"Don't ask so much, just go if you want."

That Yuchigong trotted out, and a moment later came back with a pot of scalding hot water.

At this time, Wan Kuan took a white porcelain teacup, then scooped up a little hot water and walked to Li Chengqian.

"Prince, you have to endure the pain, otherwise, you won't be able to save it."

"Wan Kuan, don't avenge your personal revenge."

"Prince, Wei Chen has absolutely no intention of avenging private revenge."

"Okay, as long as you don't cut off the orphan's tongue, the orphan is at your disposal."

Wan Kuan smiled after hearing this: "Then His Royal Highness will have to endure the pain."

After speaking, Wan Kuan directly poured the boiling water from the teacup onto Li Chengqian's tongue.

As soon as the boiling water was poured, the ice cubes stuck to Li Chengqian's tongue naturally melted.

And Li Chengqian screamed at this time: "Oh, it hurts me too."

I saw Li Chengqian's tongue regained its freedom, the whole person rolled back directly, and fell to the ground with one buttocks.

At this time, Li Chengqian covered his mouth, and the tongue kept sticking out, like a hot dog.

"It hurts to death, my tongue is burnt."

"Okay, prince.

It's alright, it's just that the tongue has been scalded for a few big bags, just ask the imperial doctor to prescribe some medicine for you.

Stop chattering here, like a long-tongued woman!"

Wan Kuan was talking sarcastic words, and at this time Li Chengqian's tongue was sticking out, just like the long-tongued woman in the tongue-pulling hell.

Then Li Tai and Chang Le both laughed secretly.

Wan Kuan put the cup back at this time, and everyone looked at the embarrassed prince, feeling a little dazed for a while.

At this time, Empress Zhangsun hurriedly said: "Don't hurry up and take the prince out, and pass the imperial doctor, pass the imperial doctor!"

A group of people helped Li Chengqian out, and Li Shimin and Empress Zhangsun followed quickly.

When your son hurts like this, parents must be concerned about it.

Wan Kuan pouted and walked out.

Li Tai followed behind Wan Kuan and asked in a low voice.

"Wan Kuan, what kind of magic trick did you cast to make the eldest brother so ugly."

"King Wei, you can't talk nonsense. How can Wei Chen dare to use demons? If you say this again, Wei Chen will report to the emperor, saying that Wei Wang falsely accused his servants."

Li Tai curled his lips after hearing this: "Okay, Wan Kuan.

Who doesn't know that Cheng Yaojin from Chang'an City is so tricky that you might have killed him, and the brothers of the Wu family are still eating in prison."

"If anyone offends you, it will not end well.

You must have done it this time, you can't go wrong."

Wan Kuan watched Li Shimin and Empress Changsun walk away, and slapped Li Tai directly on the head.

"Boy, don't talk nonsense.

This meal can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be said indiscriminately.

If you say it again, I will sue you for defamation."

Li Tai covered his head, extremely aggrieved, and then walked to Princess Changle: "Sister Changle, Wan Kuan hit me."

"You should fight, talk nonsense, what does the matter of the prince have to do with Wan Kuan, don't talk nonsense, keep your mouth shut in the future, you will appear smart, right?"

Princess Changle gave Li Tai a lesson again, and Li Tai was even more depressed.

And when the Miss Cui family came to the end, thinking back on the scene just now, she really couldn't figure it out.

How could this prince be like this in just a moment? Could it be that there is a magic trick? Just when Cui Yingying was thinking carefully, a gentle voice suddenly came to her mind.

"Why did the prince make a fool of himself, have you... calm down?"

Chapter 203

Cui Yingying looked up and saw Wan Kuan's smiling face in front of her.

"Master Wan, what are you talking about?"

"Miss Cui, I'm asking if the prince was so ugly just now, do you feel comfortable..."

After Cui Yingying heard this, she lowered her head a little shyly, it turned out that Wan Kuan was venting her anger for herself.

Yesterday, the prince slandered himself in front of everyone, Wan Kuan remembered this in his heart, and then today he found an opportunity to play with the prince, which was considered to be a relief to himself.

"Many thanks, Young Master Wan, in fact, how can the people dare to hate the prince?"

Wan Kuan shrugged after hearing this: "If that's the case, then even if this is the case, the prince has learned the lesson he deserves."

"Master Wan, how could this prince's tongue stick to the ice? Why is this really a spell of Young Master Wan?"

