"Sister, then Wan Kuan asked you to go to the Wenyou Club tomorrow, will you go?"

"Sister, my mother is not in good health these two days, and she is always angry.

My sister is afraid that going to the Wenyouhui will make my mother feel uncomfortable."

"Sister, you are confused.

Now that the raw rice is cooked, the mother can't help it even if she doesn't want to.

The brother-in-law will personally invite you for tomorrow's Friends of Literature, if you don't go, your Wan Lang will be sad."

"Damn girl, you are the poor one.

It is your fault that any uncooked rice is cooked, making my mother mistakenly think that I am a shameless person.

Go if you want!"

After hearing that, Wu Meier wrinkled her little nose: "Sister, if I go, I will go, my brother-in-law will definitely shine at the literary meeting.

So many rich young ladies are waiting for their brother-in-law, if any lady from the family hooks up her brother-in-law, then you can only cry secretly."

After hearing that, Wu Shun'er smiled: "You little girl, don't scare my sister.

Wan Lang has me in his heart, no matter what, he won't let me go."

After hearing that, Wu Mei'er curled her lips: "Sister, if you don't go, sister, I won't be able to go out either.

And don't you want to see your brother-in-law's demeanor?"

After Wu Shun'er heard this, her whole body fell into deep thought, and she was also hesitant in her heart.

At this time, in the palace, Li Chengqian and Li Tai were discussing the matter of the Wenyouhui.

Li Tai had someone make a good brocade garment and send it to Wan Kuan outside the palace.

Tomorrow Wan Kuan is his trump card. With Wan Kuan around, Li Tai doesn't believe that anyone else can steal the limelight from him.

Especially that one... nasty.

My eldest brother, every year Wenta ridicules him: "This time we must save face."

And Li Chengqian of the East Palace is also sitting in his study with the eldest grandson Wuji.

While Changsun Wuji had a helpless look on his face, Li Chengqian's face showed a madness.

"Uncle, how Gu's methods are now known to everyone in Chang'an City, this Wan Kuan colluded with the King of Wei and wanted to seek the throne of the crown prince.

In this way, this Wan Kuan will not be despised by the father."

After listening to the eldest grandson Wuji, he sighed heavily: "Prince, as the dignified prince, you have sent your subordinates to spread rumors and cause trouble. If His Majesty finds out about this, I'm afraid it will be another blame."

"Don't worry, uncle.

The royal father knew that he would definitely not blame me for this matter, but he would first suspect the fourth child and Na Wan Kuan.

The father emperor is in his prime now, and the most annoying thing is that someone cares about the emperor's position. If he knew that Wan Kuan and the fourth child were going to grab the crown prince now, he would definitely be angry.

At that time, even if Wan Kuan is favored again, he will be abandoned by the royal father."

"But Prince, if His Majesty wants to know that you are behind this matter..."

"Uncle, you are confused.

Not to mention whether the father can trace this matter, even if the father knows some clues, what is wrong with Gu? Gu is also protecting himself, and now the fourth child and Wan Kuan are already very close."

Li Chengqian smiled fiercely: "The fourth is so young, and Wan Kuan is the most popular minister in the court. When these two are together, won't the father be suspicious?"

At this time, after hearing this, Changsun Wuji gradually regained a sense of calm: "Prince, your plan is risky and dangerous.

If it succeeds, His Majesty will definitely hate King Wei and Wan Kuan very much.

But if it fails..."

"Uncle, this will never fail.

Tomorrow's Wenyouhui, the fourth child actually invited Wan Kuan to be his staff. Isn't this a self-inflicted trap? There are many rumors in Chang'an City. At this time, the fourth child and Wan Kuan should not avoid suspicion and separate quickly. Tomorrow they will The two have to go to the Wenyouhui together, which makes the father look suspicious, don't they feel suspicious?"

At this time, the eldest grandson Wuji, his eyes were particularly deep: "Based on the understanding of Wei Chen of Your Majesty, if the prince of the harem gets too close to the ministers in the court, he will definitely commit His Majesty's big taboo."

"Yes, uncle.

Regardless of whether Wan Kuan and the fourth child have... different thoughts, as long as the two of them are so close, in the eyes of the father, they are... outrageous.

The royal father may not say anything, but in the future, he will definitely be more distant from the two of them."

Li Chengqian looked crazy: "And among these princes, except...the fourth child, all of them were born to...the concubine.

And the childish slave is only two years old now, and at such a young age, so as long as the fourth child is removed, the position of the orphaned prince will be extremely stable."

"As long as the position of the solitary prince is stable, like Wan Kuan's...favorite ministers, there is nothing to worry about, because this throne will sooner or later be...orphaned."

At this time, the eldest grandson Wuji hurriedly slapped the table and stood up: "His Royal Highness, speak carefully, speak carefully!"

"Uncle, why are you so timid? There are only you and me here. Heaven knows it, you know I know, do you still have a sixth ear?"

Naturally, there is no sixth ear here, but there are quite a few eyes outside the East Palace. Changsun Wuji sneaked into the East Palace and thought he was unaware, but he was reported to Li Shimin and Empress Changsun long ago.

After the two heard it, their faces were calm, and there was no overreaction.

"Your Majesty, the elder brother of the concubine is going too far."

