It's ridiculous that the Cui family still looks down on you, what a joke!"

Wan Kuan waved his hand directly after hearing this: "Don't worry about them, they just ignore them today, and they won't be able to climb high tomorrow."

When the two princes heard this, they laughed and ran away.

"That's what Wan Kuan really said."

In the Liangyi Hall, Li Shimin looked at the two cousins ​​in front of him and couldn't help but ask.

Then Li Daozong reported the fist directly: "Your Majesty, rest assured, this is Wan Kuan's original words."

Li Shimin laughed straight after hearing this: "This kid...has a bit of arrogance, and I don't know where his arrogance came from."

"Your Majesty, just relying on Wan Kuan's ability, let alone the Cui family, even... marrying the princess to him, he is also arrogant."

After Li Shimin heard this, he raised his eyebrows.

What a mess and then waved and let the two princes go down.

This Wan Kuan has a bad impression of the Cui family, which is a good thing.

After all, this aristocratic family was originally a stumbling block for the imperial court. In the future, Wan Kuan would be the emperor, and he would definitely take action against the aristocratic family.

If he has a good relationship with the Cui family, he might not be able to let it go.

Wan Kuan's performance made Li Shimin very satisfied, and Li Shimin felt that he could also sit back and relax for a few days.

After these few days, Wan Kuan should go to give the dowry.

Although this marriage ceremony is troublesome, once it starts, it is very fast.

After Li Daozong and Li Xiaogong proposed the marriage, within three days, the Cui House returned the marriage proposal to Wan House, which was considered an agreement.

That being the case, the third item should be that Wan Kuan went to propose marriage with gold and silver treasures.

After the marriage proposal, the Cui family handed over the marriage certificate to Wan Kuan Kuan.

Then Wan Kuan went to Cui's house to marry Cui Yingying according to the good day and auspicious day in the marriage certificate.

After Cui Cui Yingying is married, it will be a marriage ceremony, and this will be regarded as the end of the whole marriage.

And when the marriage proposal was in Wan Kuan's hands, Wan Kuan had to prepare something.

There are not many rules for this marriage proposal, and there are no hard and fast rules for dowry.

But generally speaking, the more betrothal gifts, the more status the man has, and the more face the woman has.

Because most of the royal family in Sui and Tang Dynasties came from the nomadic peoples in the north, now when you propose a marriage, you don't look at the number of depends on how you go.

Just like how many horses are used to carry the dowry when the nomads propose marriage.

In Chang'an City, how many cars can your betrothal gift fill up, this is the style of your marriage proposal.

If you can fit ten cars, you are rich.

If you can pack enough [-] cars, you will be a rich businessman.

If you can fit [-] cars, it means you are a royal family.

As for the dowry on this car, it all depends on each other.

There must be some silver coins, but ordinary people don't have that much money, so they put a string of copper coins in front of each car, and then put some rice grains on the car, which is considered a marriage proposal.

An identity like Wan Kuan cannot be so casual at all, it must have enough style.

Moreover, Wan Kuan also wanted to use the betrothal gift to shock the Cui family, so that no one would be arrogant and look down on him.

First there was a cart of gold leaves, then ten carts of silver ingots, and ten carts of fine silk cloth.

This silver and silk cloth is the property recognized by the people of the Tang Dynasty, even if the imperial court distributes salaries to the ministers, they are all issued.

Silver and copper coins can be used to buy things and rice, and silk can be used to make clothes. These are all hard currencies.

In addition, Wan Kuan had to prepare other things of course.

For example, some peerless treasures, jade and bronze ware, these are all things that ordinary rich people have to bring.

But generally speaking, these jade stones are precious and small in size. They are all packed in small boxes and placed on the carriage in a conspicuous position for others to see.

And the bronze ware refers to the auspicious and wishful shape cast with bronze, and it is also suitable for the occasion when it is placed on a carriage and pulled over.

But Wan Kuan didn't want to be so casual, since the Cui family looked down on him a little, he had to surprise him.

Wan Kuan also had to prepare a dowry for at least [-] vehicles, gold and silver treasures, silk cloth and silk, all of which were fixed, don't care.

The ones at the back...the betrothal gifts are worth a lot of thought.

First come five chariots of porcelain, these...the porcelains are all newly fired and made by the Shaofu Supervisor.

Without Li Shimin, the great thief, Wan Kuan's porcelain-making business went very smoothly.

Then, the precious jade collected by Wankuan in the past few days was carved into jade carvings and filled with five cars.

Since then, it can be considered to be able to scare people.

