I don't know whether this Li Shimin reused himself or deliberately embarrassed himself.

Wan Kuan felt that Li Shimin's thoughts were erratic, and Li Chengqian had the same idea.

After Li Chengqian sat in the East Palace and got the news, the whole person was slightly stunned.

He didn't expect that his father would dote on Wan Kuan so much, and directly increase Wan Kuan to such a degree.

The Grand Governor is the highest official position, although there are also Taishi, Taifu and Taibao, but after all, it is a vacant position, and there is no power in his hands.

This great governor is different, the power in his hands is amazing.

Say something bad.

It would be easy for this great governor to rebel.

If this position is placed on Li Chengqian's head, Li Chengqian must be very happy.

Because the crown prince can have such real power, the throne is already a certainty.

Generally speaking, the emperor will not give too much real power to the prince.

After all, the prince is the heir to the throne, if he is given too much real power, the power in the hands of the prince will expand rapidly.

The ministers in the court will also quickly gather around the prince, and since then, the emperor's rights will be overridden.

Because of this, the princes of the past dynasties were cautious and cautious before ascending the throne and became emperors, and did not dare to be too arrogant.

And now Wan Kuan is not only so arrogant, but his father's favor for him is also increasing, which makes Li Chengqian begin to doubt himself.

I used to be sure that Wan Kuan would not be able to last long.

When the father's favor for him diminishes, Wan Kuan's death will come.

But after this imperial decree, Li Chengqian realized that now his father and emperor have not reached the level of disgust.

Li Chengqian forced himself to settle down.

He must not be overthrown by this imperial edict, and he must return to his state of lightness and lightness.

Previously, Li Chengqian was too anxious and chased after him with wide steps, which revealed so many flaws.

Now Wan Kuan is at the peak, Chengqian can't fight with him, he can only figure it out.

And Li Chengqian planned to endure it for a while... calm and calm, take a step back and open the sky.

And here Wan Kuan has already planned to go to meet his relatives tomorrow.

Tomorrow's marriage is a war, and Wan Kuan has to prepare early.

Put on the armor of the prisoner, put on the helmet, and put a layer of paper armor on the gap between the armors.

Anyway, it is absolutely foolproof.

At the time of the wedding, the bridegroom has to face all kinds of difficulties. It is light to be hit on the head with a stick. Some people directly prick with a needle. After the puncture bleeds, you can't be angry.

However, Wan Kuan thought that the other party was a big family, so he shouldn't be so rude, at most... arrange a little obstacle, recite poetry or something, and he can handle it casually.

Moreover, Wan Kuan had to find a bridesmaid, this bridesmaid must be his relatives and friends.

However, Wan Kuan has no relatives, let alone friends, and Wan Kuan has not many.

Wan Kuan was an official in the court, and the people who had friendship with Wan Kuan were old fritters in their thirties. You have to say that friends of the same age are all women.

The Wu family sisters, as well as Princess Changle, Princess Wencheng, can't let these little girls come.

After much deliberation, Wan Kuan directly fell in love with one person, that is Li Tai, the king of Wei.

This little fat man doesn't need to be in vain, he can keep troops for a thousand days, and use them for a while..., and he can be considered useful.

When Li Tai first heard that Wan Kuan asked him to be the bridesmaid, he refused in his heart.

He was so grown up, he had heard that people got married, but he had never seen this bridesmaid before, nor did he know how to be.

And Li Tai is not too old: just in his early thirteen years, it is really not suitable for this age to be a bridesmaid.

But Wan Kuan couldn't find anyone else, so he couldn't find a general like Cheng Yaojin and Qin Qiong.

It's definitely not suitable for me to be a young man in bloom, pulling a military general in his thirties to greet his relatives.

Moreover, this bridesmaid is a man of grace and grace, and the Cui family will definitely be unhappy if they get a military general, and they will have to show their faces at that time.

Although Li Tai, King of Wei, was not very old, he was quite famous in Chang'an City.

I've been smart since I was a child, and I can't forget it, but... I've gotten a little fatter.

But the little fat man, the more you look, the more festive you are. Tomorrow is the big day, and it's not bad to be a little festive.

After Wan Kuan settled on Li Tai, he asked him to come to the gate of Wanfu before dawn the next morning.

And Li Tai said with a sad face that he couldn't even get out of the palace at that time, but he didn't think about it, Li Shimin directly approved it, and let Li Tai sleep directly in Wanfu the night before, without having to go back to the palace.

Unexpectedly, Li Shimin did a good job. Li Tai was clearly arranged by his father, and he had to sleep in Wanfu and be this bridesmaid well.

