Short and chubby, it looks like an air bag, which can help itself attract firepower.

And Li Tai pursed his mouth at this time: "Wan Kuan, you see that this king has been tied up like this, and this king must go back and punish them for their sins."

"Okay, when we got married, the bridegroom was... beaten.

Even if you report to His Majesty, His Majesty will not help you out.

To put it in a nasty way, that is... when your majesty is this bridesmaid, he will also be beaten."

Then Li Tai looked at Wan Kuan's calm look, and couldn't help but feel a little strange: "Wan Kuan, don't you feel pain?"

As he spoke, Li Tai stretched out Wan Kuan's sleeves, and saw that Wan Kuan's sleeves were tied with golden armor.

"Well, you Wankuan, you are too insidious, you are actually wearing armor."

Wan Kuan laughed at this moment, Wan Kuan already knew what he was going to suffer a few days ago, so he asked the general to build a thin layer of armor overnight.

The thickness of the iron sheet of this armor is already very thin, but it is enough to withstand attacks.

Wan Kuan tied it to his body and protected it on his chest, so that he was not afraid of any wooden sticks and needles at all.

Wan Kuan's shouting just now was actually... to create an atmosphere. If Wan Kuan didn't say a word, it would make people suspicious.

Then Li Tai stretched out his fist and beat Wan Kuan's chest a few times, only to hear two thumps, all steel sounds.

"Wan Kuan, you are too boring. You have armor, why don't you prepare a set for this king?"

"King Wei, you can't wrong me in this matter.

I also chose you to be my bridesmaid only two days ago, in fact, I prepared a set of armor, but you are too small to wear it, so I didn't tell you."

"If you can't wear it, I can just tie it to my body, to save this king from such a big crime."

"Li Tai, you are the prime minister, and you were beaten in the first place.

If you wear armor, if anyone sees it, the group of... little girls can rip it off for you, believe it or not"

Li Tai really couldn't cry at this time, he sighed and sat down on the ground.

And Wan Kuan grabbed Li Tai's neck directly: "The backyard is... the backyard, the last one is closed, cheer me up.

I have to ask you to read a makeup poem to me later."

Li Tai pouted at this time: "That urging makeup poem has not been changed for hundreds of years. What is there to recite? This king recites: I can recite it: several."

Wan Kuan patted Li Tai on the head, and then the two of them walked cautiously towards the backyard.

After passing through a moon gate, I saw that behind the gate is... an embroidered building.

But there were still a group of people in front of the embroidered building, but they were all female relatives.

Among the female family members, there are young ones, there are, everyone is laughing and looking at Wan Kuan and Li Tai.

These women are dressed in extraordinary clothes, and at first glance, the women of Wanjia are relatives and friends.

Li Tai glanced at it, fortunately, they didn't have a mallet or a steel needle, so it was fine if they weren't injured.

Wan Kuan looked up and saw an embroidered building in front of him. Don't think about it, this Cui Yingying was sitting on the second floor of the embroidered building.

It's just that the railings on the second floor were already crowded with half-sized girls, probably from the younger generation of the Cui family.

These three women are in a show, so many women, all with twittering voices, Wan Kuan suddenly felt that he had entered the sheepfold.

At this time, Wan Kuan strode to the front of the embroidered building, and was about to rush in, but two young women with various expressions directly reached out and blocked Wan Kuan's way.

"Brother-in-law, you didn't do anything, you just wanted to go in. It's not very compliant."

As soon as Wan Kuan heard it, he knew that these two people should be Cui Yingying's sister from the family, but not the direct line of the Cui family.

But looking at the clothes of these two women, you can see how powerful the Cui family is.

This Cui family has lasted for hundreds of years, and the genes of great wealth have been imprinted in their blood.

The two young women were dressed in extraordinary clothes and had many ornaments on their bodies, making them unusual at first glance.

At this time, Wan Kuan also said respectfully: "I don't know what the two sisters need to do next."

One of the women in the purple gauze looked at Wan Kuan: "My brother-in-law is indeed a talented person. I heard that my brother-in-law's literary talent is the best in Chang'an City. Why don't you write a poem to listen to it?"

After listening to it, Li Tai felt that his chance had come, he straightened his stomach, licked his face and walked to Wan Kuan's side.

"Today this king is the prime minister, this urging poem should come from this king..."

"His Royal Highness King Wei, please hide to the side, today is my Miss Cui's marriage.

I heard that this brother-in-law is a famous talent, so how can this poem be done for others?”

Wan Kuan smiled slightly after hearing this, and it seemed that the Cui family still had to test themselves.

Wan Kuan pushed Li Tai back, and Li Tai's face immediately.

With an angry look.

Not even giving him the dignified face of King Wei, this Cui family is really going too far.

