Although Wu Shun'er was not as smart as her sister, she was the most reasonable woman Wan Kuan had ever met. With her by her side, she would definitely save herself a lot of trouble.

Li Shimin's decree touched the hearts of countless people, and everyone was secretly surprised when this decree was issued.

After all the calculations, I didn't expect that Miss Cui's family would marry Wan Kuan in the end. This marriage seemed so unsuitable.

There is no need to mention the identity of Miss Cui's family. The eldest daughter of Boling's Cui family can be regarded as the woman with the highest status in the entire Tang Dynasty. She is more than enough to match any man in the Tang Dynasty.

Even if you marry the prince, it is a commitment to marry.

So no one thought that His Majesty would suggest marriage to Wan Kuan and the Cui family, and what was even more unexpected was that the Cui family agreed.

If the Cui family does not agree, then His Majesty will definitely not issue this imperial decree. Since this imperial decree has been announced to the world, it means that this marriage was actually approved by the Cui family.

For a time, there was a lot of discussion, whether it was Chao Ye or between them.

When Li Chengqian of the East Palace heard this imperial decree, he rushed to the crown with anger.

Although Li Shimin told him that it was a misunderstanding when Yingying became the crown princess, it was the person who Li Chengqian still subconsciously regarded Cui Yingying as his own.

And now that... Cui Yingying married Wan Kuan blatantly, how could Li Chengqian accept that Li Chengqian felt like he was wearing a big green hat on his head! Although it was a fake green hat! But this green hat! Li Chengqian was overwhelmed.

There was another crackling in the East Palace. Li Chengqian smashed all the tables, chairs, benches, teacups, and teacups in the East Palace. For a time, no one dared to come in to persuade him.

Everyone hides far away, the prince is like this, when he loses his temper, you'd better hide away, if you stand too close and get hurt by accident, you can only be considered unlucky.

It would be a good thing if it was only bleeding and injured, but last time, a little eunuch was directly hit on the forehead by a flower stand, and the whole person fainted to death.

At this time, even Li Chengqian's favorite little eunuch, Chengxin, dared not come up to persuade him.

And King Wei, who was also in the palace, opened his mouth and couldn't believe it. Although he was young, he didn't understand anything.

He also knew the identity of Miss Cui's family. Miss Cui's marriage to Wan Kuan showed that His Majesty's love for him was no less than that of any prince.

Li Tai was stunned inwardly, feeling that this matter was really too wonderful.

And Princess Changle knew the news, although she was a little surprised, but she didn't care.

It doesn't matter who Wan Kuan will marry in the future, as long as he can eat the deliciousness of Wan Fu Lou in the future.

As for the Princess Wencheng in the Jiangxia palace, with a sad face, he locked himself in the boudoir, and did not eat or drink for a whole day.

That Jiangxia King Li Daozong was a little strange, what happened to his own daughter, and how suddenly became: sentimental, is it because some stinky boy hooked the soul to the middle minister and hid at home, secretly plotting this matter.

In the past, they regarded Wan Kuan as a favorite minister by His Majesty's side, but from this moment on, Wan Kuan is no longer just a favorite minister, he may really enter the center of Tang power.

"Have you heard that the talented man is going to marry the lady of the Cui family?"

"Who doesn't know this, it's already a mess. This million-dollar talent is really powerful. It's a bit unbelievable that Miss Cui's identity is actually married to him."

"There are some people who say that the Cui family is married, and they want me to say that the Cui family has climbed the high branch."

"Yo, Xiongtai, how do you say this?"

"Then the great genius is the reincarnation of an immortal. No matter how powerful your Cui family is, aren't you still a wealthy family in the world? What can you do even if you are an aristocratic family?

That immortal is someone who can cause a torrential rain just by sneezing, and Wan Kuan's identity is much more noble than the Cui family."

"What Xiongtai said is very true. According to what you said, the daughter of the Cui family can marry Wan Kuan, but it is a high level."

