyun Temple outside the city."

Wan Kuan said disdainfully, "Those Taoist priests are all fake. They really have a good relationship with the gods. You don't need those false ones, just shout the gods and they will come."

After Xiao Laizi listened to the adoration on his face, it was amazing that his young master could call himself a brother to a god.

Maybe in the future, I will be able to prolong my life with my own young master, and live him a few hundred years old.

At this time, in Duke Lu's mansion, Cheng Yaojin was in high spirits, and there was no other problem except for a thick neck.

It seems that after kowtowing to the Dragon King, the soreness and itching on Cheng Yaojin's body suddenly disappeared without a trace.

At this time, Cheng Yaojin put on his middle clothes and sat in the bedroom, still in his heart: fear later.

"Master, you really don't feel any pain or itching anymore."

Madam Cheng kept asking questions from the side.

"Ma'am, I told you a long time ago that I'm already well, sir, so don't ask any more."

"Master, then you have to respect that Dragon King in the future."

Cheng Yaojin had a contemptuous look on his face when he heard it: "What a shit the Dragon King is all a ghost of Wan Kuan."

"Master, you're not choosing your words again, so hurry up and blah blah blah."

Madam Cheng was angry again.

Chapter 157

In the bedroom, Cheng Yaojin was directly provoked by his wife's words.

"What the hell am I doing? Everything is done by that kid Wan Kuan. Without him, I'd be fine, my lord."

After hearing that, Mrs. Cheng directly raised her eyebrows and said coldly: "Cheng Yaojin, Mrs. Ben can warn you.

If you are disrespectful to the gods again in the future, this lady will let you live in the study for the rest of your life, so hurry up and admit your mistake."

Cheng Yaojin was originally quite powerful, but as soon as his wife said that, he immediately wilted.

He had to follow Madam's wishes, put his hands together, and apologized.

"Don't blame the gods, I, Cheng Yaojin, offended me unintentionally.

guilty, guilty!"

Then Mrs. Cheng spared his life after reading it: "Cheng Yaojin, Mrs. Ben can warn you to show some respect to Wan Kuan in the future, he is a great immortal with magic, you can't offend him, and you can say anything at that time. If you offend others, I don't care about you."

When Cheng Yaojin heard the name Wan Kuan, he fought a cold war for no reason.

Although Cheng Yaojin felt that this matter was planned by Wan Kuan, but until now, he still does not know how Wan Kuan did it.

How can I get itchy and unbearable when I'm fine? I haven't taken any medicine, and I haven't been exposed to anything toxic.

How could it suddenly become like this, and it is strange to say that Wan Kuan did a ritual, and his body immediately stopped itching, this is really strange.

At this time, Mrs. Cheng pointed at Cheng Yaojin's nose and said, "Cheng Yaojin.

This time, it is for your sickness' sake that I let you move back from the study.

If you do anything more wrong, either you leave the Duke Lu's mansion, or I go back to my parents' house."

When Cheng Yaojin heard it, he quickly persuaded: "Don't be in a hurry, madam, don't be in a hurry, madam, I will listen to madam in the future, and I will do whatever madam asks me to do.

Madam tells me to go east, I will never go west, Madam asks me to beat dogs, I will never drive chickens."

"A stinky mouth, hurry up and rest, and ask a few more gentlemen to show you tomorrow morning."

Cheng Yaojin had doubts in his heart, but now he can only rest first.

Let's not mention Cheng Yaojin's side, and here Wan Kuan directly rode the carriage back to his mansion.

Wan Kuan asked his subordinates to pull Cheng Yaojin's barrels of wine into the house, and then sent two carriages back quickly.

Looking at the seven or eight barrels of wine in the warehouse, Wan Kuan's face was a little smug.

On the side, Xiao Laizi asked in a low voice, "Master, do we want to send some of these fine wines to Miss Wu family?"

"Don't give this one. Originally, the Yingguo Gongfu didn't know the relationship between the Miss Wu family and me. If you give away the wine, it will be exposed."

"What the young master said is that the young master has a clever plan."

"Stop flattering!"

"Master, how did you cure Lu Guo's strange disease?"

Wan Kuan smiled proudly after hearing this: "You can think about it for yourself.

After speaking, Wan Kuan went back to sleep directly, while Xiao Ze tilted his head and thought for a long time, but still couldn't think of any clues.

But Xiao Laizi can be sure that Lu Guogong's body is very itchy and unbearable, and he must have been hit with the fine fluff that the young master brought back from Qinling.

