"Hey, young master, you are dressed elegantly today. The most dashing thing in Chang'an City is...you."

"How about the team behind"

"Don't worry, young master, it's all BMX.

A fifty-car gift packs a hundred cars, and it looks imposing."

The dowry convoy prepared by Wan Kuan was lined up for a long time, and when the domineering in Chang'an City was rampant, many curious people followed to watch the excitement.

"Who is this?"

"You don't even know about this, Mr. Wan Kuan Wan!"

"Oh! It's... Young Master Wan and the Cui family's marriage!"

"That's right, it's so lively, the Cui family is not ordinary people!"

"Nonsense, that Young Master Wan is not an ordinary person, but an immortal!"

It's been a long time since Chang'an City has had such a big job, and I heard that the man is Wan Kuan, a talented man with a great reputation recently, so it's even more worth seeing.

Standing at the door of Cui Mansion, Wan Kuan looked at the people gathered behind him, couldn't help but smile indifferently, and directly asked Xiao Laizi to read the gift list.

Each time you recite one, the corresponding limousine will be sent to the gate of Cui Mansion.

The gift list is full of silver and copper coins, as well as silk cloth and silk.

It took half an hour to read the gift list alone, and carts were sent to the gate of Cui Mansion.

The onlookers watched excitedly, this Wan Kuan really made a lot of money.

After all, it is the little lady of the Cui family, and this betrothal gift is extraordinary.

Wan Kuan stood calmly at the end of the convoy, this is just the beginning, there are all kinds of good babies behind.

Today's appointment is to give the Cui family a good eye.

Fifty carts of betrothal gifts were sent in, but they were all vulgar things.

The Cui family has no shortage of money, silk and cloth.

But this dowry must have this, and everyone will watch the fun.

That Cui Hao stood in the front yard, looking at the limousines coming in one after another, his face still calm.

Although this Wankuan has no roots and no source, he has a lot of money at hand.

The gift list has been read for almost half an hour, and the little Lai Zi was very thirsty, took out a water bag and took a sip, and then took out a stack of gift lists.

There are still a lot of cars behind, the people watching the lively are happy, the more lively, the better.

"Father, there are still a lot of limousines in Wankuan, and it seems that there are some dowry gifts!"

After listening to his son's words, Cui Wanping, who was sitting in the side hall, just stroked his beard and smiled: "I want to see what kind of treasure this Wan Kuan can prepare!"

The people outside can wait to see the scene of the rich and noble family being hired, and after watching this lively scene, they can also show it off everywhere.

Wan Kuan winked at Xiao Laizi, Xiao Laizi cleared his throat, looked at the pattern of the gift list, and planned to continue reading.

Xiao Laizi was illiterate, so he could only look at pictures and talk.

"The Marquis of Chixian is seeking employment for the daughter of the Cui Mansion, and here I present a pair of green jade bracelets called to the south."

As soon as the words fell, a young servant in a blue shirt and a small hat came over with an open gift box, and inside the box were two emerald bracelets.

"Huh! This bracelet is not... Fanpin!"

"That's right, jadeite is jadeite from Nanzhao, but we don't often see it in the Central Plains."

"This young master is really bothering."

The people were talking, and Xiao Laizi continued with his voice raised.

"The Marquis of Chixian then presented a statue of a white jade Buddha statue in Khotan suet."

Then, four 44 servants walked slowly over holding a half-human-high tray of white jade Buddha statues.

This is a rare treasure, if it falls to the ground and shatters, then you have committed a serious crime.

Chapter 224

As soon as the suet and white jade Buddha statue appeared, the eyes of the people watching the excitement widened.

"Wow! White suet jade! This is the best among jade, and it is very precious."

"This white jade Buddha statue is completely white and invaluable."

"This Cui family believes in Buddhism, and this Buddha statue can be said to be to his liking."

The white jade Buddha statue was sent to the front yard of Cui Mansion, Cui Wanping watched from a distance, and the corner of his mouth smiled.

"Wan Kuan has worked hard, knowing that we believe in Buddhism, this white jade Buddha statue is not simple.

Our Cui family can't get it, and Wan Kuan doesn't know where to get this material:!"

