"Well, you Yuan Dake, you dare to contradict this official in public. You, the prefect of Dingzhou, don't want to do it."

"With Lord Wan, the chief governor, there is no need to do this as a prefect. Anyway... it's just a wedding dress for the Cui family."

Wan Kuan smiled: "Okay, this is what you said.

From today, you Yuan Da can be appointed to Dengzhou.

Inspector of Dingzhou, this official has arranged otherwise.

Tomorrow you will go to Dengzhou to take office without delay.

One day of delay and this officer will dismiss you."

After speaking, Wan Kuan slapped the table and walked away.

The guards followed behind Wan Kuan and went out of the Inspectorate's gate together.

And Yuan Dake looked at Wan Kuan's back with a look of disappointment on his face.

At this time, an old clerk with a gray beard came over and helped Yuan Dake to sit down on a chair.

"My lord, why are you bothering.. You want to talk to the governor like this for a while... calm and calm, take a step back and open the sky."

"Hey! It is said that Wan Kuan became famous at a young age and is full of talent, but I didn't expect that he was also a running dog of the aristocratic family.

If there is such a great governor in Hebei, this official should be inappropriate.

Being an official still suffers from anger, and still can’t do things for the people, so what’s the use of it?”

"Alas! Your lord, you are not... resigning now, you are being transferred to Dengzhou.

In Dengzhou, that... backcountry, I am afraid that adults will fall into that... quagmire for the rest of my life."

"This official has never been afraid of these.... Not to mention Dengzhou, even Yazhou in the South China Sea, this official is also very happy.

Dengzhou happens to be barren, and those aristocratic families don’t pay attention to it. After this official goes there, he can still benefit the people, which is better than being used as a decoration in Dingzhou.”

"Then the big governor told you to leave tomorrow, the little one: I'll pack your things for you."

"Go, go to Dengzhou, and you don't need to be fooled here."

But Wan Kuan went out of the yamen, directly rode a fast horse, walked up the official road, and rushed back towards Jizhou.

Running back and forth in Dingzhou in one day made Wan Kuan very uncomfortable.

So he decided to get out quickly in a light carriage, comfortable and convenient, so that his legs would not be worn out by riding all the time.

Wan Kuan hopes that... Yuan Da may understand his deep meaning. When Wan Kuan came to Hebei, he met an official who was not afraid of an aristocratic family. Naturally, he should make good use of it.

Wan Kuan sent him to Dengzhou, both to reuse and protect him.

According to Yuan Dake's character, if he continues to stay in Dingzhou, he may not live long.

Wan Kuan is now handing over such an important place in Dengzhou to him, I hope he will not let himself down.

And Wan Kuan had left the Dingzhou site, so the Cui family got the news.

The Cui family also knew about Yuan Dake's appointment.

Now Cui Wanping and Cui Hao are overjoyed.

"Father, I heard that... Yuan Dake, the governor of Dingzhou, was sent to Dengzhou by Wan Kuan at once."

"That's right, that... Yuan Dake is just... a stumbling block for us in Dingzhou.

If it weren't for my father, I didn't want to ruin the relationship with the court, how could I allow him to ruin our good things over and over again?"

"Father, I didn't expect this Wan Kuan to be.... Let's just send that Yuan Dake to Dengzhou. Dengzhou's remote countryside is close to the sea. It can be said that one is poor and two are white. "

And that Cui Hao was quite proud at this time, and then asked in a low voice: "Father, then Wan Kuan just appointed Yuan Da, but who will take over as the prefect of Dingzhou?"

Chapter 272

After the Cui family's father and son were happy, Cui Hao still had a little doubt.

As soon as Yuan Dake left, the prefect of Dingzhou would be vacant.

Although the governor of Dingzhou was originally a decoration, it is not good to leave it empty. It is best to put someone from the Cui family.

"We, the Cui family, don't have to worry about this, since Wan Kuan transferred Yuan Da who was in the way, he would definitely bring in an obedient one.

Even if the position of the prefect of Dingzhou is vacant, it will not affect us, and our Cui family can be regarded as being able to sit back and relax."

"Father, I didn't expect this Wan Kuan to act decisively. Father, you can deceive him so miserably with just a few words. This little baby is really easy to deceive."

At this time, Cui Wanping put away his smile and said solemnly: "Although this Wan Kuan is young, he is not stupid.

Seeing him act so decisively for his father, I am afraid he has already thought clearly before coming to Hebei."

"Oh father, he figured something out"

"Wan Kuan knew that he had to rely on our aristocratic family when he came to Hebei, so he directly cooperated with us after he came.

First, he can sit back and relax, and secondly, the people of Hebei will not suffer from famine.”

Cui Wanping's eyes were deep, and he said, "This is good for the imperial court, and it's good for our aristocratic family.

