At this time, Cui Wanping's face was also uncertain under the dim light, but the sneer at the corner of his mouth showed his cunning and cunning.

"Hao'er, you have to remember that you can never be careless when doing things, but never be too careful when meeting people.

This Wan Kuan is indeed a once-in-a-hundred-in-a-hundred-year-old wizard, but he is still young, he doesn't understand these...

And people who are too talented don't care about these things.... This is his weakness."

"Father, son understands what you mean.

Na Wan Kuan does have some talents, but he is far inferior to us in dealing with people.

In the capital that day, my son deceived the printing method with a few words.

From this, it can be seen that Zai Wan Kuan is just a hot-blooded young man."

"Hao'er, this Wan Kuan was sent here by His Majesty, and he is our son-in-law, so we can't do too much.

As long as Wan Kuan agrees to our request, we will make his political achievements so beautiful that His Majesty has no reason to replace him."

"Father, son understands what you mean.

At that time, there will be no famine in Hebei, and there will be no need for the imperial court to strip a single meter of grain.

At that time, Wan Kuan is famous, and there is no reason for His Majesty to replace him. As long as Wan Kuan is obedient enough, he can stay on the land of Hebei and become the emperor."

Speaking of this, Cui Hao immediately.

He changed his tune and said, "No, Wan Kuan is not the Emperor of the Earth, this Hebei will always be our Cui family's final say."


Cui Wanping glared: "I'll talk less about this in the future, this Hebei does not belong to our Cui family.

Hebei belongs to an aristocratic family, even if our Cui family is now in charge, but without the cooperation of several major families, we can't fight against Chaoting."

"So Hao'er, you have to understand when and who to cooperate with.

Now that the Tang Dynasty is peaceful, and cholera has been around for a long time, the people all hope to recuperate.

At this time, we will cooperate with the imperial court."

"The court wants national security and peace, and we also want to make more money, so there is no conflict.

When the imperial treasury is full, then our family will have to be careful."

Cui Hao smiled proudly: "Don't worry, father, the child knows what this means.

However, His Majesty sent Wan Kuan over to think that he could support one acre of Hebei, but Wan Kuan is so young, how can he take on such a heavy responsibility as a father?

"If Your Majesty miscalculates, wouldn't it be better for us? When Wankuan comes tomorrow, I will go to Jizhou first.

Let's see when he comes to Dingzhou to visit our Cui family, if he arrives too late, it means that Wan Kuan still has to beat and beat."

"Don't worry, father.

This son knows! If Wankuan doesn't come to Dingzhou within three days, then if he comes again, we have to close the door to thank you."

Speaking of which, Cui Wanping and Cui Hao both laughed out loud.

The father and son were triumphant, and they didn't take Wan Kuan to heart at all.

In fact, the reason why they are so confident is that...they have already heard the news.

There was no movement in this Chang'an City at all, and books were still so rare.

So Wan Kuan...the method of rubbing cannot be promoted. In this case, the foundation of the aristocratic family is still there: what is there to fear? When Wan Kuan stepped into the boundary of Hebei, he realized how desolate this Hebei is.

Chapter 265

In the land of Yanzhao, there have been many generous and elegiac people since ancient times.

It's just that now Wan Kuan doesn't see the generous elegiacs, all he sees are hungry people in rags and sallow faces.

Then Qin Qiong and Wan Kuan stood together, looking at the people on the riverbank who described the dry manuscripts on the ferry, shaking their heads and sighing in their eyes for a while.

"Captain, this is the status quo in Hebei, and this is all a good thing done by those aristocratic families."

"General Qin, today's tragic situation in Hebei is not the work of the noble family, but the troubled times.

However, to keep these people well fed and clothed, we still have a lot of work to do."

"Captain, Qin promises you.

As long as you can let the people of Hebei live a good life, Qin will be willing to go through fire and water from now on, whatever he wants."

Na Wan Kuan laughed after hearing this: "General Qin, please remember this sentence."

Then Qin Qiong patted the armor on his chest: "I, Qin Qiong, have always kept my word, and when I came to His Majesty from Wang Shichong, it was for the people of this world.

As long as the governor can save the people of Li and the people, I, Qin Qiong, will repay the governor as an ox and a horse."

Wan Kuan smiled, it seems that this Qin Qiong does have a pure heart.

If he is really willing to go through fire and water for himself, he can save himself a lot of trouble in the future.

This Qin Qiong has military power in my hands. If Qin Qiong can be recruited under his command, this matter will be simple.

Although the entire Hebei is under the jurisdiction of Wankuan, Wankuan cannot run around the whole Hebei.

Wan Kuan chose Jizhou as his seat, because Jizhou was the center of the whole Hebei.

