Cheng Yaojin hurriedly tried to stand up, but with garlic mixed under his feet, he threw himself on the ground in front of Wan Kuan.

Wan Kuan looked at Cheng Yaojin who was throwing himself on the ground with a strange expression on his face.

"General Cheng, what's the matter with you? Although I just became a marquis, you are also a prince, so you don't have to give such a big gift."

Cheng Yaojin hurriedly got up, regardless of the dust on his hands, he bent down and said.

"Wan Da Shenxian, you don't care about the villain, so don't follow the small: general knowledge.

Myriad immortals are powerful, and I, Cheng Yaojin, have offended you inadvertently, and I admit my mistake.

In the future, as long as the great immortals are there, I, Cheng Yaojin, will definitely be respectful."

Wan Kuan showed a smile like a spring breeze at this time: "General Cheng, how do you say that we are officials in the same dynasty, and we are all colleagues, how can I care about it?"

Cheng Yaojin's heart set off a huge wave after hearing this, and if you didn't care too much, you would almost kill me. If it wasn't for my thick-skinned old Cheng, I would have committed suicide two days ago.

Although Cheng Yaojin was dissatisfied, he still had a pleasing smile on his face.

"Wan Da Shenxian, please spare me Cheng Yaojin.

I, Cheng Yaojin, are just a jerk, I used to be ignorant, but now I really know what's wrong."

Wan Kuan looked at Cheng Yaojin who was sincerely admitting his mistake, couldn't help but patted the dust on his body, and then asked him to sit down:.

To say that Cheng Yaojin's attitude was so good long ago, this matter would have been over long ago, so Wan Kuan had to spend his time educating him.

This person can't be too arrogant, if he is too arrogant, he will easily suffer losses.

At this time, Wan Kuan said slowly and leisurely: "General Cheng, this man...!!!, you must fear the gods.

Sometimes you can't do things that are too arrogant, this angers the gods and makes people angry, and the gods will punish you."

That Cheng Yaojin nodded like pounding garlic, extremely well-behaved, and he didn't look arrogant at all.

Wan Kuan continued: "Then the Wu family brothers in Furong Garden two days ago were condemned by the gods, right?

If they don't repent, there will be heavier punishments in the future."

Cheng Yaojin quickly waved his hand after listening to Wan Kuan's words.

"Wan Da Shenxian, I, Cheng Yaojin, absolutely repented. Later, I, Cheng Yaojin, revered the gods and went to the temple to burn incense and kowtow every day."

Wan Kuan waved his hand: "You don't have to be so numb.

In the evening, Mr. Wan invited the Dragon King to get on his upper body, and you paid homage in front of me. It was considered to be an offering to the Dragon King, and in the future, he would become the Dragon King's boy.

So in the future, you will have to erect a statue to the Dragon King, and worship it every five days."

"No problem, I, Cheng Yaojin, believe in the Dragon Lord the most."

Wan Kuan waved his hand: "Don't worry, that night, the Dragon King got on me, so I also counted half of your offerings, and seeing me is like seeing the Dragon King.

So when you Cheng Yaojin see me, you have to bow down and salute, you can't make a mess."

Cheng Yaojin's face became a little stiff when he heard it.

However, Qin Qiong kicked him in the back, and Cheng Yaojin immediately.

Nodding is like a chicken eating rice.

"Follow your orders, myriad gods.

In the future, when I see you, Lao Cheng will definitely salute immediately without any hesitation."

Wan Kuan nodded after listening: "If that's the case, then you are my boy, you can come to me if you have any trouble in the future.

For example, the house is haunted, if anything strange happens, you can come to me."

At this moment, Qin Qiong heard this and immediately.

Pressing Cheng Yaojin, he said, "Master Wan is broad-minded, and Qin really admires him."

Wan Kuan waved his hand after hearing this: "This world is not benevolent, and all things are regarded as cud dogs.

If you offend heaven and earth, you will be punished, just like that Wu family brother."

At this time, Qin Qiong pondered and said: "Master Hou, do you know that Your Majesty has ordered the removal of Duke Ying's title, and what the hell did the brothers of the Wu family do to cause them to suffer such a wrath? difficult"

When Wan Kuan heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

The old man of the Wu family was expelled from his title, "General Qin, why doesn't Wan know what happened?"

"Master Wan, the will of His Majesty just came out of the palace, and Yao Jin and I just met.

Now the angel who passed the decree is estimated to have arrived at Duke Ying's mansion, and Duke Ying's current title is estimated to have been lost."

Wan Kuan was a little surprised after hearing this, which was really unexpected.

Why did Li Shimin suddenly remove Wu Shun'er's father's title? According to historical development, Wu Shun'er's father's title was not removed until his death, and it was also extended to Wu Shun'er's eldest brother.

It's just that Wu Shun'er's eldest brother did something wrong in the Bashu area, and the dignified prince changed his way, but he didn't get rid of it completely.

Until later, after Wu Meier entered the palace and was favored, she directly brought the Wu family into the abyss.

He took action to deal with the brothers of the Wu family. Logically speaking, it has nothing to do with Li Shimin. Why did he come to join in the fun? Why did he directly expell Wu Shun'er's father's title and the dignified prince said that he would take it off? This is really too much. Too much.

Cheng Yaojin, who was on the side, was a little trembling at this time. Hearing what Wan Kuan meant just now, the brothers of the Wu family were also punished by heaven, and in all likelihood, Wan Kuan got them.

