Chixian is... Kyushu, Li Shimin gave his grandson such a title, in fact, he wanted to list Wan Kuan as a candidate for the throne.

But now Wan Kuan still doesn't know anything about the struggle for the throne, that kind of... the cruelty of the struggle is not something ordinary people can bear.

At this time, Concubine Wan touched Wan Kuan's head, her little grandson has grown up, and some things should be faced alone.

"Little Monkey, grandma heard rumors in the market that you were very close to that Wei Wang Li Tai and wanted to deal with the prince together. Is it true?"

Wan Kuan sighed after hearing this: "Grandma, how can you believe that the people of Chang'an City hear wind as rain."

"Then it's still windy."

"There isn't even a wind, it's just out of nowhere."

"Little monkey, this royal matter is not easy. You may look at it as a very small matter, and you don't care about it yourself, but in the eyes of the royal people, it is a big thing."

Wan Kuan sighed after hearing this, thinking that his grandmother would teach him to be careful again.

As a result, Concubine Wan changed the conversation and said directly.

"Little monkey, you don't have to be so polite to that... Prince, and King Wei in the future.

If they bully you, you fight back.

You'll be fine even if you pierce the sky.

"Wan Kuan was shocked when he heard it.

Wan Kuan originally thought that he was going too far, but he didn't expect his grandmother to be more arrogant than himself.

After co-authoring for a long time, this bear child is...grandmother is used to it.

"Grandma, what do you mean, can I still beat that prince and Wei Wang?"

"Didn't you little monkey already beat King Wei?"

"Then the King of Wei is just a prince, and if he fights, he will fight, and the crown prince is the prince.

Grandma, you don't want me to beat the prince, do you?"

Chapter 164

Wan Kuan was joking with three points and three points, but at this time, Concubine Wan stared straight at Wan Kuan, and there was a gleam in some old eyes.

"Little monkey, remember, if the prince bullies you, you must fight back, you must fight back fiercely.

You must restrain the prince, so that he does not dare to bully you, do you remember?"

Wan Kuan's expression gradually became serious at this time: "Grandma, what you said is a bit outrageous."

At this time, Concubine Wan touched Wan Kuan's little head: "Grandson, don't worry, even if you make trouble with the prince, His Majesty will not blame you."

Of course, Concubine Wan knew what Li Shimin was thinking. Since he gave Wan Kuan the title of Marquis of Chixian County, the meaning could not be more obvious.

He is...has already regarded Wan Kuan as one of the contenders for the crown prince, and this Li Shimin just... wants Wan Kuan to participate in the competition for the crown prince.

What Li Chengqian, Li Tai, these people are just candidates for the prince now.

Although Li Chengqian is now the crown prince in name, it is not certain whether the throne will be passed on to him in the future.

In fact, Li Shimin has already made a plan, that is... let his own prince use his own strength to grab the position of the prince.

At that time, whoever has the ability will become the emperor.

It sounds cruel, but Concubine Wan knew that Li Shimin could definitely do such a thing.

Since Li Shimin has put Wan Kuan in the cage, Wan Kuan must be fierce, otherwise, in this life-and-death struggle, Wan Kuan will definitely suffer.

Wan Kuan nodded solemnly after listening to his grandmother's words.

Although Wan Kuan can't guess the identity of his grandmother, and I know that, now my grandmother won't tell him her identity.

But no matter what, my grandma will not harm me, because she was raised by her since she was a child, and her grandma's words are very reasonable.

Anyway...then Li Chengqian and Li Tai can't be emperors in the end, then Li Zhi is still young and still a baby girl.

In this way, what else is scary for Wan Kuan, even if he beats Li Chengqian anyway... Now Li Shimin loves himself, even if he has a conflict with Li Chengqian, it is estimated that Li Shimin has to punish Li Chengqian first.

Thinking of this, Wan Kuan nodded fiercely.

Then Concubine Wan felt relieved when she saw Wan Kuan being so obedient.

Originally, she wanted Wan Kuan to live a peaceful and stable life, but Li Shimin did not expect to do so.

That being the case, for the sake of her grandson's life, Concubine Wan must make him fierce.

At this time, outside the gate of Wanfu in Chang'an City, Qin Qiong brought Cheng Yaojin to visit Wankuan again with a gift.

As a result, when I inquired, Wan Kuan was not in the mansion today, saying that he had returned to Lantian County.

As a result, the two returned without success.

It's better to put the gift down first, and the two of them go back on horseback.

Cheng Yaojin was a little indignant on the way.

