The Cui family is really not ordinary, the dowry can be so much, it is really eye-opening.

Many people think that the Cui family's style is even more style than the royal wedding princess.

The convoy returned to Wanjia and entered directly through the main gate.

It is not easy to open the main gate of the big family once, and the mighty motorcade pours directly into Wanfu.

At this moment, Wanfu is already full of high friends.

Cui Yingying's big sedan chair was carried to the backyard, Cui Yingying got off the sedan chair, stepped on the red cloth, and went directly into the bridal chamber.

And Wan Kuan has to start a hard job, that is, to accompany the guests.

Wan Kuan is now the governor of Hebei, with a high position and authority. Today, the court has all the powerful people.

Li Jing, Qin Qiong, Yu Chigong and other generals sat together.

And Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng are also representatives of civil servants, and even a few princes are here.

Wan Kuan just washed his face and shouted, "Serve the wine!"

Chapter 244

Wan Kuan asked everyone to drink, but at this moment, there was a loud noise from the gate.

"Master, there is someone from the palace!"

The little boy shouted loudly.

This sentence made many people look out.

Everyone is an official of the same dynasty, and people from the palace naturally have to pay attention.

When everyone looked out, they saw that it was the emperor's personal attendant, Eunuch Fu.

Everyone in the public knew that Li Shimin's personal servant was Li Shimin's confidant.

I saw that Eunuch Fu walked among the crowd and said with narrowed eyes.

"Your Majesty has a decree, a good child and a good wife, and a good spouse are perfect.

Wan Kuan is really a pillar, and your Majesty bestows you with a set of dragon and phoenix jade, a broken piece of splendid embroidery, and a pair of golden faces."

When everyone heard the words of Eunuch Fu, they all murmured in their hearts.

This Li Shimin's love for Wan Kuan is too much. When this courtier gets married, His Majesty will sometimes give some rewards, but he will not be so generous.

The gifts given this time are all the etiquette of the prince's marriage. Logically speaking, this majesty is not someone who does not understand etiquette, how could he make such a mistake? Most people do not understand, only those... ...... A person with high authority knows that this matter only proves one point, that is, Li Shimin treats Wan Kuan as his son and nephew.

That's why there are so many rewards.

And after the old eunuch finished speaking, another group of people carried things and entered Wanfu.

"Wan Kuan's wedding, the crown prince specially gave a set of splendid dragon and phoenix candles, five hundred taels of gold."

When everyone heard this, their hearts kept beating.

It was said that the prince and Wan Kuan didn't deal with each other. Why did the prince send congratulations to Wan Kuan? Watching the eunuch in the inner palace carry the box containing the gold ingots to Wan's backyard, everyone's eyes lit up.

The gift of the prince and His Majesty at the same time is really confusing.

And just when everyone thought that the reward was over, behind the honor guard of His Majesty and the Crown Prince, an old eunuch came with a group of people.

This old eunuch was not too young, older than Eunuch Fu.

When Eunuch Fu saw this old eunuch, there was a look of astonishment on his face.

The old eunuch was not young, but full of anger, he shouted with one mouth.

"The Supreme Emperor gave Wan Kuan a pair of white jade bracelets, a set of gold jewelry, and a pair of lotus flowers."

When everyone heard this, they immediately exploded the pot.

"What the hell is going on here, why even the Emperor Taishang was touched."

"I don't know. The Emperor Taishang has stopped speaking. How could he appear because of Wankuan?"

"What is the origin of this Wan Kuan, how could even Tai Shang this dote on him?"

Everyone's strangeness is justified. After the emperor ascended the throne, the emperor has disappeared since the beginning, and he has been hiding in the harem drinking and having fun, not asking about business.

Don't say that the courtier got married, he doesn't care about the big thing.

How could this little Wan Kuan be able to bring all the three grandfathers and grandchildren here today? All of them are civil servants and military generals, and everyone has Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts.

This Supreme Emperor and His Majesty can be described as incompatible, after all, His Majesty's throne was... snatched from the Supreme Emperor.

Although nominally the Emperor Taishang was entrusted to His Majesty, but in reality, everyone knew exactly what was going on.

If a courtier can be favored by the Emperor Taishang, then His Majesty will definitely not like it.

And the courtier that His Majesty likes, the Emperor Taishang dislikes very much.

There has never been a minister who could have both His Majesty and the Supreme Emperor liked at the same time.

And this time Wan Kuan got married, and even the Taishang Emperor, who had never asked about political affairs, gave a congratulatory gift, and it was not light to look at the gift.

In this way, how could everyone not think about it and Wan Kuan was also a little confused, this gift from Li Shimin to him, Wan Kuan could guess.

After all, Li Shimin believed in himself, and he was about to go to Hebei Emperor Li Shimin to give his life, he would definitely send something, he said.

