Wan Kuan deliberately said with a straight face at this time: "Now he is the governor of Hebei, and everything is a secret of the court. You little girl is eavesdropping on the outside, what kind of decency is it?"

"Brother-in-law, don't pretend to be sister. I know you're in a difficult situation right now."

"What do you know, little girl?"

"Brother-in-law, do you want me to analyze the situation in Hebei?"

Wan Kuan's mouth curled up after hearing this: "Then just talk about it."

"Brother-in-law, it's not a good time for you to come to Hebei at this time. Now the lifeblood of Hebei is all in the hands of aristocratic families. You, the great governor of Hebei, sounds majestic, but you have no power at all."

"Nonsense, brother-in-law, I still have [-] elite soldiers."

"Brother-in-law, don't deceive yourself, you don't dare to use your [-] elite soldiers, this family is not... With land alone, this family has no less than [-] large and small in the imperial court, you dare to be detrimental to the family, More than half of the officials have to play and impeach your brother-in-law."

Wan Kuan leaned back on the chair after listening: "You little girl knows a lot!"

"Of course, brother-in-law, do you want to hear my sister's advice?"

Wan Kuan raised his eyebrows after hearing this, thinking that this little girl is a big kid, let's listen to what she has to say.

Seeing Wan Kuan nodded, Wu Mei'er immediately.

Shaking his head, he said.

"Actually, brother-in-law, you can be a great governor of Hebei.

When you first came here, you had a good relationship with those noble families, and you can do whatever the noble family asks you to do, and within a year or two, you definitely don't have to worry about your brother-in-law's political achievements."

Wan Kuan smiled and motioned Wu Meier to continue.

"Brother-in-law, you are the son-in-law of the Cui family. If you are willing to cooperate with the Cui family, then the big families will definitely guarantee that brother-in-law, the chief governor of Hebei, will continue to be the governor of Hebei, and they will solve all the famine of the refugees in Hebei. Brother-in-law, you Just sit in the yamen and enjoy the happiness."

"After that, after a year or two, what should I do, brother-in-law, I can't be a puppet all the time."

"Brother-in-law, in the past two years, you have to do things on your own.

Ming Xiu plank road, dark Chencang."

"How to build a plank road in the bright light, talk to Chen Cang in the dark!"

"My brother-in-law wants to reclaim wasteland and increase the farmland of the court, and then he has to win over some squires.

In fact, if my brother-in-law wants to establish a foothold in Hebei, the most important thing is to have land.

Without land, nothing can be done."

Wan Kuan sighed after hearing this, despite her young age, this little girl has a lot of insight.

No wonder it will become a wasteland in the future, and this vision is rushing to, and now there are not many officials in the Tang Dynasty who can have it.

But although this little girl thinks so far, she still has her limitations.

Cultivated land is very important, and farmers cannot live without it, but in the current situation, the family will definitely grasp the key of cultivated land firmly, and will not let Wan Kuan get involved at all.

Therefore, once Wan Kuan has the idea of ​​attacking the land, the family will fight back desperately and will not let Wan Kuan succeed.

Although Wu Mei'er's words are a method, they are nothing but castles in the air and are difficult to achieve.

Seeing Wan Kuan sigh, Wu Mei'er couldn't help being a little unhappy: "Brother-in-law, am I right?"

"Yes, what you little girl said is basically correct, but there is one thing you haven't figured out."

"Which point"

Wu Meier was very unconvinced.

"That is, even you know the importance of this cultivated land, and those big families will not know that they will allow you to cultivate wasteland, and will allow you to join forces.

Those little squires are also the lackeys of the aristocratic family, and they won't cooperate with the imperial court."

When Wan Kuan said this, he shook his head and sighed, "Although you are smart, you are still too naive."

"Brother-in-law, why can't you cultivate wasteland? Those noble families can't control it, and the wasteland is not theirs. As long as you cultivate it, it will belong to the imperial court."

"That's right, their family can't control our court's reclamation of wasteland.

But second sister, the family can control the people who... cultivate the land and prevent them from leaving the family, even if you have arable land and no one will cultivate it for you, won't you still be unable to produce food?"

Chapter 268

As for the little queen, Wan Kuan is very much like training her, so I want to say a few more words.

If the little queen is enlightened, Wan Kuan will have another good helper by her side.