Brother Qin, do you think this Wan Kuan already knew that the two of us were coming, so he avoided seeing it, just to make fun of us Qin Qiong looked at Cheng Yaojin with disdain: "You haven't yet, then If Wan Kuan is really dissatisfied with you, it will never make it so easy for you.

Wan Kuan Yi.

It can make your life worse than death, so this time it must be that he is really not at home."

"Then brother Qin, shall we come tomorrow?"

"Come! Why don't you come tomorrow. If he's not here yet, let's come back the day after tomorrow until he's there."

"Brother Qin, then we both give him too much face."

Qin Qiong patted Cheng Yaojin on the shoulder at this time: "Brother, now Wan Kuan is Lord Hou."

"Brother Qin, what can you do with Lord Hou, we two are still princes."

"Yo Jin, in His Majesty's eyes, our two princes are not as good as Wan Kuan's Marquis.

Moreover, Wan Kuan will definitely be a prince in the future, and he will still have real power in his hands. If you have any unpleasantness with him, then you will be... difficult to move in this court."

Cheng Yaojin sighed after hearing this, and he naturally understood what Qin Qiong said.

Wan Kuan is now... favored by Li Shimin, and he is young and capable, so the chancellor must not run away in the future.

Cheng Yaojin sighed, followed Qin Qiong back, and had to bring gifts tomorrow.

At this time, outside the official road at the east gate of Chang'an City, a row of motorcades came slowly.

In the midst of the convoy was an extremely luxurious carriage, whose curtains were all splendid silk, and looked very luxurious.

Even those princes and nobles may not have this kind of carriage, so it can be seen that the people sitting in the carriage must be of extraordinary status.

At this moment, a small, crystal-clear white hand protruded from the carriage, opened the curtain slightly, and a little girl with a maid's head stuck her head out.

The little girl was white and fair, with two big eyes on her face, and she looked extraordinarily smart.

After looking at the plaque at the east gate of Chang'an City, she retracted her head again.

In the carriage, besides... this little maid, there was also a young girl in purple gauze.

The girl was holding a handwritten poetry collection in her hand, her brows were slightly furrowed, and her eyes were all fixed on the poetry collection.

This girl is beautiful and elegant, her face is very beautiful, and her face is full of three-pointedness.

And in the gestures and gestures, there is the talent of everyone's lady, and people are deeply attracted by it.

"Miss, we are going to Chang'an City."

At this moment, the lady raised her head slightly, and the corner of her mouth was slightly raised.

With a smile on his face, the morning sun shines like a begonia sleeping in spring, and the beauty is infinite.


Gather these collections for me.

"Miss, why are we coming to Chang'an City this time?"

"Hongniang, in two days... the gathering of literary friends in Chang'an City. At that time, many young talents and ladies from all over the world will go to sing poems and make friends, through literature."

"Miss, I heard from my family that all the nobles in Chang'an City are arrogant and unreasonable generals. What kind of talents do they have?"

And when the young lady heard this, she glanced at the girl angrily: "Hongniang, those people in the family are sitting in the well and watching the sky, they don't know how high the sky is.

There are many talented people in Chang'an City."

The matchmaker rolled her eyes twice and said playfully, "Miss, I understand, you are here this time for... Wan Kuan, right?"

"Damn girl, you are the smart one."

"Miss, you read Wan Kuan's poetry collection every night, and you see it very late. This time you are in Chang'an again. How could you not see that... Wan Kuan?"

And the lady smiled faintly after hearing this, and then leaned on the carriage to calm down.

The whole person is like a jade carving, which makes people forget the commonplace.

Chapter 165

This time, Cui Yingying naturally wanted to see Wan Kuan.

Not only because he likes his poems, but also because his grandfather has told him that he has made a marriage contract with Wan Kuan.

The biggest thing in a woman's life is nothing more than... getting married.

Although Wan Kuan is brilliant in his writing, he has never met him, so when he comes to Chang'an this time, he must see with his own eyes whether this Wan Kuan is a man of his own.

The Cui family's carriage entered Chang'an City, and then entered the Cui Mansion in Taiping Square.

This Cui Mansion was the residence of Cui Bolue, a member of the Central Academy of Sciences. There were no less than [-] officials in the Cui family in the imperial court, and this Cui Bolue had the highest position.

Wan Kuan never thought that his fiancée would travel all the way to Chang'an City to see him, because he doesn't even know this fiancée now.

Now Wan Kuan is trying to figure out how to make Wu Shun'er's two brothers eat well on the day of the Friendship Club.

In the Wu family mansion at this time, Wu Shun'er and Wu Mei'er were secretly hiding in the boudoir, whispering something.

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