"How can you salute after blowing out a candle?"

"Isn't it a courtesy of Duke Zhou? Madam likes to turn on the lights?"

Wan Kuan's words made Cui Yingying blushed.

"Husband, the two of us haven't had a drink together yet."


Wan Kuan's face was also a little red.

But he laughed twice, pretending to be calm.

"My husband, I was just joking."

Wan Kuan looked at the table, and there were indeed two glasses of wine.

Wan Kuan bring it here, you have a cup, I have a cup.

Then Cui Yingying covered her mouth and nose with her sleeve and was about to drink it, but Wan Kuan stopped him directly, Cui Yingying looked at Wan Kuan suspiciously.

"Let's have a drink at the bar."

"What is a glass of wine"

"That's what this drink is all about."

Wan Kuan took Cui Yingying's hand, and the two of them put their arms together before sending them into their mouths.

Cui Yingying and Wan Kuan have a skin-to-skin relationship, and they are even more shy.

"Husband, where is the etiquette?"

"Uh, this is overseas etiquette, but it's also intimate, it symbolizes that you have me and I have you."

After hearing this, Cui Yingying lowered her head shyly and sipped a glass of wine, Cui Yingying's face turned even brighter red.

At this time, it was quiet, as if the atmosphere had reached its peak.

Wan Kuan felt that if he didn't do something, he would be wasting the night.

Chapter 247

The red candle swayed slightly and the night faded, and the atmosphere in the house gradually warmed up.

"Husband, please call Hongniang in and wait for us to rest."

When Cui Yingying said these words, she was too embarrassed to raise her head.

And Wan Kuan looked outside, and sure enough, a reflection with a three-ring bun was reflected at the door.

"It's about to rest, why let the maid serve you?"

The little matchmaker was standing outside nervously, with a book in her hand.

This was forcibly stuffed by Mrs. Xi to Xiao Hongniang, and asked Xiao Hongniang to explain it while Wan Kuan and Cui Yingying performed the ceremony of Duke Zhou.

That little Hongniang had never experienced such a thing, and after turning two pages, her face was already flushed with shame, and she didn't dare to look down at all.

At this time, Wan Kuan said directly to the door: "The matchmaker doesn't need to serve you tonight."

After speaking, Wan Kuan blew out the candle, and the whole room went dark.

The little matchmaker was full of grievances and a little disappointed, but there were some murmurs from the room, as well as the murmur of her own lady.

After the little matchmaker heard it, she immediately.

Covering his face and running downstairs, what a shame! "Husband, it's not etiquette for you to be like this."

"It's only you and me when the door is closed, what kind of etiquette is there?"

"Husband, that chaste concubine body hasn't been taken out yet."

"You don't need that rascal!"

The wedding night is a great joy in life, and Wankuan is naturally worth a thousand dollars in one moment.

In the palace at this time, although the night was deep, the lights in the Nectar Hall were still on.

Li Shimin's face was solemn, and he didn't seem to have the slightest sleepiness.

Li Shimin knows every move of Wan Kuan's marriage today.

Everything was calm, except for one thing that made Li Shimin feel a little uneasy.

Why did the Emperor Taishang specially send someone to send gifts to Wan Kuan? After Li Shimin heard the news, a rare throbbing rose in his heart.

After the Xuanwu Gate that day, the Emperor Taishang took the throne and lived in seclusion in the harem, no longer involved in political affairs.

All power in the DPRK is in the hands of Li Shimin. After several rounds of Li Shimin's purges, the DPRK has no confidants of the Supreme Emperor.

For the next few years, the Emperor Taishang has been living in a secluded place, seeking pleasure in the harem, not asking about the affairs of the previous dynasty at all.

Apart from...some old ministers, the Emperor Taishang never saw anyone, let alone any other ministers.

Li Shimin was especially cautious about today's matter, the actions of the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan made Li Shimin an ominous thought.

"Your Majesty, why don't you rest?"

The Empress Changsun came wearing a robe and gave Li one by the way.

"The autumn night is cold, Your Majesty must be careful"

"Guanyin maid doesn't have to be like this, you should go back to rest early."

"Your Majesty's face is full of sadness, but it is because of the Emperor Taishang's affairs."

"The maid of Guanyin doesn't have to ask for it, I don't think it's easy."

The Empress Changsun also sighed: "This Emperor Taishang has never had any intersection with Kuan'er....... After Kuan'er became an official in the dynasty, he had nothing to do with the Emperor Taishang. Today, the Emperor Taishang has nothing to do with him. The sudden reward, could it be that he already knew Kuan'er's identity?"

