Then Li Tai looked at it from the side, and said in his mouth.

"The cloud thinks of clothes and flowers, and the spring breeze blows on the threshold of Revlon.

If you don't meet at the top of Qunyu Mountain, you will meet at Yaotai under the moon."

As soon as Wan Kuan wrote, the crowd exploded with a bang.

“Beautiful, absolutely beautiful!”

"If I could write such verses in my life, it would be... let me die!"

"Beauty is in the sky and in the moon, it's really wonderful."

After Wan Kuan finished writing, he threw the pen on the grass.

Wan Kuan doesn't want to write anymore tonight, it's really tiring to write with calligraphy.

At this time, the four talented men were full of blood, and it seemed that they could no longer control their bodies.

Today, this face is a big shame, and everyone on the side is praising it, and hearing their ears is... naked humiliation.

Several people swayed, as if they were about to fall to the ground.

And that Li Chengqian was already in a state of madness at this time, and he could not wait to draw out his long sword immediately and stab Wan Kuan to death.

Li Tai proudly put away Wan Kuan's calligraphy treasure, and waved a pair of chubby hands in front of Li Chengqian, doing his best.

Before Wan Kuan turned around, he glanced at Wu Shun'er, which was very meaningful.

"Sister, brother-in-law winked at you again!"

Wu Meier said weakly.

As my brother-in-law, everything is fine, except... Sometimes I'm too unrestrained, and I go back to my sister to spread dog food anytime, anywhere.

Wu Shun'er's heart is full of sweetness, and she can't wait to take out her heart and put it on Wan Kuan.

At this time, Cui Yingying and Xiao Hongniang were also a little dizzy, Wan Kuan's eyes shot directly at Wu Shun'er, but swept to Cui Yingying.

At this moment, Cui Yingying's heart is about to jump out, is this poem really written by Wan Kuan to herself, "Miss, Miss, Wan Gongzi is coming!"

The little matchmaker beside her shouted.

At this time, not only Cui Yingying, but all the ladies present were shyly waiting for Wan Kuan to come.

And Wan Kuan went straight to Wu Shun'er, and today Wan Kuan will clearly announce his affection for Wu Shun'er in front of everyone.

And at this moment, suddenly two shrill screams came from the Furong Garden.

"Bee, bee, help!"

"Help, the bee stings to death!"

Everyone was still immersed in Wan Kuan's poems, but these two screams directly woke everyone's thoughts.

Everyone looked at the place where the sound came from, and saw two handsomely dressed men surrounded by bees in the Hibiscus Garden.

Wan Kuan's face was happy at this time, and the two were brothers of the Wu family.

My own locust flower nectar worked. It turned out that it was was not time.

The little Lai Zi came to Wan Kuan quietly: "Master, it may be that there is no light at night, and the bees are resting and not collecting honey.

So even though the little ones poured acacia nectar on them, the bees came a little slow!"

"Don't be afraid of being slow, just be afraid of not coming!"

Wan Kuan was very proud at this time: "As long as the bees come, it's fine, Xiao Laizi, hurry up and prepare for the next step."

"Okay! Young master, just wait and watch the show!"

Chapter 171

Originally, the atmosphere in Furong Garden was peaceful, and everyone was amazed at Wan Kuan's literary talent.

Those... talented people looked at Wan Kuan with jealousy at the moment, and those... beautiful people's eyes became: affectionate.

At this moment, the Wu family brothers suddenly made a big noise.

Everyone looked over there and saw the Wu family brothers dancing like crazy, as if they were possessed by a demon.

"It hurts, it hurts to death, it itches to death."

"I can't take it anymore, help, help."

For a time, everyone looked at the Wu family brothers and began to whisper.

"What's wrong with the two sons of Yingguo's family, how are they dancing there?"

"Isn't it a case of evil? Anyway... There have been quite a few anecdotes about Chang'an City recently. Didn't Lu Guogong Cheng bite gold just two days ago?"

"Cheng Yaojin was shot by the Dragon King, but what are they calling bees and bees, how can there be bees in this big night?"

"Yeah, he said that a bee stung him, isn't this an idiot's dream? I think it is... evil."

At this time, the Wu family sisters who were hiding at the back watched their two silly brothers jumping and jumping there, still rolling on the grass, and couldn't help but secretly laughed.

"Sister, this must be a good thing my brother-in-law did, and I don't know what he did to make these two bad guys so ugly."

"Sister, let's hide behind, don't let others see it."

"No, sister, I'm going to stand forward. I'm going to see the ugliness of these two people with my own eyes."

At this time, Li Chengqian was also confused, and this Wu family brother brought it by himself.

Although these two people have little literary talent, but after all, they are the sons of the duke, so it's good to bring them here to be strong and powerful.

