That kind of... the aroma of wine has spread to every corner of the air, and Cheng Yaojin was a little intoxicated.

However, he was not in a hurry like Yu Chi Gong, he drank half a glass in one gulp.

At this time, Cheng Bianjin's face changed suddenly, and his whole body was shaking.

Cheng Yaojin felt as if there was a fire going straight down his mouth and into his stomach, the fire was really strong.

The facial features on Cheng Yaojin's face were all twisted together, looking like a bun.

Then Qin Qiong was surprised when she saw Cheng Yaojin's expression, she quickly poured a glass and carefully placed it next to her lips.

The strong smell of alcohol was already hitting her face, Qin Qiong didn't even take a sip, she just touched it with her lips, and a burning sensation rushed directly to the back of her head.

“Good wine, good wine!”

Qin Qiong nodded again and again.

At this time, Li Jing had already poured his glass, and after smelling it for a long time... he couldn't touch it, as if this kind of wine was already very enjoyable just by smelling it.

"This is the immortal brew in the sky, and there is no one like it.

General Qin, this wine is too strong, it's better not to drink it."

When Li Jing opened his mouth to persuade, Qin Qiong also nodded.

"That's right, if you drink this wine in your stomach, you won't be able to rebel."

Cheng Yaojin's face turned red at this time, but before his eyes blurred, he was still: staring at the jar of wine.

On the other side, Wan Kuan held a wine glass and looked at the guests in the courtyard full of them.

Toasts are required at every table, which is a courtesy.

When Wan Kuan walked to Li Jing's table, he found that all the generals at this table were already lying on the table, and they were a little unconscious.

Li Jing and Qin Qiong, who had just said they couldn't drink, were blushing and their eyes were almost closed.

They are a group of insidious and cunning people, who persuade others not to drink, and want to drink more.

Fortunately, Wan Kuan had already grasped the weaknesses of these people, and they were all alcoholic madmen.

A few days before the marriage, Wan Kuan urgently built a still, bought a lot of grain wine on the market, and steamed it again and again.

The wine that I brought out today must be at forty or fifty degrees, so that these civil servants and military generals who have been drinking low-alcohol wine will faint immediately after drinking a cup.

This Wan Kuan asked before getting married. In this marriage, apart from being slapped in the face when welcoming the marriage, the most uncomfortable thing is... After taking the bride home, I have to accompany the bride. Friends and family.

Wan Kuan has not many friends here, and there is only one seedling in the family, and there is no one to help, so one person has to deal with so many people, what should he do if he is not careful, so Wan Kuan pushed this high-level wine out, and this group of people usually I am addicted to alcohol, and I have never drank such a fragrant good wine. At the wine table, everyone competes to drink it.

Without a glass or two, you must be unconscious.

At this time, Wan Kuan came over to make a toast, and he couldn't even stand up.

Wan Kuan held a big glass in his hand, and the glass was actually... a glass of water, then Li Jing was barely awake, and raised the glass to return the gift.

Everyone else's hands were shaking, and they couldn't lift their wine glasses.

Wan Kuan chuckled, drank the white water in the cup, and then left with a bold gesture.

Then, after Li Jing drank this cup, the whole person lay down on the table and was unconscious.

Wan Kuan walked around, except...some civil servants who didn't drink alcohol, everyone else was already drunk.

At this time, Wan Kuan was triumphant, and compared with himself, these people were all younger brothers.

There are many groomsmen in Chang'an City because they are confused by the drinks, and even missed the wedding night, Wan Kuan can't make such a mistake.

Wan Kuan went back to the backyard early, and the front yard had been eating from noon until the sun went down.

After the civil and military general was drunk, he lay on the table and squatted for a while... and then he would eat and drink after he was sober.

Wanjia's cooks are very busy today, the braised pork just keeps on serving, and the whole pot of soy sauce is almost gone by the end.

Braised Pork, Steamed Fish, Fried Chicken, Roast Leg of Lamb.

It's time to come to Wan Kuan's wedding today.

Drinking good wine, eating delicious food, although there is a little money, but compared with these.......

In the afternoon, those... military generals are... drunk and sleeping, sleeping and drinking, drinking from the bright sun to the beginning of the lantern, and they still don't want to leave.

And if they didn't leave, Wan Kuan had to accompany him, and they couldn't go back to the bridal chamber, which made Wan Kuan a little unhappy.

Just ask Xiao Laizi and the housekeeper to give each of them a jar of fine wine, and they'll be over soon.

Chapter 246

Wan Kuan immediately started chasing people, and all those... generals who were drunk all went out with drunk fists.

Even though civil officials like Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng did not drink alcohol, they let the servants go back with a jar of fine wine.

It's a great drink, but it's fine to have a few drinks when you get home.

That Fang Xuanling's beard was full of oil stains, and it seemed that he had eaten too much.

