Don't say that Miss Cui's is not your sister-in-law, so what if she is your sister-in-law?"

After listening to that, Chang Le made a face at Wan Kuan: "Anyway... I don't care about this princess...

, I don't care if you have the ability to hook up the Crown Princess."

Wan Kuan's eyes widened after hearing this, this little girl's words were really straightforward.

"I don't care if you hook up with the palace maid in the palace, I just want to eat that bowl of stewed duck."

"Wait another half an hour."

Wan Kuan directly twisted Princess Changle's head, twisted her back, and pushed her away.

On the other side, Cui Yingying walked very fast, and the matchmaker behind her couldn't keep up.

"Miss, why are you walking so fast? You don't have to say a word to that... Young Master Wan."

"Then Young Master Wan is about to have dinner, how can this man and woman share the same table?"

"I see that Princess Changle is also sitting at the same table with that Wan Gongzi"

"Then Princess Changle is a princess, and Miss Wan and I are getting married soon, so we must avoid suspicion."

Chapter 189

Cui Yingying naturally abides by the etiquette, but the matchmaker pouted after hearing this.

"Miss, if I say you shouldn't go.

Then Princess Changle can sit with Wan Kuan, and so can you."

Matchmaker chattering.

"And I see that Princess Changle has that one in the past few days... Princess Wencheng and Wan Kuan have a close relationship. If I say Miss, you should go over and watch them, so as to save the two princess Princesses from robbing Miss's husband."

Then Cui Yingying smiled after hearing this: "Little Hongniang, you really care about the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Young Master Wan is a real gentleman, and although he is sometimes informal, he must keep these principles firmly in his heart."

"Miss, I think that Princess Changle and that... Princess Wencheng is not ordinary to Wan Kuan. What if they take away the uncle?"

"His Majesty is about to bestow the marriage, how could he take it away at this time?"

"Miss, this can't be grabbed openly, you can press: grab it secretly! I heard that the princesses in this palace are all messed up."

At this time, Cui Yingying pinched the little matchmaker's cheeks: "Where did you little girl learn so much nonsense, and if you dare to talk nonsense, I will tear your mouth apart."

The little Hongniang was a little aggrieved, she covered her cheeks and said, "Miss, Hongniang is also thinking of you.

You are the direct daughter of the Cui family, you are more than enough to marry the prince, and marrying him with such a thousand widths is too cheap for him."

After listening, Cui Yingying rubbed Xiao Hongniang's forehead with her fingers: "You little girl, you will marry me at that time.

If you say anything else, I don't care if Wan Kuan punishes you."

"No, miss, I'm still waiting for miss to support me."

Cui Yingying naturally abides by the etiquette and accompanies Empress Changsun to eat together.

On the other side, Wan Kuan, Princess Changle, and Princess Wencheng were happily eating the bowl of old duck soup.

Wan Kuan distributed the duck legs to two little girls, and then began to feast on the plump meat of the duck.

"Wan Kuan, it's so delicious. I didn't expect duck to be so delicious."

Princess Changle became a little cat, and she had already pulled up her sleeves.

And Wencheng County Lord is a little more gentle, but his hands are also stained with oil.

Wan Kuan held a bowl of rice, scooped some old duck soup, and mixed it, wow! The aroma of duck oil is fragrant, coupled with the fragrance of bamboo shoots and the deliciousness of mushrooms, not to mention the taste.

Wan Kuan tore off the duck skin, wrapped it in rice and put it in his mouth, feeling overjoyed, "Oh, it's good to have some wine at this time."

Wan Kuan is a little sad.

"By the way, Wan Kuan, there is a good grape wine from the father's side, do you want to steal some?"

"Forget it, the grapes your Majesty brought are not as good as the grapes I brought from Cheng Yaojin."

"My father's grape mother is not as good as Duke Lu's. The caravan of Duke Lu's family often travels to the Western Regions, and he takes away the best grapes."

At this time, Wencheng County Lord blinked: "Although he took the grape fermented, but it was still taken away by Wan Kuan? Then Lu Guogong must be crying without tears now."

At this time, Princess Changle's eyes lit up: I heard that in the future, Duke Lu has to bow and salute when he sees you, is it true?"

Wan Kuan wiped his hands: "Well, back then, I rescued Duke Lu from the hands of the Dragon King, and Duke Lu threw me to the ground in front of everyone.

In the future, I will naturally bless Duke Lu, so Duke Lu will also worship me."

"Wan Kuan, you are really amazing, you can actually obey Lu Guogong's tidying up.

