Now Cui Yingying can't show her face. She has a bead curtain hanging on her face. Putting her face on the bead curtain is all pearls the size of a small jujube. Although they are large, they are uniform in color. This shows that the background of the Cui family is really scary. .

At this time, Cui Yingying had already dressed up, but Wan Kuan could not be allowed to come up.

The marriage of the eldest daughter of the Cui family, of course, is going to be a bit pretentious.

Even if the above is ready, I have to tell Wan Kuan that I haven't put on makeup yet, so I can only make those girls who are wearing makeup hurry up.

At this time, Wan Kuan threw out the glass in the bag, and the young women and girls all hid aside and snickered.

Wan Kuan entered the embroidered building and was blocked in front of the stairs again. Wan Kuan could only get to the stairs at the farthest, because he couldn't go up to the second floor, and asked the bride to walk down from the second floor by herself.

If Wan Kuan rushed up to the second floor and carried Cui Yingying down, it would be considered disrespectful.

Wan Kuan stood in front of the stairs, and Li Tai also stretched his neck and looked up, wanting to see what the bride was dressed like. Although Wan Kuan and Li Tai had both seen Cui Yingying's appearance, the bride's dress was different. Same.

The elder Li Tai's neck stretched out like a giraffe, not like his usual short melon figure at all.

At this time, there was a row of little maids standing on the stairs. These...the little maids are not... so fierce, but Wan Kuan could not be allowed to go up.

The one standing in front of the little maid is the one from Cui Yingying... The personal maid, Little Matchmaker, Wan Kuan has seen her.

Wan Kuan looked at that... Little Hongniang stopped in front of him, thinking she wanted something, so he took out another jade pendant from his arms and gave it to her.

Who knew that the little matchmaker would not answer shyly.

"Uncle, you don't have to give the slaves anything."

That Wan Kuan was a little strange, and Li Tai, who was giving away for nothing, and who was beside him, patted Wan Kuan's shoulder, winked, and said, "This maid is Miss Cui's personal maid, and she is going to marry Miss Cui to Wan Fu. At that time, it will be the eldest maid in the same room who will warm the bed for you."

After Wan Kuan heard this, he looked at the little matchmaker in front of him, and the little matchmaker lowered her head shyly.

No wonder I had to ask for my own treasure, it turned out to be buy one get one free.

Seeing the shy look of this little matchmaker, Wan Kuan looked at her figure again.

Compared to Cui Yingying, this little matchmaker's figure is a little shrivelled. Could it be that the little maid can't get enough to eat, but her face is... round, like a bun face, this kind of The little girl's bowl can't be despised.

Li Tai on the side was a little anxious: "Why hasn't your lady come down yet?"

"Uncle, our young lady is about to come down, please wait a while..."

Wan Kuan was standing at the entrance of the stairs waiting for Cui Yingying to come down, and Cui Yingying on the second floor was also a little anxious.

In fact, she really wanted to go downstairs directly, but grandma Xi who was beside her always pulled her.

"Miss, you can't go down now, it's only the hour, you can only go down when you get it, otherwise it's bad luck."

"There's no such thing as that"

"Miss, you are the daughter of the Cui family. Going down too early will make Wan Kuan look down on him."

After hearing this, Cui Yingying laughed dumbly, how could there be so many twists and turns? Wan Kuan was a little anxious over there, and after picking up the kiss, he had to walk around Chang'an again.

If this is delayed for a while, it will be too late.

"Yingying, I'm waiting here for my husband!"

Wan Kuan's voice reached Cui Yingying's ears, and Cui Yingying was already blushing.

"Help me down!"

Cui Yingying stood up directly and walked downstairs regardless of Granny Naxi's arrangement.

"Come, come, there is movement!"

Li Tai heard a movement and immediately.


Wan Kuan also stretched his head to look upstairs, and sure enough, a bright red embroidered shoe came into view.

After a while, Cui Yingying in auspicious clothes came to Wan Kuan.

Chapter 243

Wan Kuan was a little breathless, is the woman in front of him a fairy? Wan Kuan shook his head, a little confused.

Although Wan Kuan had long known that Cui Yingying was magnificent, the sight of Cui Yingying in front of her still made Wan Kuan a little surprised.

A string of beads stood in front of Cui Yingying's face, Wan Kuan couldn't see Cui Yingying's face clearly, but the flashing face in the gap of the bead curtain made people unable to move their eyes.

Both Wan Kuan and Li Tai were dumbfounded. Li Tai was still young, but he felt that Cui Yingying in front of her was like a fairy in the sky, making people afraid to approach her.

And Wan Kuan looked at Cui Yingying in front of him, and suddenly a warm current flowed in his heart.

Sometimes, just a glance, a person has been deeply engraved in the heart.

That Cui Yingying stood quietly in front of Wan Kuan, Wan Kuan was just in a daze at this time, and all the women around him were holding their handkerchiefs and chuckling, as if they were: laughing, Wan Kuan was dumbfounded.