"Guanyin maid, you don't have to blame the eldest grandson Wuji, I'm afraid our good prince had to pull him there.

Your brother is a smart man, knowing that the situation is not good, he wants to disappear, but the prince doesn't think so."

Chapter 166

In the Hall of Nectar, Li Shimin and Empress Zhangsun spoke some words from their hearts.

After listening to Li Shimin's words, Empress Zhangsun looked sad: "Your Majesty, why does Chengqian keep having trouble with Kuan'er?"

"Guanyin maid, haven't you found the real problem yet? Chengqian did this because he was narrow-minded and could not tolerate a little bit of difficulty.

The emperor is naturally one person in the world, with great power in his hands, but sometimes his mind is too narrow, and there will only be a few flattering slanderers around him."

There was a faint anger in Li Shimin's tone: "Among the civil servants and military generals around me, Wei Zheng took my life, and Yuchigong was also a general of the enemy army. Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong also defected from Wang Shichong's men."

"If I didn't have enough heart... I would have beheaded them all long ago. How can there be today's civil and military prosperity?"

After hearing this, Empress Changsun could only sigh to herself. She calmed down and asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty, why did you make Kuan'er a Marquis of Chixian?"

Li Shimin narrowed his eyes and smiled coldly: "Guanyin maid, you should guess what I think."

"Your Majesty, do you want Kuan'er to get involved in this fight?"

"Guanyin maid, Kuan'er's identity is chosen by God.

He is my son, Li Shimin, and may be the eldest son. He cannot escape this fate.

If I tell him sooner, he will understand sooner."

Empress Changsun sighed in her heart, she never wanted such a thing to happen, but in the end, if Wan Kuan's identity was to be revealed to the world, it would definitely be without these troubles.

And Li Shimin is... more direct, he directly pushed Wan Kuan to the opposite of the prince.

The two were going to have a fight, and that night was not as good as the earlier.

Wan Kuan didn't know what kind of war he would have with Li Chengqian at this time, he was just thinking about the two words his grandmother told him.

The grandmother told herself that if she is bullied in the future, she must fight back twice, until the other party hurts...

Wan Kuan was not sure, and asked his grandmother what her identity was, but her grandmother avoided talking, just told Wan Kuan that someone would support him.

Wan Kuan thought about it for a day, but he didn't even know what his identity was.

It's said to be a royal child, but it doesn't look like it.

It is said that he is a son of a noble family, but it does not feel right.

After thinking about it, I can't figure it out clearly, if that's the case, then I don't want to, anyway... At this time, Li Tai just happened to bring the brocade over.

Wan Kuan glanced at this dress, and it was suitable for a singer.

It's too arrogant to wear it like Tang Bohu.

Moreover, there is also a palm-sized Hetian warm jade inlaid on the head of this brocade garment, which is really too much.

I'm afraid this is better than what the prince wears. What is this Li Tai doing? With such good clothes, can't he wear it himself? It is estimated that Li Tai is also afraid of Li Chengqian in his heart and intends to make himself stand out.

What a sinister little fat man! At this time, Li Tai was very happy, anyway... Today Wan Kuan is his guest.

Wan Kuan is in the limelight, that is...he King Wei is in the limelight.

Wan Kuan suppressed the prince, and Yu said that the king of Wei suppressed the prince.

Anyway... Li Tai was not less angry in the palace before, and he will be ashamed tonight.

And the crown prince Li Chengqian can't be slaughtered by others. He knows that Wan Kuan will help Li Tai tonight, so he also invited many famous talents to help him out.

Seeing the young leaders in the aristocratic family in front of him, Li Chengqian was also quite confident.

Although Wan Kuan wrote a lot of famous poems, he was only a junior who only appeared in the past few months.

This is a talented person in the major families around me, even if one person can't hold Wan Kuan, these four people can eat Wan Kuan to death.

Tonight's literati club is in the Hibiscus Garden in Chang'an Anlefang. This Hibiscus Garden is a grand garden, usually all those...literati came here, but today it was set up is quite ingenious.

As the sun went down, one after another, some talented and beautiful women rode their carriages towards the Lotus Garden.

That Wan Kuan secretly sent his carriage to the back door of Yingguo Gong's mansion, and let the Wu family sisters also go with their own carriage.

Because the two stupid brothers of Wu Shun'er also went today, the Wu family sisters didn't want their brothers to see them, so Wan Kuan made a cone hat for each of them.

She covered her face with a pink scarf, so that no one could see the faces of the two sisters.

Although in the Friends of Literature Club, the talented and beauties should meet frankly, but there are also some shy young ladies who will wear cone hats, which will not attract attention.

After connecting with the Wu family sisters, Wan Kuan asked Xiao Laizi to drive the carriage straight to Furong Garden.

Inside the carriage, Wu Mei'er looked quite excited, at a young age... she went to join in the fun.

"Brother-in-law, I heard that there are a lot of talented people in Furong Garden tonight, and the various families have sent young talents. I heard that the prince has also attracted a lot of guests. Tonight, it is obvious that...you are here for your brother-in-law. ."

Wan Kuan smiled disdainfully after hearing this: "Brother-in-law, I won't argue with them for these false names at all, brother-in-law is now a third-rank high-ranking officer, they are just some young people without official positions, no matter how well-written the poems are, they are nothing but idiots. "

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