With a thin body and a tall belly, it seems that no one can resist this desire to speak.

Wan Kuan asked Xiao Laizi and the old housekeeper to take care of everyone, and went back to the backyard in a flash.

The bride that I finally got back, I haven't even looked at it yet.

Wan Kuan stomped up to the second floor, and the little matchmaker was just outside the door. Seeing Wan Kuan approaching, the little matchmaker almost buried her head in her clothes.

Wan Kuan pouted, why are you shy? Today is not your wedding night with you.

"Master, Madam has been waiting for you inside for a long time."

The little matchmaker said something and ran downstairs like the wind, only Wan Kuan and Cui Yingying were left on the second floor.

Wan Kuan pushed open the door and went in, and Cui Yingying was sitting on the bed. When she heard this voice, Cui Yingying was shocked, and she sat up straight.

And Wan Kuan looked at Cui Yingying under the candlelight, and was a little fascinated for a while.

This peerless beauty is sitting in front of him, how can he not be excited? Although Wan Kuan didn't have too much love for Cui Yingying before, but such a beauty married him, Wan Kuan was still eager to move! The red candle in the bridal chamber was erratic, this There was no wind in the bridal chamber, but the candles kept flickering.

The light flickered and dimmed, causing Wan Kuan's heart to thump along with it.

Previously, Wan Kuan only thought that Cui Yingying was a very beautiful woman, but other than that, she had no special thoughts.

But at this moment, Cui Yingying, a fairy-like woman, actually belongs to him, and Wan Kuan's heart is also surging.

The pearl curtain in front of Cui Yingying swayed slightly, and the candlelight reflected on the pearl, shining on Cui Yingying's face, like a stream of light.

Wan Kuan wanted to stretch out his hand to lift the bead curtain, but Cui Yingying avoided it and whispered, "Husband, you need to use a golden step."

Wan Kuan patted his head, then took a small pure gold mallet from the red table, and used it to slightly open the bead curtain in front of Cui Yingying's eyes.

The bead curtain opened, and a face as beautiful as a peach blossom appeared in front of him.

Wan Kuan took a sharp breath at this moment, and Cui Yingying didn't dare to look directly at Wan Kuan at all, she just had to lower her head quietly.

Wan Kuan took off Cui Yingying's pearl curtain, Cui Yingying blushed and turned away.

Blushing and glowing, the beauty of spring is born, Cui Yingying's fair and flawless skin glows with a layer of soft honey light under the rays of the sun, which is beautiful and childish.

"Miss Cui, you are so beautiful."

"Husband, it's this time, you still"

Wan Kuan regained his senses, immediately.

He smiled and said, "Miss, you are so beautiful."

That Cui Yingying bit her lip with a row of teeth, that incomparable appearance made Wan Kuan a little warm.

At this time, Wan Kuan felt that his hands were about to move, and he didn't know where to put them.

The candles in the room flickered slightly, and the two of them were silent at this time.

After a while, Cui Yingying was the first to speak.

"As soon as the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win but there are countless people in the world.

Thinking about Yoyo, hating Yoyo, until when will you stop.

Cut constantly, the rationale is still messy, don't have a taste in my heart."

Cui Yingying suddenly read the verse, Wan Kuan was suddenly startled, isn't this a poem that he copied unintentionally after he came to the Tang Dynasty?

"Husband, every sentence of your poems is remembered by the slave family, and every night, my husband's poems accompany me to sleep.

Today, the slave family finally married her husband, and I am truly grateful for the mercy of God."

Cui Yingying endured the shyness in her heart and told Wan Kuan about her lovesickness.

At this time, it was midnight, the good night was clear, and when I heard a beautiful woman express her deep feelings, how could Wan Kuan not be moved? It turned out that the fairy-like woman in front of her was actually his own little fan, who had been in love with him all the time.

At this time, Wan Kuan felt a sense of happiness, excitement, and happiness in his heart.

"My husband has so many poems, why are there only one or two sentences? Can you tell all those... sentences to the slave family?"

"Okay, okay, what do you want to hear, lady?"

Wan Kuan agreed without thinking.

"I hope that people will live long and live together for a thousand miles. It seems to be the end of a sentence. Those in front...what are the poems?"

"People have joys and sorrows, and the moon is cloudy and sunny, and it is difficult to complete this matter.

Nung, moon and new moon."

"My husband is really talented, so why do you write half of every poem you write?"

Wan Kuan laughed twice, muttering in his heart.

I don't write half of my poems every time, but every time I want to write a poem, I can't remember all of them.

In each poem, I can remember the two more famous lines, but I really can't remember the others.

At this time, the wick of the candle was a little forked, and the candle crackled, and Wan Kuan got up to blow the candle out.

Then Cui Yingying was so frightened that she hurried the candle Wankuan's hand: Husband, you and I haven't saluted yet.

""Salute can only be done by blowing out the candles."

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