Moreover, my husband has already shaken hands with their noble family to make peace, and they will live in peace since then, and they will never touch the second sister's hair, but will send someone to protect her."

After hearing that, Wu Shun'er sighed, "Wan Lang, this is the case with this little sister from the Nu family. On the one hand, the Nu family is worried about her safety, and on the other hand, they are also afraid that she will cause trouble for you.

The Nu family knows that Wanlang, the great governor of Hebei, is not easy."

"Shun'er, you've underestimated your sister. Your sister is the smartest woman I've ever met. Maybe you'll have to rely on your sister to do a lot of things for your husband in the future."

"Wan Lang, my sister is smart, the slave family has known it since childhood.

But she is... no matter how smart she is, she is also a woman, and she will marry in the future.

If you always show your face like this, how can you get married in the future?"

After listening, Wan Kuan touched Wu Shun'er's little hand: "Shun'er, don't worry.

You don't have to worry about getting married, if the second sister is willing, even if she wants to marry the prince, I can help her do it."

Then Wu Shun'er smiled after hearing this, she felt that Wan Kuan was making fun of him.

But Wan Kuan is not... Just teasing her, Wan Kuan will be the crown prince in the future, that is... the emperor, it is not easy to assign a prince to Wu Mei'er. Wan Kuan is like a spider now, and everyone is caught by him. Scattered outside, but his subordinates seem to be far away from him, but his every move is under his control.

He, the spider sitting in the middle, could detect a little bellowing.

The supervisor, Lao Yu, was sent directly to Changshan. Lao Yu was also an old craftsman. After arriving at Changshan, the blast furnace was built within a few days.

Thick smoke rises, coal turns into coke, and iron ore turns into steel, and Wan Kuan doesn't need to worry about this.

And the Yan brothers brought by Wan Kuan from the capital are indeed well-deserved, and Wan Kuan does not need to worry about the ships in Dengzhou.

Moreover, Wan Kuan has already drawn the drawings of the sea-going ship in advance, and since the two brothers have skills, there is no need to worry about it at all.

Wankuan's official business has been very busy these few days, and he stayed in the yamen every day, and didn't return to the mansion until late at night.

And every night when he came back, Wan Kuan also slept in Wu Shun'er's room, not with Cui Yingying.

Although Wan Kuan is now in Hebei and can be regarded as Cui Yingying's family, Wan Kuan has still neglected her these days.

Chapter 281

These...the seemingly random behaviors are all deliberately done by Wan Kuan, anyway... According to Wan Kuan's observation, although Cui Yingying has been neglected by herself these days, her face is still calm , did not show a trace of resentment and grief.

In fact, Wan Kuan is also secretly observing Cui Yingying's performance to see if she will be angry, if she will be jealous, and whether she will complain like her parents' family. After a few days of observation, Wan Kuan finds that Cui Yingying is still the same... Ladies of etiquette.

Although Wan Kuan avoided her intentionally or unintentionally, Cui Yingying still kept the backyard in good order.

Even though Wan Kuan has been sleeping in Wu Shun'er's room every night recently, Cui Yingying and Wu Shun'er are still sisters, and there seems to be no discord.

Every night when Wan Kuan was busy in the study...when he was doing official business, Cui Yingying would bring Wan Kuan a bowl of tonic soup.

Although Cui Yingying couldn't wait for Wan Kuan every night, she still kept the light on the door until very late. She didn't turn off the light until Wan Kuan entered Wu Shun'er's room.

After going back and forth, even the little matchmaker next to Cui Yingying was a little unhappy.

"Ma'am, sir, this is intentional."

Xiao Hongniang's angry words broke Wan Kuan's mind.

"Hongniang, what are you saying? Don't say that, sir."

Cui Yingying looked stern.

"Madam, the master has already treated you like this, why do you still speak for him?"

"My lord is busy with official business, and he is bound to neglect his family.

How can you talk nonsense like this?

Cui Yingying's face was serious, and the little Hongniang couldn't help but feel a little wronged: "Madam, this master sleeps in Miss Wu's room every night, and it is obvious that he is bullying you."

"Nonsense! What Miss Wu family is the second lady.

You are so rude to her, be careful one day the master hears and punishes you."

"Isn't she just a concubine? I am a dowry girl, and I don't necessarily have much lower status than her..."

The little matchmaker was so angry that she gritted her teeth when suddenly, Cui Yingying's door was pushed open from the outside, and Wan Kuan walked in with a frosty face.

"What are you talking about?"

Wan Kuan's voice seemed to carry thousands of years of ice.

The little matchmaker was frightened by Wan Kuan's voice and took two steps back, hiding directly behind Cui Yingying.

Then Cui Yingying was also a little flustered: "Husband, don't listen to Xiao Hongniang, she is talking nonsense there.

For a while... she is open-mouthed, husband don't care."

