"The concubine understands, and the concubine is also clear in body and mind, so the husband does not need to be embarrassed.

Marrying a husband and obeying a husband is like that.”

"Okay, since that's the case, then the husband can do things with confidence and boldness."

After hearing that, Cui Yingying left silently.

As soon as he reached the door, Wan Kuan said again, "Madam, I will sleep in Shun'er's room tonight.

Ma'am, you should rest early too."

When Cui Yingying heard this sentence, her face was a little disappointed, but she still held back a sigh and silently closed the door of the study.

Although Wan Kuan knew that Cui Yingying treated him with sincerity, she was from the Cui family after all, and Wan Kuan didn't know if she had... other thoughts, so the necessary beating was certain.

Wan Kuan is someone who wants to be the emperor in the future. Since Cui Yingying is her own wife, she must respect the world and be dedicated to herself.

If Cui Yingying had other thoughts, Wan Kuan would not tolerate her.

Chapter 273

Wan Kuan drank the chicken soup hastily, turned off the lights in the study, and came to Wu Shun'er's room.

At this time, Wu Shun'er was sitting on the dresser with her arms in a daze. As soon as she heard the sound, she immediately woke up. When she turned around, she saw Wan Kuan's smiling face.

"Wanlang, why are you here?"

"Why can't you come for your husband? Can't you tell me if your husband enters your room?"

"Where is Wanlang, the slave family just thinks why Wanlang didn't go to sister Yingying's room."

"I was in Yingying's room last night. Wouldn't it be better to come and see Sister Shun'er today?"

Wan Kuan said this and hooked his finger... Wu Shun'er's chin, that Wu Shun'er immediately.

She lowered her head shyly.

"Wan Lang, this sister Yingying is the wife after all. You always go to the slave's room to rest. Sister Yingying will not have any grudges in her heart."

"Shun'er, where to rest this evening is up to the husband alone."

"But Sister Yingying..."

"Shun'er, you don't have to worry about this, it's getting late at night, Shun'er serves and rests for your husband."

After hearing that, Wu Shun'er had to nod her head, but when Wan Kuan came to her, she was really happy.

At this time, Cui Yingying in the room was... a little wronged, she could see some clues from Wan Kuan's face.

When I went to Dingzhou today, Wan Kuan must have encountered something.

His father and grandfather should have made Wan Kuan angry.

Cui Yingying also sighed at this time, why should she be caught between her family and Wan Kuan, but Cui Yingying knew that since she was married to Wan Kuan, she was Wan Kuan's person, and everything had to be with Wan Kuan.

Wan Kuan may not trust himself now, but after a long time, Wan Kuan will definitely understand his heart.

The night was deep, and the two of them slept sweetly in one room.

In another room, there was a woman who tossed and turned.

In the dining room in the early morning, Wu Shun'er wondered why her husband was so indifferent to Cui Yingying today. In the past, when eating in the morning, Wan Kuan would always serve two people with porridge and vegetables, but today Wan Kuan served porridge for himself, but he did not. Taking care of Cui Yingying made Wu Shun'er a little strange.

On the other hand, Cui Yingying's face was calm, and she still had a smile on her face, as if nothing was out of the ordinary.

After dinner, Wan Kuan went to the yamen.

And Wu Shun'er went back to the backyard and wanted to explain something to her mother and sister, but after searching for a long time, she couldn't find Wu Mei'er. In the end, she had to ask her mother.

"Mother, where is the second sister?"

"Don't you know? She said she went to the yamen with her."

"What is my sister doing in the yamen?"

"This mother doesn't know."

Wu Shun'er stomped her feet after hearing this, her sister was really making a fool of herself.

Usually at home, relying on Wan Kuan's favor for her, it's fine to make some nonsense, but now Wan Kuan is going to the yamen, and she follows. So she will go to the yamen, and Wan Kuan took her to take her there.

Today, Wan Kuan is going to pull out all the things he has to do in Hebei, and only four people know about this plan.

Wan Kuan, Qin Qiong, Xu Jingzong and Wu Meier.

That Wu Mei'er felt uneasy in her heart, and at the same time revealed a sense of excitement.

I took myself to the yamen, saying that I wanted to discuss government affairs.

Although Wu Mei'er wanted to be an official, she knew it was impossible, but she didn't expect Wan Kuan to take her directly to the yamen, which made her feel a strong excitement.

It seemed that her chance had come. Wu Meier didn't want to be a little woman who only knew how to hide in her boudoir and embroidered flowers. She wanted to do big things that even men couldn't do.

I must take my own destiny in my own hands, just like the Queen Mother Feng of the Northern Qi Dynasty.

After arriving at the yamen, Wan Kuan came to his office.

