At this time, Yan Lide said with a smile: "Master Yuan doesn't need to care about these... red tape, as long as Master Yuan does the things that the governor has explained, it is even a repayment for the kindness of the governor. already."

"Don't worry, please also ask Mr. Yan to clarify what I, Yuan, are going to do"

"The Commander's order is very simple. It is to build a dock and shipbuilding fleet in Dengzhou."

"Ah why is that"

Yuan Dake was stunned for a while.

At this time, Yan Lide said: "This is the weapon of the great governor to deal with the family. If Master Yuan doesn't understand, you can temporarily put the doubt in your heart."

"The time is running out, and I also asked Sir Yuan to accompany you to devote yourself to government affairs.

The matter of the Great Governor can't be delayed, it can affect the lives of thousands of people in Hebei."

Yuan Dake calmed his mind and said: "This... Mr. Yan, you are the long history of the great governor. Why don't you accompany the governor of Dengzhou to handle government affairs?"

"Oh, Master Yuan, don't ask any more questions.

Today's Grand Governor is not an official who only speaks official words, he not only... sent my long history to Dengzhou, even Sima is also in Dengzhou, leaving only one Buji in Jizhou to help him deal with the finances ."

"And this Sima is his younger brother Yan Liben. In the past six months, we will manage the affairs of the Grand Governor on this acre of land in Dengzhou."

"Two ships will be built to go out to sea within two months, the wharf will be built within three months, and the fleet of wharfs must be available within six months.

If this can't be done, then most of them will be blamed, so don't say that Yan didn't say it in advance."

Then Yuan Dake listened and immediately.

He said smugly, "Although I, Yuan Dake, are stupid, but I know that I will do my best for the Tang Dynasty. As long as it is ordered by the great governor, I, Yuan Dake, even if I forget to eat and sleep, I will definitely do it."

"It's just that I, Yuan, don't know much about the construction of the wharf and the fleet.

I am afraid that Yuan will ruin the affairs of the Great Governor and delay the livelihood of the people of Hebei."

Yan Lide smiled: "Master Yuan doesn't need to be humble, our brothers have already drawn the drawings of the ships and the appearance of the wharf.

Moreover, the governor is proficient in examining things and knowing, and has long established the construction of sea ships."

"We only need to cut wood to build ships, and the Grand Governor will build construction and steel in Dingzhou, Jizhou.

When the time comes, the materials for our ship building will be delivered continuously, and Master Yuan just wants to ensure that there are enough people in Dengzhou, so the process is not slow."

Then Yuan Dake heard it and immediately.

He patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, with my Yuan Dake here, I will definitely not delay the affairs of the Great Governor.

If there are not enough people..., I, Yuan Dake, can bring a family, young and old, into battle to help."

At this time, Yuan Da can be said to be full of energy, and after sweeping away the previous haze, he thought at first that he, a loyal and patriotic courtier, was abandoned in Dengzhou.

But only after he came to Dengzhou did he realize that it was such a broad strategy.

Wan Kuan had already seen the reality of Hebei clearly, so he used a strategy of delaying the army.

There is no arable land in Dengzhou, so those family roots: they don't care.

It is because of this that Yuan Dake can play his greatest role in Dengzhou.

Yuan Dake was loyal to the country, and Wan Kuan trusted him ten times.

It was only now that Yuan Dake understood that the young man he saw yesterday was not that simple, and that this young man's shrewdness and power far surpassed his own.

At this time, seeing Yuan Dake in a daze, Yan Lide immediately.

Said: "Master Yuan, please go back to settle your family quickly, tomorrow Yan will return to Jizhou to accept the task of the Great Governor.

Master Yuan must build a ship with his younger brother in Dengzhou without delay."

After Yan Lide received Yuan Dake, he immediately.

Non-stop back to Jizhou.

There are too many things in Hebei now, and there are too few people who can use Wan Kuan, so they can only turn around.

In addition to the development of shipping, the most important thing for Wankuan is to establish enough workshops in Hebei to develop its own industrial revolution.

As soon as Wan Kuan opened the map of Hebei, he realized that this place in Hebei is... a treasure.

In Changshan, north of Jizhou, there are also Fanyang, open-pit coal mines, and iron mines. As long as the blast furnace is built, Hebei will be a steady stream of steel production.

In Dingzhou, south of Jizhou, there are many salt-alkali barren mountains.

Although the clay on the barren hills is not good for farming, it is very suitable for burning bricks and cement.

There is a treasure in Xingzhou, which is south of Dingzhou. This Xingzhou has porcelain clay, and porcelain is fired with porcelain clay, which is extremely white.

In addition, there are many dense forests with high mountains in the area of ​​Jizhou, and there are many Eucommia trees in the dense forests, which is another magic weapon of Wankuan.

After seeing the land of Hebei on this map, Wan Kuan felt that the land was actually pretty good, not as bad as Li Shimin said.

And now what Wan Kuan has to do is to dig out all the treasures in this land.

Everyone thought that Hebei was a quagmire, and as soon as it fell into it, it fell into it, and it couldn't climb up again.

However, Wan Kuan realized that Hebei was the most suitable place to develop the industrial revolution.

With coal and iron ore, and relying on the sea, this is simply a natural treasure.

