"Prince, the four of us were intentional just now, allowing Na Wankuan to find an opportunity.

Now I wait for the four of them to start to exert all their strength, and I will definitely make Na Wanku feel ashamed."

"If that's the case, then hurry up!"

Li Chengqian's lungs were about to explode with anger, and he was jointly humiliated by Wan Kuan and Li Tai, so naturally he couldn't suffer this dumb loss.

The four great talents swarmed up, directly surrounding Wankuan:.

"I saw that the four major talents have all gone up!"

"What are the Four Great Talents so humiliated by a poem by Wan Kuan that he can't lift his head.

The children of this family are just like that!"

"People say that Wan Kuan is the star of Wenqu, and these four people are really asking for trouble!"

Wan Kuan looked at the four 44 fools beside him, and his heart almost died of anxiety.

Why doesn't my own Qinling Sophora japonica nectar work? "Wan Kuan, Cui Mou wants to test a song with you on the topic of flowers!"

"Wan Kuan, Cui Mou wants to try a song with you on the subject of the month!"

"Wan Kuan, Cui Mou wants to test a song with you on the topic of snow!"

"Wan Kuan, Cui Mou wants to try a song with you on the topic of beauty!"

The four talents took turns to make moves, trying to drag Wankuan down with the wheel battle.

Wan Kuan looked impatient, while Li Tai encouraged Wan Kuan.

"Wan Kuan, come on..., beat the four of them down, and this king will give you a box of gold!"

At this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Wan Kuan and the four great talents, while Wan Kuan's eyes were always on the Wu family brothers.

Could it be that the bees all went to sleep at night, but this wild locust flower nectar can't be resisted by any bee.

Qinling's woodcutter did not dare to touch this locust nectar even at night.

"Wan Kuan, are you willing to fight?"

"Are you afraid"

Wan Kuan was troubled, is today's plan going to fail?

"Miss, why didn't Wan Kuan fight?"

the little matchmaker asked.

"Wan Kuan's face is not happy, it's not fear, it should be worrying about this worldly struggle.

Everyone says that Wan Kuan is the reincarnation of Wenquxing, which is a lie, but Wan Kuan should be an immortal with great talent, so naturally he doesn't like this kind of provocation!"

"Miss, will Wan Kuan fight?"

"Brother-in-law will naturally challenge!"

Wu Meier comforted her sister on the other side.

"Sister, don't worry, these clowns are no match for my brother-in-law.

Brother-in-law's little finger is thicker than their waists!"

Wu Mei'er's words gave Wu Shun'er a lot of peace of mind.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Wan Kuan smiled contemptuously.

"Li Tai, bring a pen!"


Li Tai didn't care about Wan Kuan and called his name directly, at this time he was only excited.

Wan Kuan picked up the pen, pointed to the four great talents and said, "You five 55 watch, don't...appear in front of Wan, Wan doesn't like you!"

Five 55 Li Chengqian was taken aback, then immediately.

Furious, this Wan Kuan scolded himself.

At this time, Li Chengqian didn't care about getting angry, so Wan Kuan wrote the book in a hurry, and everyone...immediately.


"Don't squeeze, you stepped on my feet."

"Don't stand in front of me, and I will watch Wan Kuan write poems!"

"Miss, let's squeeze in too!"

"Madam, wait a minute, don't worry!"

"Sister, we are too far away to see!"

"Sister, let's not go in and cause trouble to Wan Lang."

"Sister Changle, Wan Kuan is going to write poetry again."

"Sister Wencheng, don't look at you, your eyes are about to fly out."

A group of people surrounded Wan Kuan, and countless pairs of eyes stared at Wan Kuan.

Wan Kuan wrote like a fly without thinking at all.

Li Tai gave Wan Kuan a hand on the side, Wan Kuan wrote a song, and Li Tai immediately put on a piece of paper.

The eyes of the four great talents were like copper bells, and their hands were shaking! Li Chengqian was also sluggish at this time, looking at the poems written by Wan Kuan.