But as soon as Li Tai moved into Wanfu, he didn't want to go back to the palace immediately.

Because there is an air conditioner, if there is an air conditioner in the summer, it will be a great joy in life.

At this time, who would go back to the palace to sleep? Although the palace has a summer palace, but that... only Li Shimin and Empress Changsun can enjoy it.

Li Tai was young and not a prince, so he could only put ice cubes in his palace.

But under the hot summer, the ice cubes will melt away in a short time. How can the air conditioner be comfortable? Although the air conditioner with a wide width is also a simple version, as long as there is cool water flowing continuously, the whole room is full of ... a piece of cool.

Moreover, Li Tai and Wan Kuan also had a good time with Wan Kuan and drank a lot of grape wine, and the whole person was very excited.

The drunk Mrs. Li kept saying that the next time Wan Kuan gets married, he will come to be the bridesmaid.

Wan Kuan could only give a wry smile to Li Tai's ridiculous idea.

Chapter 239

Can the young lady who married the Cui family get married again? If so, wouldn't the Cui family jump to the sky?

Although it is said that the Tang couple can be reconciled, there are precedents in the law, but reconciliation is not so simple.

It would be easier if two poor and small households wanted to reconcile.

After all, you don't have to be involved so much, just go to the government to go through the formalities and write a few documents.

But the more dignitaries, the more difficult it is to want and leave.

If a prince like Wan Kuan would gossip with his wife and Li, a lot of people would gossip, and his family would be chattering endlessly, and he wouldn't let you get away easily, and he might even turn against each other.

No matter how powerful you are, you can't solve this problem.

Just like if the emperor wants to abolish a queen, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty have to be in charge, not to mention other people.

Moreover, Wan Kuan felt that the Cui family, the maiden family, was powerful and not so easy to talk about.

You don't have to think about it anymore, and you will get married this time in your life.

Li Tai was so dizzy that he was taken down by a little grape brew.

Wan Kuan looked at the little fat man Li Tai, grabbed him by the collar and threw him onto the bed.

This little fat man looks quite fat and doesn't weigh much.

Wan Kuan threw Li Tai into the wing, and went back to the bedroom to sleep soundly. After drinking, it was easy to fall asleep.

The golden cloud falls in the west, and the red sun rises in the east, but before the red sun rises, Wan Kuan has to get up.

Today is a big day, and Wan Kuan can't sleep in.

That little Lai Zi was always there: knocking on the door outside the bedroom, asking Wan Kuan to get up quickly, this matter can't be missed.

Missing the time, these people...the servants are going to eat melons.

Wan Kuan rubbed his eyes, sat up directly, put on some clothes and went out.

"Has King Wei woke up?"

"Young master, King Wei can't be called out, we.... the servants don't dare to shout loudly."

"If you don't call him, what if you don't have a bridesmaid, bring me a basin of cold water."


Xiao Laizi poured a basin of cold well water.

Wan Kuan walked directly to Li Tai's wing holding the water. Wan Kuan felt that it was a bit reckless to splash the water directly on Li Tai's face.

Li Tai sat up with a snort like a small ball.

"Who dares to attack the king"

"My king, you are tall, get up and change quickly."

Li Tai was pushed and shoved by Wan Kuan and was thrown out of the wing directly.

The old housekeeper invited someone to dress up Wan Kuan and Li Tai.

This marriage has to be dressed up a bit, otherwise a black-faced big man will be awkward for anyone to look at.

That Li Tai was in a daze, closed his eyes and some people smeared powder on his face, and when he opened his eyes, he turned into a little white fat man.

And Wan Kuan is very awkward.

"Just put on a layer of powder, don't put too much on it, like a white-faced traitor, does it look good?"

"Master, you need to wipe it off. It's so hot that you'll wash it off as soon as you sweat."

"Just wash it off, change your clothes quickly, I think it's almost dawn."

Wan Kuan put on a bright red dress, and Li Tai's side was colorful and looked brighter than Wan Kuan.

With a big red flower on his head, Wan Kuan looked into the bronze mirror at this time, and he always felt like a senior official of Ximen.

The first ray of sunlight rose, Wan Kuan rode directly on his horse, and rushed to Cui's house with a mighty welcome team.

Actually, that... Cui Bolue is also in Taiping Square, but one at the head and the other at the end.

Not to mention riding a horse, even walking is a stick of incense.

But how could this time show the pomp of the Cui family? Wan Kuan had to walk around the city of Chang'an with his relatives before finally reaching the door of the Cui family.

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