Hearing a click, the warrior's head was tilted to one side, and his hands were drooping heavily.

Seeing this, Wu Mei'er cried loudly, "Father, father, why did you die like this?"

Samurai Yu knelt down and licked, Wu Shun'er and her mother also wept bitterly.

Only the third girl of the Wu family was still young and looked confused.

At this time, there was a loud cry in the room, the warrior Yu died, and he died after the emperor removed his title.

For a while, there were two bad news from the Wu family. The title was gone, the old man was gone, and the two sons were still locked in the prison. I don't know when they will be released.

But listening to the severity of His Majesty's imperial decree, I'm afraid it won't be released within a year and a half.

The people of Chang'an City couldn't help shaking their heads, this Wu family was too miserable.

"What the hell is going on with this martial family? How did it fall into such a field?"

"You still don't know that the two brothers of the Wu family have offended Wan Kuan, so it can be better."

"How could the two brothers of the Wu family offend Wan Kuan and why does Wan Kuan deal with the Wu family?"

"The brothers of the Wu family have never been filial, they don't respect their parents at home, and they bully their younger sister.

When Wan Kuan found out about it, he was very angry, I, the Tang Dynasty, benefited the world with benevolence and filial piety, so Wan Kuan used some magic to make that Wu family brother make a fool of himself."

Chapter 183

The people whispered and talked about the broken affairs of the Wu family.

"This Wu family brother's embarrassment won't cause the whole family to be so miserable."

"Xiongtai didn't know, but the Wu family brothers offended Princess Changle after making a fool of themselves, and Princess Changle said this to His Majesty.

Your Majesty investigates, they are really two disloyal and unfilial little people, so they are directly put in prison, and the title of the prince of the Wu family is also removed."

"It turned out to be two unfaithful and unfilial people. Such people should be chopped to death by God, and staying in this world is a waste of food."

"That's right, if it weren't for the living god Wan Kuan, we wouldn't know about it yet."

"Otherwise, this Wan Kuan is... an immortal who hates evil like hatred, and fights for our common people."

"Well, that's right. I heard that there are many Xungui's families who have enshrined Wankuan's tablets. Cheng Yaojin has erected a statue, or we can enshrine one as well."

"Haha, I have already prepared, not only...the tablet of Wan Kuan is enshrined, but also the portrait of Wan Kuan is sold in the Western Market of the Tang Dynasty.

Stick it on the door, it's a monster, and all the evil spirits shy away."

"I will buy it wherever it is so smart."

For a time, the people of Chang'an began to buy Wan Kuan's portrait in the West Market of the Tang Dynasty.

Wan Kuan was sitting at home with a depressed look on his face. How did he become a door god? Qin Qiong and Yu Chi Gong were the first door gods, so how did he become himself? Wan Kuan also looked at the portrait and drew it. With his teeth and claws on his body and scales on his body, is he still a human being? But according to the master who painted the portrait, Wan Kuan and the Dragon King are good friends, and he also asked the Dragon King to turn on his body. In this way, it is reasonable to draw some dragon scales on it. It should be.

In this regard, Wan Kuan was speechless.

On the other hand, Wan Kuan's side was only a little depressed, but there was a big problem on the Wu family's side.

This master is dead, and the two young masters are locked in the prison and cannot come back.

Many servants of the Wu family ran away with their bedding rolls, and before leaving, they also took a lot of the Wu family's belongings.

Originally, the wall was pushed down by the crowd, the fifth was broken, and the people were beaten by chaotic people. This martial arts family declined. Except for some loyal servants, all of them ran away.

Many servants are watching, stealing some benefits and planning to leave.

The Wu family's courtyard was bleak.

Looking at this withering scene, the Wu family lady secretly wept.

The funeral of my master has not yet been resolved, how can this make no one available, no money to do things! And Wu Mei'er on the side is smiling, she has no nostalgia for this family, that...she doesn't want to do anything about her father's funeral Tube.

At this time, the word Wu family is like a plague.

Everyone was dodging, and the brothers who were a bit hypocritical in the past are all hiding now, and they don't dare to show their faces at all.

At this time, the Wu family was really embarrassed. The two brothers of the Wu family had lost their money for a long time, and now the family was in chaos, and there was no one to organize the funeral.

The wife of the Wu family wept secretly, God only knows how to eat and recite Buddha, and there is no way to do this kind of thing.

"Madam, the Marquis of Chixian came to offer condolences!"

"Who is the Hou of Chi County?"

"The Marquis of Chixian is... Wan Kuan, the great genius of Chang'an City, Wan Kuan."

When the Mrs. Wu family heard the name, her heart skipped a beat. Isn't this Wan Kuan the one who privately made a lifelong relationship with her daughter... Human? Before Mrs. Wu came back to her senses, Wan Kuan had already walked into the hall.

Wan Kuan respectfully bowed to Mrs. Wu family, and Mrs. Wu family was a little panicked.

Now Wan Kuan is a Hou Ye, she is just an ordinary civilian woman, so it is a little illegal.

At this time, Wu Shun'er was taking care of things in the back, and only Wu Mei'er was by her side. Wu Mei'er, seeing her mother's restraint, directly pressed her shoulder and said.