And when the prince congratulated himself, Wan Kuan could think of a reason after thinking about it, but it was just... two.

The first is... the prince wants to ease the relationship with himself, the second is... the prince is showing weakness, pretending to ease the relationship, but he has a deeper mind.

Wan Kuan wouldn't think it was very strange that Li Shimin and Li Chengqian were giving him gifts, but Wan Kuan was a little confused when the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan gave him gifts.

Since I came to Datang, I have nothing to do with Li Yuan, I have never seen him, I have never spoken to him, and I have never had any interaction with him...... .

In this case, why did he give him this gift and Li Shimin trusted him so much, Li Yuan should hate it.

You're right, why do you still give yourself gifts? Not only Wan Kuan, but even those... civil servants and military generals, they can't figure out what happened during this period.

Those... After the eunuchs in the palace gave their gifts, they went straight back, and for a while, the excitement in Wanfu resumed.

At this time, Wan Kuan called out to serve the wine again, and those... young servants immediately came up with a jar of fine wine.

And those wine jars didn't have any writing on them, they looked simple and unpretentious, but as soon as the wine jars were placed on the table, everyone could smell a strong aroma of wine.

The aroma of this wine made Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin and the others.... The generals were intoxicated when they smelled it.

And that Yu Chi Gong was the most daring, he was originally the emperor's personal bodyguard and was very favored, so he lifted the seal on the wine jar and poured himself a glass.

As soon as the wine jar was opened, the house filled with fragrance, and Qin Qiong, Cheng Yaojin, all swallowed.

The two also wanted to rush to drink, but Qin Qiong was ill now and did not dare to drink violently.

And Cheng Yaojin is a big black whirlwind in other places, but in front of Wan Kuan, he is more obedient than a three-year-old baby.

Needless to say, Li Jing is naturally stable when he is older.

Only Yu Chi Gong was fierce when he saw the wine, and poured a glass of wine directly into his mouth, just like drinking normally.

As a result, as soon as the glass of wine came into his mouth, Yu Chigong's black face immediately.

Become: red and bright, just like a monkey's butt.

And the whole person's face was extremely distorted, as if he drank something terrible.

Boom! Yu Chi Gong was unsteady and almost fell off the chair of the Grand Master, and the wine glass in his hand rolled directly to the ground.

"Haha! Old Hei Yuchi, you have today too!"

Cheng Yaojin burst out laughing, spitting out his displeasure.

And Li Jing and Qin Qiong looked at Yu Chi Gong, who was swaying.

"Grandma's, this wine is poisonous!"

At this moment, Yu Chi Gong felt that the Venus star was rising in front of him, and his feet were a little vain, and he almost fell to the ground.

Chapter 245

Yu Chi Gong's ugliness was seen by everyone, and everyone was schadenfreude.

Cheng Yaojin took a look and immediately.

He laughed loudly and said: "Old Hei, old Hei, every day I say that I don't get drunk after a thousand cups, but now I feel dizzy after drinking a small cup. You are bragging...  ...Awesome, let's not mention drinking."

And Qin Qiong on the side also said at this time: "Old Heizi, have you been suffering from some illness in the past few days? You are so sick after drinking a glass of wine, hurry to see Langzhong, don't be like my brother, it takes too long. "

That Yu Chi Gong was humiliated, but now he can't get angry.

Because his brain is buzzing now, as if there are a hundred 100 ducks croaking beside his ears.

However, being so humiliated by others, Yu Chigong was also a little uncomfortable. He said, "There is really something wrong with this wine. It's too strong. It's much more powerful than that Sanle syrup."

This Yu Chi Gong thought very clearly in his mind, but these words turned into a big tongue.

Ula Ula, everyone can barely understand what it means.

Where did Cheng Yaojin come from? Now his big mouth is almost grinning to the back of his head: "Old Hei, old Hei, you are really the one who lost us.

We were all killed by swords and fires on the battlefield, and as a result, a glass of wine knocked you down, and your mouth is not good."

"It's just that His Majesty let you protect yourself. It seems that His Majesty is not very safe now."

Cheng Yaojin and Yuchigong were originally enemies, and they taunted each other when they got a chance.

That Yuchigong was humiliated by Cheng Yaojin, and he couldn't help it for a long time, but his tongue felt like being hit with anesthesia, and it was useless no matter how he used it.

In the end, Yuchigong said Ula Ula directly for a long time, but everyone didn't understand.

Anyway... see Yu Chi Gong pointing at the jar of wine on the table, meaning... let Cheng Yaojin take a sip too.

Cheng Yaojin was triumphant and poured himself a cup directly.

However, Cheng Yaojin was much more savvy than Yuchigong. He knew that Yuchigong's drinking capacity was about the same as his own. It must be unusual for this wine to drink Yuchigong all at once.

So Cheng Yaojin smelled it first, and sure enough, a strong smell of alcohol came to his face.

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