"Your Majesty, Wei Chen promised the little lady of the Wu family to marry her.

Your Majesty, with such an decree, isn't Wei Chen just a slip of the tongue?"

"If you make a mistake, you will lose your words. My imperial decree is the greatest. You have to be willing, and you have to be willing."

Wan Kuan's eyes widened: "Your Majesty, you are a bit too strong."

"Wan Kuan, I warn you, if you don't want to marry, I will put the entire Wu family in jail."

Wan Kuan was taken aback for a moment, then Li Shimin waved his hand directly.

"Yu Chi Gong, drive Wan Kuan out to me."

Yu Chi Gong immediately at this time.

He walked in with his fists clasped, and walked out with Wan Kuan.

"Your Majesty, if you don't clarify this matter, Wei Chen will not leave."

"I'm going to rest, Yuchigong, don't let him mess around here.

If he goes too far, when I wake up and tell me, I will issue another imperial decree to put all the Wu family on death row."

When Wan Kuan heard this, he lost his mind and let Yu Chigong pull him out.

And Yuchigong pulled Wan Kuan into the back garden outside the Nectar Hall, pointed at Wan Kuan with a carrot-like finger, and began to teach him a lesson.

"Wan Kuan, you said that Your Majesty loves you so much that he asked you to marry the lady of the Cui family.

Do you know how many people in the Cui family want to say something unpleasant, but the prince and the princes still can't get married after begging.

Your Majesty loves you so much, what else can you say?"

"I said you, Yuchi old black, why are you talking so much nonsense as you say, Your Majesty chooses a peerless beauty to marry you, and asks you to divorce your current wife, are you willing?"

That Yuchigong quickly shook his head: "That's not good, my lady is fine now, why should I divorce her?"

"Isn't that the truth, I and the little lady of the Wu family have already been in love with each other, and we have privately agreed for life.

When Your Majesty comes like this, don't I become a heartless person?"

"What kind of heartbreaker, you and the little lady of the Wu family have privately decided your life is your business, and you are not married, what do you have to be heartless, and Your Majesty has also ordered, then.

My son is also married to you, isn't that bad?"

"But that's a concubine, not a wife."

"There is only one main wife, and the Wu family is young: the status and status are not good.

You are free to mess around with me here, why don't you hurry up and see the little lady of the Wu family."

After Wan Kuan heard this sentence, he also came to take a photo of the gluttonous armor on Yu Chi Gong's body.

"Yu Chi Gong, if you dare to touch me in the future, I will take back this armor."

After speaking, Wan Kuan turned his head and left.

After listening to that, Yu Chi Gong snickered twice, can the things in his hands be taken back? At this time, Li Shimin in the Ganlu Palace was eating the grapes beautifully, laughing while eating.

Empress Zhangsun on the side was a little unhappy: "Your Majesty, you see that you are angry with Kuan'er, Kuan'er must hate you now."

"He has to thank me after what he hates.

I promised the little lady of the Cui family to betrothed to him, but he still doesn't want it, so he really doesn't know happiness in the midst of blessings."

"But Kuan'er clearly likes that... the little lady of the Wu family."

"Because Kuan'er likes the little lady of the Wu family, that's why I can't marry the little lady of our family as his wife.

Kuan’er likes the little lady of the Wu family, so she can treat her as a concubine, but the real wife has to help you with the housework.”

Li Shimin said seriously: "If Kuan'er becomes the emperor in the future, then the status of the little lady of the Wu family is so low, and the status of the little lady of the Cui family is so high, it will definitely be a disaster at that time."

"Since Your Majesty considers Kuan'er to be the emperor in the future, why did he refer a woman from an aristocratic family like the Cui family to Kuan'er?"

"Guanyin maid, you don't understand this.

Although this little lady of the Cui family has an extraordinary status, Kuan'er doesn't like her, so she won't spoil her.

Moreover, Kuan'er's methods are not comparable to ordinary people, and the Cui family can't shake Kuan'er's mind, so that there will be no interference from foreign relatives."

"Your Majesty is really planning for his son, really getting a wife and virtue, concubines and serenity.

At that time, Kuan'er only favors the little lady of the Wu family and neglects the little lady of the Cui family, I will see how Your Majesty will end it"

"Guanyin maid, you have to worry more about this. Which woman can escape Kuan'er's palm? I see that the little lady of the Cui family has a crush on Kuan'er."

After hearing this, Empress Zhangsun rolled her eyes and sighed: "Your Majesty, why don't you let Kuan'er have a lover to become a family?"

At this time, Li Shimin also put away the smile on his face: "Guanyin maid, I am the emperor immediately.

If you want to push Datang to the extreme, you have to rely on Kuan'er.

Kuan'er has to rely on his means, civil and martial arts, and Kuan'er must be a great emperor."

"And great emperors cannot have love in their hearts, only pets, not love.

I know that Kuan'er likes the little lady of the Wu family, so the little lady of the Wu family can't be the queen."

"If she becomes the queen, and Kuan'er spoils her so much, then the power of the relatives will be unchecked.

In this way, it will not benefit Datang in the slightest."

After hearing that, Empress Changsun also gave a wry smile: "Your Majesty, my concubine understands what Your Majesty means.

Because of this, the concubine has repeatedly advised Your Majesty not to dote on our eldest grandson's family too much, and not to give the elder brother such a high position."

"I know this truth, I will do the same in the future, I hope Kuan'er can also understand my thoughts.

