Just as she was talking, Wu Meier snatched the brush and white paper from Wankuan's table.

"What are you doing, little girl?"

"Of course I've set up a document. What if one day, brother-in-law, you regret it?"

"My dignified governor of Hebei will lie to you, this little girl"

Wan Kuan glared.

"That may be the case. If Wanfulou is going to be in the gold bucket every day, brother-in-law, are you willing to give this cash cow to my sister?"

Wan Kuan pouted.

He directly rubbed Wu Meier's bun again.

A good little girl immediately turned into a little goblin with disheveled hair, and then Wu Meier was chased away by Wan Kuan.

"Don't worry, my brother-in-law speaks every word and won't lie to you, this little girl, just remember it yourself."

Although Wu Mei'er was kicked out, she was still happy in her heart, and her decision was indeed right.

After learning that Wan Kuan was going to Hebei, Wu Meier immediately took her mother and sister, followed behind Wan Kuan's motorcade, and went directly to Wan Kuan's mansion when they arrived in Hebei.

Wu Mei'er knew that if Wan Kuan had left Chang'an, her thigh would fly away.

For your own future consideration, you must hug Wankuan's thigh tightly.

So Wu Mei'er didn't hesitate at all, and brought her family to Hebei directly.

There is nothing precious about that house in the capital, anyway... it belongs to the two who are still there: the elder brother in the big brother, if you don't want it, don't want it.

Wu Meier concluded that as long as she followed her brother-in-law, she would have a better future in the future.

It's just been a few days since they got married, and Wan Kuan has traveled thousands of miles. Now that he has finally settled down, Wan Kuan should have a rest.

In the bedroom, Cui Yingying sat in front of the dressing table and took off all her jewelry.

Wan Kuan watched Cui Yingying remove her makeup, it was just... a kind of enjoyment.

As soon as Cui Yingying turned around, she saw Wan Kuan's burning gaze, and immediately.

He lowered his head.

As my husband, everything is good, but...when I'm alone, I always take myself lightly.

Chapter 269

"Husband, what are you looking at?"

"Of course it depends on you... the little lady is getting dressed up."

"Husband, you are so bad, what's so good about this?"

"Of course it's beautiful, it's beautiful."

Listening to Wan Kuan's sweet words, Cui Yingying summoned her courage and asked, "Husband, do you think the concubine looks good with rouge powder or with her face turned to the sky?"

Na Wan Kuan looked at Cui Yingying, who was like a fairy, and murmured, "Heavy makeup and light makeup are always suitable."

The poem that Cui Yingying blurted out by Wan Kuan made her eyes light up, not to mention the look of admiration.

"Husband, you really are the number one talent in my Tang Dynasty."

At this time, Wan Kuan looked at the door and whispered, "Madam, it's getting late, hurry up and rest."

Cui Yingying nodded shyly, and then Wan Kuan blew out the candle in the room.

The next day, the red sun was blowing, Wan Kuan rode a horse and took his entourage all the way out of Jizhou City, and walked along the official road to Dingzhou.

Jizhou is not far from Dingzhou, and it takes half a day to ride a fast horse from a distance.

As soon as Wan Kuan's team arrived at Dingzhou City, the Cui family got the news, and the door of the Cui family opened directly.

After Wan Kuan came to the door, he dismounted, and went straight in. It seemed that the Cui family had already known that he was coming, and had already opened the door to welcome him.

That Cui Hao stood in the front yard.

Respectfully salute Wan Kuan.

But Cui Hao is Wan Kuan's father-in-law, and Wan Kuan has to be courteous.

However, today Wan Kuan came to Cui Mansion not to see his father-in-law, but to visit Cui Wanping as the Grand Governor.

So Wan Kuan just nodded slightly to Cui Hao, but Cui Hao.... he bowed to Wan Kuan.

Wan Kuan didn't need to explain his intention, Cui Hao took Wan Kuan to Cui Wanping's place.

In the study in the backyard of Cui Mansion, this is the first time Wan Kuan has been alone with Cui Wanping.

This elegant and peaceful looking old man always has a light that is hard to hide in his eyes.

Wan Kuan knew that this Cui Wanping was the head of the Cui family, and this Cui Wanping made all the decisions of the Cui family.

My father-in-law, Cui Hao, was just the one who conveyed the order.

At this time, Cui Wanping's eyes seemed cloudy, but the whole person was as steady as Mount Tai, and his bearing was calm.

"The governor came, the old man should have bowed, but he is old and has inconvenient legs and feet. I also ask the governor to forgive me."

"Mr. Cui, don't be polite, you are Yingying's grandfather and my elder Wan Kuan, how can you give me a salute?"

"Thank you Lord Wan for your forgiveness, I don't know Wan.