"Mother, this Wan Kuan will be your son-in-law sooner or later, what are you afraid of?"

After hearing that, Mrs. Wu's face was still a little anxious, and the matter of marriage was not even a word.

"Auntie, this junior is polite."

The lady of the Wu family was a little at a loss: "The Marquis of Chixian came to offer condolences, but it is rude to welcome you from afar."

"Auntie doesn't have to be like this, the dead are the bigger ones, and I came here today to mourn the old prince.

Moreover, Mr. Wan learned that your house was in a bit of a pinch, so he brought [-] taels of silver, hoping that the house would handle the funeral of the old man first."

As he spoke, Wan Kuan waved his hand, and saw Xiao Laizi behind him carrying the big boxes into the hall.

When the lid of the box was lifted, there were actually white silver ingots inside.

The lady of the Wu family looked a little flustered. After the master's accident, everyone could not avoid it. Why did only Wan Kuan come here to offer condolences and money.

Although Wu Shun'er's mother is not young, she is still charming, otherwise, she would not have given birth to these three daughters.

But at this time, her eyes were flustered, and she really didn't know what to say.

At this time, Wan Kuan said directly: "Auntie, the situation in the mansion is very mixed now.

And His Majesty is about to decree that the junior and Shun'er will marry.

This junior is also half the son-in-law of the manor, so I have to take care of this matter."

However, Wan Kuan changed his words: "But after all, I haven't married yet, so I'm not suitable to be too involved.

So auntie, you might as well leave all the affairs of the house to the second sister."

"Second sister, she is talented and intelligent, and she has insight into things, so she can definitely do it flawlessly."

After that, the lady of the Wu family looked at Wu Mei'er next to her, Wu Mei'er winked at her, and then bowed to her.

"Mother, you can rest assured and hand over this home to me, and you will not be disappointed."

Before that Mrs. Wu family recovered, Wan Kuan had already moved in all the money.

After seeing Wan Kuan's silver, some of the servants at both ends of the head and mouse began to be jealous. This time they gave [-] taels of silver, and the martial arts family has a foundation, so if you want to run away? At that time, Wu Mei'er went directly to the side hall to discuss with Wan Kuan, leaving only the Wu family's wife to watch these things... Bai Huahua's silver.

"You're a ruthless little girl. As soon as you came up, you sent your father to Huangquan Road."

"Brother-in-law, what did you say? My father was obviously mad at my two unsatisfactory older brothers."

Wan Kuan pouted: "Little girl, you don't need to use this trick in front of me.

You can also inquire about your father's body, if it weren't for the great stimulation, he would not have died like this."

There was a hint of cunning in Wu Mei'er's eyes, and a hint of pride.

Chapter 184

In the side hall, Wu Meier and Wan Kuan looked at each other and smiled.

"Brother-in-law, my two older brothers were severely tortured in the prison, and my father's title was gone, so naturally he would die from the double blow. It has nothing to do with me."

"I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me.

Others will try their best to hide anything that happens in this family, but your daughter is the only one who speaks so seriously, scaring your father to death."

At this moment, Wu Mei'er's eyes showed a hint of pleasure in getting revenge: "I die sooner rather than later, he stays in this world, it's just to cause trouble to others.

His father has never done what a father should do, so what's the use of keeping him?"

At this time, Wan Kuan touched Wu Mei'er's little head: "How do you know that your two brothers are tortured in their brains?"

"Brother-in-law, you have forgotten what you have done yourself. The people of Chang'an City have spread the word, and my two brothers were crying and screaming in the prison.

Brother-in-law, tell me how you tortured him."

Wan Kuan looked at this curious little girl, and told her exactly what he had said to Princess Wencheng.

And these words can frighten Princess Wencheng to the core, but Wu Meier's eyes lit up after hearing it.

"Brother-in-law, where did you learn these methods from? It's amazing.

Brother-in-law, teach me."

Wan Kuan looked at Wu Mei'er and shook his head helplessly.

I really can't treat this little girl as an ordinary woman.

This little girl's heart is like a stone, no wonder she will reuse a torturer like Junchen in the future, and come up with so many murder sentences. It seems that this is a habit she has since she was a child.

And Wan Kuan thought about it, and the whole person was stunned.

If I wanted to hand over those... the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty to her, wouldn't I have trained this ruthless female emperor by myself? Wan Kuan was a little stunned for a while, but Wu Meier jumped directly He went to Wan Kuan and asked, "Brother-in-law, how did you do it? I thought it was enough to make my two brothers suffer a bit. How could you take my father's title off?"

Wan Kuan was also a little puzzled after hearing this, this was the imperial decree from Li Shimin, it had nothing to do with him, and he didn't say anything in front of Li Shimin.

And Wu Mei'er couldn't help but feel anxious when she saw Wan Kuan being silent and not speaking.

She turned her eyes and asked: "Brother-in-law, are you afraid that my sister's status is too high, and you are not worthy of a marquis, so you told your majesty to let him take my father's title off."

"I said second sister, you are really interesting.

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