In the east, Dengzhou, Yingzhou, and Huanghua, three natural seaports, are suitable for building wharfs.

After passing the mouth of the Yellow River, there are also ports such as Penglai and Langya....... If these ports can be linked together, then the sea of ​​[-] widths is simply... omnipotent.

More importantly, there is a canal in Hebei, from Beizhou in the southernmost all the way to the north, along Xingzhou, Dingzhou, Jizhou, all the way to Fanyang in the northernmost.

Next to Fan Yang is... Huanghua Port, this canal can link the output of the entire Hebei land together, and then directly transport it out of the port.

And the grain shipped from the sea can directly connect the whole Hebei through the canal.

Wan Kuan didn't understand at this time that such a precious place in Hebei was ignored and turned into a ghost place that no one wanted to come in.

It seems that the scourge of this noble family is really too great, but since he came here, the good days of the noble family will come to an end. Wan Kuan has written all his plans into documents.

Then Xu Jingzong, Yan Lide, Qin Qiong, including Dengzhou's Yuan Dake all have a share, and everyone has to implement this plan.

If anyone has any questions, just keep it in your heart, just do it, don't ask.

If you don't do it, then Wankuan will remove you and replace you with other obedient people.

What Wan Kuan needs now is not a strategist, but a craftsman with strong execution.

Chapter 280

The craftsmen brought from Chang'an Jiang Zuojian built a blast furnace directly in Changshan, north of Jizhou.

After so much coal was burned into coke, steelmaking began.

And these ...... coke will be continuously sent to various places in Hebei through the canal, whether it is the firing of porcelain in Xingzhou, or the firing of bricks and cement in Dingzhou, which requires coke to as fuel.

And the most extreme part of Wan Kuan's strategy is that it has nothing to do with cultivated land, so it will not conflict with the family.

Anyway... Now that Cui Wanping of the Cui family has promised Wan Kuan that within this year, the family will guarantee the rice grains for the people of Hebei, in exchange for... Wan Kuan will not touch the arable land in their hands.

Of course, Wan Kuan will not move the cultivated land in their hands, because the cultivated land in their hands...the seemingly precious cultivated land is worthless in Wan Kuan's view.

When the industrial revolution is completed and the rice from the south is continuously shipped in, whoever wants these ...... arable land will want it.

I'm afraid that when it will rot in the hands of the aristocratic family, the aristocratic family will not be able to express their suffering.

At that time, there will be no profit in farming, and the family will have to lose money for farming. At that time, they will cry and beg the court to take back the farmland.

After all, in Datang the arable land is barren, and wasting arable land is also a big crime.

The more arable land you have in your hands, the greater the pressure on you. If you don't want to be punished by the court, you can only keep cultivating.

However, Wan Kuan brought in a steady stream of rice from the south, so the price of grain in Hebei would be extremely low.

If you plant one mu of arable land, you have to lose money in it. Wan Kuan has to see how much money this family can afford to lose.

When that time comes, the aristocratic family will beg the court to take back the farmland.

At that time, Wankuan doesn't even need to spend money, and can get these back for free.... cultivated land.

Now Qin Qiong is thinking about it, and wants Wan Kuan to snatch the farmland back, but to get it back now, you will not only waste your energy, but also have a grudge against the Shi family.

The aristocratic family directly sealed the food in their granary, and the whole of Hebei was going to suffer from famine again.

And according to Wan Kuan's plan, after two or three years, those noble families will hand over the cultivated land.

If they don't want to rebel, they can only reluctantly cut the flesh.

Everyone around Wan Kuan ran hard like a donkey, and even the young Wu Meier was sent to Xingzhou by Wan Kuan.

This little girl is responsible for dredging the canal on the one hand, and firing porcelain on the other hand.

Xingzhou has natural porcelain clay, and the porcelain it burns is white.

And white is the most precious color in the hearts of Chinese people, so the price of white porcelain is the highest.

As long as Wu Meier can burn pure white porcelain, the people of Xingzhou will not worry about running out of food.

Wu Mei'er was sent directly to Xingzhou by Wan Kuan, which made Wu Shun'er's mother very worried.

In any case, that Wu Meier was just a one-year-old girl.

Suddenly putting such a little girl in an unfamiliar environment, the family must be worried.

It's just that Wu Shun'er and his mother said, for Wan Kuan's decision, Wu Mei'er is actually very happy.

Wu Mei'er didn't want to hide in the boudoir to embroider and swing, all she had to do was to make achievements and do things that men couldn't do.

Facing Wu Shun'er's somewhat resentful eyes, Wan Kuan had no choice but to scratch his head and persuade softly.

"Shun'er, in fact, you should know what kind of character your sister is.

This time she went to Xingzhou, she was even happier than me, and now you just... let me call him back, she probably won't come back."

"Wan Lang, my sister is just a little girl. If you go to such a far place by yourself, what should you do if there are any problems?"

"Don't worry, Shun'er, Qin Qiong's personal guards are all following her, and your sister is surrounded by air, so there is no danger at all."

"Wan Lang, I heard that Xingzhou is the territory of the Li family in Zhao County. When they get there, they won't have any bad intentions against my sister."

"Shun Er, don't worry, I sent my second sister to make porcelain and build a porcelain workshop, and it has nothing to do with their family.

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