"Father, I heard that Wanfu Lou is going to be in gold every day, and I think he has friendship with Hu Shang in the Western Regions.

It is not surprising to find such white jade!"

Sheep fat white jade is a precious thing, and the royal family can't get it.

People have always regarded white as the top grade. White is pure and clean, symbolizing the extraordinary demeanor of a gentleman.

The value of this white jade Buddha statue is inestimable.

After the white jade Buddha statue was brought into Cui's residence, Xiao Laizi hurriedly asked someone to bring the next gift.

"The Marquis of Chixian presents a set of first-class multicolored porcelain."

The two servants in Wanfu came directly carrying a large wooden plate with a set on it: porcelain that no one else had ever seen before.

This set of porcelain has many shapes, including gourds, Ruyi, and Guanyin jars.

The shape is second, the key is that the color of this porcelain is extremely bright.

Red, blue, green and purple, competing for beauty, blinding people's eyes.

Facing the morning sun, the glaze of the porcelain is crystal clear, with a little halo.

After the people saw it, it was as if they saw a rainbow in the sky.

"This... what is this babe"

"I don't know, they say it's porcelain."

"Nonsense, how can there be such a porcelain, the brilliance of the five aggregates, is it the magic weapon of the gods in the sky?"

"Maybe, this Wan Kuan is also a fairy who descended to earth, and it makes sense to bring a few magic tools when descending to earth!"

When the huge porcelain was carried to Cui's house, the father and son of the Cui family were a little moved.

"Father, this porcelain is amazing, ah!"

Then Cui Wanping said in a daze: "Compared with this porcelain, our white porcelain is heaven and earth.

Wan Kuan has such abilities, so don't underestimate it!"

"Father, this china is unheard of, not like something in this world."

"Nonsense! It's because you don't know enough...

Everyone knows that Wan Kuan has the ability of Lu Ban, and today, as a husband, I know how powerful Lu Ban is in this rebirth!"

Wan Kuan looked at the shocked people around him and smiled smugly.

This imitation Jun porcelain is Wankuan's unique treasure. Except for Wankuan, no one knows the modulation of this glaze and color.

This Jun porcelain is the only one in the world, and the color is full of luck.

Therefore, Jun porcelain is unique, and there is no way to copy it.

When these three treasures appeared, everyone was dumbfounded.

This Wankuan is too powerful, this baby is one after another, endless! Everyone was amazed, and at this time, the servant of Wanfu came with a limousine.

The four 44 boys were full of heads, and the innermost one was chattering, which showed that the gifts on the car were not light in weight.

It's just that the limousine was covered with a red cloth, and no one could see what was inside.

Everyone's heart is a little itchy. Before these three treasures were already incredible, what could this be? Xiao Laizi's voice is hoarse now, but he still shouted with all his strength: "The Marquis of Chixian presents the fine steel Buddha. like a set."

After Xiao Laizi finished speaking, he immediately tore off the red cloth.

When everyone looked at it, they were almost blinded by the light.

I saw a bright light under the sun, as if the lake was sparkling.

Everyone quickly blocked the sunlight with their palms and narrowed their eyes to see the clue.

I saw that under the bare light, it seemed to be a mountain made of steel.

There are many different types of Buddhas on this high mountain.

This mountain of steel needs to be one meter square, and it needs four 44 strong men to push it together.

This seems to be the spiritual mountain of bliss in the west, and the face of the Buddha on it is clearly visible, and each one is clearly visible.

Not to mention the onlookers, even the butler of the Cui family couldn't help but take a few more glances.

This ornament is unique, not even in the palace, this is really a treasure in heaven! "This is fine steel"

"It seems so, the gift list says it is steel!"

"But why is this steel so shiny? There's no rust at all!"

"Yes, God!"

Wan Kuan is now numb listening to the exclamations of the people, isn't this Jinggang, what's there to make a fuss about.

Wan Kuan just happened to find some iron ore containing nickel, and just happened to make a little stainless steel.

So this stainless steel ornament will look splendid.

This stainless steel ornament is not difficult to be a supervisor, and it is extremely simple to open a set of molds.

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