"Uncle, you also went to Wan Kuan's wedding today, how is it?"

"His Royal Highness, this marriage to the daughter of the Cui family is of course unprecedented, but I did not expect that His Highness would send a congratulatory gift."

Then Li Chengqian laughed loudly after listening to the sky: "Uncle, is it strange to give a congratulatory gift alone? It's just human nature to give a congratulatory gift to celebrate the marriage."

"His Royal Highness, the civil and military people of this dynasty all know that His Highness and Wan Kuan will not deal with it, and His Highness's gift now may cause criticism."

"Just let them talk about it. Gu's status is not something that they say with their mouths. Gu is the eldest son of the father and the empress, and the crown prince's position is justified. It can't be said by a few ministers in a few words."

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is valiant and decisive, and Wei Chen admires it."

"Now the father is very fond of Na Wan Kuan, and he has given an official position as the governor of Hebei. With such a sharp edge, what can I do other than... Showing goodwill in public, is there a second way?"

"His Royal Highness, that Wan Kuan has indeed shown his sharp edge recently, it's better to hide."

At this time, Li Chengqian laughed out loud: "Uncle, what a sharp edge, I see Wan Kuan is about to die."

"How do you say this, Your Highness?"

"Uncle, what kind of official position is this provincial governor of Hebei? Don't you know that he is... the local emperor of Hebei, Wan Kuan holds such great power in his hands at such a young age, and his father loves him so much, How could he keep a low profile?"

Li Chengqian's face was delighted: "Holding such great power in his hand, and showing his sharp edge, this is the courtier's way of courting death."

After hearing this, the eldest grandson Wuji was horrified, and the wine glass in his hand trembled.

At last he could only put down the glass and sighed.

"His Royal Highness has foresight, I really admire it.

The most taboo thing for this courtier is... the power is high and the host is arrogant, then Wan Kuan is in power at this time, and his actions are extremely public, I am afraid Your Majesty will not tolerate him for too long."

"That's right, that's right, it seems that the emperor is pampering him now, but he has brought him to a dangerous situation.

If Wan Kuan doesn't know how to restrain himself, he may be on the guillotine in two or three years."

"So, His Highness should show his favor in public now, and then hide in the East Palace to observe secretly. After Wan Kuan falls out of favor with His Majesty, His Royal Highness can punish him properly."

"Uncle, you are finally right, and you finally understand Gu's mind."

"But Your Highness, the Emperor Taishang also sent Wan Kuan a congratulatory gift today. This matter needs to be carefully thought about."

Then after Chengqian listened to it, he waved his hand without caring and said, "Uncle, you are also very clear about the relationship between the Emperor Taishang and the Emperor Father.

The courtiers and fathers that the Emperor Taishang likes will never be reused."

Chapter 250

In the East Palace, Li Chengqian was arrogant, as if Wan Kuan was no longer in his eyes.

"And today's Emperor Taishang sent a congratulatory gift to Wan Kuan, which will only aggravate the emperor's suspicion of Wan Kuan.

The Emperor Taishang had been silent for two or three years, and he sent Wan Kuan a congratulatory gift as soon as he made his move.

Uncle, do you think the royal father will not be suspicious?"

Zhangsun Wuji nodded: "Your Majesty will definitely be suspicious!"

"That's right, Wan Kuan's favor will come to an end. Originally, Wan Kuan could last two or three years alone.

As soon as the Supreme Emperor sends a gift, it is estimated that it will not last for a year and a half.

When the time comes, uncle will wait and see, just wait to collect the body for Wan Kuan."

That Li Chengqian's words made Zhangsun Wuji's heart surge after hearing it, and what the prince said was absolutely correct.

From any point of view, this Wankuan is going to fall out of favor.

Without His Majesty's favor, this Wankuan would have no future.

Li Chengqian is so proud, it's like... God's eyes open, Wan Kuan should be unlucky too.

On the night of Wankuan's bridal chamber, there were many people who couldn't sleep in the palace, but Wankuan slept soundly.

Besides, there was a fairy-like wife next to him, and Wan Kuan was laughing in the dream.

Recalling that when he first received Li Shimin's imperial decree, he was furious, and Wan Kuan just wanted to shout two words at this time, "Really Fragrant! Really Fragrance" is a law that no one can escape.

In the dream, Wan Kuan took Cui Yingying's hand and flew around in the vast sky.

The two are like gods in the sky, carefree.

At this moment, a nasty voice suddenly sounded.

"Master, ma'am, the hour has come."

