The brothers of the Wu family were also wronged, they didn't do anything, and they became like this.

Didn't he just sneak a few glances at the fairy-like young lady, and he wouldn't suffer this kind of retribution.

At this time, Princess Changle on the side asked strangely: "Why are there bees at night and why are so many bees only looking for those two people and not coming to us?"

Wan Kuan laughed a little after hearing this, those...bees of course wouldn't come here.

Because Wan Kuan asked Xiao Laizi to secretly sprinkle the most fragrant wild sophora japonica nectar in Qinling on the Wu brothers.

This kind of honey was extracted and purified by Wan Kuan from Qinling Mountains. It has a strong fragrance and is most attractive to bees.

Those hunters in the Qinling Mountains, if they accidentally rubbed against this locust flower nectar, they must jump into the water and wash it clean.

Otherwise, with this fragrance, the bees will be chasing after them, even... at night, they will not be able to escape the fate of being stung.

After Wan Kuan retrieved the locust flower nectar, he added some ingredients to it, and the aroma was even stronger. Just now, everyone didn't notice the smell, but the bees did.

Originally, the bees were resting at night, but when they smelled this smell, they began to dispatch their nests, directly surrounding the Wu family brothers.

And Li Chengqian was a little strange when he heard what Princess Changle said. He looked around: "This is really strange, why does the honey only stare at the two sons of Duke Ying, is there something on them?"

Wan Kuan blinked after hearing this, Li Chengqian's mind is quite flexible, but now that the Wu family brothers have been splashed with boiling water, even if the remaining honey has been washed away, there is no evidence left.

On the side, Cui Xin, one of the four great talents, calmed down and asked in a low voice, "Prince, is someone playing a trick?"

At this time, Wan Kuan said aloud: "This matter is not difficult to guess, everything in this world has spirituality, and so does this bee.

When encountering some treacherous villains, this bee will follow the will of God and drive them away."

Then Li Chengqian was so angry that his lungs would explode: "Wan Kuan, what do you mean? Do you think that the people brought by the prince are traitors?"

Wan Kuan smiled lightly after listening to it: "His Royal Highness has misunderstood. No one knows what the brothers of the Wu family have done, and it has nothing to do with the prince."

"Bullshit, you dare to slander the crown prince and the two sons of Ying Guogong so much because they were attacked by bees, how could it be a loss of morality?"

Wan Kuan looked at a genius from an aristocratic family who appeared out of nowhere next to him, and couldn't help but smile with disdain on his face.

"I can't say for sure, this bee stings people with a vision just now, just to punish some villains.

If these two people are really guilty, God will continue to punish them, everyone will wait and see."

Wan Kuan's words made everyone feel stunned, only the Wu family sisters knew that Wan Kuan was playing tricks.

After all, who doesn't know in Chang'an now that Wan Kuan is the reincarnation of an immortal and has the best relationship with immortals.

If this is really God's punishment, then you have to leave the Wu family brothers, don't punish yourself.

At this time, Wan Kuan blinked at the little leprosy behind him while everyone was expecting Ai Ai.

Xiao Laizi understood and immediately.

He walked towards the backyard with his hands behind his back.

At this time, Li Chengqian was gasping for breath, this Wan Kuan made it clear that he would not give him face, and directly said that the person he brought was a villain and would be punished by God.

In this way, wouldn't he say that Li Chengqian is a prince who likes to associate with villains? At this time, Li Chengqian glared at Wan Kuan with a pair of eyes, and said in a gnashing voice: "Wan Kuan, you don't want to take an inch. Gu will give you face tonight, if you are still obsessed, don't blame Gu for being rude."

When Wan Kuan heard Li Chengqian's threat, there was no fear on his face, just a faint smile.

Others are not afraid of your own prince. Your grandmother has told me that you don't have to be afraid when you meet the prince and those princes in the future.

Wan Kuan is now full of confidence anyway, if Li Chengqian dares to bar his teeth with himself, he will knock out his teeth directly.

At this time, when Cui Yingying saw Wan Kuan who didn't quite deal with Li Chengqian, she felt a little worried for a while.

"Miss, that Wan Kuan is very courageous, and dares to go against the prince."

"The prince is not a broad-minded person at first sight, and Wan Kuan has peerless talent, so it is normal to be arrogant and dislike some villains around the prince."

"But this Wankuan will suffer in the future."

And Cui Yingying smiled after hearing this. If she really married Wan Kuan in the future, how could it be possible for him to suffer? At this time, while no one was paying attention, Xiao Laizi walked all the way to the backyard and walked along the corridor. , I saw a pavilion surrounded by mats, and inside is... a place to change clothes.

Every year in the Friends of Literature Association, there are always some talented and beautiful women who get drunk and vomit all over, so they wrap the pavilion with a mat so that they can wash their faces and change clothes inside.

Xiao Laizi put his ears on the mat and listened to the Wu family brothers talking in low voices.

"Brother, why is my body so itchy?"

"Brother, my brother is itchy too. When the bee stings, it hurts a lot at first, but now I feel extremely itchy all over my body. I can't wait to hang the flesh on my body with a knife."

"Brother, are we poisoned? I heard that many bees are poisonous. After being stung by a bee, you have to see Langzhong immediately."

"Brother, don't look at Lang Zhong, brother is itching to death, please scratch my back."

Xiao Laizi almost laughed out loud when he heard it outside, he covered his mouth, and his eyes were full of pride.

After being stung by a bee, the bag would have been packed, and there was bee venom in it.

At this time, if you use boiling water to splash the place where the bee has stung, the pain will be reduced, but it will be extremely itchy.