Wan Kuan couldn't care about his own face at this time, seeing such a stunning beauty, even if he was dumbfounded, he would recognize it.

Until this time, Wan Kuan finally felt a trace of gratitude towards Li Shimin, and it seemed that Li Shimin had finally done a good deed.

This peerless woman has become his wife, Wan Kuan has a strong pride in his heart, and can't wait to drink three bowls of shochu at this time.

Compared with Wu Shun'er, this Cui Yingying is more graceful and dignified.

And Wu Shun'er is more charming than Cui Yingying, both of them win the battle, and they can't tell the difference.

One is a red rose, with a cinnabar mole on his chest, and the other is a white rose, the eternal white moonlight, all of which make people reluctant to let go.

Wan Kuan thought about it at this time, these two beauties have already made people so intoxicated, then Li Shimin has three palaces, six courtyards, seventy-two concubines, and that day can't be chaotic and charming! It was not until this time that Wan Kuan finally finally Knowing the joy of being an emperor, if she can also be the seventy-two concubine of the three palaces, six courtyards, and seventy-two concubines, wouldn't it mean that life is boundless. At this time, Cui Yingying looked at Wan Kuan, who was in a daze in front of her, with a shy and timid expression on her face.

It's just that the red rouge on her cheeks covered up Cui Yingying's original blush.

At this time, the little Hongniang said quickly: "Come on, please ask the young lady out."

At this time, those... little girls immediately.

Surrounded by Cui Yingying, like the stars holding the moon, they led her outside.

Wan Kuan also followed stupidly, and seemed to be attracted by Cui Yingying's beauty.

After getting outside, Cui Yingying's feet could not fall, and was directly carried on a shovel, with Cui Yingying's brother standing next to her.

This woman's marriage should have been carried out by her brother, but Cui Yingying's decoration is too dazzling.

Looking for someone to carry it on his back, all and silver jewelry fell off.

So she just took a small step and lifted her up, and then her brother stood aside, as if she was carrying Cui Yingying on her back.

As soon as Cui Yingying walked out of the door of Cui Mansion, there was... a commotion outside the door.

Everyone huddled together, crowded, waiting to see how Cui Yingying descended into the world.

However, Wan Kuan's sedan chair was at the door, and when Cui Ying came out, she was directly put on Wan Kuan's big sedan chair.

This [-]-wide sedan chair is a standard eight-lift sedan chair. The sedan chair is so huge that Cui can lie in it.

It was almost noon now, and everyone braved the big sun, waiting to see Cui Yingying.

"Hey! This little lady of the Cui family has entered the sedan chair"

"It's..., don't let anyone see it!"

"Wishful thinking, that Cui Yingying is the eldest lady of the Cui family, of course she is hiding it."

"That's right... this is the wife of the immortal Wan Da, you dare to peep be careful that the immortal Wan Da directs a spell that will kill you!"

"Nonsense, who dares to make up his mind about the wife of the immortal Wan Da.

I just want to see the real face of this fairy wife and admire her."

"Don't look at it, although that Miss Cui family just gave a glimpse, she must be a perfect person because of her slender stature.

You can be worthy of ten thousand sons, but you can still make mistakes.”

"That's right, that's right!"

Wan Kuan's face was triumphant at this time, such a wonderful person was married back by himself.

"Go! Go home!"

Wan Kuan shouted, and the little Laizi behind him immediately.

Say hello.

The gongs and drums were beaten, and music was played in unison. For a while, Chang'an City was lively again.

At this moment, Cui Yingying was sitting in the big sedan chair, her hands were tightly clasped together, her heart was about to jump out.

Looking for a good person is a woman, and it is a lifelong wish.

Now, he finally got what he wanted.

Along the way, the sedan chair swayed, and Cui Yingying's heart was flying above the nine heavens.

At this time, the woman with ups and downs was not only Cui Yingying alone, there was also a woman in the Wu family's house, and it was difficult to calm her heart.

"Sister, are you okay?"

Wu Mei'er looked at her sister carefully.

Wu Shun'er smiled lightly, but this smile was a little forced.

"Sister, didn't you say that you don't care about your brother-in-law marrying other women?"

"Sister, elder sister understands in her heart, but she is still uneasy at this time, and I don't know why."

There was some hesitation on Wu Shun'er's face, and the sun above her head didn't seem to be warm.

"Sister, when you enter Wan's house, you must hold your brother-in-law firmly in your hands, no waiting: someone took it away!"

"Silly sister, how can Wanlang be my sister alone?"

"Sister, if my sister and I fell in love with a man that day, I would definitely drive away all the women around him, leaving none of them!"

Wu Mei'er said it was domineering, but Wu Shun'er just smiled bitterly.

Wan Kuan's team went round and round and returned to Taiping Square.

The Cui family's dowry is also fifty cars, which stretches far and wide.

The whole city of Chang'an saw this extravagant marriage.

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