Call Chen Shaojian from the Shaofu Supervisor to me."

"Master Hou, why are you calling Lao Chen?"

"The Marquis will be the chief supervisor, the supervisor will be the supervisor, the young mansion supervisor and the weapon supervisor, can't I just call him?"

"Marquis, that young mansion supervisor produces gadgets for the imperial ministers inside and outside the palace.

He is under your control, but if the inner palace in the palace can also be moved, he will listen to the inner palace more."

Wan Kuan was a little unhappy when he heard it: "Quickly call Chen Shaojian over, let alone in the palace, even... the emperor is here, he must listen to me first, then the emperor."

When Yu Shaojian heard it, he gave a thumbs up: "You are really domineering, Lord, no wonder you have taught the prince a lesson in Chang'an City."

"Wait when will there be such a rumor in Chang'an City?"

"Your Majesty, you don't know yet. Now Chang'an City says that you are on the side of King Wei and inciting King Wei to deal with the prince. Don't you know this rumor?"

Wan Kuan's face became extremely ugly when he heard this, what kind of rumor was this made by King Wu? Then Yu Shaojian approached and said, "Master Hou, you are a little too early.

King Wei is still a baby, and it is not time for you to support him."

"Go ball! Hurry up and bring Chen Shaojian over.

Whoever supports King Wei, the Marquis has to check it out and let me know which tortoise bastard is behind the rumors, waiting for the Marquis to kill him.


Wan Kuan was very puzzled, he was fine, how could there be such a rumor that he had been getting closer to Li Tai recently, but everyone with discernment knew that it was Li Tai who came to find him.

Moreover, Li Tai is not very old, and Li Chengqian's position as the crown prince is considered stable. How could someone make such rumors without any reason? This behind-the-scenes mastermind must be directed at himself, because provoking the prince to spy on the crown prince's position is a serious crime.

If Li Shimin knew about this, then the pressure on him would be great.

Just when Wan Kuan was thinking about it, Chen Shaojian, the Shaofu Supervisor, walked into Wan Kuan's official room nervously.

"For humble posts, see Lord Hou."

Wan Kuan looked at Shaojian Chen, who was trembling a little, and couldn't help but smile: " Shaojian Chen, please take a seat."

"I dare not sit in a humble position!"

"Chen Shaojian, don't do anything wrong, and don't be afraid of ghosts.

Lord Ben is not a monstrous beast, what is there to be afraid of?"

"The Marquis is very majestic, and some of the humble ones dare not look directly at him."

Wan Kuan pouted and stood still if he didn't want to sit.

"Chen Shaojian, do you still remember the task that this officer gave you last time?"

"Remember the humble position, remember the humble position."

"Since I remember, why haven't I seen you come to rescue me?"

"Master Hou, don't think about it, mainly because the things that Master Hou asked the humble post to find are too rare, and the humble post has not fulfilled the heavy entrustment of the master, so I dare not reply."

Chen Shaojian began to sweat.

"Be presumptuous, whether the things that this official has given you are completed or not, you should give this official a reply.

Whether it can be completed or not is a matter of ability, but disappearing, this is contempt for the official.

Chen Shaojian, I think you have been sitting in this position for too long, and some don't take this official seriously."

"Master Hou has been wronged, the lower official has absolutely no intention of this.

The humble post has always been diligent, hard-working and never complaining, and there is absolutely no dissatisfaction at all."

"The White Diezi that this official wants, how come you can't find this white Diezi which is not a rare thing after searching for so long, how many... Hu merchants are selling it in the West City of Chang'an, I will ask you to help me buy it , why have you been indifferent?"

Wan Kuan was very angry, why it was so difficult for him to order cotton. At this moment, Chen Shaojian's face was pale, but in fact he felt guilty.

White Diezi is not a rare thing, and there are few Hu people selling it in Chang'an.

However, all the expenditures under the supervision of this young mansion under the control of the inner government must be reviewed by the household department and the inner government.

The matter explained by Wan Kuan, the crown prince does not approve, and the eldest grandson Wuji from the household department does not care.

And this Chen Shaojian also knew that the prince and the eldest grandson Wuji were dissatisfied with this Wan Kuan, so he just turned a blind eye, how long it could be delayed.

Wan Kuan looked at Chen Shaojian who was trembling in front of him and couldn't help sneering: "Last time I asked Yu Shaojian to borrow five blast furnaces from you, I heard that you hold grudges, is it because of this matter that you didn't take the blame? official business"

"Master Hou misunderstood, Master Hou was wronged.

Even if you give the humble post a hundred courage, the humble post will not dare to be dissatisfied."

"If you were given a hundred courage, you would not dare, but now that I have not given you the courage, you would dare to ignore this official.

This official is the dignified general as the chief supervisor, the Marquis of Chixian, who is in charge of the Shaofu Supervisor, and the Weapons Supervisor is directly.

Is it because this official is too few to go to the Shaofu supervisor, you don't even know this official?"

"Master Hou was wronged, Master Hou was wronged."

Then Shaojian Chen was so frightened that he almost knelt down.