When Duke Lu gets angry, even his father can't do anything about it."

"Small meaning, Lu Guogong is just... a foolish and bold, easy to deal with."

Just when Wan Kuan was triumphant, a pair of big black hands appeared directly in front of Wan Kuan's eyes, and then took Wan Kuan's pot of duck meat away.

Wan Kuan and the three of them hurried to see that it was Yu Chi Gong.

"Your Majesty has an order, Wan Kuan steals the food and confiscates the stolen goods!"

Yuchigong kept his saliva and took away a pot of ducks, leaving Wan Kuan and the three of them looking at each other.

"Wan Kuan, the duck is gone!"

Princess Changle was about to cry.

Wan Kuan gritted his teeth and smiled, this Li Shimin would really take revenge.

Why confiscate stolen goods, don't you still want to eat your own food? Wan Kuan waved his hand: "Forget it, I'll cook something delicious for you tomorrow.

But tomorrow I have a lot of work to do, and you will be in my small courtyard."

Both Changle and Wencheng were a little anxious: "Aren't you going to cruise tomorrow?"

"Your Majesty gave me an imperial decree, asking me to do something in secret. I can't disappoint Your Majesty."

"Does it have fun?"

"It's not fun, it's hard work."

"Then I'll accompany you."

Princess Changle and Princess Wencheng couldn't help but say that they must follow Wan Kuan.

Wan Kuan had no way of rejecting this.

Li Shimin's summer life was very leisurely, while the prince and the king of Wei who followed him were still a little tormented.

Especially the prince, this time Li Shimin took him out of Chang'an for summer vacation, which made him have a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

In the past, Li Shimin would keep him in Chang'an to supervise the country during the summer, but now he has been brought out and left in Fang Xuanling to supervise the country, this signal is very scary.

But what comforted Li Chengqian was that Li Shimin brought out King Wei and Li Tai together. Originally, the two of them were competitors. Now that both of them are brought out, it is not unacceptable.

It's just that in these few days of summer vacation, Li Shimin's love for Wan Kuan seems to be more important than his own prince, which makes Li Chengqian extremely angry.

It was sunny in the morning, and the Jiucheng Palace by the lake came back to life early.

Li Shimin didn't go to the lake today, so many eunuchs and servants stayed in the Jiucheng Palace to serve.

And Wankuan has a separate small yard, although the yard is not big, but it is barely a private space.

Early in the morning, the two little girls, Changle and Wencheng, ran up and down, and the three of them started making trouble in the yard.

Little Lai Zi, who was beside him, sighed involuntarily when he looked at the three 3 masters who were acting recklessly in front of him.

My young master is so famous in Chang'an City, and he is also a famous immortal. How can he sometimes play like a child and have to play with duck feathers and goose feathers.

The whole yard is full of scattered feathers, and Xiao Laizi has to keep cleaning.

"Come on, don't make a fuss, and put all the feathers in the cauldron."

Wan Kuan directs Changle and Wencheng who are rambling there.

Chapter 190

The freshly plucked duck feathers are full of stench and stench, and there is a lot of oil. After holding it in your hands for a long time, your hands have a stench.

Wan Kuan threw all the feathers into the cauldron, which was full of grass and wood ashes, which had been boiled for a long time.

After a while, Wan Kuan took out a small bottle from the house, there was some yellow-white powder in the bottle, like sea salt, Wan Kuan threw it directly.

"Wan Kuan, what did you throw in?"

"It's alkaline noodles."

"Ah, what is soda noodles?"

"Just like grass ash, it can remove grease from goose feathers."

"Why has this princess never heard of this soda noodles?"

"There is no such caustic soda pond in the pass, only Ruzhou in Henan, and next to the salt lake in Liangzhou have this kind of natural alkali pond, which can produce such a little.

After Wan Kuan came to this Tang Dynasty, he also racked his brains.

However, there was nothing in the Tang Dynasty, and Wan Kuan could only find it slowly by himself.

Sulfuric acid was found in Taoist temples, and soda ash was found in natural alkali pools. This is the first step of the industrial revolution.

At this time, there was an unfriendly smell from the cauldron.

Changle and Wencheng covered their noses and ducked, while Wan Kuan saw that the fire was almost over, and put out the fire directly.

At this moment, a large group of footsteps suddenly came from outside the yard.

"Who is making a fire here"

When Wan Kuan heard it, wasn't that Yu Chi Gong's voice? Before Wan Kuan could react, Yu Chi Gong walked in wearing armor, then he covered his nose and backed out as soon as he came in.

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