Besides, doesn't it mean that a wife is not as good as a concubine, and a concubine is not as good as stealing? If you really give Kuan'er a concubine to the little lady of the Wu family, maybe Kuan'er will like it more in the future."

After hearing this, Empress Changsun patted Li Shimin: "Your Majesty is talking nonsense again, this is not what an emperor should say."

Li Shimin smiled when he heard it.

At this time, Wan Kuan went straight to the Wu family. Originally, Wu Shun'er was fully waiting to marry her.

What Li Shimin did this time was really bad.

Wan Kuan didn't know what Wu Shun'er was thinking now, anyway... it must be full of tears.

This damned Li Shimin, he really knows what to do! Wan Kuan despises him deeply!

Chapter 206

An imperial decree for marriage is related to three people, and since this is the case, the angel who conveys the decree will not only go to Wanfu, but also go to the Wu family and the Cui family to deliver the decree together.

Now Cui Yingying lives in her uncle's house, so the imperial decree was passed directly to her uncle Cui Boluo's house.

The Wu family was in Taipingfang, and the Xiaohuangmen who passed the decree directly entered the Wu family, and when he read the imperial decree, he went straight back to the house.

And since receiving the imperial decree, Wu Shun'er and Wu Mei'er have been sitting in the room, murmuring and discussing something.

And the old lady of the Wu family was a little overwhelmed when she saw the imperial edict, this His Majesty really issued the imperial edict for Wan Kuan, but her daughter was not a wife but a concubine in the past.

Now the entire Wu family has been captured by the young Wu Mei'er. Whether it's a servant or a servant, Wu Mei'er keeps them obedient.

The master of the Wu family is dead, and the funeral is over, and the Wu family brothers are still there: they haven't come out from the prison, I am afraid that even if the Wu family brothers come out, the Wu family will have no place for them.

Originally, when the master of the Wu family died, his title was also cut off. There was no title and no family property left.

In this way, the two brothers will get nothing but... this house.

At a young age, Wu Meier had managed the entire Wu family in an orderly manner, but after receiving the imperial decree today, everyone in the Wu family was surprised, even her sister was dizzy, only that Wu Meier was very calm , without the slightest look of panic.

"Sister, is it exactly the same as the younger sister guessed? This majesty really made an imperial decree, but he didn't want to marry you as his wife."

At this time, Wu Shun'er nodded, everything was within his sister's expectations.

Since His Majesty removed the title of the Wu family, his sister had already expected this scene.

At this moment, Wu Mei'er smiled coldly: "My father's title has been cut off, and the entire Wu family has become a commoner, and Wan Kuan is now a marquis, and in the future, he must be a prince, the wife of a prince, how could he be a commoner? home"

It's just that in front of Wan Kuan at that time, Wu Mei'er didn't tell the matter, because all this was just her guess. Although it was very possible, Wu Mei'er would keep her mouth shut.

Because this is His Majesty's intention, even if Wan Kuan was told to Wan Kuan at the time, what could Wan Kuan do, even if he was favored again, wouldn't he have to listen to His Majesty? "Sister, this time Wan Kuan's wife is Miss Cui Family, this People are hard to deal with."

Wu Shun'er's expression did not change after hearing this: "Sister, why do you want to deal with that... Miss Cuijia?"

"Elder sister, you are confused. Now she is the wife and you are the concubine. You are all trying to compete for favor."

"Ah, sister, you can't do this. Doting on a concubine and destroying your wife is a big sin."

"Oh, elder sister, why did you let your concubine kill your wife like this? This family wants to live in peace with each other, but they can compete for favor.

Then Wan Kuan will definitely be the prime minister in the future.

The family has a big business, and whoever can get the favor of Wan Kuan will definitely benefit more."

"As long as Wanlang treats me with sincerity, I'll be very satisfied with my sister."

Wu Mei'er couldn't help rolling her eyes after hearing this: "Sister, Miss Cui's family is not easy. Behind her is the Boling Cui family. If you don't want to fight with her, she still wants to put you on the line."


That Wu Shun'er was a little frightened by what her sister said, and she didn't fight or rob, why did others kill her? Wu Mei'er rolled her eyes: "Sister, you have to listen to my sister this time."

"Sister, tell me!"

"Sister, you have to hold Wan Kuan's heart firmly in your hands, and you can't let him turn his heart to that Miss Cui family."

"But that Miss Cui Family is Wan Lang's wife, what can I do?"

"Sister, you have to use some means at this time, now that Wan Kuan obviously likes you, he has never seen that... Miss Cui Family.

And sister, you are as beautiful as a fairy, so Miss Cui's family will definitely not be able to compete with you."

Wu Meier said strangely: "At that time, as long as you capture Wan Kuan's heart, then Miss Cui's family will not dare to do anything to you no matter how powerful she is."

After hearing this, Wu Shun'er bowed her head shyly: "Actually, Wan Lang already fell in love with me, so why should he compete for favor?"

That Wu Mei'er was really speechless. She and her elder sister share the same father and mother. How come sometimes the elder sister's elm head is... I can't figure it out. Just when Wu Mei'er was about to persuade a few more words, suddenly outside There was an announcement.

"Two young ladies, then the Lord Wankuan Wanhou is here."

When Wu Mei'er heard this, she immediately gave her sister a wink, which meant... When Wan Kuan speaks later, everything must be done according to her own intentions, and no nonsense is allowed.

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