This Wan Kuan is really amazing. Not only has the brothers of the Wu family been humiliated in front of so many noble children, but now even the title of the Wu family has been lost. Could it be that Wan Kuan really knows magic and can affect His Majesty's decision? Although the warrior Yu had no real power and was a title left by the Emperor Taishang, he has been conscientious and very low-key over the years, and he has been sick in bed and never went to court. It doesn't matter that such a person keeps him a title.

Why this time, His Majesty suddenly took action to remove his title? The more Cheng Yaojin thought about it, the more frightened he became. Could it be that this Wan Kuan in front of him really has some kind of magic that can directly control His Majesty's thoughts.

In this way, he will have to take good care of this Wan Kuan in the future. If he does anything wrong to him again, the title he has worked so hard for will be gone.

Chapter 182

Wan Kuan sent Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong out of the gate. Now that the grievances have been resolved, the three of them will be officials of the same dynasty in the future, and their previous unhappiness will be written off.

However, this Cheng Yaojin was completely embarrassed by Wan Kuan's moths.

This time, he could only accept his fate.

At the same time, the eunuch who passed the decree in the palace of Yingguo threw the imperial decree on the ground, and the whole person left immediately, leaving only the servants who were full of yard and shouting.

The warrior Yu was lying on the hospital bed and didn't get off, but the housekeeper handed the imperial edict to the hospital bed.

The warrior Yu opened the imperial decree tremblingly and looked at it, and as soon as his eyes darkened, he fainted.

At this time, the Wu family brothers were locked in the prison, and the entire Wu family had no one to call the shots, so at this time, the Wu family lady had no choice but to come to take care of the Wu family master.

The title is gone, the lifeblood is gone, the warrior Yu was hit by this blow, it is estimated that his life is almost gone.

It was another invitation, another dressing change, and another acupuncture. It was difficult to save his life. The warrior Yu opened his eyes tremblingly. The inside of his eyes were gray and white. .

Wu Shun'er followed her mother with her two younger sisters, covered her nose with a handkerchief, and sobbed softly.

She was also very sad when her father looked like this.

And that Wu Mei'er was hiding behind Wu Shun'er, not wanting others to see the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

This warrior Yu suddenly became seriously ill, and Wu Mei'er was only happy, but not sad.

Even when the title of the Wu family was removed, Wu Meier didn't feel the slightest sadness.

Because this title is passed down to men and not women, even if his two older brothers die, this title will not be passed on to him.

Women, after all, want to get married, so Wu Mei'er doesn't care whether the title is present or not.

And now that his two older brothers have been put into prison, and the father in front of him is also in his twilight years, the power of the martial family is about to fall into his hands.

In the past, because there were two older brothers, fox and tiger, and I was young and a woman, it was not easy to grab power.

But now that the tree fell and Hu Sun was scattered, and the Wu family was defeated, Wu Meier should also take action.

At this moment, the warrior Yu raised his finger tremblingly, and his two bloodless lips moved twice, as if he was saying something.

It was only when the lady of the Wu family got close that she heard clearly, and understood the meaning of the warrior Yu, the old man just now... wants to see his two sons.

But now the two little bastards are locked up in the prison, and no one has the ability to rescue them from the prison, unless Your Majesty decrees.

But His Majesty has just issued an decree to reprimand, and also cut the title, how could His Majesty order to release the two bastards at this time? This shows that His Majesty is very angry.

But there is no way, who made Wu's two precious sons so rude in front of the crown prince and princess.

He was taking off his clothes again, and his words were frivolous, which, in a big way, was a crime against all the ladies of the noble family in the capital.

Although the emperor made the title of Samurai Yu strict, there was no problem at all.

At this time, all the servants in the room withdrew, and only Samurai Yu was left lying on the bed, and Wu Shun'er, mother and daughter 4 were waiting by the side.

That warrior Yu also stepped into the gate of hell with one foot, and maybe a gust of wind blew him away.

At this time, Wu Mei'er looked at her father's dying struggle, and there was a trace of ferocity in her eyes.

The hardships she had suffered in the past all appeared in front of Wu Mei'er's eyes, and Wu Mei'er only had a deep hatred in her heart.

I saw Wu Meier with a crying voice, walked to her father's bed with small steps, then sat by the bed and cried softly.

"Father, the two brothers are still there: the big brother is locked up.

My daughter has gone to inquire, and the two brothers have offended Princess Changle and Princess Wencheng, and are now serving on the prison."

Wu Meier was very sad, she seemed really sad.

"My daughter spent fifty taels of silver to find out the news. It seems to be an order from Princess Changle. The two brothers have been tortured and their bones are broken. Even if they are rescued, they are half a waste."

"And I heard that Princess Changle hates it.

They were disrespectful and directly ordered them to be beaten into cripples, and they had to be castrated before they were released from prison.

At that time, the blood of our Wu family will be broken."

As soon as the warrior Yu heard this sentence, his eyes widened, and the dim and uncertain eyeballs were about to burst out like two fish eyes.

At this moment, he was trembling all over, his hands were tremblingly raised, and the hands that were like dead wood looked extraordinarily desolate.

Samurai Yu wanted to hold Wu Mei'er's hand, but Wu Mei'er pulled back, the Samurai Yu couldn't catch it, and the whole person was very anxious.

And at this moment, he couldn't speak, a mouthful of phlegm stuck in his airway, he couldn't go up or down, and he was hunched over like a boiled prawn.

Samurai Yu's face was flushed red, and his two hands were waving randomly in the air, as if he was extremely sad and angry.

After a while, the warrior Yu's face became certain, and his hands became stiff.

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