Chapter 163

At this time, after listening to Chen Shaojian's plea for mercy, Wan Kuan smiled coldly.

"Forget it, you can be wronged or wrong.

But if you don't reply to this officer's order, it is... dereliction of duty, from today onwards, this officer will remove you, the junior prisoner of the young mansion supervisor."

When Chen Shaojian heard this, he was so frightened that he fell into a trance and sat down on the ground.

"Master Hou, you can't do this. This humble position is entrusted by the imperial government. Master Hou, you can't dismiss me."

After listening to it, Wan Kuan directly stood up and patted the table: "This officer will be the chief supervisor, I am in charge of your young mansion supervisor, if I say dismissal, you will be dismissed.

If you are not satisfied, you can go to His Majesty to complain, or go to the Crown Prince to cry, but if you really can't, you can go to the eldest grandson to support you."

When Chen Shaojian heard this, all his thoughts were utterly despairing. It turned out that Wan Kuan in front of him already knew what he was thinking.

At this time, Wan Kuan walked past Shaojian Chen coldly, looked at him indifferently, and then left the office.

The people under his command don't listen to his own orders, what's the use of keeping such people and not wanting his life, it is an extra-judicial kindness, and he dares to plot against himself with Li Chengqian and Zhangsun Wuji, this kind of person is really daring.

It stands to reason that if Wan Kuan, the chief supervisor, wants to dismiss Chen Shaojian, he needs to notify the inner government, because the inner government only belongs to the emperor, in fact, it depends on the emperor's intention.

Anyway... Wan Kuan is now so favored by Li Shimin, even if Wan Kuan beats Li Tai again, Li Shimin will not punish himself.

In this way, Wan Kuan was still afraid of something, and quickly arranged all his subordinates to be obedient people, leaving this Shaojian Chen here, it was as disgusting as eating flies.

Wan Kuan explained a few words to Yu Shaojian, and then rode back to the mansion.

As a result, just halfway through, I saw Xiao Lai Zi also riding a... Lazy donkey, chasing towards Wankuan.

While rushing, he shouted in his mouth.

"Master, I have something to do."

"Master, I'm fine, what nonsense are you talking about?"

That little Lai Zi rushed to Wan Kuan and said breathlessly, "Master, I'm not saying you have something to do, I mean I'm looking for you."

"Who, every day, won't let the young master let me relax a little bit"

"It's grandma looking for you."

Wan Kuan slapped Xiao Laizi directly on the head: "Grandma is looking for me, why don't you hurry up and say that grandma is coming to Chang'an"

"Grandmother is waiting for you in the village in Lantian County, saying that she will not go to your mansion in Chang'an."

Wan Kuan was a little strange when he heard it.

What happened to my grandmother, she is already powerful and powerful, and this grandmother has not shown her face for many days. Now she finally came to see her once, and before Chang'an City, she had to go to Lantian County, which is really strange.

However, Wan Kuan did not hesitate, and went straight to Lantian County.

That little Lai Zi rode a... Lai-pied donkey swayed behind him, unable to even see the horse's buttocks of Wan Kuan, and finally returned to the mansion in Chang'an with a sullen face.

There were still many guards in the manor in Lantian County. When Wan Kuan arrived, he threw the whip and rushed into the hall.

At this time, Wan Kuan's grandmother was sitting in the hall, silently dazed.

"Grandmother, you can count."

Wan Kuan was chattering, and Concubine Wan suddenly woke up.

She looked at Wan Kuan who was jumping and jumping, and couldn't help but laugh.

"You little monkey, now you are also a monkey master. Grandma really didn't expect it."

"Grandmother, you should have thought long ago that a talent like a grandson cannot be hidden."

Wan Kuan walked up to his grandmother with a smug look on his face.

After listening to Wan Kuan's words, Concubine Wan was not happy, but felt a little bit of loneliness.

Yes, my little grandson is so talented, I can't hold it back.

In the past, I always wanted to let my little grandson live a peaceful life. When he was older, he would marry a woman from a small family, get married, and then the four generations would live together and share the happiness of a family.

But I didn't expect that my grandson was an ancient genius, and he became a marquis by his own ability in just over a month.

In fact, Concubine Wan knew what Wan Kuan did.

Concubine Wan is also an old man in the palace. Before Li Shimin ascended the throne, Concubine Wan was in charge of the harem of the Tang Dynasty.

He knew that Wan Kuan's merits were more than enough to be a prince.

It's just that Wan Kuan's starting point is too low, he is... a Bai Ding without a title, so he can only be a marquis first.

It's just that Li Shimin also knows Wan Kuan's identity, and Concubine Wan can probably guess what Li Shimin wants to do in the future.

"Grandson, you are now the Marquis of Chixian, do you know what this Chixian means?"

Wan Kuan chuckled: "Grandma, your grandson is only eight buckets tall and learned to be rich five cars, how can you not know where Chixian is?"

Concubine Wan smiled stiffly, it seemed that her grandson still didn't know what Chixian meant.

Wan Kuan didn't know, but she knew it.

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