Anyway, this is the rule, the higher the status, the longer the distance.

Beating the gongs and drums is to let the whole city know that today the talented man is going to get married, and the object of the marriage is the young lady of the Cui family.

Wan Kuan rode on his horse, and King Wei followed behind shaking his head.

Anyway... today's protagonist is not Li Tai, he is....... in high spirits.

At this time, many people in the Cui family's mansion were also arguing.

"Come on, get the dowry ready, don't wait for the uncle to come, you are not ready yet, it will make people laugh!"

"Don't worry, old housekeeper, the dowry for fifty cars has already been packed in the backyard, and then I will go to Wanfu with the young lady."

"Why only fifty cars? Last time Wankuan sent nearly one hundred cars.

If we give less dowry, it will be difficult for Miss in Wanjia in the future."

"Old housekeeper, what the master means is... to return the dowry of fifty cars, but these fifty cars are prepared according to our Cui family's highest standard dowry."

"That's fine, since it's the master's intention, then do it as soon as possible."

"Are the people blocking the door over there ready?"

"If you go back to the old housekeeper, here are some."

"Take all the maids out. When the uncle enters the door, there must be some big girls and little wives to follow. You can't let the uncle go into the backyard at once, do you hear?"

"Don't worry, butler, we all have experience in this, it's very simple."

"Be smart with me one by one. If something goes wrong, if the master doesn't speak, I'll have to rip you off."

The Cui family is also busy, busy for a while.

Cui Yingying was sitting on the embroidered building and was also drawing her eyebrows and beating her temples.

Some took eyebrow pencils, some took rouge, and some took jewelry. This one... Cui Yingying dressed up like a fairy coming down to earth.

The jewelry on Cui Yingying's body was all newly made. The phoenix hairpin on her head was shining with gold, and a South Sea pearl was also set on it.

He was wearing a five-flower tight-fitting robe, and the goose-yellow patches were also inlaid with gold leaf.

Yiren's eyebrows are painted with red makeup, and cinnabar is dotted between the eyebrows.

At this time, the little Hongniang trotted over and shouted at Cui Yingying: "Miss, Wan Kuan has already set off, and now the surrounding Chang'an City is beating gongs and drums."

Cui Yingying's face was flushed with rouge, and she couldn't see her original skin color, but her eyes flashed with a hint of shyness.

"Okay, stop shouting."

The little Hongniang shrank her head back again. Today, she has to take the maid to close the last door, so that the young master will not easily come to the door of the embroidered building.

At this time, Wan Kuan was sitting on the tall horse, triumphantly, and bowed his hands to the people watching the lively on both sides of the street.

Everyone onlookers came to cheer, and it was considered a face, and Wan Kuan was also a gift.

Today, Wan Kuan's welcome team stretches for a full mile. In fact, there are so many people in Wan Kuan's family. Many of them are sent by Li Shimin to help the momentum.

Chapter 240

In fact, Wan Kuan is also very strange. His marriage has nothing to do with Li Shimin. Why is Li Shimin so concerned? Could it be that this Cui Yingying is Li Shimin's illegitimate daughter Wan Kuan smiled.

It may be because this marriage was assigned by Li Shimin, so he didn't want to lose his face.

The sound of the musical instruments was so loud that the people of the entire Chang'an City ran out to watch the excitement.

"This is Young Master Wan who was reincarnated by Wenquxing. He looks like a real talent!"

"Nonsense, the gods in the sky come down to earth, of course, all of them are extremely handsome, how can they find some crooked melons and cracked dates?"

"That's true, or else can people marry the Cui family's first-in-law? I heard that this time the Cui family's head of the family has come to Chang'an, and the dowry has been lined up in the entire backyard."

"You're so ignorant, you don't think about how much this Young Master Wan paid in advance some time ago... The dowry really blocked the entire Taiping Square."

"Really, my brother just returned to Chang'an not long ago, I really haven't heard of it."

"Then you're not lucky. Brother I was at the front that day, and every treasure of Mr. Wan is invaluable. After reading it, people can't take their eyes off."

"Yes, I saw it too.

The statue of Guanyin is simply... Guanyin is alive, it must be this Master Wan who invited the Guanyin Yuanshen in the sky down.

As soon as the sun shone, it all glowed, I immediately kowtowed a few times and made a wish, and in the end I really found a coin."

"Oh, brother, I really missed this good opportunity, little brother.

If I can make a wish, little brother, maybe this fall will be the title of the...Golden List."

"Then you're out of luck!"

Walking around Chang'an City on a horse, Wan Kuan felt like a rare animal being visited.

At the back, the sun gradually rose, Wan Kuan felt a little sweat on his face, and said hello to Xiao Laizi directly.

