As soon as Li Shimin entered, Empress Changsun saw Li Shimin's embarrassed appearance.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong with you?"

Empress Changsun quickly helped Li Shimin to the chair, and Li Shimin let out an ouch.

"Kuan'er, I have to beat him one day sooner or later."

"Your Majesty, why did Kuan'er offend you again? Why do you always look angry every time you talk to Kuan'er?"

"Then you have to ask your good son. What this Kuan'er thinks about all day long is the love of men and women. He has to ask me to give him a marriage before he does things for me. What is the use of this kind of son?"

Although Li Shimin's tone was serious, there was a smile on his face.

When Empress Changsun saw it, she knew that Li Shimin was speaking ironically.

"Your Majesty, you praised Kuan'er a few days ago, how come you've broken your promise and gained weight now?"

"Guanyin maid, I don't know why, I have to get angry when I talk to Kuan'er, that Kuan'er has no respect for me at all."

"Your Majesty, he is your son. When a son talks to his father, he is always close."

Li Shimin sighed after hearing this: "But Chengqian is always trembling when he talks to me, and he doesn't look like a son at all.

When Qing Que'er was young, she still had a naive look, but when she got older, she started to cringe."

Li Shimin's eyes were lonely: "Only in front of Kuan'er can I enjoy the joy of family relationships."

Empress Zhangsun rubbed Li Shimin's ankle.

"Your Majesty, since that Kuan'er likes Miss Wu family, then you should give her a marriage quickly, and by the way, marry this little lady of the Cui family as well."

Li Shimin heard this and immediately.

Come to the interest: "Guanyin maid, you have talked so much with the Cui family girl these days, how does the Cui family girl feel about Kuan'er?"

"Your Majesty, you don't have to worry about it.

The girl from the Cui family likes it, even if your majesty does not confer marriage, I think that girl from the Cui family is also interested in Kuan'er."

Empress Changsun is now... a mother who praises her son. The girl likes her son, and Empress Changsun has a light on her face.

At this time, Empress Changsun was no different from ordinary village women.

After hearing this, Li Shimin also grinned and scolded: "Kuan'er, you can't do anything else, it's just a matter of seducing those women.......

I look at that girl Wencheng, and Kuan'er's eyes are also tricky."

"Isn't this all with you, Your Majesty?"

Empress Zhangsun's words made Li Shimin's old face turn red.

"Guanyin maid, what you said is too much. When did I become as frivolous and rude as that kid?"

"Your Majesty, look at your harem.

Then Concubine Yang and Concubine Yin have followed you a long time ago.

Concubine Wei also admires your talent and insists on marrying into the manor as a concubine, Your Majesty was very romantic when he was young."

Li Shimin immediately raised his hand: "Don't mention this, don't mention this.

That kid Kuan'er said that he promised to solve the cold problem of tens of thousands of soldiers, and he said that a piece of clothing can be made of duck feathers to resist the cold."

Li Shimin immediately changed the subject.

"Your Majesty, the ministers and concubines believe everything Kuan'er said."

"A loving mother is a lot of failures, you should just be so used to him."

Empress Zhangsun said by Li Shimin's words was a little stunned.

"His Majesty.

Chen and concubine have never been accustomed to Kuan'er.

The concubine has not cooked a meal for Kuan'er yet, and has not done a little bit of her mother's responsibilities."

Li Shimin quickly persuaded: "Guanyin maid, you don't have to think too much. After I give Kuan'er a marriage this time, I will tell him his life experience."

Empress Zhangsun sighed faintly, her eyes a little lost.

Chapter 188

"Under the bridge in front of the gate, swim past a flock of ducks."

Wan Kuan was in a good mood, chopped the duck, and put it in a pot to blanch.

The bamboo shoots over there are also cut, the wild onions picked by the lake are directly blasted with mutton oil, the duck is fried in a pot, then add water, add the bamboo shoots and simmer slowly.

Seeing that the duck was soft, I put the lotus seeds in it, and some small mushrooms by the lake were also thrown in, and it would be alive after stewing it for an hour.

Wan Kuan went to his room and took out the brewed soy sauce. This soy sauce was brewed with soybeans after Wan Kuan came to Datang.

This Tang Dynasty has no seasonings, except...salt is...something broken, sauces, it looks disgusting.

That's why Wan Kuan uses soybeans to brew soy sauce, and then uses small shrimps from the sea to make MSG, so this has some flavor.

Put in the soy sauce, and add a little monosodium glutamate with chopped shrimp.