Wan Kuan suddenly fell from the sky above the nine heavens, the feeling of... sudden weightlessness, made Wan Kuan suddenly open his eyes.

Wan Kuan felt that the light from the outside had spilled into the room, and something seemed to be pressing on his chest.

Wan Kuan looked down and saw Cui Yingying's lotus-root-like arms resting on her chest.

No wonder he felt a little tight in his chest just now.

After Wan Kuan woke up, Cui Yingying was still sleeping.

Wan Kuan quietly turned his body to the side, face to face with Cui Yingying.

The first ray of light came in, and the curtains of the carved bed were bright red, so Cui Yingying's face also showed a blush.

Looking at such a perfect face in front of him, Wan Kuan couldn't help but pecked lightly.

Cui Yingying frowned in her dream and turned over.

Cui Yingying's waterfall-like blue silk descended like a wave, Wan Kuan couldn't help but stretched out his hand and rubbed it.

"Madame, sir, it's time to get up."

That... nasty voice came again, Wan Kuan couldn't help but turned his head and rolled his eyes, that... Little Matchmaker got up quite early.

The little matchmaker outside the house was also very aggrieved. According to the rules, this dowry girl should be in the bridal chamber every night.

This girl wants to wait for the master and his wife to rest, and some girls have to sleep on the first night, but I didn't expect that Wan Kuan directly shut himself out last night and followed.


And the little matchmaker didn't dare to go downstairs, so she stayed at the side to pay for one night.

The little matchmaker could hear the movement next door clearly, and she didn't sleep well all night.

In the early morning, the little matchmaker quickly got up and called Wan Kuan and Cui Yingying to get up.

The bride came to the door, and there was a lot of etiquette on the first day.

Little Matchmaker's shout made Cui Yingying wake up leisurely, her slender eyelashes flashing twice.

Cui Yingying's water-like eyes were reflected in front of Wan Kuan.

As soon as Cui Yingying opened her eyes, she saw Wan Kuan tilting her head and looking at her.

Before she could speak, Cui Yingying was already shy.

"Husband, what are you looking at the slave family?"

"Of course, for my husband, I want to see a bride. Until today, my husband didn't know what it means to be a nine-day fairy."

Wan Kuan's sweet words made Cui Yingying's heart smear like honey.

"Madame, sir, it's time to get up."

The little matchmaker's annoying voice sounded again, and Wan Kuan replied directly.

"We'll get up again in an hour."

Then Cui Yingying was a little anxious after hearing this: "Husband can't.... The first day this bride comes to the house, she has to get up early and serve tea."

"I'm the only one in our family, who do you serve tea to when you get up early?"

"Even if the husband is the only one left, the concubine must follow the husband to the ancestral hall to worship."

After listening, Wan Kuan scratched his head: "But there is no ancestral hall in my Wan family mansion, so who should I worship?"

Then Cui Yingying was a little stunned after hearing that. Before getting married, the old women in the family taught her.

On the first day the bride enters the door, she can be dignified and dignified, and she must not lose her etiquette. She must do what she should do.

Otherwise, the Wan family will catch the handle, but it's not good.

But now listening to Wan Kuan say this, Cui Yingying is also a little puzzled.

At this time, the voice of the little matchmaker outside the door came again: "Master, Madam, it's already the hour."

After hearing this, Cui Yingying stretched her arms and tried to get up, but when she moved a little, her brows furrowed tightly.

This beauty frowned and had a different style, and Wan Kuan didn't blink when she saw it.

That Cui Yingying was also softened by Wan Kuan's gaze.

And the little matchmaker outside the door was so anxious that if the young lady didn't get up, she would have made a mistake: it's a big deal.

The little matchmaker was a little anxious and wished to rush in directly.

But at this moment, the door creaked, and the little matchmaker jumped in fright.

The little matchmaker took a closer look, and saw that Wan Kuan was already dressed, neatly dressed, and walked out.

"You little girl, you know how to shout all day, can't you let my wife and I sleep a little longer?"

"Sir, there is still work to be done."

"In this mansion, the master is the biggest. If the master says it's okay, it's okay."

After listening, the little matchmaker nodded, then probed her head, wanting to look into the room, but Wan Kuan pushed her in directly.

"Hurry up and wait for the lady to get up."

Wan Kuan walked down the attic, and the little Lai Zi stood beside him in spirit.

"Master, what are your orders?"

"Hurry up and cook, I'm starving to death."

Xiao Laizi took the lead and led Wan Kuan directly into the dining room. After a while, the dining table in the dining room was already full of dishes.

Wanfu's cook is still quick! "Master, do you want to wait for Madam?"

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