And Wan Kuan snorted coldly and walked directly to Cui Yingying: "Madam, the most taboo thing in this house is... sowing discord.

She is working abroad for her husband, and as a result, there are still these in the family....... The villain is fanning the flames here, and her husband will definitely not tolerate her."

The little matchmaker was so frightened by Wan Kuan's words that she had never seen Wan Kuan so powerful before.

In her impression, Wan Kuan was... that gentle and elegant wit who would lose his temper.

But this Wan Kuan suddenly lost his temper, and Xiaocai realized that it was terrible.

"Husband, don't blame me, it's the concubine's lack of teaching that makes your girl speak out.

If the husband wants to punish, punish the concubine."

"Of course you also have to punish, indulge the nonsense of your subordinates, and cause Xiao Qiang in this backyard.

But this little matchmaker bears the brunt and will definitely be punished severely.

Although the family will never forget it, but there are national laws, family rules, and open mouth will definitely be punished."

With an anxious look on her face, Cui Yingying hurriedly pulled Xiao Hongniang: "Hongniang, please admit your mistake to the master."

The little matchmaker was stunned for a moment, then immediately.

Bend over to salute: "Master, the slaves are for a while...the mouth is open, and I ask the master to forgive me, the slaves will definitely not dare to do it next time."

"You still want the next time you can't make it through this time.

Little Hongniang, my master thinks that you are the first offender, the master will not punish you too harshly, whether you are willing to be flogged or go to the woodshed to work as a coolie, you can choose one for yourself."

After hearing that, the little matchmaker was full of tears and felt extremely aggrieved.

Although she is nominally Cui Yingying's maid, she grew up with Cui Yingying since she was a child, and she is also a little quieter than Cui Yingying, so Cui Yingying sometimes treats her as her sister.

She has always been innocent and romantic in the Cui family, and as a result, she developed her bold temper.

Unexpectedly, this big mouth brought disaster to her.

Whether it was being whipped or doing rough work in the woodshed, it was a crime that Little Matchmaker had never suffered before.

For a time, the little matchmaker's big tears flowed down her cheeks, and the whole person began to sob.

"Why don't you plead guilty, little matchmaker?"

The little matchmaker stared blankly at Cui Yingying, wanting her young lady to speak to her.

And that Cui Yingying gritted her teeth and bowed in a big gift.

"Husband, today's matter is that the concubine body has no way to teach, and the concubine body should be punished.

The concubine is willing to bear it with all my strength!"

"Nonsense, this is a punishment for my husband. Your fault is judged by yourself. Madam, hurry up and step back."

"Husband, concubine is begging you, that little matchmaker and concubine are sisters.

If she made a mistake, I made a mistake, and I taught no way. If the husband wants to punish, punish the concubine."

"Bullshit! Bullshit!"

Wan Kuan roared loudly, and Cui Yingying and Xiao Hongniang were both in despair, both of them were in grief and grief.

At this time, Wan Kuan gave up his anger and said in a cold voice: "If that's the case, then little matchmaker, the master will punish you not to eat dinner tonight, and go to the kitchen to wash the dishes, are you willing?"

The little matchmaker was still there after hearing this: in a daze, Cui Yingying directly pulled her to nod.

"Hongniang is willing, Hongniang is willing."

"If that's the case, then hurry up and collect the punishment."

Wan Kuan's icy voice sounded like a sharp knife in Xiao Hongniang's ears.

The little matchmaker was extremely aggrieved, but there was nothing she could do at this time, she could only rush out with tears in her eyes and gritted her teeth.

At this time, Cui Yingying was also extremely aggrieved, and her eyes looking at Wan Kuan were also a little melancholy.

At this time, Wan Kuan sat directly on the chair and looked at Cui Yingying with a stern face.

"Woman, you have nowhere to go, and if things go on like this, the backyard of Wanfu will soon become the streets and alleys of Chang'an City.

Rumors are all over the place, all slander, you are the wife of Wanfu, and you should take care of your servants."

That Cui Yingying held back her tears at this time, she had never been spoken harshly by Wan Kuan.

At this moment, she whispered: "What my husband taught is that you must keep your concubine in your heart."

At this moment, Wan Kuan stared straight at Cui Yingying, Cui Yingying bowed her body, breathing a little heavy, and seemed to be trying her best to hold back her cry.

After a long time, Cui Yingying raised her head and looked at Wan Kuan's calm face.

Chapter 282

Wan Kuan and Cui Yingying looked at each other, and Cui Yingying showed a warm smile again.

"Husband, you are exhausted, and my concubine will cook you a bowl of soup."

At this time, Wan Kuan said lightly, "Does Madam have any resentment in her heart?"

That Cui Yingying shook her head: "This matter is indeed the concubine's lack of discipline, and the concubine is willing to be punished."

"You do think so"

"My concubine's words are true, not the slightest falsehood."

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