Speaking of cars, who doesn't have several sets of carriages now?

And if you propose a relative to send someone, you can't even get a carriage.

To say that the Cui family doesn't care about the votes, so Wankuan has to develop his ideas again.

You must know that Wan Kuan's father-in-law is the Cui family.

The Cui family is the most prolific heir of poetry and etiquette, and you can't see tacky things, you have to send some elegant gifts.

It is said that the gentleman is as gentle as jade, and the precious jade is a good choice.

And I heard that the Cui family believes in Buddhism, if they can get a 1 relic.

But both of these things are unavoidable.

It's because the Cui family's status is so prominent, the family has been passed down for hundreds of years, and there are all kinds of gold and silver jewelry. In case the things that Wankuan takes out are not enough... amazing, in the eyes of others, it is laughable and generous.

And Wan Kuan didn't want to do anything hastily. Since he was about to get married, Wan Kuan had to make a big deal, and he couldn't let the people of Chang'an underestimate him.

Although Wan Kuan doesn't love that... Cui Yingying, but he doesn't hate it either.

To have such a woman as his wife, in fact, Wan Kuan does not contradict in his heart.

The only thing that contradicts is Li Shimin's method.

That Cui Yingying is the eldest daughter of the Cui family, and Wan Kuan has contacted her several times, and it seems that she can feel her friendship for him.

That being the case, in order to not want to wrong people.

Good things are hard to find. If you can't find them, you can make them yourself. If you don't have good jade, you can replace them with other things.

Now the porcelain of the Tang Dynasty is still in the initial stage, and the fired porcelain is still relatively rough. It must be known that the excellent porcelain of later generations is more precious than jade.

Wan Kuan decided to play tricks on the porcelain.

And the relic can only be explored slowly, if you can encounter it by accident, that's the best.

But if you can't find it, you can only shake your head and sigh.

According to Li Shimin's will, Wan Kuan won't be able to see that... Cui Yingying.

Because the man and the woman can't meet before the big wedding, and if they meet, they are lost.

But I can't go to see Cui Yingying, but Wan Kuan can go, anyway... Now the Wu family is just a commoner, and Wan Kuan, the Marquis, will not be blocked from going.

And now the people in Chang'an City are talking about the marriage with the Cui family, and Wu Shun'er is just... not paying attention, not caring at all.

If that's the case, then Wan Kuan will be able to get closer and closer.

Recently, Wan Kuan has been the absolute focus of Chang'an City. Every day, countless pairs of eyes are fixed on Wan Kuan. There are people from Li Shimin and people from the Cui family.

In the Nectar Hall of the Imperial Palace, Li Shimin was carrying a brush and practicing calligraphy.

The Empress Changsun on the side grinds the ink for Li Shimin, the ink is just right, and Li Shimin is very satisfied after writing.

"Kuanyin maid, look at my calligraphy."

"Your Majesty is a talented person, and the character of Your Majesty is horizontal and vertical, and it is extremely simple.

Clear and boundless, the concubine thinks it's better than Na Wankuan's writing."

Then Li Shimin was very proud after listening to it: "Although this font was created by Wan Kuan, after all, he is too young and his skill is too shallow. It has to be seen by a warrior like me to show the spiritual power of this font."

The Empress Changsun laughed after hearing this, but it was just an ordinary flattery, this Li Shimin really thought that his handwriting was good.

"Guanyin maid, what is that kid Wan Kuan doing in the last few days?"

"Go back to Your Majesty, Kuan'er, I have been squatting in the Shaofu Prison for the past few days, as if making some kind of porcelain."

"What kind of nonsense is this Kuan'er doing? I asked him to prepare the dowry with the Cui family, but he went to study some kind of porcelain.

Even if he is dedicated to the country, he should make more winter clothes to keep out the cold, what good is this porcelain?"

"Your Majesty, I don't know about this concubine, but maybe Kuan'er wants to make a pair of fine porcelain for the Cui family."

Li Shimin curled his lips after hearing this: "How can the porcelain be made better? The white porcelain in Hebei and the celadon in Jiangnan are already ingenious. What kind of tricks can Kuan'er make?"

"Your Majesty, Kuan'er has always been eclectic in his work, and maybe he will be able to come up with some amazing gifts at that time.

The Cui family is not an ordinary family, and Kuan Er may also understand that ordinary treasures can't open their eyes."

After listening, Li Shimin put down the brush and sat directly on the bed.

"Forget it, I don't have to worry about this matter anymore, anyway... this Kuan'er has a set of ways to deal with women: no kind of woman can escape Kuan'er's Wuzhi Mountain.

I think that after becoming a relative, Miss Cui's family must be eaten by Kuan'er."

"Your Majesty, isn't that what your purpose is? It's the best outcome for the court to be tied to the Cui family through marriage, and at the same time the court takes the initiative."

Li Shimin smiled after hearing this, this was his long-planned strategy, and he knew that Wan Kuan could definitely suppress that... the little lady of the Cui family.

Don't look at the great career of the Cui family, but between the husband and wife, there is another way...

Li Shimin's purpose is not only the Cui family, but also the land of Hebei.

At the same time, in the Cui Mansion in Chang'an, Cui Bolue sat in the side hall, looking at his niece in front of him.

Actually Cui Bolue didn't understand why his father wanted to marry the Cui family's most beloved granddaughter to Wan Kuan.