Li Shimin also sighed faintly at this time: "Kuan'er's surname is Wan Kuan, and he is only sixteen years old. In addition, I have a special preference for him recently, and Concubine Wan also often travels in and out of Lantian County.

If the Emperor Taishang is determined to investigate, it will not be difficult to find out the clues here."

"And the Emperor Taishang has been in the past two years: looking for fun, but the Emperor Taishang was also a hero, and some things are destined to be hidden from him."

The Empress Changsun's face suddenly turned pale after hearing this.

"Your Majesty, if the Emperor Taishang really knows the identity of Kuan'er, then our Tang Dynasty will be in danger."

Empress Zhangsun and Li Shimin are both thoughtful people. They all know that if Li Yuan knew about Wan Kuan, it would be... Li Kuan back then, how serious the consequences of this incident were.

Wan Kuan and Li Shimin were born from compatriots, they are twins, but who is the eldest son and who is the second son, except... the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan, no one knows.

On that day, Li Shimin of the Xuanwu Sect killed his eldest brother and fourth brother, and at that time Li Yuan had only five princes who were 55 years old.

It's just that the third eldest Li Xuanba and the fifth eldest Li Zhiyun died young, leaving only the eldest, second and fourth.

As a result, at the time of Xuanwumen, Li Shimin killed the eldest and the fourth, which is equivalent to saying that Li Yuan's son was only Li Shimin.

Although Li Yuan gave birth to several young princes one after another in the few years after he ascended the throne, those children were all born to some concubines of low rank, and their status was naturally not high.

What Li Yuan really valued was also the first five sons, but this time it changed from a family full of descendants: only Li Shimin was left, and the resentment in Li Yuan's heart was higher than the sky.

After the Xuanwu Gate that day, Li Shimin forced Li Yuan to take the throne, and Li Yuan had no choice but to do so.

But before the Zen throne, Li Yuan also cast a poisonous curse in front of Li Shimin and Empress Changsun.

Li Yuan cursed Li Shimin and said that if Li Yuan's son did not die well, then Li Shimin's son would be like Xuanwumen.

Although Li Shimin was already in power at that time, he didn't take Li Yuan's curse to heart at all, but ever since he learned that Wan Kuan was still alive, Li Shimin had always had a thorn in his heart.

The thorn was thin and small, but stuck in the heart, and as time passed, the thorn became more and more painful.

But today, when Wan Kuan got married, Li Yuan actually sent a congratulatory gift, and the thorn in Li Shimin's heart was directly revealed.

"Your Majesty, only the Supreme Emperor in this world knows who Kuan'er and Chengqian are the eldest son.

If the Emperor Taishang uses this to stir up trouble, the situation in the Tang Dynasty will be even more critical."

And Li Shimin frowned at this time, and there was an unprecedented fear on his face.

"Guanyin maid, don't say it anymore, I have my own decision on this matter."

"Your Majesty, what decision do you have? Do you want to take the Emperor Taishang..."

Just as Empress Changsun said a word, Li Shimin slapped the table directly.

A bang resounded in the empty Nectar Hall.

"Guanyin maid, if someone wants to touch you and my son, what should you do?"

"Your Majesty, if someone wants to touch the son of a concubine, the concubine will try to protect her even if she dies."

Then Li Shimin smiled sternly at this moment: "I will not let you die, I will only let the... the initiator die."

Li Shimin's heart is as hard as iron, if Li Yuan really stirs up troubles at that time, he Li Shimin will never be soft-hearted.

Chapter 248

In the Ganlu Palace, Empress Changsun looked at Li Shimin worriedly, Empress Changsun knew what Li Shimin was thinking.

"Your Majesty, the cloud of Xuanwu Gate has not yet dissipated.

If His Majesty really did this, then the Tang Dynasty would be in chaos again.

I, the Tang Dynasty, benefited the world with benevolence and filial piety, and after going through the Xuanwu Gate, the burden on Your Majesty is already heavy enough, so it is bound to be even heavier."

"I have my own decision, and I will never allow anyone to beat my son's ideas.

That Kuan'er is heroic and decisive, and he is the successor appointed by me.

If someone wants to touch my son or my country, no matter who he is, I will cut the grass and root it out."

Li Shimin showed a fierce expression at this time, and the Empress Changsun was also surprised.

She had only seen this kind of expression once in her life, and that was on the eve of Xuanwumen.

At this time, in a corner of the Tang harem, in the somewhat desolate Linhu Hall, a faint candle brought a faint light, and the gray-haired Li Yuan sat in front of a few cases, drinking recklessly.

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