And just now, Xiao Laizi sprinkled top-level Sophora japonica nectar on the Wu family brothers, and the bees stung them again, and then Wan Kuan pretended to save people and let people pour boiling water on them.

As a result, the place where they had been stung was soaked in boiling water, and the bee venom in it spread, and all of a sudden, the whole body began to itch.

This itch is not painful at all, but it is unbearable for you.

Chapter 173

At this time, the Wu family brothers could not wait to use an iron brush to brush all the flesh off their body, and they were unwilling to bear it.

"Oh! Brother, I can't help itching anymore, so please scratch me."

"You scratch me first, the eldest brother is the father, hurry up."

"Screw together!"

At this time, Xiao Laizi held a small porcelain bottle in his hand and walked in slowly.

"Young master of the Wu family, the prince has invited you to the banquet."

As soon as Xiao Laizi entered, he saw that the two young masters of the Wu family were shirtless, hugging each other and scratching each other's backs, not to mention disgusting.

Xiao Laizi hurriedly covered his eyes with his hands, seeing these things going back by himself, he would have a needle-like eye.

"Who let you in"

The Wu family brothers were scared to death by Xiao Laizi.

"Two young masters, the prince invites you to go back to the banquet."

"Let the prince wait for a while... let's, our two brothers are itching to death."

At this time, the little rascal put down his hand, took a closer look, and then pretended to be surprised and said, "You two young masters, you have been poisoned by bee venom."

"Ah, what should I do, brother, I said we have to look at Lang Zhong."

At this time, Xiao Laizi said quickly: "Langzhong doesn't work now, and the medicine in Langzhong is slow to take effect. After you drink it, you have to support it for a day and a night."

"Then what to do, brother."

And the eldest young master of the Wu family was also itching and grinning at this time. He saw Xiao Laizi and said, "Since you know that you have been poisoned by bees, what can you do?"

"Two young masters, little one: I have heard a recipe, but I don't know whether it works or not."

"You little bastard, if you have a recipe, don't hurry up and say no more, young master, I will kill you."

That little Lai Zi nodded quickly: "Yes yes yes, young master, the recipe says that if you are stung by a bee, after you get bee venom, put your body on the wood to rub it, and use the wood to suck the bee venom away from your body, so that It's not itchy anymore."

"You little bastard, what is this recipe?"

The little Lai Zi said aggrievedly: "You two young masters, this is what the recipe really says. Anyway... there are pillars in this pavilion, why don't you try it first."

The brothers from the Wu family looked at each other, and there was some truth to what this little Laizi said.

Anyway... this recipe is not troublesome, and you can't miss a few pounds of meat if you try it, so let's try it.

The brothers of the Wu family turned around and saw that there were just two of the two young masters of the Wu family who happened to be beside Xiao Laizi, holding a pillar by themselves, and began to rub against each other.

After Xiao Laizi looked at it, he lowered his head to look at the tip of his shoe, he didn't dare to look up, he would definitely laugh when he looked up.

Then the two young masters of the Wu family went with the black bear, hugged the pillar and started to rub against each other.

The eldest young master of the Wu family rubbed his neck, and the second young master of the Wu family rubbed his back, exactly like a bear.

That little Lai Zi was also very relieved at this time, and just now these two scumbag young masters dared to call themselves little bastards.

Only Wan Kuan has scolded himself. Whoever dares to scold himself, the little Lai Zi is also ruthless in his heart. Since you scolded me, I will make you suffer more.

At this time, the two young masters of the Wu family rubbed their bodies on the wooden stake, and felt a coolness in the place where they rubbed, as if the feeling of itchiness was really less.

"Brother, it's really useful. My back doesn't seem to itch now."

And the eldest young master of the Wu family rubbed his neck against his stomach, which seemed to feel a lot more comfortable.

"You little have two brushes, this secret recipe works quite well."

The two young masters of the Wu family are also smiling now, and the two of them are rubbing against the pillar like two puppies and bears.

For a while... hug, for a while... hug, for a while... hold it against your back, it's not going to be disgusting.

At this time, the little Laizi rolled his eyes and said, "Two young masters, in fact, the pillars of this pavilion are all dead wood, they are all chopped wood, and there is no bark, so they can't absorb that much bee venom."

"The villain... It is said in the remedies that if you rub the living wood, the effect will be better.

In half an hour, all the bee venom from your body will be sucked away."

The second young master of the Wu family's eyes lit up after hearing this: "You little bastard, you didn't say it earlier.

There are so many trees in the Hibiscus Garden outside, can’t you just find any one to rub against?”

At this time, the eldest young master of the Wu family quickly persuaded: "Brother, don't be rude, we have to go out and hug the tree to rub against it, and people will definitely lose face if they see it."

"Oh, I said, brother, at this time, you still have face, are you willing to keep itching all over your body anyway... brother, I don't want to."

And this is Xiao Laizi again bowing his head and saying: "Two young masters, there is actually a row of groves near this pavilion, and there are two big trees in it, you may be fine soon.

I will help the two young masters to keep an eye on them, and after the two young masters have finished rubbing them, they should change their clothes quickly, so let's go to the banquet as soon as possible, so as to save the prince from waiting too long."

"You little have a very flexible mind. Since that's the case, you should lead the way. Where are those two big trees?"

Xiao Laizi hurried out of the pavilion, and there were really two big banyan trees beside the pavilion.

Xiao Laizi sprinkled the porcelain bottle in his hand on the two banyan trees, and then the two young masters of the Wu family walked out of the pavilion tremblingly.

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