"Of course I have to wait for the lady, go see if the lady has come down"

Just as she was talking, the little matchmaker had already helped Cui Yingying and walked in slowly.

That Cui Yingying seemed weak and weak, leaning on the little matchmaker.

Curly Tingting, Cui Yingying's waist like a weak willow, looking at it makes people unable to take their eyes off.

At this time, Cui Yingying bit her lip, frowned slightly, and there was a hint of shyness in her eyes.

Chapter 251

Wan Kuan's eyes were full of Cui Yingying, and he stood up to support Cui Yingying's arm.

"Come, ma'am, you and I have dinner together."

Cui Yingying sat gently on the chair, and immediately smelled the fragrance.

The little matchmaker next to her swallowed her saliva and stared at the food on the table.

It is said that Wanjia's food is like a delicacy in the sky, and when I see it today, it can be regarded as one's wish.

When Xiao Laizi saw this, he left the dining room wisely, while Wan Kuan served Cui Yingying porridge and vegetables, and handed him a small golden steamed bun.

The little matchmaker on the side swallowed her saliva, wishing she could rush to it for a long time: chew.

As for Cui Yingying, she swallowed slowly, her hands were congealed, and she had a fairy spirit when she was eating.

Wan Kuan's eyes stared at Cui Yingying, Cui Yingying couldn't help turning her head after feeling Wan Kuan's gaze.

"Husband, why didn't you eat early?"

"For my husband, I don't need to eat anymore. The lady's beauty is delicious. For my husband, I am full."

After hearing that, the little matchmaker wrinkled her nose, this master really can make the lady happy, seeing that the lady is smiling like a flower now.

And at this moment, the little rascal ran in.

"Master, the old grandmother is here."

"Ah! Here comes Zum, please, please."

Cui Yingying was a little strange after hearing this: "Husband, do you still have a grandmother at home?"

Wan Kuan nodded, Cui Yingying was very strange.

In the main hall of Wanfu, Concubine Wan sat on the main seat, and Cui Yingying respectfully brought a cup of tea to Concubine Wan.

The Concubine Wan smiled so much that her eyes narrowed, but she took a sip of tea and put it down, then immediately.

He took out a mutton fat jade bracelet from his arms and put it on Cui Yingying's wrist.

"Good girl, really a good talent."

Then Concubine Wan did not feel praised when she saw Cui Yingying's mouth.

Wan Kuan on the side also raised his eyebrows: "Grandma, what about the granddaughter-in-law that my grandson married you?"

Then Concubine Wan involuntarily patted Wan Kuan: "You little monkey is already married, and you are still so uneasy.

This daughter-in-law is so dignified, you have to treat others well in the future."

"Grandma, don't worry, I will definitely hold Yingying in my hand."

After listening to Wan Kuan's words, Cui Yingying bowed her head shyly.


Concubine Wan glared at Wan Kuan, then patted Cui Yingying's hand: "Girl, go and rest first, you must have been exhausted last night."

After hearing this, Cui Yingying's face was almost bleeding.

"Girl, grandmother is also here, depending on your figure, take a rest."

That Cui Yingying blushed, and was taken to the attic by Xiaohong.

And as soon as Cui Yingying left, Concubine Wan's expression immediately changed.

Became: Severe.

"Grandma, yesterday grandson's day, you didn't come, why did you come this morning?"

That Concubine Wan sighed inwardly, of course she wanted to come yesterday, but she did not expect that the Supreme Emperor Li Yuan would directly give a congratulatory gift, which made Concubine Wan uneasy and did not dare to appear at all.

It wasn't until last night, after thinking about it clearly, that I didn't come over this morning.

"Little monkey, I heard yesterday that your majesty, the prince, and the emperor have all given you gifts."

"Yes, but the gift is not heavy, and it is not worth a lot of money."

"Nonsense, this majesty, the emperor and the prince are so noble, even if they only send a piece of paper, it is a great favor, how can they say it is worthless?"

Wan Kuan rolled his eyes after hearing this, and then sat directly next to Concubine Wan.

"Grandma, just tell me the truth, what kind of identity am I? It doesn't matter what His Majesty's reward is.

It makes sense for the crown prince to reward his grandson, but why does the emperor still reward him? The grandson has never seen the face of the emperor."

After that, Concubine Wan sighed in her heart.

Why haven't you seen the face of the Emperor Taishang? When you were born, the Emperor Taishang hugged you.