Originally, after the chaos, there will be a great deal of control, but this Wan Kuan is a person who knows the current affairs."

"Father, it is best to know the current affairs.

What I am most afraid of is... those hard bones with a single tendon, water and fire cannot penetrate."

"That's right, since that's the case, let's just wait and see what happens to the Cui family."

Wan Kuan traveled all the way, and when he returned to Jizhou, the sun was already setting in the west.

I ran back and forth all day, and didn't even have a chance to rest.

Wan Kuan sat soaking his feet in the study, and then looked at the documents sent by Xu Jingzong.

The craftsmen who will be serving as prisoners have already rushed to Hebei, and were directly escorted to Dengzhou by Qin Qiong's men.

With these.... Craftsman, Wan Kuanxin is a lot more at ease.

These... Craftsmen are the most important part of Wankuan's layout, and Wankuan wants to break the situation in Hebei, he must win by surprise.

And this peculiar point is in Dengzhou. Dengzhou is surrounded by the sea on three sides, which can be described as a backcountry.

Dengzhou has no arable land, and some are just saline-alkali sandy land.

Therefore, Dengzhou has always been a barren land. The land is barren and the population is sparse. No matter how you look at it, it is a barren land, but Wankuan's hope is also here.

Now all the land in Hebei is occupied by the family, no matter what you think of, as long as you dare to attack the land, the family will unite and fight back together.

There is no way, now all the food in Hebei is in the hands of the family.

If you don't have a good relationship with the aristocratic family, they will give all the food, and all the people in Hebei will have to endure hunger.

At that time, Wan Kuan could only ask the court for help to allocate food, but Li Shimin sent Wan Kuan to let Wan Kuan solve the problem of grain shortage in Hebei.

If Wan Kuan still asked Shimin for food, then what did Li Shimin send him to do and Wan Kuan knew that Li Shimin sent him to Hebei and divided it to himself, and Hebei was his bargaining chip for the throne.

How much status you have in the DPRK in the future depends on how much... benefits Hebei can bring.

Therefore, if Wan Kuan blindly relied on the relief of the imperial court, Hebei would not be a bargaining chip for Wan Kuan, but could only be regarded as a burden to Wan Kuan.

Li Shimin really chose a good place for himself, Wan Kuan sighed, but he was not discouraged.

The more difficult things are, the more interesting it is to do. Although these big families are difficult to deal with, compared with Wan Kuan, they are just children playing the house.

When Wan Kuan came to Hebei, the most important thing was to have his own people under his command.

Wu Mei'er, Xu Jingzong, Qin Qiong, and that... Yuan Dake are all available.

And there are also craftsmen and young talents that Wan Kuan specially transferred back from the capital.

As a result, Wan Kuan even has his own team.

Even if you want to compete for the throne, you have to have a strategist by your side, and there is no one to help, just do it by yourself, it is impossible to succeed.

Now Wan Kuan has already decided to do a big job in Hebei, to turn this desolate place in Hebei into a fertile land.

At that time, Hebei will be your base, you can attack and defend by yourself, and you will be more confident in competing for the throne.

Moreover, Wan Kuan knew that Li Shimin was standing behind him. As long as he had enough power in his hands, and Li Shimin was mediating in the court, the throne must be his own.

Wan Kuan was looking at the documents in the study, and a slender figure appeared outside the study.

Beep, beep, Wan Kuan heard a knock on the door.

As soon as the door opened, Cui Yingying walked in with a tray.

"Husband, you haven't eaten well since you returned to the manor. Your concubine asked the kitchen to prepare a bowl of ginseng chicken soup. Husband, drink it while it's hot."

Wan Kuan smiled and asked Cui Yingying to put down the tray.

And Cui Yingying looked hesitant, bit her lip, and she had something on her mind.

"Ma'am, speak directly."

"Husband went to Dingzhou today, did you ever encounter difficulties?"

Cui Yingying summoned the courage to ask.

"My husband has not encountered any embarrassment."

"That's good."

Wan Kuan was a little curious and asked, "Why does Madam think that your husband will encounter difficulties today?"

Then Cui Yingying sighed: "Husband, I am afraid that my husband will be embarrassed by the Cui family.

My husband is here this time for the people of Hebei, and today I went to Dingzhou to see my father and grandfather for business."

"The concubine knew that the Cui family might hinder her husband's business, but when the concubine married to the Wan family, she was...a member of the Wan family.

The husband does not need to estimate the concubine!"

Wan Kuan smiled after hearing this: "Yingying, you know what the imperial court meant by sending her husband here this time.

If the husband wants to fulfill His Majesty's entrustment, he will inevitably have some disagreements with the Cui family.

Yingying, you might want to understand"

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