As a result, this time, Wu Shun'er was even more shy, she hid directly in Wan Kuan's arms and did not dare to show her face again.

At this time, Cui Yingying in the cabin saw this scene through the window.

For a while, jealousy sprouted in her heart, the two were so close, and Cui Yingying was greatly lost for a while.

Although he and Wan Kuan respect each other like a guest, the intimacy between husband and wife is lacking.

On the contrary, Wu Shun'er and Wan Kuan became more intimate! At this time, Wan Kuan was afraid that he whispered in Wu Shun'er's ear: "Shun'er, what do you think of this country?"

After Wu Shun'er heard it, she could only whisper: "My husband, this scenery is picturesque and very beautiful."

"That's right! The country is picturesque, and for a many...heroes, I think back to the time when Gong Jin was married, Xiao Qiao was married for the first time, with majestic hair, feather fans and scarves, while talking and laughing, the ashes vanished into ashes."

Wan Kuan said a few lines of poetry in his mouth, and his eyes seemed to have seen the scene of his domination of the world.

No matter how many enemies in front of you, how can someone stop you, and how can you get what you want, you must be caught in your own hands.

And when Cui Yingying in the cabin heard Wan Kuan's poems, her eyes showed the light of admiration.

Your husband's export is complete

That Wu Shun'er was so frightened that she quickly escaped from Wan Kuan's arms, and then went straight into her room.

Wan Kuan turned his head to look, and saw Xiao Laizi staggering out from the side.

The boat was bumpy, and Xiao Laizi had never been on a boat, so he looked very funny.

"Master, what do you want to eat tonight: get ready."

"Get some snacks in the evening, the young master will rest when he is drunk."

"Good Le!"

After speaking, Wan Kuan returned to the cabin.

Cui Yingying picked up the brush and wrote down the verse that Wan Kuan had just read on the paper.

"Husband, you are truly talented in writing."

There was light in Cui Yingying's eyes, as if she had regarded Wan Kuan as a god in the sky.

"Husband, the people in Chang'an City say that you are the reincarnation of Wenquxing, but I didn't believe it until today's concubine."

After listening, Wan Kuan smiled heroically, then sat directly next to Cui Yingying, reached out and held her hand tightly.

"Husband, you just finished bullying the Wu family sister, are you going to bully your concubine again?"

"Yingying, look at your husband."

As soon as Cui Yingying raised her head, she met Wan Kuan's burning eyes.

"Isn't my husband kissing you with my sister from the Wu family? Why did you come back?"

"Yingying is jealous"

"Why Jealous"

"It's just jealousy."

"The concubine is not jealous, the concubine is a big woman, and she has the demeanor of a big woman."

Wan Kuan smiled at this moment, then Cui Yingying didn't know what Wan Kuan was laughing at, but her eyes flashed with curiosity.

At this time, Wan Kuan suddenly directly choked Cui Yingying's red lips, and Cui Yingying's face flushed with fright, she stepped back, and her chest kept rising and falling.

"Husband, you will bully your concubine!"

"You and I are husband and wife, there are no outsiders here, doesn't Yingying like it?"

"Husband, you... Cui Yingying is angry and restless, unable to speak.

Wan Kuan grabbed his hands directly and pulled her to him.

"Yingying, you said that you were lucky or unlucky to marry me"

"What nonsense is your husband talking about? It is a blessing from a previous life that a concubine can marry her husband. How can it be unfortunate?"

Wan Kuan laughed after hearing this, he wanted to embark on a bloody road, to be an emperor, it wasn't... that easy.

I wonder if Cui Yingying will still be so unrepentant after she embarks on the road of seizing the throne.

"Yingying, this time in Hebei, I have to do something for my husband."

Cui Yingying is talented and smart, and she can see through it at one point.

"The husband doesn't have to take care of the concubine, the concubine is already married to the ten thousand family.

If the husband has a conflict with the Cui family, the concubine will naturally stand behind the husband."

"Really so"

"Husband, I am Cui Yingying, now that I am married, I will not regret it."

"That's good, then the husband depends on you as a virtuous inner helper."

After finishing speaking, Wan Kuan directly hugged Cui Yingying in his arms. Wan Kuan thought that Cui Yingying would struggle because she is usually the most shy.