Then Wan Kuan had to prepare something surprising and new that no one else had.

Anyway... Wan Kuan has to show the limelight this time, and can't let the Cui family underestimate him.

If you can't hold down the Cui family, you won't have a place in the mansion until you get married.

Wan Kuan nodded in satisfaction as he looked at the cars piled up in the backyard in front of him.

Tomorrow Wankuan will have to show his power in front of the Cui family! "Little Laizi, I'm ready, I can't be ashamed without the young master tomorrow."

"Young master, don't worry, everything has arrived, and it is guaranteed to scare the whole Chang'an city."

"I don't care about the people of Chang'an City, young master, I just care about the people of the Cui family.

I heard that the door of Cui's house will open tomorrow and the nearby roads will be cleared.

If I can't control the scene, young master, I can't raise my head."

"Young master, don't worry, just take out these fifty carts of gifts, not to mention their Cui family, it's enough to marry a fairy girl in the sky."

Wan Kuan patted Xiao Laizi on the shoulder: "Tomorrow morning, you all give me a little energy, don't let people look at me and lose my head and lose my Wankuan."

"Young master, tomorrow's little boy: I chose a tall, energetic little servant.

Pull it out, Yishui'er is strong and strong, it is absolutely impossible to embarrass the young master."

Chapter 223

Xiao Laizi's words made Wan Kuan very satisfied.

"That's good, tomorrow's team has to be arranged for me, young master, I have to beat gongs and drums for me as soon as I leave the house.

Didn't the Cui family want people from Chang'an City to watch the fun? Young master, I'll add some fun to him."

The Cui family wanted to be shy, but Wan Kuan couldn't admit it.

After Wan Kuan explained everything, he did not go back to rest, but went to the Wu family in a carriage.

Before going to the Cui family to propose marriage, Wan Kuan should send the best betrothal gift to the Wu family first.

Wu Shun'er was a concubine and should not have been given a dowry, but Wan Kuan did not want Wu Shun'er to suffer grievances.

Therefore, Wan Kuan had to go to the Wu family before going to the Cui family to propose marriage.

Give Wu Shun'er a share of the betrothal gift to Cui Yingying.

Wan Kuan's every move was reported to Li Shimin by the Hundred Horsemen beside him. After Li Shimin heard the news, he just smiled faintly.

"Buddha statue maid, I still have a sense of arrogance in my heart after hearing this.

Although I assigned him the Cui family's marriage, before going to the Cui family to propose marriage, he has to go to the Wu family first."

"This kid just...has a stubborn temper.

Just like when His Majesty was young."

"Although Kuan'er had to give in, she still has the girl of the Wu family in her heart.

Although the emperor has to compromise everywhere, sometimes he has to be extra firm in his heart, Kuan'er has arrogance and is much stronger than other princes."

At the same time, in the side hall of Cui Mansion, Cui Yingying was beating her grandfather on the shoulder with a shy look on her face.

"Yingying, Wan Kuan will come to propose a marriage tomorrow. Grandfather deliberately cleared the road to let the people of Chang'an come to watch the fun. If Wan Kuan doesn't give enough dowry gifts... it will be a shame."

"Grandpa, that Wan Kuan is not a big family, it's normal that he can't come up with too many rare treasures."

"Wan Kuan can't take it out, it's our Cui family who are ashamed.

In this family, many people are not satisfied with this marriage.

If Wan Kuan is really embarrassed, those people should be chattering!"

Cui Yingying said coquettishly at this time: "Grandpa, as long as you are satisfied with the old man!"

"Of course Grandpa is satisfied, otherwise Grandpa would not agree to His Majesty's marriage.

Wan Kuan is a great talent, but in front of our Cui family, you have to be respectful!"

Cui Yingying bit her lip, a little worried in her heart.

She knew that Wan Kuan was an arrogant person, and if she really lost face, she would definitely feel uncomfortable.

As soon as the sun appeared the next day, Wan Kuan urged Xiao Laizi to pack up and set out.

Xiao Laizi took the lead, and Wan Kuan rode at the end.

Logically, the dowry was accepted, and the man did not have to come in person, but in order to show his respect, Wan Kuan went there in person.

But even if Wan Kuan came, Cui Yingying would not be seen.

This starts from Nacai, the man and the woman cannot meet, and the two must keep a distance until the day of marriage.

"Little Laizi, walk out of a wind and water."

"Little Laizi, walk out of a tiger"

After listening to Wan Kuan's words, Xiao Laizi tried his best to do his best, and immediately practiced the splits.

"Okay, don't be too arrogant and make you look like a master!"

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