At that time, this delicious meal will not be able to eat the tongue of that girl in Changle.

"Well, the lady is so fragrant, who is cooking here?"

Someone was talking outside the cabin, Wan Kuan took a peek, and saw a steamed bun with a maid's hair in a bun outside the window.

"Well, Hong Niang, this taste is really delicious, and it's a bit similar to what we ate at Wan Fu Lou last time."

"Miss, the last time we ate at Wanfu Lou was delicious, it was even better than our family's and the imperial meal in the palace.

I didn't expect that this time the palace also brought a good cook."

While talking, the two of them looked in along the window, and happened to see Wan Kuan's big eyes.

"Ah, it's Young Master Wan."

The two women stepped back two steps, Wan Kuan laughed, it turned out to be the one... Miss Cui Family and her little maid.

Wan Kuan went around the door next to him, and then looked at the two women in front of him.

Although the Miss Cui family was a little panicked, her beautiful face still made people feel heartbroken.

The little maid next to her had a bun face, and her big eyes looked a little smart, and she was really cute.

"Miss Cui Family, Wan Mou is polite."

"The slave family salutes Young Master Wan."

There was an air of air between Miss Cui's gestures and gestures. She bowed and saluted, and her waist was like a willow, which made people feel intoxicated.

And that... the little girl smelled the fragrance in the air and couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Wan, why are you secretly cooking here?"

"The craftsmanship of the royal chef in this palace is a little weak, so I will cook some dishes myself."

"This Master Wan's craftsmanship is so good, it seems that the cooks in Wanfu Building all learned from Master Wan."

Wan Kuan laughed, this Miss Cui's brain is quite smart.

"It's just why Young Master Wan did the cooking himself."

Miss Cui's family is a little puzzled. In Cui Ying's heart, Wan Kuan is... a graceful and elegant person with a righteous heart. How could such a person go to such a dirty place as the kitchen? That's what a gentleman does.

The sky is healthy, the gentleman is self-improvement, the terrain is kun, and the gentleman carries things with great virtue.

Self-reliance and sufficient food are not the actions of a gentleman.”

When Cui Yingying heard it, her eyes were like two bright pearls in the evening.

Wan Kuan's heart beat a little faster when she saw it like this. It's best for this beautiful girl not to look at people casually, otherwise, people will misunderstand.

"Master Wan is indeed erudite, much more thorough than those pedantic literati."

Wan Kuan smiled after listening to it: "Miss Cui is also a woman, and she has a very bold personality. This Miss Cui can also be deeply liked by the empress, and she must be a talented girl."

As soon as Wan Kuan said this, Cui Yingying lowered her head shyly.

She has been with the empress these days, and the empress had already said about her marriage to Wan Kuan.

Moreover, the empress is also very fond of Wan Kuan, so she loves Wu Jiwu and always takes herself by her side.

When Wan Kuan saw the shy look of Miss Cui's family, his heart skipped a beat.

This ancient woman always likes to look shy, so is the Princess Wencheng, and so is this Miss Cui Family.

But this shy look really makes people linger, this ancient woman, the style is all here.

Compared with them, the little girl Changle and Wu Meier are...a different style.

However, Wu Meier was still young, and when she grew up, she was also a woman of peerless elegance.

Said that Cao Cao and Cao Cao would arrive, a pink butterfly-like woman floated over, it was Princess Changle in gauze.

"Wan Kuan, is your duck ready?"

Chang Le's voice woke up Miss Cui's family and the maid, and they were a little surprised.

And Wan Kuan said with a smile, "Miss Cui's family, are you interested in staying for dinner?"

After listening to that, Miss Cui's family shook her head in a panic: "The slave family is going back, so I won't disturb Young Master Wan."

After speaking, Cui Yingying directly pulled up the matchmaker and left with her head lowered.

Wan Kuan is a little strange, he is not a beast of a flood, so why should he hide?

And Princess Changle suddenly jumped in front of Wan Kuan: "Wan Kuan, how can you hook up with my sister-in-law?"

"What is your sister-in-law, isn't that Miss Cui's family?"

"The queen mother has to betroth her to the prince, is it my sister-in-law or something?"

"I haven't said anything about the eight-eight characters, so why is it your sister-in-law?"

"Wan Kuan, this princess can tell you that you should stay away from that... Miss Cui family, otherwise, I'm afraid there will be trouble."

As soon as Wan Kuan heard it, his temper came up: "You little girl can still control me, Wan Kuan will talk to whomever he wants to talk to.

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