Xu Jingzong and Qin Qiong were already waiting, but they were very surprised that Wan Kuan brought a little girl over.

Looking at this little girl, she is only in her early ten years, and she is dressed in gorgeous clothes. At first glance, she looks like a lady from a wealthy family.

"Captain, who is this little girl? Aren't we going to discuss business affairs today?"

Then Qin Qiong was a little surprised.

"General Qin, this girl is the sister of this official's wife. She will also participate in today's affairs."

Xu Jingzong and Qin Qiong's eyes almost popped out after hearing this, what is this called? This dignified governor of Hebei even brought his sister-in-law into the yamen.

And I have to take it with me when discussing matters. I don't think Wan Kuan thinks about his sister-in-law. But seeing that this little girl is only in her early ten years, she is so young. Could it be that this Wan Kuan... Wan Kuan saw Qin Qiong With Xu Jingzong's eyes, he couldn't help but feel angry.

"Two, today's matter is very important, only the four of us know about this official's plan in Hebei, and everyone has their own division of labor.

From now on, the four of us have big things to do."

As he spoke, Wan Kuan asked Wu Mei'er to sit beside him.

That Wu Mei'er was graceful and generous, and her eyes were clear.

"Captain, I really want to take this little girl with me"

"General Qin, fighting on the battlefield, she can't compare to you.

But when it comes to court tricks, ten Qin generals can't compare to her.

If General Qin doesn't believe it, you can give it a try."

Wan Kuan's words directly stunned Qin Qiong and Xu Jingzong, then Qin Qiong said: It doesn't matter, he was originally a military general, and he didn't have so many twists and turns in his heart.

And Xu Jingzong looked at Wu Meier carefully, his eyes rolling.

And Wu Mei'er also saw Xu Jingzong at a glance, Wan Kuan couldn't help laughing when he saw the two of them.

This Xu Jingzong was the confidant minister of the little queen in the future, and it was entirely by Xu Jingzong's collection of evidence that the little queen overthrew the eldest grandson Wuji in one fell swoop and eliminated the little queen's biggest opponent.

It's really interesting to think about, after this one king and one minister have now become his confidants.

With these two people, Wan Kuan, why was he worried that the big thing could not be accomplished? At this time, Wan Kuan crossed his eyebrows and sat directly on the chair of the Grand Master.

That Wu Mei'er sat beside him with a cute little look.

Although Qin Qiong and Xu Jingzhong looked straight at her, Wu Mei'er did not have any stage fright, but a ray of light appeared in her eyes.

At this time, Qin Qiong asked: "Captain, since everyone has arrived, please explain."

At this time, Wan Kuan looked at the three people left and right, all three of them were waiting for Wan Kuan to speak.

"This official was transferred to Hebei by His Majesty's will this time, with only one purpose, that is, to restore the peace and prosperity of the people of Hebei, and then turn Hebei into a kind of...land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River."

Chapter 274

As soon as Wan Kuan said this, the three of them showed surprised expressions on their faces.

Everyone in Hebei Taiping can understand that Hebei was originally a quagmire of the Tang Dynasty. If this quagmire can be turned into a piece of ordinary land, then Wankuan has already made a great contribution.

Let the people of Hebei live a peaceful life, everyone thinks that although it is difficult, it is also feasible.

But if you want to turn this barren land in Hebei into something like Jiangnan... a land of fish and rice, let alone Wankuan, even a god can't do it.

And Qin Qiong on the side couldn't help but said: "Captain, you are not really an immortal, are you?"

"General Qin, Zi Wuyu, chaotic and strange.

Don't say anything like that again.

This official is an official of the imperial court, how can you be so blasphemous"

"But the Governor, if you are not an immortal, how can you turn Hebei into a land of fish and rice, can you beg for the land of the goddess Nuwa?"

"General Qin, do you have to... rely on the power of gods to turn Hebei into a land of fidelity?"

For a time, Xu Jingzong, Qin Qiong, and Wu Meier all nodded.

They all felt that unless it was an immortal, no one would be able to do this.

At this time, Wan Kuan smiled: "Actually, the land of fish and rice that this official said is not necessarily rich in products, but the people don't worry about food.

There is surplus grain in everyone's household, the population is prosperous, and all industries are prosperous."

When the three of them heard Wan Kuan's words, the surprise on their faces became heavier.

If it is just a land of fish and rice, as long as there is enough food, it will do.

In the end, Wan Kuan said that all industries should flourish and people flourish, which is really too difficult.

Not to mention Hebei, even Yangzhou in the south of the Yangtze River and Chang'an in Guanzhong cannot achieve such a situation.

Wan Kuan looked at the suspicious expressions of these three people, and couldn't help but ask, "Could it be that the three of you feel that something cannot be done?"

"Brother-in-law, this matter is really difficult."

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