Although Wan Kuan's talent in Chang'an City was at its peak, but after all, the foundation was too shallow, and Cui Bolue couldn't understand no matter what he thought.

"Uncle, what is Wan Kuan doing these days?"

Cui Yingying really wanted to know about Wan Kuan.

"Yingying, Wan Kuan has been staying in the Shaofu Supervisor these past few days, it seems that he is busy with official business."

Cui Yingying was a little disappointed after hearing this. She thought Wan Kuan took over the imperial edict and knew that there would be a surprise after the marriage, but it seemed that Wan Kuan was not like that.

"Yingying, don't be disappointed. In the past few days, His Majesty has pushed Wan Kuan very urgently. Now all the military supplies in the kingdom are made by Wan Kuan, so Wan Kuan is now a celebrity in His Majesty's eyes. Even Fang Xuanling and eldest grandson Wuji are not as favored as him."

Chapter 211

Cui Yingying just responded lightly to Uncle's doubts.

"When I was in the Jiucheng Palace that day, my niece had seen Wankuan's ability to learn from objects, which can turn corruption into magic."

After listening, Cui Bolue nodded and said, "Yes, it seems that Wan Kuan is not a high-ranking officer, but he is very important in the DPRK. This war is nothing more than... grain and weapons, then Wan Kuan can make If you produce excellent weapons, you can reach tens of thousands of heroic divisions with ten thousand widths."

Until now, Cui Bolue also understood a little in his heart why his father valued Wan Kuan so much.

This Wan Kuan will definitely be a first-class in the dynasty in the future, no title is a problem, and Wan Kuan's literary talent is flying, maybe he can become a literary celebrity.

The inheritance of this family, on the one hand, relies on the land to obtain a lot of wealth, and on the other hand... monopolizes the literary world, so that the scholars all over the world are proud of the family.

If Wan Kuan really becomes a famous person in the literary world in the future, others will only say that Wan Kuan is the uncle of the Cui family. As a result, the Cui family will naturally rise.

After all, no matter when the time comes, it will always be the scholar-bureaucrat who can control the country.

"Yingying, although Your Majesty has decreed, your marriage can still be treated with courtesy.

I don't know when Wan Kuan will hand over the marriage certificate, and your father will come to Chang'an to handle the matter."

"Uncle Lau is worried, Yingying's marriage is not important."

"Oh! I can't say that, this marriage was negotiated by Your Majesty and the old man in person, and both His Majesty and our Cui family must take it seriously.

Otherwise, no matter what...

It's hard to explain whether it's Your Majesty or the old man."

Cui Boluo said lightly: "Wan Kuan will definitely give the best baby as a betrothal gift. On that day, my uncle will put up the biggest battle, so that everyone in Chang'an City will see this marriage."

The Cui family wanted to try Wan Kuan's details, and Wan Kuan was not an ordinary person.

This is the highest realm of the aristocratic family.

In the eyes of the aristocratic family, nothing is absolutely precious, and what is rare is precious, so Wan Kuan had to come up with something that this lobby did not have.

Wan Kuan squatted in the Shaofu prison, looking at the blast furnace that fired the ceramics, and the old man beside him was sweating profusely.

"Master Hou, with such a high temperature in the blast furnace, can I get the porcelain fired?"

"You know the shit, the higher the temperature, the more delicate the porcelain will be.

Your temperature is too low, and the clay won't bond at all."

"But Lord Hou, we have never burned such a high temperature.

Generally, when the temperature is high, the whole porcelain will crack."

"That's because your clay is not clean and has impurities in it.

If the clay is clean enough, it won't crack at all."

After listening to that, Lao Yu scratched his own hair.

"Master Hou, no wonder you soaked that clay in water over and over again, and finally ran it to dry in the sun, just to get rid of the impurities inside."

"Isn't this nonsense? You have been working as a prisoner for so long. Isn't it that the less impurities in iron ore, the better the steel is? It's all fine clay, and the porcelain fired at such high temperature, then It's really strong and pretty."

"But Lord Hou, why did you brush a layer of stuff on top of it after half of the burn, what is that layer of stuff?"

"That layer is called the glaze, the layer, which colors the porcelain.

You don't understand even if I told you, anyway...you'll know when it burns out."

"I don't think what Marquis paints has no color, and it will change color after you paint it and burn it."

"More than just changing colors, it's just... colorful."

Wan Kuan didn't want to talk nonsense with this old Yu. People in this era still have limitations, and he simply doesn't know how far the porcelain of later generations has developed.

Nowadays, the porcelain of the Tang Dynasty is still very simple to knead the soil and burn it.

At this time, the Tang craftsmen had not thought about using the glaze and color to color the porcelain, and the ratio of the glaze and color was not very good.

Iron ions are red after high temperature, copper ions are green, and some other metal ions are blue. Anyway, after these colors are mixed, there will be that kind of... ever-changing feeling.

Anyway... it's not a large-scale production, Wan Kuan will keep an eye on it for a few days, and the production of a few sets of porcelain will be finished. When the time comes, giving the Cui family such a gift can be regarded as coaxing people to be happy.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Wan Kuan urged: "Old Yu, quickly shut down the blast furnace and pull out the porcelain inside."

These......the porcelain can be put in the iron box, and the fire is separated: it comes out.

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