On the opposite side sat an old man with gray hair, looking at Li Yuan worriedly.

"Your Majesty, don't drink any more."

"Pei Ji, the widow is very happy today, very happy."

"Emperor Taishang, today you gave Wan Kuan a reward, and then asked the old minister to drink, what the hell is going on?"

"Haha! The widow is happy! The widow should have known that Wan Kuan, surnamed Wan Kuan, is sixteen years old, and has been raised in Lantian County.

It must be that Concubine Wan sent Li Kuan to the outside of the palace, the widow should have known."

Li Yuan shouted loudly at this time, and there was a fierce light in his eyes.

Pei Ji was taken aback, he was also in the know of what happened back then.

It's just that this incident is too old, and the people who knew about it that day died and forgot, and there are not many people anymore.

Pei Ji thought about it carefully, although he was surprised, but at this time his heart was calm.

"Emperor Taishang, even if you know what you can do, it is no longer the imperial court of the past."

"Pei Ji, are you afraid? You were the prime minister back then, but now you're just an idle official. Are you willing?"

"It doesn't matter if the minister is willing or not."

"What if the widow is unwilling?"

Li Yuan's eyes turned cold.

"That minister can only sacrifice his life to accompany the Emperor Taishang."

"Well, from today onwards, we have something big to do.

The widow should see if this Wankuan can bring a little fun."

"Emperor Taishang, the identity of Wan Kuan is a top secret. It is said that the Tang Dynasty is in danger. Does the Emperor Taishang want to do this?"

Li Yuan hiccups: "It's not good to say that there are many dangers, this Tang Dynasty is also a country that was defeated by a few people.

If the Tang Dynasty is destroyed, the widow will not benefit at all."

Speaking of this, Li Yuan's eyes suddenly congested, extremely.

"What the widow wants is nothing but blood to pay for the debt. The widow has two sons dead, let him die two sons."

Li Yuan gritted his teeth and squeezed out a hoarse voice from his throat.

"Your Majesty speaks carefully! The outside is full of His Majesty's eyes and ears."

"What are you afraid of, the widow sent gifts in front of the civil and military officials today, in fact... I have already told him.

Unless he dares to kill his father, his two sons will surely die."

"Emperor Taishang, why do you bother.. Even if Li Kuan and Li Chengqian are fighting each other, it's a big deal that His Majesty will abolish both of them. His Majesty has many sons."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Li Yuan laughed wildly.

"Pei Ji, it seems that you still don't understand the thoughts of His Majesty today.

He was not the eldest son himself, and he was not in the right position, so he hoped in his heart that his eldest son would succeed him.

And now that Li Chengqian's crown prince is so stable, suddenly there is a thousand widths, it's just God helping me."

Seeing that Li Yuan began to laugh wildly again, Pei Ji was a little helpless.

"Emperor Taishang, the prince's status is so stable now that Wan Kuan alone can't shake his status at all.

Even if he became the governor of Hebei now, it would be nothing but a quagmire."

After listening to Li Yuan, his eyes were particularly sinister: "He sent his son to the place where the tiger's den of Longtan is in Hebei, where the aristocratic family surrounds him, and it is extremely dangerous, this is actually... let Wan Kuan go to his death.

Once Wan Kuan dies, Li Chengqian's crown will be extraordinarily stable."

Li Yuan gritted his teeth and said, "The civil and military people of all dynasties thought that the emperor favored that... Wan Kuan, but behind the favor is a naked murderous intention.

Wan Kuan is talented, but keeping Wan Kuan is... a catastrophe."

"Then the emperor, what are you going to do as an old minister and how should you deal with it?"

"In this world, except... widows.

No one at all knows who Wan Kuan and Li Chengqian are the eldest son, and when the time comes, the widow says who is who will be..."

"Your Majesty, are you trying to provoke a fight for the crown prince?"

"Hahahaha! If Wan Kuan and Li Chengqian were not allowed to fight, how could the widow want the lives of their two sons?"

"But Your Majesty will not let this happen."

"Don't worry about the emperor, his mind is too clear.

He is the second child and can only kill and set fire to ascend to the throne, but he never wants his descendants to ascend the throne by this method, he will definitely maintain the dignity of the prince, and then we just need to help Wan Kuan."

After Pei Ji heard this, her eyes kept moving.

He was uneasy in his heart, this Supreme Emperor is really crazy, he actually wants to provocate this Wan Kuan to fight for the throne, and fight Li Chengqian to the death, and then let the present Majesty have a taste of the tragedy of his son's death in a fight.