"If you want me to say it is..., how can anyone in this world marry an immortal, maybe in the future this Wan Kuan will rise to immortality after his calamity in the world, this Cui family woman, along with Wan Kuan, will become immortal and enjoy forever. Changsheng is gone."

"It makes sense, it makes sense, no matter how rich this person is, no matter how high his status is, he can't compare to a god.

Immortals, they live on our heads, and they live forever."

"So, that's a good thing for Miss Cui's family."

"That's not it! Haven't you heard that the talented man Wan often uses magic spells, and last time he rescued Cheng Yaojin from the Dragon King, but this time I heard that Wan Kuan cast another spell in Jiucheng Palace to make the prince possessed by a dog. already."

Chapter 209

There are always all kinds of rumors among the common people in the market. The more noble the identity, the more common people like to discuss.

Li Chengqian is the crown prince, and his status is noble, so he is naturally the focus.

"Ah, the prince was actually possessed by a dog. What's going on?"

"Who knows anyway... It was said that the prince had offended the immortals, and Wan Kuan wanted to punish him, so he beat the original god of the dog on the prince."

"This prince is possessed by dogs, he doesn't like to eat meat anymore, he only likes to chew on bones, and he sticks his tongue out every day."

"Why does this really sound like nonsense"

"What nonsense is my neighbor's son working as a guard in the Jiucheng Palace. He watched the prince walk around with his long tongue. If it wasn't for being possessed by a dog, how could the dignified prince stick his tongue out?"

"As you put it, this Wankuang is very powerful."

"No, the Cui family is the one who took advantage."

Rumors in the market were like a flood, and Li Shimin's random assignment of a marriage had such a big impact.

Everyone was discussing the marriage between Wan Kuan and Miss Cui Family, but no one thought that Miss Wu Family was only sent by Li Shimin to Wan Kuan as a concubine.

After this incident, Wan Kuan felt that the officials above the court had a different attitude towards him.

Even when Wan Kuan went to serve as a prisoner, Lao Yu and Lao Feng were even more respectful to them, wishing they could squat on the ground and lick their shoes.

When Wan Kuan went to the Three Provinces and Six Departments to sign and sign, whether it was the...

Wan Kuan sat there and took a sip of tea when someone ran over to add tea, for fear of neglecting Wan Kuan.

Even the eldest grandson Wuji, who had always had a hard time with Wan Kuan, was now quite jealous of Wan Kuan.

Although Changsun Wuji had stopped wearing Wankuan shoes before, he still had a cold face after meeting, and now even Changsun Wuji has a smiling face like a blessed baby.

Wan Kuan felt that he didn't like it very much. It was better for Changsun Wuji to have a dead face. With this sudden smile, Wan Kuan felt a little panicked.

The Ordnance Supervision here has already started to produce down jackets with all their strength, and the ducks and geese in the entire Guanzhong have suffered, and all of them have been plucked.

Moreover, the court also posted notices to accept duck feathers and goose feathers.

All of a sudden, no matter in Guanzhong or Henan Central Plains, all farmers began to raise ducks and geese.

Although it takes half a year for ducks to grow up now, the imperial court collected duck feathers and goose feathers for a long time.

Because this down jacket is really good, now we will make a batch of winter jackets for the army first, and then we will use down jackets as daily clothes when there are more ducks and geese.

This matter is still in Wan Kuan's hands, it's just that it's not the military supervisor, but the Shaofu supervisor.

Last time, Chen Shaofu, the supervisor of Shaofu, was directly dismissed by Wan Kuan. Li Shimin didn't say a word.

Now that the Shaofu Supervisor is also under the control of Lao Yu, Wan Kuan is saying that he has all the three prisons in his own hands.

Now that the power in Wan Kuan's hands is rapidly expanding, and he has married a beautiful wife, all the courtiers dare not treat Wan Kuan any more.

Wan Kuan enjoys this feeling of being respected, but he is also a little strange.