He kept talking, and continued: "And now all the large and small rice grains in Hebei are in the hands of the aristocratic family, whether it is grain or seeds, this large and small family has already grasped the land and rice grain of Hebei in their hands. inside."

"If you want to hide Chen Cang, the family is not a fool, an idiot.

On the contrary, they are all old foxes, so your method is not feasible."

When Wu Meier heard Wan Kuan's words, she was a little dazed. Could it be that she thought it was too simple? Seeing Wan Kuan leaning on the back of the chair, Wu Meier couldn't help but ask: " Brother-in-law, since this is the case, is there no way to deal with these noble families?"

"Anyway... According to your little girl's method, it will definitely not work."

"But this is the only way, if it doesn't work, then Hebei will be helpless.

Sister, I don't believe that brother-in-law, you will do things you are not sure of, you must have a way."

Wu Mei'er's big dark eyes turned around, with an expression of beheading Wan.

Wan Kuan smiled and said, "You little girl is quite smart, brother-in-law, I never do anything I am not sure about.

Brother-in-law, I do have a way, but it's not... your kind of... way."

"Humph! Even if it's not my sister's method, it must have something to do with the land."

"Wrong, it has nothing to do with the land."

"Impossible, brother-in-law, don't try to lie to me.

In Datang, you want people to live and work in peace and contentment, if there is no land, it is impossible."

"Little girl, don't talk too much!"

"Brother-in-law, sister, I've decided today that if you don't seize the land, you will definitely not be able to accomplish His Majesty's will."

"You little girl is really dumb and ate the weight of the scale - hard-hearted.

Do you want to make a bet?"

After hearing that, Wu Mei'er stood up and shook the double buns on her head.

"Brother-in-law, sister, I'll make this bet with you."

"Okay, little girl, what's the stake you said."


That Wu Mei'er tilted her head and thought for a moment: "If sister and I win, then brother-in-law, you have to give me the Wanfu Building and the method of firing porcelain."

When Wan Kuan heard this, he showed a clear expression.

This Wu Mei'er is really greedy! "You little girl has a big appetite, I will give you Wanfulou, and I will also give you the method of firing porcelain, so you are not afraid of eating too much to support it"

"Brother-in-law, don't worry. If you give me these...two things, my sister will definitely be able to carry them forward."

"Then what if you lose?"

"Brother-in-law, don't worry, sister, I can't lose.

Wan Kuan shook his head: "Since it's a fight.

You have to lose and win!"

"Well, if my sister loses, and I won't get married in my life, I will be your maid for brother-in-law."

After Wan Kuan heard this, he looked at Mei'er up and down.

This little girl's mind is full of thoughts, yet she will never get married, this smart child is precocious, no wonder this is the case.

Seeing Wan Kuan looking at herself with suspicious eyes, Wu Mei'er was immediately a little unhappy, she raised her chin and said.

"Why, sister, I'll be your maid, brother-in-law, you're not satisfied"

"Keeping such a smart maid by your side, I'm afraid that one day you will poison my brother-in-law and I won't even know."

"Brother-in-law, you don't have to think about it, sister, I will definitely not lose.

Brother-in-law, hurry up and tell my sister about the method of making porcelain."

Wan Kuan smiled at this moment: "Okay! Let's bet we'll go down, but I can give you the method of firing porcelain first."

"That brother-in-law means you admit defeat"

"I didn't say I gave up, I just told you how to make porcelain.

This is not for nothing, you have to help my brother-in-law with some serious business in the future."

"Brother-in-law, do you want to appoint me as an official?"

Wu Meier was a little excited.

Wan Kuan pouted: "I have no precedent for a woman in the Tang Dynasty to be an official, so you can do things for me in a private capacity first."

Wu Meier was a little discouraged after hearing this.

"Don't be discouraged, little girl, it's good to help brother-in-law with errands."

"What's the benefit"

"How about giving you one hundred taels of gold a year?"

Wu Mei'er rolled her eyes: "No, it's two hundred taels."

"You little girl is really a lion.

Well, how about you help your brother-in-law for three years, and how will your brother-in-law give you Wanfu Building?"

After Wu Mei'er heard it, she immediately.

Eyes widened: "Okay, brother-in-law.

We've agreed, and you can't go back."

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