Chapter 170

"Wan Kuan wrote a poem about flowers, please listen carefully!"

"The Hibiscus Garden is full of flowers, with thousands of flowers pressing down on the branches.

Liu Lian dances from time to time to play the butterfly, and the free-spirited yingying just sings."

When the crowd heard it, they burst into applause.

"Wan Kuan wrote a poem on snow, please listen carefully!"

"Thousands of mountains and birds fly away, and thousands of people disappear.

Boat PC World Weng, fishing alone trees and snow."

The crowd exclaimed in unison.

"Wonderful, wonderful!"

"This article can only be found in the sky, not in the world!"

"Wan Kuan, Wenquxing is reincarnated!"

"Don't be noisy, there's a third song!"

Then Li Tai coughed and continued to shout.

"Wan Kuan wrote a poem about the moon, please listen carefully!"

"Who on the riverside saw the moon for the first time, Jiangyue at the beginning of the year, and everyone's life and generations have been endless, and Jiangyue's outlook is similar year after year.

I don't know who Jiangyue is waiting for, but I see that the Yangtze River is sending water.

The white clouds are gone, and the Qingfeng River is full of sorrow..."

At this time, there was no one in the Furong Garden, and even the loud exhalation was a noise.

That old Li Gang was originally there to watch the fun, and he was already drowsy, but he was instantly refreshed by these poems by Wan Kuan, as if he had been beaten by chicken blood.

Old Li Gang is already a rare age. After the Northern Zhou Dynasty, the Sui Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, he has seen countless heroes and heroes and joys and sorrows.

But this man with a literary style in front of him was the first time in his life that Old Li Gang had seen him.

The talent between heaven and earth seems to be gathered on the young man in front of him at the moment, without letting out the slightest.

And the people present at this time were all intoxicated by their spirituality, and even Li Chengqian was more in a trance than resentment.

Li Tai was so excited that he was about to faint. Today, Wan Kuan gave him a long face, and he slapped Li Chengqian's face casually.

At this moment, Miss Cui Family couldn't keep her calm expression anymore. She held the handkerchief and stared at Wan Kuan with her wonderful eyes.

And the Wu family sisters had already sweaty palms and shortness of breath.

But what makes people a little surprised is that the one who is the most excited here is... the Princess Wencheng.

I saw Princess Wencheng squeeze Princess Changle's arm tightly, wishing to break Princess Changle's arm off.

"Sister Wencheng, you are about to unscrew my arm."

Princess Changle cried out in pain.

And Princess Wencheng's face was blushing, and her face was even redder than the red gauze she was wearing.

At this time, Wan Kuan looked at everyone with a blank expression, the Wu family brothers were still safe and sound, Wan Kuan could only sigh in his heart, maybe he was unlucky tonight.

Since the Wu family brothers cannot be punished, let's coax one's own Wu Shun'er first.

Wan Kuan paused, and said aloud: "There is also a poem about beautiful women, when writing about beauty, you have to look at beauty.

In the Lotus Garden tonight, there is a lady who is as beautiful as a fairy!"

When Wu Shun'er, who was huddled in the corner, went to Wankuan, her heart seemed to be wrapped in honey.

Wu Mei'er on the side pouted, her sister and brother-in-law were fed again.

At this time, Cui Yingying, who was on the side of those cases, only felt a little tight in her heart. Is it possible that Wan Kuan was talking about herself? The Hongniang was very excited at this time: "Miss, then Wan Kuan is going to write a poem for you!"

Cui Yingying rolled her eyes at Hongniang: "Keep your voice down!"

"Miss, the most beautiful thing here is... Miss you, then Wan Kuan is going to show her affection with poetry.

It turns out that Wan Kuan has also fallen in love with Miss, and it's not in vain for you to read Wan Kuan's poems every night."

At this moment, Cui Yingying's heart was also pounding, seeing Wan Kuan just looking at her, a rainbow appeared on Cui Yingying's snow-white cheeks.

Wan Kuan looked at the Wu family sisters in the corner, and he kept on writing, directly tactful about You Long.

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