At this time, Wan Kuan made a squeak and took out a folding fan from his waist.

The folding fan was opened, and Wan Kuan took two steps in front of the embroidered building.

The eyes of those women looking at Wan Kuan are full of brilliance, what this handsome young master is talking about is... a talent like Wan Kuan.

Na Wan Kuan took two steps, snapped it, closed the fan again, and said loudly to the second floor.

"One foot 0, deep red is worse than Quchen, the old is not as good as the new.

Delicate dice An Hongdou, deep love love knows."

As soon as Wan Kuan's voice fell, there was an immediate burst of applause.

This Tang Dynasty woman is... bold, after all, she has the blood of the Hu people in her body.

Wan Kuan read a good poem, and the women screamed a little.

That Cui Yingying was sitting on the embroidered building, and when she heard Wan Kuan's verse, her whole heart flew out long ago.

Now Cui Yingying can't wait to leave with Wan Kuan immediately, even if the ends of the earth have no complaints.

On the other hand, Li Tai, who was beside Wan Kuan, was a little nervous and a little unhappy in his heart.

This Wan Kuan is also too showy, his dignified prince, the light was all stolen by Wan Kuan.

However, Wan Kuan was originally the groom's official today, so let him be in the limelight.

Li Tai felt a little jealous in his heart.

At this time, after Wan Kuan finished reading, he was about to walk into the embroidered building, but the two young women reached out to stop Wan Kuan.

"Brother-in-law, you are too anxious."

"Second sisters, I've read this poem too, why don't you let me in?"

"Brother-in-law, my little sister is the jewel in the Cui family's palm. She is the most shy in her life. You are so anxious, I'm afraid you will be abrupt."

As soon as the woman spoke, there was a burst of laughter, but they were all well-meaning mockery.

After getting married, everyone wants to be lively.

Chapter 242

Two young women stopped Wan Kuan, Wan Kuan asked with a smile on his face.

"I don't know how to marry this bride back, and I also ask my sister to answer her questions."

When the woman heard this, a charming smile appeared on her face: "Brother-in-law, my little sister likes piano, chess, calligraphy and painting the most. If you write his ten poems here, it will definitely attract my little sister."

Wan Kuan couldn't help but rolled his eyes after listening to it. He had to do more than a dozen poems. Wan Kuan couldn't remember how many... Poems, and this time he asked people to write ten poems. Melatonin out.

"Sister, this article

Now that I'm in a hurry to get a wife, how can I have the heart to write poetry!"

Wan Kuan's words made the woman laugh again: "Brother-in-law, if you are in such a hurry, my little sister is shy and reluctant to come out.

It's daytime now, and it's the moment of spring night!"

The woman's words are... bold, then Cui Yingying was a little shy when she heard it on the second floor.

Wan Kuan, on the other hand, didn't change his face and didn't change his heart: "Then ask a few sisters to explain clearly how to invite the bride out."

After listening to this, the woman raised her chin, stretched out her hand and threw it in front of Wan Kuan.

"This sister, I am delicate and expensive, how can I please move?"

Wan Kuan understood as soon as he heard it, and waved directly. Li Tai had been hiding in a corner and gasped in secret, but when he saw Wan Kuan wave, he immediately waved.

rushed over.

"Come on, take out the gift you prepared."

When you come here to welcome your relatives, of course you have to prepare some gifts, just like stuffing red envelopes when you get married in later generations.

Then Li Tai pulled the shackles off his body, and Wan Kuan couldn't wait to get the shackles back directly.

Wan Kuan grabbed a large handful from the inside and gave it out: "Several sisters are here, there is a good Liuli here, and I would like to ask my sister to raise your hand."

When everyone looked again at this time, they saw that the pockets in Wan Kuan's hands were full of crystal clear colored glass.

This red, yellow, orange, and each piece of glass has a different shape, it looks extremely precious.

That Wan Kuan didn't grumble, everyone posted a piece, and the women immediately grinned.

If it is said that this can impress women, it is not jewelry and jewelry! Although these....liuli is not worth much, but it is very tempting to take it out now.

Then Wan Kuan took the colored glaze in his hand, and the women immediately scattered to the side, exchanged the colored glaze and looked at it, ignoring Wan Kuan at all.

Wan Kuan laughed and sold it directly into the embroidery building.

This Cui Yingying was on the second floor of the embroidered building when she heard a whistling sound from below, and she was a little anxious and a little shy.

At this time, the little Hongniang came over and said, "Miss, Wan Kuan has already entered the gate, and gave each sister a piece of colored glass, those... sisters have already opened the door of the embroidery building. already."

The little matchmaker was just like a humanoid broadcast, inquiring about the following situation for Cui Yingying.

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