What are you doing today?”

Wan Kuan sneered inwardly, obviously it was you who asked me to come here, why do you want to take the initiative to negotiate? This kind of trick can be used on others, but on Wan Kuan it's just an embarrassment.

However, Wan Kuan did not meet him in general.

Anyway... I'm here today to play a show and make a look.

"Mr. Cui, this official is newly appointed as the governor of Hebei, and he has no knowledge of this matter in Hebei. Mr. Cui is a famous squire in Hebei, so I came to visit and asked Mr. Cui to answer my questions."

Last night, although Wan Kuan disagreed with what Wu Meier said, Wu Meier's strategy was still very correct.

After Wan Kuan came to Hebei, he must first establish a good relationship with the family.

Otherwise, the aristocratic family will make trouble behind the scenes, and Hebei will not be stable.

Before Wan Kuan has complete control of Hebei, he cannot tear himself apart from the family.

Therefore, Wan Kuan took the initiative to come today, which is a gesture of goodwill.

"Master Wan is really too polite, this old man is just a mediocre person who stays at home, how can he bear such a heavy responsibility?"

"Mr. Cui, don't be polite. This official is here for the stability of Hebei. There is no need for Mr. Cui to refuse."

Then Cui Wanping smiled after hearing it: "If that's the case, then the old man will talk too much."

"Mr. Cui, please, this official is all ears."

"Master Wan, the situation in Hebei is not good!"

As soon as Cui Wanping came up, he frowned for a while.

"This Hebei has experienced turmoil for more than ten years, the people are miserable, ten rooms are nine empty.

The fields are barren, there are countless hungry people, the people are not clothed, and they have no food to eat, it is really miserable."

"What Mr. Cui said is very true, this official came to Hebei to have a little knowledge of the customs and customs, and it really is a miserable wind and rain in Hebei.

I don't know if Mr. Cui has a solution."

"Master Wan is joking, the old man is just a dying old man, and our Cui family is just a family heirloom, barely protecting ourselves, there is no way to solve it"

Wan Kuan sneered in his heart, this old fox is still pretending.

"Mr. Cui doesn't have to be humble. For the sake of the people and the stability of Hebei, please don't keep secrets."

"Alas, our Cui family has nothing to hide. The people have withered over the years, our Cui family's land has not been cultivated, and our Cui family is also struggling.

If it weren't for the troubled times, our Cui family gathered some refugees and reclaimed some wasteland, maybe our Cui family would have starved to death."

Wan Kuan wanted to laugh out loud after hearing this, if Boling's Cui family could starve to death, there would be no living people in the world.

However, Wan Kuan didn't speak, just quietly watched this Cui Wanping pretending to be aggressive.

When Cui Wanping said this, he suddenly paused: "Master Wan, when it comes to this matter, this old man has something to say."

"In those days when the people were displaced and the countryside was deserted, my Cui family took in refugees and asked them to reclaim the wasteland in order not to let those... lands go to waste."

"Now these... wastelands have become arable land, but our Cui family has no sales contract documents, so it is indeed a bit troublesome."

"Oh, what's the trouble"

Wan Kuan pretended to be surprised and asked.

That Cui Wanping sighed: "This lack of contract documents proves that the land is not owned by my Cui family. A few days ago, the governor of Dingzhou came to the old mansion again and again and asked the old man to hand over the land."

"Actually, it's not that I don't give it up, it's that these... lands are the foundation of those... refugees. If the land is handed over, those... ......The refugees have nowhere to grow, so will they starve to death again?”

Speaking of this, Cui Wanping waved his hands again and again: "Hey! This old man shouldn't be talking about this.... Nonsense, harassing Lord Wan."

A look of anger appeared on Wan Kuan's face, and he asked loudly, "Mr. Cui doesn't need to hide, and continue."

There was a hint of joy in Cui Wanping's eyes, and then he sighed and said: "Then Dingzhou Governor is not wrong, those... wasteland has no business documents, it does not belong to our Cui family, it should be to the court."

Chapter 270

When Cui Wanping saw Wan Kuan's attitude, he was overjoyed for a while, but this expression had to be put on.

"These... Refugees gathered by my Cui family are cultivating the wasteland. If the land is taken back, these refugees will become hungry again, and the land of Hebei will be in turmoil again."

"I, Cui Wanping, although incompetent, but also frail and hungry.

Those...lands were indeed cultivated by those...refugees with the help of my Cui family, if they were handed back, those...refugees will starve to death."

"But the governor of Dingzhou has repeatedly asked my Cui family to return the land, what should I do?"

When Wan Kuan heard this, he slapped the table directly: "What a Dingzhou prefect, this official should take a good look at who he is.

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