At first, Wan Kuan was a little excited when he received this imperial decree, so he didn't think about it. Now that he thought about it, Li Shimin had absolutely no reason to betroth the Miss Cui family to him.

The status of Miss Cui's family is there, needless to say, everyone knows it.

And now that Li Shimin matches Cui Yingying to Wan Kuan, he really can't guess what Li Shimin's intentions are.

If you say that Li Shimin wants to ease the relationship with the Cui family, and then tie the Cui family to his chariot through marriage, then Li Shimin should betroth this Cui Yingying to his son, no matter how bad it is, he must be a descendant of the royal family.

But why did Li Shimin want this Yingying to betrothed to him unless Li Shimin already felt that he was [-]% loyal to the Tang Dynasty and to him, so this Li Shimin would do this.

However, where did Li Shimin have the confidence to know that this emperor's heart is the most difficult to guess. If you have no blood relationship with him, it is difficult for him to believe you.

Wan Kuan was also a little puzzled. If Li Shimin didn't want to ease relations with the Cui family, he was just suspicious of military tactics, then he shouldn't choose Wan Kuan.

Wan Kuan is just... a fledgling boy with no background and no backer. Now he is at best favored by him, but he is still unstable with the foundation.

Then how could the Cui family have promised to marry their eldest daughter to Wan Kuan, but then again, the Cui family's attitude is also somewhat ambiguous.

Wan Kuan now doesn't know what the Cui family's head is thinking, marrying his most precious eldest daughter to a person who has no backer, how much the Cui family hates Cui Yingying, and it is someone who will marry her. out.

Wan Kuan really couldn't figure out what they were going to do, but actually Wan Kuan didn't have any disgust towards that Cui Yingying.

I've been in contact with Cui Yingying several times, and Cui Yingying has a graceful and luxurious aura like a lady.

If she married herself, she would definitely be a good helper who could help herself in any situation.

And that Cui Yingying was so beautiful and graceful, Wan Kuan got a beauty for nothing, and there was really no way to blame Li Shimin.

Li Shimin issued the imperial decree, in fact, he has already doted on Wan Kuan to the extreme.

Wan Kuan ran to question him, which was indeed out of place.

In fact, after thinking about the matter, Wan Kuan also felt that it was nothing.

After all, this is the Tang Dynasty, not the later generations, so there is no market for monogamy.

One wife and one concubine are already considered few. Even if you marry Wu Shun'er, you will inevitably have to take a concubine in the future.

Therefore, Wan Kuan should take the time to adapt to the decadent life of this feudal society.

However, Wan Kuan has not yet adapted, and Li Shimin has already begun to urge Wan Kuan.

I thought that Li Shimin was urging him to find the down jacket quickly, but Li Shimin really urged Wan Kuan to quickly prepare the things for the marriage proposal.

Although Li Shimin has already ordered Wan Kuan and Cui Yingying to marry him, the specific process still needs to be done.

You have to find someone with high morals and respect to propose marriage, and then ask for a whole series of procedures in Najib, and finally you can marry Cui Yingying.

After all, Cui Yingying was the eldest daughter of the Boling Cui family, and Wan Kuan had to follow the etiquette rules step by step.

Moreover, Li Shimin urged that in order to quickly prepare the marriage proposal, it must be solemn and not neglect.

Otherwise, if you offend the Cui family, Li Shimin will make Wan Kuan look good.

Chapter 210

Wan Kuan didn't know how Li Shimin made himself look good, but it was the first time Li Shimin said such a serious thing, and Wan Kuan should pay attention to it.

Li Shimin asked Wan Kuan to prepare something for the marriage proposal.

For some gold, silver and copper coins, the Cui family doesn't care. After all, the Cui family must have accumulated huge wealth. dissatisfied.

So Wan Kuan still has to think about it. This is really troublesome. Don't you get a car and a house ticket when you get married in later life? Now it's not like this in the Tang Dynasty. Let's talk about the house. It doesn't matter.

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