Concubine Wan sighed in her heart, but said lightly on her face: "Don't ask about this."

Wan Kuan was a little anxious after hearing this: "Grandma, just tell me who my parents are, so now that my grandson is married, I don't even have a chance to worship the high church."

Then Concubine Wan squeezed a stiff smile on her face: "Forget it, forget it, it won't take long for you to know for yourself, and grandma will stop talking."

Wan Kuan was discouraged when he heard it, each and every one of them was the same as the inner responder who would rather die than give in, so he didn't say anything.

"Grandma, since you don't say anything, what are you doing here this morning?"

"Of course, what are you doing here is to see you little monkey.

You are going to Hebei soon, you are going to Hebei, it will be difficult for grandma to see you."

"Grandma, you can go to Hebei with your grandson then."


Concubine Wan patted Wan Kuan on the head.

"Why are you making fun of grandma, I am the governor of Hebei.

If you go to Hebei, your grandson will definitely treat you comfortably."

After listening, Concubine Wan shook her head: "Grandma can't leave Chang'an yet."

Concubine Wan was originally the concubine in the palace, and the concubine in the palace had no reason to leave the capital at will, unless she followed her son to the fief, but Concubine Wan's son had already died, and Wan Kuan's identity could not be It was made public, so Concubine Wan had no reason to leave Chang'an.

At this time, Concubine Wan sighed and continued: "Little monkey, this time you are going to Hebei, you have to be careful."

"Grandma, don't worry, you're going to Hebei and not to the Longtan Tiger Cave, there's no problem."

"Don't be careless, then Hebei is... Longtan Tiger Den, and you're in big trouble this time."

"Grandma, what's the trouble with grandson?"

"What trouble has the emperor congratulated you, isn't your trouble too big?"

That Concubine Wan sighed in her heart. When she learned that Li Yuan had given the congratulations yesterday, she immediately knew that Li Yuan already knew Wan Kuan's identity.

In those days, Wan Kuan was brought to Concubine Wan by Li Yuan, but Li Yuan did not tell Concubine Wan whether Wan Kuan was Li Shimin's eldest son or second son. Suddenly sending congratulations, there must be some big move.

What the Concubine Wan is most afraid of is... Li Yuan treats Wan Kuan as a pawn and pushes him before the civil and military officials, then his little grandson will be in big trouble.

When Wan Kuan heard the words of Concubine Wan, he thought it had another meaning. He thought that Concubine Wan was worried that Li Yuan would give him something, which would make Li Shimin unhappy!

Chapter 252

Wan Kuan knew that Li Shimin did not deal with Li Yuan, and Li Yuan rewarded him, so Li Shimin inevitably had doubts in his heart.

From an outsider's point of view, Li Shimin will stop loving himself.

"Grandma, don't worry.

Even if the Supreme Emperor sent a congratulatory gift, His Majesty would not take it to heart."

"Of course Your Majesty won't take it to heart, because he has arranged for you a great governor of Hebei. This official position is not... anyone can hold it."

Wan Kuan also sighed: "Grandma, why do you all think of Hebei like a tiger's mouth, as if I went to Hebei this time... to die."

"Bah, bah, bah, what nonsense"

After hearing this, Concubine Wan got angry and patted Wan Kuan vigorously.

"Not too young, still: nonsense."

"Grandma, I'll just say anything."

At this time, Concubine Wan pointed at Wan Kuan and said, "You are in Hebei this time, and there are [-] elite soldiers around you. First of all, you must protect your own safety."

"Don't worry about this grandma, the grandson wants the [-] elite soldiers to protect himself."

"And after you arrive in Hebei, you must cultivate your own cronies, and firmly grasp the great dungeon of Hebei in your own hands.

You have to understand that the more people you have, the safer you are."

Wan Kuan scratched his head after listening to this: "Grandma, this top official in Jiangxi is easy to be suspected by others. If you let me control the land of Hebei in my hands, wouldn't it be true for the people in the court?"

"Grandson, you don't have to care about this, you just need to know that the more people you can use around you, the safer you will be."

"Grandma, you seem to be calling me to rebel."

"Nonsense, how could this make you rebel, grandma just taught you how to protect your own safety.

And don't worry, no matter what you do, Your Majesty will not be suspicious."

"Grandma, if grandson does this, then His Majesty will not be mad."

At this time, Concubine Wan said with deep meaning: "Don't worry, grandson, even if you do this, His Majesty will not be angry.

Perhaps, Your Majesty will be happier."

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