On the other hand, Wan Kuan was waiting for Li Shimin to quickly issue an imperial decree to confer marriage.

This time, Li Shimin should not delay anymore.

Sure enough, before Wan Kuan waited for a few days, Li Shimin issued an imperial decree.

Wan Kuan was excited, and directly welcomed the angel who delivered the decree to the mansion, waiting for the angel to read the decree.

But the angel shoved the imperial edict directly into Wan Kuan's hand, and then ran away without looking back.

This little Huangmen who passed the decree was very clever. When he came, the old man said, put the decree and leave quickly, otherwise, be careful to be beaten by Wan Kuan.

So this little eunuch was very obedient, and as soon as the imperial decree was released, he immediately ran away with the guard of honor.

And Wan Kuan is also a little strange, what happened to the little eunuch who passed the decree? Seeing him, Wan Kuan put the decree in the hands of the old housekeeper on the side: "Come! I will read the imperial decree to the young master. "

"Good Le!"

The old housekeeper was also very proud, this young master is... favored, there are imperial decrees at both ends of the three days, whether it is to increase officials or titles, or to award rewards, which minister can have such an honor. "The emperor pardoned: Wan Kuan Young and promising, the pillar of the country, with Wan Kuan..."

When the old butler read this, he suddenly got stuck.

Wan Kuan closed his eyes and was smug, but he couldn't hear the next sentence.

"Hurry up, young master, I'm waiting to hear,"

"Master, you should see it for yourself."

The old butler shoved the imperial edict into Wan Kuan's hand, and immediately.

Running out of the hall.

Wan Kuan was a little strange, and the little Lai Zi on the side also stuck his head out.

Chapter 204

In the main hall of Wanfu, Xiao Laizi stretched his neck like Prime Minister Turtle.

"Master, what is written in the imperial edict?"

Wan Kuan impatiently opened the imperial decree, is everyone crazy? Wan Kuan took a closer look, and his eyes almost fell out.

"What is this Li Shimin doing?"

Wan Kuan blurted out.

When the little Lai Zi heard this, he quickly blocked Wan Kuan's mouth and said, "Young master, you are so crazy that you dare to call your majesty by his name."

Wan Kuan knocked off Xiao Laizi's hand: "This majesty is cheating!"

"Master, what exactly is written in this imperial edict? Xiao Laizi doesn't know how to read, so please read it."

"Shut up, young master, I have to go to His Majesty's theory."

After saying that, Wan Kuan didn't turn his head back, he rushed out, got on a fast horse, and ran towards the palace.

And Xiao Laizi couldn't catch up, so he had to stand in the yard by himself.

And the old housekeeper on the side probed his head, and only dared to come out after seeing Wan Kuan going out.

"Housekeeper, what's the matter, young master?"

"Young master must be crazy."

"No, even if you really marry Miss Wu family, you won't be so happy that you'll be crazy."

"It would be nice to marry Miss Wu family, it's not Miss Wu family who gave the young master a marriage."

"Who is that"

"It's the lady of the Cui family."

"The lady of the Cui family... Cui Yingying"

"Apart from... the young lady of the Cui family of Boling, who else could the young master be tricked by His Majesty this time?"

When the little Laizi heard it, his face became bitter: "It's over, it's over, it's over, the young master likes that young lady of the Wu family so much, and this His Majesty does this again, the young master won't turn the palace upside down, right?"

The old butler hesitated after hearing this: "Probably not, the young master should be measured."

Wan Kuan was indeed measured, and he didn't make a fuss about the palace, but he went straight from the Vermillion Bird Gate to the Ganlu Hall all the way.

That Yu Chi Gong followed behind Wan Kuan's buttocks and didn't dare to block, so he kept shouting.

"Wan Kuan, you are going too far. This is the palace, not... the back garden of your house."

"Yu Chi Gong, I want to see Your Majesty, don't stop me."

"Your Majesty is resting in the Nectar Hall. If you have anything to do, let me report first."

"Okay, I'll be right outside the hall, waiting for you to go in and report. Your Majesty agrees and I'll go in."

"You should wait here at the South Gate, not at the gate of Ganlu Palace, which is the harem."

"Old Hei Yuchi, don't talk nonsense with me.

I'm angry, I'll let you and Cheng Yaojin end up together."

Yu Chi Gong's face was bitter like that of a steamed bun, and he hurriedly ran up in front of Wan Kuan.

If he and Cheng Yaojin end up together, it will be miserable! Fortunately, Wan Kuan knew the rules and did not ride in.