To the north are Changshan and Youzhou, to the east is Yingzhou, to the west is Luzhou, and to the south are Dingzhou and Xingzhou.

To the north is the Fanyang Lu clan, to the south are the Zhao Junli clan and the Boling Cui clan, and to the east is the Qinghe Cui clan.

The Jizhou that Wan Kuan chose was... Surrounded by the four great families, although it seemed that there were many dangers, Wan Kuan didn't care.

I came here this time to deal with these four great families. If Wan Kuan was not sure, he would not have agreed to Li Shimin's request to come to Hebei even if he did not comply with the decree.

Since Wan Kuan has arrived in Hebei, it is... well-thought-out.

At present, more than half of the cultivated land in Hebei is in the hands of big families, and most of the other cultivated land is also owned by small landlords and squires.

Tens of thousands of people in Hebei have no land of their own and can only cultivate the land of the landlord.

In this way, even if you do your best and the weather is good, you will only be making wedding clothes for others at the end of the year.

The aristocratic family's granary was full, but the people still could not get enough to eat.

This is why the imperial court allocates rice grains to Hebei every year.

This Hebei is now dragging the hind legs of the entire Tang Dynasty. This year, the Tang Dynasty will use troops abroad and attach great importance to food and grass.

If the Tang Dynasty really wanted to confront this year, there would be no extra food and grass to help Hebei.

In this way, in winter and spring, the people of Hebei will be miserable.

If Wan Kuan hadn't made preparations in advance, I'm afraid that at that time, a grand governor of Hebei would be worse off than death.

Jizhou is in the middle of Hebei, and the yamen is dilapidated, so he forced to find a mansion to be the governor's mansion.

And Wan Kuan went directly to the county office to adjust the documents and files in Hebei.

Before going to Dingzhou to meet Cui Wanping, Wan Kuan must know some tricks in Hebei.

And Xu Jingzong, the governor of Jizhou, was a relatively competent official. He found all the things he wanted for Wan Kuan, and put them in front of Wan Kuan one by one.

Wan Kuan nodded with satisfaction, this Xu Jingzong was thoughtful, but his mind was too small and his behavior was too sinister, but he was still a minister.

In history, this Xu Jingzong followed that one in the end... The little empress had shackled the eldest grandson Wuji, Wan Kuan would certainly use such a talent, and Wan Kuan was quite sure that he could suppress him.

"Captain, this is the document file of the entire Hebei Province over the years. Every year, rice is paid tribute, and the tax details are all here. Please check it out."

Wan Kuan turned over two pages, put it down and asked, "I don't need to read it, since you are so clear, let me explain it to me."

When Xu Jingzong heard this, he was secretly delighted that his chance had come.

"If you go back to the Governor, the Hebei Province has been unable to make ends meet for five years. The imperial court has to allocate [-] load of grain to Hebei for relief every year, and the people of Hebei can't pay taxes."

"In the past five years, the population of Hebei has not increased.

However, in the two imperial examinations, there are many talents in Hebei.......a lot of high school, they are preachers and prosperous."

Wan Kuan laughed after hearing this: "Of course there are many officials in Hebei, they are all talents raised by aristocratic families.

The aristocratic family provides them with food and clothing, and they will naturally be able to make gold medals.

But after they became officials, the appearance of Hebei remained the same, nothing changed."

As soon as Xu Jingzong heard it, he knew that he was only sixteen years old, but the great commander who was famous all over the world was by no means an ordinary person, and he could see the problem at a glance.

Xu Jingzong was vigilant in his heart, with such a boss, he must not reveal his faults.

"Xu Jingzong, this official should know who owns the farmland in Hebei now."

Xu Jingzong's face turned bitter: "Returning to the governor, the farmland in Hebei has always been in the hands of noble families and landlords.

There are very few people who have their own arable land."

"Naughty, nonsense, under the whole world, is it not the king's land."

Wan Kuan deliberately exhaled.

"Captain, that's what you said, but there are sales and purchase documents for the land.

The wasteland of some refugees was also bought by that family.”

"The wasteland was bought, and there is a paper contract"

"Go back to the governor, naturally there is no such thing. The people have all gone to other places, how can they still sign the paper contract?"

"In this way, the wasteland is not their family's, but the court's."

"But those...wasted lands have already been cultivated by the tenants of the noble family. At this time, if the court wants to take back these.... cultivated lands, I am afraid it will provoke public anger. ."

At this time, Wan Kuan looked at Xu Jingzong with a smile, and asked, "Do you want to take back the farmland when I come here this time?"

This Xu Jingzong was a little hesitant.

"But it doesn't matter, this official pardons you."

"If that's the case, then the lower official will say it directly.

If the governor really wants to do something for the people of Hebei, he should not take back the cultivated land."

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