At this time, Wan Kuan sighed, and then said slowly: "In the past few days, did Madam feel that your husband has left you in the cold?"

That Cui Yingying shook her head: "The husband is busy with official business, and the concubine is well aware of her body and mind, so she didn't think so."

"The husband sleeps in Shun'er's room every night, you have resentment in your heart"

"There is no resentment in the body and mind of the concubine. If sister Shun'er can become pregnant and give birth to a son and a half daughter, it can be regarded as an import for the family, and the concubine is only happy."

When Wan Kuan heard this, he smiled and said, "How can there be a woman, Yingying, who looks at her husband to other women, who is nice and not resentful, you are lying to me"

"Yingying didn't lie to you."

That Cui Yingying also calmed down at this time, and said lightly: "The concubine is indeed a little lost in body and mind, but the concubine knows that the concubine is the mistress of the Wan family, and she must not be small."

"If the concubine is jealous, then there will be no peace in the backyard of the Wan family.

And the husband is deeply favored by the emperor, and he takes on this important responsibility, if the concubine always asks the husband to worry about the backyard, then it is the concubine's dereliction of duty."

Wan Kuan listened to Wan at this moment and looked at Cui Yingying quietly, and Cui Yingying's eyes were clear and clear, and there was no emotion in them.

At this time, Wan Kuan waved at Cui Yingying: "Madam, come closer and let my husband take a good look at you."

That Cui Yingying didn't know what Wan Kuan was going to do, but she obediently walked up to Wan Kuan.

At this time, Wan Kuan suddenly stood up and hugged her.

Cui Yingying was so frightened that her whole body was stiff, like a frightened little rabbit, hiding in Wan Kuan's arms.

Wan Kuan put his arms around Cui Yingying, who was at a loss, and said lightly in her ear: "These few days, I have neglected you for my husband. Is it my husband's?"

As soon as these words came out, Cui Yingying could no longer hold back the tears in her eyes, those two lines of clear tears streamed down her cheeks, and then she held Wankuan's clothes tightly in her hands.

"Husband, husband... Cui Yingying complained, as if she wanted to vent all the neglect she had received these days.

Wan Kuan patted Cui Yingying on the back, coaxing her like a child.

"Okay, okay, it wasn't intentional for my husband.

It's a bit busy, and the relationship between the husband and the Cui family is on the cusp these days, so it's a last resort to ignore you."

Cui Yingying hid in Wan Kuan's arms and nodded: "Concubine knows that her husband didn't do it on purpose, it must be that concubine did not do well here."

"You have done a good job. You are the most virtuous wife. It is my luck that Wan Kuan can marry you."

"No, it's a blessing for Yingying to marry her husband."

"Yingying, don't you really have any resentment in your heart about this matter?"

That Cui Yingying had already burst into laughter at this moment: "Husband, do you still remember that poem you wrote?"

"Which one"

There are so many poems written by Wan Kuan that he himself has forgotten some of them.

"Heaven and earth have righteousness, and miscellaneous and manifold forms.

The lower part is the river and the mountain, and the upper part is the sun star.

Yingying has always memorized this poem, and being able to write this poem shows that her husband is an open-hearted person."

At this time, Cui Yingying's eyes were full of tenderness and sweetness: "The husband has neglected the concubine, and the concubine knows that there must be a reason, so the concubine is willing to wait until the husband understands Yingying's sincerity."

Wan Kuan gently stroked Cui Yingying's hair: "You are such a silly girl."

"Yingying is not... a silly girl. Yingying knows that her husband is a good person. It is a great blessing for Yingying to meet a good man."

"Silly girl, my husband has been really busy these past few days, and my husband doesn't know what to say to Yingying.

It's not a good thing for the Cui family to come to Hebei for my husband."

Cui Yingying nodded: "Yingying understands everything, husband does not need to say more.

Yingying is now a member of the Wan family, marrying her husband follows her husband, Yingying knows what to do, and her husband is also for the people of Hebei."

"Yingying knows that her husband is a righteous person, and Yingying is willing to be a virtuous inner helper behind her husband.

If your husband really has any disagreement with the Cui family, Yingying is standing firmly behind her husband, please rest assured."

Wan Kuan smiled after hearing this, and then squeezed Cui Yingying tighter.

In fact, he deliberately neglected Cui Yingying for the past two days, whether it was for himself wholeheartedly, and he also wanted to see if this Cui Yingying was really broad-minded and put everything first.

In the future, Wan Kuan will fight for the throne, and his wife will be the queen. A virtuous queen is the basis for Wan Kuan to compete for the throne.

If the wife beside him is too jealous or has too much thought, Wan Kuan not only has to deal with external difficulties, but also worry about the backyard from time to time to prevent the fire in the backyard.

In that case, Wan Kuan would be extremely uncomfortable.

So Wan Kuan is testing Cui Yingying to see if she has only herself in her heart.

If Cui Yingying is indeed like this, then she is... a perfect queen candidate.

If Cui Yingying has other distracting thoughts, or other careful thoughts, then Wan Kuan will temporarily guard against her.

Because Cui Yingying is a member of the Cui family, Wan Kuan and the Cui family are temporarily reconciled, so she can't be divorced.

But when Wan Kuan shows his fangs in the future, he will definitely hurt Cui Yingying as well.

But if Cui Yingying is only for herself, then Wan Kuan will reciprocate and love her very much.

Wan Kuan needs a good helper to take care of his backyard.