"Miss Cui, where does Wan know magic?"

"But in Chang'an City, it is rumored that Young Master Wan is a constellation descended from the sky, with his own spells, and he is friendly with all kinds of gods."

"Those... are rumors among the common people, unbelievable, unbelievable!"

"Then why is the prince's tongue stuck to the ice this time?"

Wan Kuan looked left and right, then approached Cui Yingying.

When Cui Yingying saw Wan Kuan approaching, her breathing became more and more rapid.

I saw Wan Kuan leaning on Cui Yingying's ear and whispering: "Actually, Miss Cui, that... ice cube, anyone who licks it will stick to it."

After speaking, Wan Kuan walked away as if nothing had happened and caught up with Li Tai in front.

Although Li Tai was slapped by Wan Kuan, but now he is laughing with Wan Kuan, hooking his shoulders.

And County Lord Wencheng glanced at Wan Kuan in front and Cui Yingying behind him, with a trace of sadness on his face.

There are too many women beside Wan Kuan, when will it be his turn? Li Chengqian suffered a serious crime this time, his tongue was scalded by boiling water, and his whole tongue suddenly lost consciousness.

And there are a few large bumps on the tongue, which hurt when touched.

Now Li Chengqian can only stick out his tongue, just like that dog.

Now Li Chengqian doesn't dare to come out, so he can only stay in the room by himself, so as not to be ridiculed by others.

Those... eunuchs and palace maids, although they are respectful on the surface, are actually laughing at the prince behind their backs.

Li Chengqian is full of grief and anger in his heart now, and he wants to kill a few people to vent his anger. If he can kill Wan Kuan directly, that would be the best.

And now the Jiucheng Palace is in trouble every day, which makes Li Shimin feel restless.

In addition, it rained directly, and the whole weather turned cool immediately.

The dog days had passed, and there was no need to escape the summer heat, so a group of people went straight back to Chang'an.

It's a pity for Wan Kuan, it's not as comfortable as a vacation, so he was called back to Chang'an.

Anyway... Wan Kuan doesn't have to go to the yamen when he returns to Chang'an, Wan Kuan intends to take the little sisters of the Wu family to Qinling again, and stay in comfort for a few days.

Wan Kuan rode a horse and followed Li Shimin's carriage.

And when Li Shimin came, he couldn't help chatting with Wan Kuan.

"Wan Kuan, your cold-proof clothes will be made immediately by the Military Equipment Superintendent.

Seeing that it is already autumn, when the winter is coming, the army is about to set off, and we must put the cotton-padded clothes in place to keep out the cold."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, this minister is self."

"But I found out that you've been playing and having fun these two days, and you haven't done anything serious at all."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, this minister has his own measure."

"But I don't see where your sense is."

"Your Majesty, I am waiting for Your Majesty's decree."

When Li Shimin heard this, his eyes immediately stood up.

This Wan Kuan is really too much, and even now I still think about giving her a marriage.

"Your Majesty, this is what you promised Wei Chen.

You promised the minister that if you could solve the problem of keeping the army out of the cold, you would immediately give the minister a marriage.

Back then, Your Majesty said it clearly and clearly, could it be that Your Majesty is going to cheat?"

"Bullshit, you have no jokes, how can I be fooling?"

"If that's the case, then ask Your Majesty to decree.

As long as Your Majesty decrees, Wei Chen will immediately summon craftsmen to make winter clothes."

"Are you in such a hurry to get married, kid?"

"Your Majesty, you are a full man but don't know if a hungry man is hungry."

"What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty, you have seventy-two concubines in the three palaces and six courtyards, and Wei Chen is still alone, how can you not be in a hurry?"

After Li Shimin heard this, he smiled coldly.

This kid is really unforgiving. He still wants to be the seventy-two concubine of the Three Palaces and Sixth Courts72! When your kid becomes the prince and the emperor, you will also be the Seventy-two Concubines of the Three Palaces and Sixth Courtyards.

"Okay, Wan Kuan, I will give you an order when you return to Chang'an. In the past few days, you should quickly arrange for the military supervisor, and don't dare to delay the production of winter clothes."

"Your Majesty, the minister obeys the order."

Wan Kuan was overjoyed and retreated, as long as Li Shimin agreed, everything would be easy to say.

After returning to Chang'an, Wan Kuan took his own drawings and asked the people in the weapons supervisor to quickly make down jackets according to his own method.

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