And the Emperor Taishang drank another glass of wine at this time, and the whole person laughed.

"Okay, the widow has to thank Concubine Wan, if it weren't for her, the widow wouldn't know there was such a good way."

When Pei Ji heard this, her face became: resentful.

"Your Majesty, that Concubine Wan is really hateful."

Pei Ji's face showed indignation: "The news that the prince and King Qi passed by Xuanwu Gate was... that Concubine Wan disclosed to His Majesty today.

This Concubine Wan is really vicious, does the Supreme Emperor still want to thank her?"

At this moment, Li Yuan's eyes regained a trace of clarity: "Pei Ji, you don't understand Concubine Wan, she is justifiable to hate the prince and King Qi.

She helps the second child, and I also understand in my heart."

"Your Majesty, why do you say that?"

"Pei Ji, the pain of losing a child, who can be indifferent?"

"Emperor Taishang, you are confused! The only son of Concubine Wan died in Hedong's hometown."

"The widow is not confused!"

Li Yuan's eyes were exceptionally clear, and the deep eye sockets seemed to hide too much gloom.

Chapter 249

Li Yuan hated so much, while Pei Ji was a little confused.

"Emperor Taishang, you are confused, the fifth prince is dead, but he was killed by the Sui army, and it has nothing to do with other people, you can only blame the bad fate!"

At this time, there was a hint of yin in Li Yuan's eyes: "Pei Ji, do you think the sons of the widow are good people?

"Back then, the eldest, the fourth and the fifth fled from their hometown in Hedong to Chang'an to join the widow.

In the end, the eldest and fourth were safe and sound, and only the fifth died on the road."

When Pei Ji heard this, the wine glass in his hand fell directly to the ground.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean, none of the guards around the boss and the fourth died, but the widowed prince died instead.

Back then, when the eldest and the fourth were playing tricks on the road, do you still use the widow to point them out?"

"Your Majesty, you can't talk nonsense, there is no evidence."

"What kind of evidence do you need for this matter? The emperor doesn't need evidence at all when he does business. He will let whoever he wants to die.

And there is no evidence, the widow can also conclude that the eldest and the fourth directly betrayed the fifth."

"Your Majesty, does Concubine Wan feel the same way?"

Li Yuan sighed: "Since the death of Empress Dou, Concubine Wan has been in charge of taking care of the harem. Concubine Wan's eyes are clear. She knows who should be blamed for her own son's death. She knows very well."

"In the end, it's only natural for her to help the second child deal with the eldest and the fourth.

If it wasn't for the fact that they started secretly back then, there would not have been a time when Xuanwumen would have helped Concubine Wan to help the second child."

Pei Ji's face changed suddenly: "Emperor Taishang, do you mean that the crown prince and King Qi have more to die for?"

"Of course that's not what the widow meant. When the two of them dealt with the fifth, it was only because of the death of Empress Dou that the power of the harem was in the hands of Concubine Wan.

Besides, the fifth one was smart, young Yingwei, wouldn't it be good to get rid of such a contender for the throne?"

When Li Yuan said this, there was a trace of resentment and complexity in his eyes.

He also doesn't know who he should hate now. Logically speaking, his eldest son and the fourth son got rid of the fifth son by means of a plan, and he should hate the eldest and the fourth.

But then his second son killed them again. Then who should he hate? Li Yuan was thinking about this matter all the time. Completely insane.

There was a sullen anger in Li Yuan's heart, and he didn't know whose head it was sent to.

After doing all the calculations, he found out that the little doll Wan Kuan was still alive in the world.

After the Xuanwu Gate, ten ten grandchildren died, how can the Tang Dynasty continue to last, he can take the throne, anyway, he only has that one son left, so I will give it to him.

But he has also experienced the suffering he has suffered. His own son was killed, and he had to let him taste the taste of his son being killed.

And Li Yuan is two sons fighting with each other, you are dead and alive, who should be blamed as a parent... The feeling that makes people crazy, Li Yuan feels that he can't just experience it, and Li Shimin must also experience it well.

At this time, Pei Ji was already in a trance, and he didn't know what the road to meet him would look like in the future.

And the night was getting deeper and deeper, and the lights of Ganlu Hall and Linhu Hall were still on.

At the same time, there is another place in the palace that also lights up, that is the East Palace.

It was late at night and the gate of the palace was closed, so the eldest grandson Wuji had to spend the night in the East Palace.

At this time, Li Chengqian dragged the eldest grandson Wuji to talk for a long night.

There is no sense of sleep at all.

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