Otherwise, according to Yu Chigong's duty, Wan Kuan should be shot down with one arrow.

The two walked directly and quickly to the outside of Ganlu Temple.

"Wan Kuan, don't worry, just wait for me to go in and report."

Wan Kuan was so angry that his chest could not stop rising and he waved his hand directly.

"You wait a while... just wait a while."

"No need, let Wan Kuan come in directly."

Before Yu Chi Gong went in, Li Shimin's voice came from inside the Ganlu Palace.

Yu Chi Gong was stunned for a moment, but before he regained his senses, Wan Kuan walked past him directly.

Walking through the screen, Wan Kuan saw Li Shimin lying on the bed, holding a bunch of grapes in his hand, eating beautifully.

"Your Majesty, why did you lie to Wei Chen?"

Wan Kuan didn't show any respect, and went up to ask Li Shimin.

Li Shimin squinted: "Boy, the etiquette that should have been lost will not salute me."

"Your Majesty, don't do those... red tape, you quickly tell Wei Chen, what the hell is going on, is your imperial decree wrong, or you wrote it wrong"

Li Shimin sat up directly and took several cases at once: "It's a nonsense, the imperial decree, how could it be wrong?"

"That's why Your Majesty is confused."

"Presumptuous! When did I get confused?"

"Your Majesty, what Wei Chen wants to marry is the little lady of the Wu family, not the little lady of the Cui family.

Your Majesty, do you know how to write the word Wu?"

"You bastard, bastard! Wan Kuan, if you dare to speak madly, I will let someone take you down."

"Your Majesty, even if you want to take me down, you have to make it clear to Wei Chen what is going on."

When Li Shimin saw Wan Kuan's anxiety to get angry, he couldn't help but feel a little smug in his heart, this kid also has an anxious day.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin leaned back and threw a grape into his mouth. After chewing it, he spit the grape skin on the table.

Wan Kuan couldn't help sighing when he saw Li Shimin like this. Li Shimin's current appearance is just like the 2 Laizi at the head of the village.

"Your Majesty, you are not deliberately playing tricks on Wei Chen, are you?"

Then Li Shimin put the grapes away: "I just... intentional, what's your opinion?"

"Your Majesty, if you want to punish Wei Chen, you can punish Wei Chen's salary, and you can revoke Wei Chen's official title, why do you need to do anything about it?"

"You kid, when will I make fun of you? I'm doing you a favor, do you know?"

"But Your Majesty, the minister wants to marry the little lady of the Wu family. What's the use of pushing that... the little lady of the Cui family to Weichen?"

"You bastard! That little lady of the Cui family is gentle and generous, and the Cui family is so powerful that being your wife will humiliate you."

"Your Majesty has misunderstood. Wei Chen doesn't dislike the little lady of the Cui family. This little lady of the Cui family is good-looking and has power in the family, but Wei Chen doesn't like her."

"If you want anything you like, marry a wife, marry a wife, and marry a family relationship.

The Wu family has now fallen, and there is no title, you are a noble man, and you will be promoted to the title in the future, and your wife is actually a commoner woman, how can you do it like this?”

"Your Majesty, then this is easy to handle. Can you restore the title of the Wu family?"

"You bastard, when you are my title, you are the bun of your Wanfu Building. If you want it, you have to say it, and if you don't want it, you don't want it!"

"Your Majesty, what the hell are you doing? I want your Majesty to give Wei Chen a marriage. Even if you don't give me a marriage, Wei Chen can propose a marriage. As a result, Your Majesty, you came to me like this, what can I do? manage"

"My decree, have you read it?"

"What else are you looking at? You can't stop reading after just two sentences."

"Didn't I also say after the imperial edict, that the little lady of the Wu family will also marry you, but not the wife but a concubine."

"But Your Majesty, the wife that this minister married is... the little lady of the Wu family."

"Then the status of the little lady of the Wu family is not worthy of you, I can choose a status for you, why don't you?"

Chapter 205

In the Ganlu Hall, Li Shimin and Wan Kuan quarreled.

Li Shimin is very strange, he gave Wan Kuan a big gift, but Wan Kuan didn't want "Why should Wei Chen want it?"

After Li Shimin heard this, he stood up from the bed in anger.

"Wan Kuan, have you been flooded with water in your mind? I gave you a treasure, and you dared to refuse. Do you know how many people in the Cui family want to marry and how many people want to have a relationship with the Cui family? Here, you don't want it yet"

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