In fact, that kind of fluff was originally produced on the branches of a tree called withered locust tree in Qinling Mountains, and it was also discovered by Wan Kuan when he was looking for hibiscus trees in Qinling Mountains.

This kind of fluff is white and fine, and if it gets into human skin, it is really itchy.

You can't wash it off with water, not even with boiling water.

The local woodcutter would avoid this kind of tree, but Wan Kuan knew that it was a good thing, so he let someone wear deerskin gloves to collect the fluff.

And before Wan Kuan gave Lu Guogong the armor, he secretly smeared the... fluff on the collar and cuffs of the armor.

Wan Kuan knew that Cheng Yaojin had always been obsessed with the armor, so once the armor was delivered, Cheng Yaojin had to try it on.

This Cheng bites the gold, the neck and the wrist... The place where the armor is in direct contact is pierced by these.... looks.

Don't say that Xiao Laizi can't figure out this kind of unknowing design, I'm afraid that few people except... Wan Kuan can think clearly.

After all, the appearance is extremely small, and it is difficult to see with the naked eye when it penetrates into the skin.

In fact, after Wan Kuan pretended to be a ghost, the most important thing was to paste the glutinous rice on Cheng Yaojin's body.

This glutinous rice is sticky in the first place, and after sticking to the body, it can naturally remove the fluff in the pores.

At that time, when the glutinous rice is scraped off, the fluff on the whole body will be removed.

Originally, it was because of those... fluff that entered the pores and stimulated the secretion of tissue fluids in the body.

Just like eating peaches, the layer of fluff on the outside of the peaches gets into the pores of the skin and it is so itchy, no matter how you scratch it, the itching will not be relieved.

However, only Wan Kuan knew about this matter, and others only regarded Wan Kuan as the reincarnation of a god who could reach the sky.

The next day in Chang'an City, there was a story of Wan Kuan casting spells to save Cheng Yaojin. It was said that Cheng Yaojin had offended the Dragon King and was cursed by the Dragon King, so that Cheng Yaojin could not survive or die. .

That Cheng Yaojin invited all over the entire Chang'an City to be rescued. In the end, Wan Kuan went to reach a reconciliation with the Dragon King, and the Dragon King spared Cheng Yaojin's life.

These rumors have noses and eyes, and they all came from Cheng Yaojin's mansion. After all, Wan Kuan's big battle last night was seen by all the servants of the Duke Lu's mansion.

Whoever did not have a few relatives pass it on to ten, ten to a hundred, and it spreads like this.

"It's strange for you to say, then why is Wan Kuan so powerful, even Lord Long has to sell him a bit of face"

"You don't know that Wan Kuan is the reincarnation of Wenquxing.

According to the gods, Wan Kuan is... Wende Xingjun, the official position is higher than that of the Dragon King, so the Dragon King must listen to Wan Kuan."

"Yes, yes, that Wende Xingjun is one of the twenty-eight constellations, and his status is higher than that of the Dragon Lord.

Wan Kuan has spoken, and of course Lord Long has to listen."

"If you say that Duke Lu is miserable enough to die, you have to... what are you doing to offend Lord Long?"

"You don't know, didn't Lu Guogong go to Wan Kuan's mansion to snatch something some time ago? It happened to be a gift that Wan Kuan wanted to give to Lord Long.

Originally, the Dragon King was still waiting for this gift, but when Lu Guogong took it away like this, the Dragon King must be angry."

"It's amazing that Lord Long is angry, ah, I heard from the neighbor's son, that Duke Lu was already dying last night. In the end, it was Wan Kuan who enshrined Duke Lu to Lord Long as a boy, and Lord Long was relieved."

"Not to mention that this person has to respect ghosts and gods, then Guogong Lu is arrogant and domineering every day, let him escape this time, and save him a big loss in the future."

Chapter 158

The people in this Chang'an city are just... Fast, in less than half a day, the entire Chang'an city knows the story of Wan Kuan's spellcasting and saving Cheng Yaojin.

Moreover, the rumors are getting more and more outrageous, and Cheng Yaojin has become the boy of the Dragon King, and he will have to worship the Dragon King in the future.

And Wan Kuan is... Cheng Yaojin's natal god, Cheng Yaojin will have to give a big gift when he sees Wan Kuan.

For a while, rumors spread.

After the rumor spread to the palace, Li Shimin and Empress Changsun looked at each other, and after a while, they both laughed in unison.

Your Majesty, Cheng Yaojin suffered a lot this time.

"Maid of Guanyin, Cheng Yaojin looked complacent all day long, and dared to contradict me. This time, my son took action and taught him a good lesson, which can be regarded as relief for me."

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