This woman is quiet and elegant, but there is an extravagance in her body that she dare not look directly at.

Bright eyes and white teeth, black hair like clouds, and two pear sockets at the corners of his mouth make people look like they are in a fairyland.

Wan Kuan was also a little surprised. Previously, Wan Kuan had always thought that Wu Shun'er's appearance was already peerless, but he did not expect that there were still women who could be on par with her.

This woman is gentle and generous, not the same type as Wu Shun'er, but after watching it, it still makes people's heart move.

At this time, the Wu family sisters were sitting on the edge of the talented girl's side, Wan Kuan quietly waved to them, and the Wu family sisters also shook the cone hats on their heads.

Wan Kuan originally thought that this banquet should be played by everyone, and when he saw whoever liked it, he would come together to enjoy the flowers in the garden, and by the way, he would say a few jokes, which could also be regarded as making some contributions to the Datang population increase plan.

But what I didn't expect was that everyone had to sit in front of several cases, so what's the point of Wan Kuan standing behind Xiao Laizi, and behind every talented person stood a book boy, and those... . Behind the talented girl is a little maid.

Only the Wu family sisters were sitting together, and they didn't bring their maids.

However, their position was so marginal that no one noticed them.

Some fruits are placed on these cases, and the others are... pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Since we are meeting friends through literature, of course we have to write something.

The bookboys and maids behind everyone were busy, running around for their young masters and young ladies.

And Wan Kuan gave Xiao Laizi a look, and Xiao Laizi immediately understood.

I saw Xiao Laizi move slowly, walking towards the place of the Wu family brother.

There was a smile on the corner of Wan Kuan's mouth, and it seemed that the plan should be very smooth tonight.

And just when Wan Kuan was thinking about it, the old Li Gang over there started talking.

"Gentlemen and talented women, this Friendship Society is... Yiwen Friendship.

According to the rules, you can write a little poem first, which is regarded as throwing stones to ask for directions."

After listening to Li Chengqian, he also said: "The teacher said it well, let's start with a small poem and show your talent."

On the side, Wang Ji of the Wang family of Taiyuan asked, "Dare to ask the prince, what is the title of this little poem?"

"This one has no scruples, it can be about people, or it can write about the beauty of the garden!"

After listening to that, Wang Ji said directly: "Then Wansheng dares to take the title of His Royal Highness Prince Prince!"

After Wang Ji finished speaking, the other three 3 of the four great talents also nodded their heads one after another.

On the other hand, Li Tai had a look of resentment: "Brother, I want to steal all the limelight as soon as I come up."

Wan Kuan ignored Li Tai, and the light was always on: the Wu family brothers.

At this time, Xiao Laizi quietly returned to Wan Kuan's side and gave Wan Kuan a reassuring look.

Wan Kuan laughed, and when he turned his head, he saw Li Tai's fat face appear in front of him.

"Li Tai, you are scary!"

"Wan Kuan, hurry up and write! The four great geniuses of the family have already begun to write quickly!"

"What's the hurry? It's just dozens of words! Wait a moment!"

"Don't wait, it's all over.

Wan Kuan, write quickly!"

Li Tai was impatient and shoved the brush directly into Wan Kuan's hand.

Here, Wan Kuan and Li Tai's actions were seen by Li Chengqian, and Li Chengqian smiled disdainfully.

The four great geniuses can't deal with a Wan Kuan, how could he see Wan Kuan's hesitant appearance, and know that he is exhausted now.

The four great talents shot one after another, and after a while, the poems of the four were finished.

A group of people gathered around the four great geniuses and recited the verse aloud.

"The young man has a strong spirit, and his arrogance is unremarkable."

"Young Master Weibei, a talented show Lanfu."

At this time, Li Chengqian's face was full of smiles. Who wouldn't like being flattered by others, and Li Tai, who was beside Wan Kuan, gritted his teeth: "A group of villains, there is no literati style!"

Wan Kuan looked at Li Tai with steamed buns and couldn't help but pouted.

In terms of appearance, Li Tai is... not as good as Li Chengqian.

"Wan Kuan, write a poem to praise me!"

Li Tai is going crazy.

Wan Kuan covered his mouth and snickered, Li Tai was like this, he couldn't write a verse to praise him.

If you want to praise Li Tai, you can only write buns.

At this time, the crowd applauded one after another, and the Four Great Talents made an extraordinary move.

The talented girls over there also nodded, and some of them had already begun to secretly greet the four great talents.