But I didn't expect that this time Cui Yingying was very obedient, nesting tightly in Wan Kuan's arms.

Wan Kuan thought about it carefully, and then he understood.

It is estimated that this little girl became jealous after seeing her intimate relationship with Wu Shun'er just now, so she did not push herself away.

The night was like ink, Wan Kuan sat in the stern of the boat, drinking and drinking.

After that Cui Yingying and Wu Shun'er accompanied Wan Kuan to drink two glasses of wine, they were exhausted and fell asleep.

And Wan Kuan looked at the incomparably dark river in front of him, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

I will go to Hebei tomorrow, and the show will start! There are too many people around me, these people have too many thoughts, and there are too many things to do when I arrive in Hebei, so Wan Kuan needs to work hard.

At the same time, in the Cui Mansion in Dingzhou, Cui Wanping and Cui Hao gathered under the oil lamp again, and the father and son talked for a long time.

"Father, Wan Kuan will arrive at the Hebei boundary tomorrow, should our Cui family go to greet him?"

"Hao'er, are you confused? Wan Kuan is the governor of Hebei. Our Cui family has no power or power, so how can we meet the governor?"

Chapter 264

Cui Wanping squinted his eyes, looking like an old man who couldn't help himself, but in fact he was a cunning and cunning fox.

Although the Cui family is famous in Hebei, their father and son have no official positions.

Wankuan has a high position and weight, and it is not their turn to pick it up.

This is actually Cui Wanping's confidence, no matter who comes to Hebei, he should come to see him, not to meet him.

That is... the emperor, no exception.

"What my father said is, then let's keep silent."

"It's not necessary to keep silent. My father has asked Yingying to tell Wan Kuan that he should come to Dingzhou to see him after he arrives in Hebei."

"Father, that Wan Kuan is the Grand Governor and is young and frivolous, will he come?"

"He will come, and if he wants to make a career in Hebei, he will definitely come."

"What is the father going to say to Wan Kuan?"

"What more can be said, of course the truth.

The land in Hebei is barren, and the people are scumbags.

If there is to be no famine in Hebei, the landowners and gentry must be used to reclaim the wasteland.”

When Cui Hao heard this, his eyes lit up: "My father wants Wan Kuan to agree with the emperor we have occupied these years."

Cui Wanping smiled, it was true.

In the previous turbulent times, people were displaced, and many farmers with land went to other places.

And these... The land was abandoned and was directly divided up by the Cui family and the major families.

But these ...... lands have no sales documents after all, and Cui Wanping is waiting for Wan Kuan to come, so that Wan Kuan agrees that these ...... lands are Choi's.

As long as there is... land, then Cui Wanping is not afraid of anything.

With land, there is food, and food is the root of the world.

"Father, will Wan Kuan agree?"

"He has no reason to refuse, if he agrees to the request of fatherhood.

Within two years, there will be no more... famine in Hebei.

Although the people have some hardships, they will never starve to death again."

After listening to that, Cui Hao gave a thumbs up and said, "Father's strategy is really high. If Wan Kuan is not attached to our aristocratic family, he will not be able to do anything in Hebei."

"And the people of Hebei will starve to death. If he agrees to our request, we can make him make good political achievements, then Wan Kuan will definitely not refuse."

The father and son of the Cui family laughed very happily, after all, it was a sure-fire deal, and Wan Kuan had no reason to refuse it.

"Father, do the other major families agree?"

"Hao'er, our great families must be of the same branch.

When the imperial court sent people to come, we had to advance and retreat together.

If Wan Kuan completely obeys our Cui Family's orders later, then we won't have to unite with them anymore."

"But father, will Wan Kuan make our wish come true? Wan Kuan became famous at a young age and was sent here by the emperor. He must have come to our great families.

I'm afraid it's going to be difficult to get him to obey us!"

"It is precisely because he became famous at a young age that he is not familiar with the world, so we are good at tricks and persuasion."

Then Cui Hao smiled after hearing that, with his father here, then Wan Kuan naturally couldn't escape his father's Wuzhishan.

"Haha, Your Majesty thought that sending Wan Kuan, the son-in-law, would open up the situation, but things have never been so simple.

It's up to us to decide what Hebei will look like at that time."

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