Anyway... Li Chengqian is like this, he is surrounded by talented people who can help him stand out.

Or those... sons of the princes and princes, who can set off their status.

Anyway... Li Chengqian is... I want everyone in this Tang Furong Garden to know that this prince is the most honorable.

But today, Li Chengqian was unlucky. The four talents he brought with him were beaten to death by Wan Kuan alone. Now these four people are still in a trance and can't recover.

After such a big blow, it is estimated that these four people will have problems in their hearts in the future.

Now Wan Kuan has become the inner demon of the four of them, and if I hear the word Wan Kuan in the future, my heart will probably tremble.

Just now, everyone looked at the four great talents with ridicule, and by the way, they even looked at the prince with disdain.

The talents that he brought were so unbearable that he was finished by Wan Kuan, and so was the prince.

At this time, Li Chengqian was already angry enough, and the younger brother over there was yelling again. The Wu family brothers were sitting not far from him, and the discerning person saw that he had brought them.

The people he brought with him caused Li Chengqian's face to be put aside. At this time, Li Chengqian was so angry that he pointed his finger at him: "Come here, save the two young masters of Ying Guogong."

The guards behind Li Chengqian swarmed up, trying to push the Wu family brothers down on the grass.

However, the Wu family brothers were surprisingly manic at this time, the whole person was scurrying around like a monkey, and his hands were constantly waving, his appearance was extremely funny, and people couldn't help but laugh.

The guards finally pressed the two to the ground, and at this moment, the Wu family brothers broke out with a sound like killing a pig.

"Let me go..., I want to run, let me go..."

The Wu family brothers kept surging like two silkworm chrysalis, looking very embarrassed, and the guards managed to suppress them with great difficulty.

Just now, the Wu family brothers were running around, and no one else could get close to them. At this time, the guards pressed them down, only to find that the Wu family brothers were covered with dense bees on their faces and bodies.

Just now, this Wu family brother shouted that there was a bee sting, and it really wasn't a lie.

This bee is black and yellow, and it is difficult to see it clearly in the dim light of the lantern, so it seems to the people around that the Wu brothers are dancing with their hands. It turns out that they are really driving the bees with their hands.

At this time, the Wu family brothers had already been stung by several large bags on their faces. The guards pressed them to the ground, and they couldn't move. The bees became even more mad and covered their entire cheeks.

And some bees actually climbed up the guard along the armor, and the guard's arm was also stinged, and it was really painful.

All of a sudden, the guards scattered, and the Wu family brothers began to run wild again.

That Li Chengqian's face was flushed red, the people he brought with him were not good enough, and his guards were not obedient.

They clearly asked them to hold the Wu family brothers down, but why did they let them run away? "His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness, there are really bees surrounding the Wu family brothers, and the Wu family brothers' faces are full of red envelopes."

The guard fled back in embarrassment, everyone was a little surprised when he said this.

How can there be bees at night? These bees are all dispatched during the day, because flowers bloom only when there is light, and they can gather honey when the flowers bloom. How can there be bees gathering honey at night The tragic voice of the Wu family brother came over, as if he had received great pain.

All of a sudden, everyone started to panic.

At this time, Wan Kuan suddenly stood up and shouted: "Don't be afraid, everyone, this bee is most afraid of water.

Come, pour water on the two sons of the Duke of Ning Ying, be sure to use boiling water."

The guard behind the prince was a little surprised when he heard Wan Kuan's words.

At this time, Li Chengqian looked back and shouted loudly: "If you don't hurry up, do you want to let them both be embarrassed here?"

When the guards heard it, they immediately.

He ran out like a dog chasing a rabbit.

After a while, I got a few pots of hot water from the Furong Garden, splashed twice, and poured it directly on the Wu family brother.

As a result, the Wu family brother screamed even harder, the hot water splashed on his body like a pig's hair, and the Wu family brother screamed in pain... wow.

But as soon as the hot water arrived, the bees...... flew away.

However, both of them were extremely red from the hot water.

At this time, the talented and beautiful woman next to him saw that the Wu family brother was soaked all over, and his face was red with spots, and he was still crying. This embarrassing gesture made everyone laugh while covering their mouths.

Li Chengqian's hands and feet were trembling at this time. He wanted to embarrass Wan Kuan and Li Tai tonight, but it was himself who was embarrassed.

Then Li Chengqian was so angry that he shouted directly: "You two don't hurry up and change your clothes, don't stay in this shameful place."

Chapter 172

The brothers of the Wu family were already miserable enough, and when the Crown Prince scolded him like this, the whole person was crying.

As a last resort, the two were supported by their two bookboys and sent to the backyard to change their clothes.

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