They don't dare to think about this prince, but the talents of the aristocratic family are not bad! It's just that Princess Changle and Princess Wencheng are anxious, waiting for Wan Kuan to make a move! And that... the peerless beauty with temperament Lan Xin is also not in a hurry. Xu, just watched Wan Kuan secretly.

Wan Kuan held a brush in his hand, and before he started to write, someone over there couldn't help it.

"It's said that Wan Kuan is only eight buckets tall, but why is there no word now?"

"Then who knows, there are too many people in this world who are famous for their reputation."

"I see that Mr. Wan has been picking up the pen for a long time, but he hasn't written a word."

"Li thought that this topic should be too difficult, and Wan Gongzi is a little embarrassed!"

The four talented people around Li Chengqian began to sneer and sneer, Wan Kuan smiled.

The disciples of this noble family have really disappointed themselves, they knew for a long time that they were coming for him today.

But Wan Kuan didn't expect these sons of aristocratic families to be so rude, they wouldn't even ridicule others.

Wan Kuan looked at Li Chengqian who was excited, and since that was the case, let him teach them how to mock others.

Over there, Li Tai and Princess Changle were a little anxious. Why didn't Wan Kuan start? The sisters of the Wu family who were sitting at the end also heard the movement here and looked at Wan Kuan eagerly.

The pen walks the dragon and the snake in one go.

Before everyone could react, Wan Kuan put the ratio down.

When the peerless beauty saw Wan Kuan's pen, her eyes were rippling.

"Matchmaker, Wan Kuan has taken action, go and see what he wrote!"

Chapter 169

The Furong Garden was very lively, but at this time everyone was staring at Wan Kuan.

Whether it was the Crown Prince Wei Wang or Changle Wencheng, they all looked at the Wankuan piece of paper expectantly.

The four talented men stepped forward, and Wang Ji squinted and said.

"The mayfly shakes the tree, it's ridiculous.

If you don't know how foolish you are, you can use it to slander you."

As soon as this collection of kings came out, everyone fell silent.

Everyone could see at a glance that Wan Kuan was laughing at the person who mocked him just now, and his words were extremely sharp and showed no mercy.

The four great talents suddenly turned into mayflies trying to shake the big tree, doesn't Wan Kuan mean that he is a big tree, and the four great talents are mayflies?

The Princess Wencheng asked in a low voice, "Sister Changle, is this Wan Kuan's poem written to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, or to the four great talents?"

"It should be the four great talents. Didn't the four great talents just say something bad to Wan Kuan?"

And the most marginal Wu family sisters are also biting their ears.

"Sister, this brother-in-law is really steadfast and ruthless, and he scolded the prince for a fool all of a sudden!"

"Sister, will this make the prince angry?"

"The prince must be angry, but this is... Yiwen meets friends, the prince can only bear it!"

"What if the prince wants revenge?"

"Don't worry, brother-in-law is measured.

That prince has a grudge against his brother-in-law, so it's fine to scold him!"

On the other side, the stunning woman covered her mouth with her palm and smiled secretly.

My husband really has a personality, and as soon as he comes up, he goes against the prince.

"Miss, this Wan Kuan is really domineering, and the four great talents have been scolded miserably."

"Matchmaker, that's their own fault!"

"Miss, then Cui Xin is also considered to be the Cui family.

But he is the Cui family of Qinghe, not our Boling Cui family."

"Qinghe Boling broke up when he was there. Even if his surname was Cui, he was just a stranger! And it's not them that Wan Kuan is ironing, but the prince behind them."

"Miss, Wan Kuan is so bold!"

"The talent is astonishing, Wan Kuan naturally looks down on this worldly dignitary.

Those four great talents are the prince's people, Wan Kuan mocking them is... mocking the prince!"

What Cui Yingying said was right, what Wan Kuan said was... the prince.

At this time, Li Tai swept away the gloom, and took Wan Kuan's paper directly to Li Chengqian.

"His Royal Highness, look.

This Wankuan calligraphy is also unique, it is really wonderful!"

Li Chengqian looked embarrassed, angry and angry: "Fourth brother, this is really a good poem!"

Seeing Li Chengqian's smile as if he had eaten a fly, Li Tai felt more comfortable.

For the first time, Li Taihuo had a feeling of exaltation.

At this time, Wan Kuan wondered in his heart, why the brothers had not moved yet, and at this time, the four great talents had lost all face, and he felt in his heart.

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