Cui Yingying is knowledgeable and broad-minded, so she is the most suitable candidate.

And although Wu Shun'er loves herself wholeheartedly and has no selfishness, but Wu Shun'er is not considered smart, sometimes she is a bit silly and sweet, and her mind is too soft, so she is not suitable to be a queen.

And at this time, another figure suddenly appeared in Wan Kuan's mind, that is Wu Mei'er. Logically speaking, Wu Mei'er is meticulous, and she is very shrewd. In addition, she is extraordinarily smart, and she is a good candidate.

In fact, Wu Mei'er has also been a queen in history and helped the emperor in government affairs. It can be said that she is very capable.

It's just that Wu Meier's heart is too wild, if she really has power in her hands, she will become extraordinarily greedy.

It's by character, some people are just born... ambitious!

Chapter 283

But now Wan Kuan doesn't have to worry about Wu Mei'er, after all, Wu Mei'er is still young and can be cultivated slowly in the future, and will definitely become a big helper for him in the end.

In fact, Wan Kuan doesn't really care about Wu Mei'er's ambitions. Those who have ambitions are capable, and those who...have no ambitions are mostly mediocre people.

And as long as Wan Kuan can suppress Wu Mei'er, even if he has ambitions, it doesn't matter.

In fact, Wu Meier in history is... Catching up with a good time, although Tang Gaozong Li Zhiqi looks mediocre and has a weak personality, he is actually a person with deep methods.

Otherwise, Li Shimin would not have passed the throne to him. How proud Li Shimin is. If Li Zhi is really unbearable, Li Shimin will not pass the throne to him even if he dies.

After all, when Li Shimin established the crown prince, Li Zhi was not the only candidate.

Although both Li Chengqian and Li Tai had been abandoned at that time, in addition, there was a third son, Li Ke.

Li Ke is brave and decisive, most like Li Shimin, if Li Zhi is really unbearable, even if Li Ke is the child of a previous princess, Li Shimin will put him on the throne.

What history books say that the eldest grandson Wuji has repeatedly blocked, and the courtiers have repeatedly blocked, so they did not make the trip, in fact, these are all bullshit.

If Li Shimin wanted to do anything he wanted to do, let alone his eldest grandson Wuji, even if the courtiers united to stop him, he wouldn't be able to stop him.

The only reason why Li Shimin was able to pass the crown to Li Zhi was... Li Zhi really had the ability and means.

Moreover, after Li Zhi ascended the throne, he was indeed the outer saint and inner king, and he did a very good job.

He looks very weak, but he has a lot of heart.

If it wasn't for Li Zhi's eye disease later, Wu Mei'er would have no way to get close to the court.

The further back, Li Zhi's health became worse and worse, and he relied more heavily on Wu Mei'er, so Wu Mei'er had the opportunity to develop her own power.

If it wasn't for Li Zhi's poor health, or... give... Wu Mei'er a brain, she wouldn't be an emperor.

After all, when a woman is an emperor, there are many difficulties and dangers, and the right time, place, and people are indispensable.

Everything is a coincidence, if you change the environment, no matter how powerful Wu Meier is, she will not be the emperor.

And Wan Kuan has enough confidence to suppress Wu Mei'er and prevent her ambition from breaking through the situation she should have.

Now Wan Kuan is deliberately training Wu Meier, he sent Wu Meier to Xingzhou, seemingly to burn porcelain, but in fact the more important task is to dredge the canal.

The Grand Canal enters Hebei and first passes through Beizhou.

But Beizhou is an inferior state capital, it is equivalent to a small county, don't care about him.

And further north is... Xingzhou, Xingzhou has the family of Zhao Jun and Li, and Xingzhou is the first checkpoint of the canal entering Hebei, there must be no mistake.

That's why Wan Kuan sent Wu Mei'er, and Wan Kuan gave Wu Mei'er a stage to show off.

Wu Mei'er had Wan Kuan's handwritten decree, Xingzhou returned it, and all the officials were assigned by Wu Mei'er.

And she has Qin Qiong's deputy beside her.

Responsible for protecting her safety, everything is foolproof.

Although in the eyes of others, Wan Kuan sent a thirteen-year-old girl over, it was just a big joke, treating the land of Hebei as a child's play.

But Wan Kuan knew that as long as this Wu Meier was given a chance, she would be able to achieve surprising results.

And Wu Meier also needs the opportunity to display her ambition.

When Wan Kuan told Wu Meier of her decision, there was a trace of excitement in her eyes that Wan Kuan can't forget to this day.

It is a desire for power, a vision for the future, and confidence in the future.

Only such a person can Wan Kuan feel at ease to entrust such a heavy burden to her.

But at this time Wu Mei'er did not disappoint Wan Kuan, she came to Xingzhou without the slightest bit of coyness of her daughter, she changed into a military uniform and entered the workshop of firing porcelain.

And on the other side, Wu Meier was also in a boat, wandering back and forth on the canal.

The canal is a little narrow in the Beizhou section, but it becomes wider when it enters the Xingzhou section. These problems were all kept in mind by Wu Meier.

Wu Mei'er has no woman's shyness at all, only a man's ability.

In the porcelain workshop, Wu Meier had a small face and a serious look.

"The china clay that was shipped in was first dried, and then placed on a steel plate and hit with a hammer.

You must use a sledgehammer, you can't be lazy.

There can be no impurities at all, and then sieve it again with a sieve.

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