Everyone walks faster, hurries back to Taipingfang, and hurries back to marry this Cui Yingying.

After going around a circle, knocking and beating, finally came to the door of Cui's house.

Wan Kuan took a closer look, and the door of Cui's house was full of people.

At the door, a boy in a blue shirt and a small hat shouted loudly: "Wanfu is here to ask for a kiss."

Wan Kuan jumped directly from the horse, and Li Taitai's little fat man also wanted to jump off, but his body was too cumbersome, he arched like a silkworm chrysalis for a long time before he got off.

This is a technical job, and it should not be reckless.

Wan Kuan was surrounded by a lot of family members, and they surrounded Wan Kuan to the door.

The door to Cui's house has been opened, but there are a lot of maids holding big sticks in the gatehouse.

Wan Kuan beckoned and shouted, "Come on!"

The group of servants surrounded Wan Kuan and Li Tai and rushed directly towards them, these......the servants put Wan Kuan and Li Taihu in the middle, those...... ..the wooden sticks hit them all, and Wan Kuan and Li Tai were unscathed.

The big stick hit the little servant, Ding Ding, all people found out at that time, the original... Live and be safe.

After seeing it, the little girl said, "Hurry up and stop them all."

As a result, another group of servants rushed out and blocked all the servants around Wan Kuan.

As a result, Wan Kuan was already prepared and chose these... The little servants were all strong, so they threw away the servants and rushed forward.

With a burst of energy, Wan Kuan rushed directly to the front yard.

There is just a moon gate in the front yard, and after the moon gate is the atrium.

At this moment, there was a smiling old housekeeper standing in front of the door, shouting directly: "The back is... the atrium, the idle people are not allowed to enter, only the bridegroom and the bridegroom are allowed to come in."

Wan Kuan waved his hand, and Xiao Laizi immediately took the group of ... little servants to hide behind, this is the rule, and you can't make mistakes.

Wan Kuan looked inside the Moon Gate, and there seemed to be no ambush.

And that... the old butler respectfully said to Wan Kuan, "Please come from the groom's office."

Wan Kuan strode directly into the Moon Gate, but as soon as he entered, a dozen little girls rushed out from both sides of the Moon Gate.

These... The little girl didn't hold a big wooden stick in her hand, but each one held a long needle in her hand and tied it directly towards Wan Kuan and Li Tai.

"And ambush"

Li Tai was startled, and his facial features were wrinkled together, almost turning into an expression pack.

Wan Kuan and Li Tai shouted for a while, and although Wan Kuan shouted loudly, his footsteps were extremely steady, and he held his head and rushed forward.

And those...little maids also have a sense of measure, these needles actually look bright, but they are not that sharp, they are just casually sharpened with iron bars.

It will hurt a little bit, but it won't break the skin.

After all, Wan Kuan is the uncle of their Cui family. If Wan Kuan is really annoyed, they can't stand wearing small shoes for these ...... little girls.

On the other hand, Li Tai was not as calm as Wan Kuan. He bounced on the ground like a ball, and the pain of being stabbed by needles on his arms, back, and buttocks was unbearable.

The whole person was like a twisted caterpillar, and finally fell to the ground with a plop.

"This king is the dignified king of Wei, you can't stab me."

As a result, Li Tai's voice was directly drowned out by the laughter of a group of little maids, and no one cared whether he was a prince or not.

Now these little girls are playing beautifully.

At this time, Wan Kuan had already broken through the encirclement of a group of little maids, and looked back at the poor Li Tai.

That group of... little girls couldn't stop Wan Kuan, so they attacked the clumsy Li Tai.

Originally, in this wedding ceremony, the bridegroom beside the groom was... holding the gun for the groom: yes.

And if the bridegroom officer really does something wrong, how can he enter the bridal chamber, so everyone will wantonly humiliate the bridegroom next to him.

Li Tai was rolling around on the grass at this time, just like a puppy who was rolling around.

And Wan Kuan saw Li Tai's tragic appearance, sighed, rushed in again, and directly took Li Tai out.

After finally breaking through the level of the maid, the two of them were panting beside the rockery.

Li Tai wanted to cry without tears at this time: "If I had known that the bridegroom would suffer, this king would not come."

"It's too late for you to quit now."

"If you don't go, this king won't go, this king has already suffered, so I have to join in the fun.

When you have a banquet tonight, this king will have to eat and drink and sit at several tables by himself."

"Okay, I'll arrange a big table for you."

Li Tai's teeth itch with hatred at this time, he pulled up his sleeve and looked at it, his arm was full of red spots, it seemed that the needle was not light just now.

Chapter 241

Beside the scarred Li Tai, Wan Kuan covered his mouth and snickered.

It is very suitable for Li Tai to be the bridesmaid this time.

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